Author Topic: Felix wet pouches  (Read 4902 times)

Offline joewk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2015, 15:45:29 PM »
My cats would not eat the felix pouches if they where from a multipack but did eat the single pouches i bought.

Noticed any difference in the food or the individual pouches' designs between the multipack and single pouches of Felix?  My cats were having trouble because the food was different, and I could tell both by looking at the food and comparing the design on the pouches.  Maybe they have differences you can see on closer inspection?   :shify:  Try complaining to Felix - I gave the phone number in a previous comment.  They were very good about it all ...  :wow:
I received 3 x £5 vouchers in the post on Friday.  Very happy, they will help me restock for the food I've had to throw out.   8)

Offline an4rew

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2015, 21:28:36 PM »
My cats would not eat the felix pouches if they where from a multipack but did eat the single pouches i bought.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2015, 20:02:14 PM »
Its obvios;y just my fussy demons cos box is A2.....thanks for i nfo  ;D

Offline Frances

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2015, 17:34:20 PM »
. . . to tell the difference between where the pouches have been made: to get the UK packets there should be an "A1" or an "A2" printed on the box/pouch somewhere near the barcode, where the best before date is. 

Thanks for finding this out :)

Pleased to report that lamb for tea looked a lot less lumpy and went down well ;D.

Offline souffle

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2015, 15:09:11 PM »
oh right how odd - mine didn't work either and it normally does?
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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2015, 15:08:10 PM »
Why do Felix insist on putting veg in some of their food? Most plants are poisonous to our furry fiends especially tomatoes. No wonder they get sick.

I'm perplexed by the tomatoes bit, too!  What is that all about?  They are a no go food for cats.
I'm actually okay with the other bits of veg, so long as Felix don't go OTT with the amounts.  Cats do nibble on bits of plants if outdoors which is meant to be not just ok but beneficial for them.  My little girl cat loves, loves, loves eating the spider plants we have in the house!   :wow:  We often grow cat grass, and have bought parsley plants for her, along with a couple other types I now forget, but whatever we offer her she still returns to the darned spider plants - they all have nibbled ends of their long leaves these days.   :shocked:  I am going to try growing cat nip next, along with yet more oat grass, but I'll be, happily, shocked if she likes it.  Eech!!
Which food/plants do your cats eat?  Anyone, everyone? 

PS how do I make the quote bit of this message end?  I cannot figure it out!   :P

You have to type your message after the last /quote bit then it will appear as a quote box then your message
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline joewk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2015, 12:44:55 PM »
Why do Felix insist on putting veg in some of their food? Most plants are poisonous to our furry fiends especially tomatoes. No wonder they get sick.

I'm perplexed by the tomatoes bit, too!  What is that all about?  They are a no go food for cats.
I'm actually okay with the other bits of veg, so long as Felix don't go OTT with the amounts.  Cats do nibble on bits of plants if outdoors which is meant to be not just ok but beneficial for them.  My little girl cat loves, loves, loves eating the spider plants we have in the house!   :wow:  We often grow cat grass, and have bought parsley plants for her, along with a couple other types I now forget, but whatever we offer her she still returns to the darned spider plants - they all have nibbled ends of their long leaves these days.   :shocked:  I am going to try growing cat nip next, along with yet more oat grass, but I'll be, happily, shocked if she likes it.  Eech!!
Which food/plants do your cats eat?  Anyone, everyone? 

PS how do I make the quote bit of this message end?  I cannot figure it out!   :P
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 12:47:02 PM by joewk »

Offline hollycat

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2015, 12:09:22 PM »
With regard to upset tummies on whiskers. My previous cats, Holly, Tigger and Lulu were always sick after eating it, so I looked into it. Whiskers change the additives with every batch, the vitamins etc. Not only that they buy the cheapest. So your cat could be OK for a while as it has got used to that recipe but another packet could have the poor thing upchucking all over.

One thing really bugs me. Why do Felix insist on putting veg in some of their food? Most plants are poisonous to our furry fiends especially tomatoes. No wonder they get sick.

Astrophe and Zoonie really like Felix crunchy crumbles, but you only get 7 pkts and a pkt of crunchy crumbles in a box for £3.50, so I only buy them when on offer at £2.50.

Both whiskers and Felix are made from sweepings up, I read that on here

Thanks for info joewk and happy you phoned them.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 12:11:42 PM by hollycat »

Offline joewk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2015, 12:08:06 PM »
Hi All,
Just been on the phone to Purina, makers of Felix.  (0800 212 161)
I had to read out many of the numbers on the individual packets, and it took 10 minutes, but Purina will be sending me vouchers in the post to cover expenses and a little extra to apologise.   :)
The nice lady on the phone said they are flat out in production in their factories here and so they have asked factories in other countries to help fill their orders.  It turns out my packets have come over from Ireland, and though I was told all the food will be made to the "same high standards", same recipe and quality of ingredients the cats can still tell the difference.  She also told me a way to tell the difference between where the pouches have been made: to get the UK packets there should be an "A1" or an "A2" printed on the box/pouch somewhere near the barcode, where the best before date is.  I have checked on an old box, which the cats happily ate from, and that does have an A2 on it.  So, now we know!   :hug:
So, all in all, a very easy complaint to make, if a little long, reading out all the printed numbers/letters from the pouches!   :Crazy:
Hope all goes well for you too.  Thanks for all your feedback!   :thanks:

Offline Frances

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2015, 11:21:13 AM »
My three are all given Felix AGAIL.  Two of them are hairy hoovers and tend to eat whatever is put in front of them but James has always been more finicky and will sometimes refuse the sachets.  I have noticed the “rubbery lumps” texture of some of the varieties and when I think about it the salmon I fed them this morning had quite a lot of lumps in it for a “fishy” version (although it seems okay to James).

I’ve not noticed any ill effects in recent weeks but I’m now going to keep an eye on the contents of the sachets and their reactions to them.

Just wish the cat food companies who claim to know about cats would stop messing with their food cos if they knew cats they would know that cats dont like their food tampered with

Totally agree with Gill on this >:(.

Offline joewk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2015, 10:32:40 AM »
CarolM, aka Wendolene, so sorry to hear you' em had poorly pussy cats, and that your experience of Felix and Felix AGAIL has been awful.  :-[. I hope both Biggles and Bunty are now both feeling better and eating well? 
My two have their finicky days, when one or the other will go off their food somewhat for a day or two, but I can tell no difference in the food and the other cat usually seems fine with it.  This time, though, you have described it well, the lumps are harder or rubbery, plus they both refuse to eat it.  You can tell if the individual pouch is going to be okay or not before even opened, as it feels more solid, sort of harder and more stuffed in to the packet. 
In the past I've had the odd packets which have looked grey, and have found the cats do not want the food, but at least that just seemed to be one flavour in the box, and so I have not complained to Felix before.  (Yes, I should have told them.) oh, before I forget to mention, my wxperience is with the basic, ordinary Felux pouches, not the AGAIL, which we keep for the odd treat - they really lap that up, a definite favourite! B :Luv:
I seem to be coming round to the opinion that the packets are different between the good Felix food and the bad Felix food.  The individual bad packets have a barcode on the back, as well as some other design changes - plus as I previously said I can tell they feel different in the hand too, before even opened.  However, I have not noticed any difference in the languages on the packets - they all seem to have multiple languages on them to me.  ???
Thank you for sharing your experiences of Felix.  It all helps me confirm I am right in my opinion of their current food mixtures.  I will be complaining once I have sorted out the good food stock from the bad food stock I gave currently built up in the garage.  Have you thought about complaining yourself too, now?  I'm thnking the more people who complain the better - you never know they may even think twice before messing with the cats' food again, plus you won't be so out of pocket yourself? 

Offline joewk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2015, 10:12:04 AM »
Oh, thank you all for replying!  And, of course, for your kindly welcomes, Janeyk and Hollycat    :wow:   :thanks:
I'm reassured to know it's not just me and my cats being paranoid, though hubby is definite about the issue too and keeps telling me I am right.  Am just unhappy for all you and your cats too now.   :'(
I will definitely phone the number on the food and complain.  Thank you for that info, Hollycat - I was wondering if the company would try to disregard me and make complaining difficult, but you make it sound like it will be fairly straightforward and pretty standard for them.   ;D
I'm very disappointed in Felix, as you say Sneakiefeline, aka Gill, cats can be finicky, particularly about their food, and a company which purports to be an expert in pet foods should know this.   :P  My two have seemed stressed over this experience, never knowing if they will get good food or bad stuff put down, and have appeared more restless, been more whiny, been less affectionate and companiable and been off their play.  Plus I've felt really mean and nasty, 'cos they won't understand why mama has suddenly been giving them nasty food.   :-[
My two would not even nibble a bit of the bad food [spoiler][/spoiler], they just went on to their kibble and water, which is always available to them 24/7 though they don't really rely on it much normally, when compared with how much they've been eating recently. 
Thank you, once again, for all your help.  i would have posted a photo of my two furry friends, but the settings on my tablet will not let me at the mo - I will have the joy of going rummaging about in Settings to try to fix this.   :Crazy: 

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2015, 09:36:19 AM »
YES.  My cats have sensitive tummies, especially Biggles, and he's been having trouble since before Christmas after a long period of being OK.  I did wonder about the food but there are so many other variables in his case that it was just one of many possibilities.  However, Bunty has recently been having the odd off day too and both have been refusing food on a regular basis which is very out of character for them. 

I used to buy the Felix AGAIL and the texture has changed a lot.  The 'meaty chunks' in it are now either very hard or like pieces of rubber so frankly I don't blame them for not eating it.  On occasions when Biggles has been sick he's brought up these 'chunks' many hours after they should have been digested.  The final straw was when I opened a packet of chicken with kidney and the jelly was a definite grey colour.  I then bought some of the ordinary Felix in jelly which was softer but doesn't seem to agree with them and both have had episodes of sickness so I've given up on it altogether.

I don't think it's just a dodgy batch.  My suspicion is that it's all batches made at a particular site but you never know where it's been made these days.  I found a difference between the ones where the packaging was all English language and the ones with foreign languages but I can't remember which was which.  I have a feeling it was the English ones that caused the problems.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 03:27:18 AM »
Yes mine have been off them for a WHILE BUT LOOK THE SAME TO ME oops, they lick the jelly and leave the rest which is just left to dry up!

I dont really want to move to whiskers cos the current cats got upset tummies although thats years ago.

Just wish the cat food companies who claim to know about cats would stop messing with their food cos if they knew cats they would know that cats dont like their food tampered with

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 20:16:20 PM »
Yes!! how strange, mine loved them until the other week and they suddenly went right off them. I said to my hubby we'll have to go stock on pouches (this was last weekend) because they they don't like Felix for some reason. I said they've either got bored of them, or they are an off batch.  I said if we get a load of different ones they will be less likely to go off them, this is both my 'lodger' cat and the ferals.  I didn't think the recipe had altered though, I wonder whether it would be worth us all contacting them and asking?

Just phone the number on the pouch. They will ask for all the other numbers printed on the bottom. Givie it a go. I'm always moaning at them cos it's always changing.

 Nearly forgot  :welcome: to Purrs. Pics of hoolicats always welcome.

Unfortunately I don't think I have any left, I persevered and just let the birds eat leftovers.  If the cats don't eat the next lot I buy though I will  :shy:

 :welcome: from me too Joewk
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 20:24:03 PM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline hollycat

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 19:49:29 PM »
Yes!! how strange, mine loved them until the other week and they suddenly went right off them. I said to my hubby we'll have to go stock on pouches (this was last weekend) because they they don't like Felix for some reason. I said they've either got bored of them, or they are an off batch.  I said if we get a load of different ones they will be less likely to go off them, this is both my 'lodger' cat and the ferals.  I didn't think the recipe had altered though, I wonder whether it would be worth us all contacting them and asking?

Just phone the number on the pouch. They will ask for all the other numbers printed on the bottom. Givie it a go. I'm always moaning at them cos it's always changing.

 Nearly forgot  :welcome: to Purrs. Pics of hoolicats always welcome.

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 19:44:11 PM »
Yes!! how strange, mine loved them until the other week and they suddenly went right off them. I said to my hubby we'll have to go stock on pouches (this was last weekend) because they they don't like Felix for some reason. I said they've either got bored of them, or they are an off batch.  I said if we get a load of different ones they will be less likely to go off them, this is both my 'lodger' cat and the ferals.  I didn't think the recipe had altered though, I wonder whether it would be worth us all contacting them and asking?
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

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Re: Felix wet pouches
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 19:29:01 PM »

Oh yes I, and the boys have noticed. You are right the consistency has changed they are a lot drier, less jelly. It happens quite a lot. I rang them last week and complained, I am waiting for vouchers.

My two prefer them with a bit of jelly in, they are turning there noses up at them too. But I just leave it out for a while and they eat it eventually.

Offline joewk

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Felix wet pouches
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 18:57:17 PM »
Has anyone noticed a sudden change in their cat's preference to Felix pouches?  My two suddenly seem to have gone off them.  There has been no notifications of a change in the recipes, though I have begun to think the newest pouches I've bought have a different feel/consistency compared to the older stock I have built up.  Also my cats seem to still like the food from the old type of pouches.  Has anyone else noticed a sudden change with Felix wet food pouches, and if so what?  Please help, am I on the right track?  My heart dips every time my cats turn their noses up at their food.  (They do always have kibble and water available, so they are not going hungry or thirsty!)


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