Author Topic: I've created a monster!  (Read 1811 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2007, 16:34:31 PM »
He was sinking his claws into my thigh (they are definitely due a trim!) and trying to get up onto the counter so that he could get at the meat. 

I always know when my mum is making dinner as i hear squeals of no stop it, get down HELP!
I find her with meat in hand and 6 cats all trying to mug her  :evillaugh: i find it very amusing  :rofl:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2007, 16:01:35 PM »
sorry slightly OTT but greyhounds aparently are renound thieves.  Well i can honestly say my 4 havent been and can leave food out at their height safely.  I wouldnt hve it any other way, food on ground is fair game though.

Well I was having friends round for tea years ago (full roast dinner) and as usual i had pre selected my own slices and cut off any bits of fat etc (im so fussy) so it was on the plate on the table.  everything else was more or less ready so i shouted peeps through, they were just coming in through kitchen door but halted discussing who was sitting where and we were chatting, then something caught my eye and i did a double glance...i looked down to my plate which i was practically standing over to see my meat moving every so slightly and slowly, archie (massive white and fawn grey LOL) had the intelligence not to merely snatch the beef off the plate but he leant his head slightly over the table, he used the edges of his lips to gently sneakily take hold of the very edge of the meat, eyes fixed on us to make sure we werent noticing was slowly every so slowly edging the meat off the plate SOOOO sneaky as none us us noticed him but butter. LOL  When we actually clicked onto what was happening and squeeled "archie" he just froze ROFL in the exact postiion he was about being well and truly caught in the act, its one of the funniest things ive witnessed.  He never stole anything else though

Oh well apart from we came home to find him trying to balance of the back of the sofa and trying to climb onto livingroom units (he was not far off of 40kgs !!!) all this was because we had UNOPENED thortons easter eggs on the very top..he could sniff out choccy from 5 miles away pmsl.

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2007, 15:48:03 PM »
Our Thomas has learned over the years that he gets nowt from dad's plate EVER but 2/3rds of Ma's chicken is fed by hand every night to whoever furry felines are about (helps keep my weight down).

As a result, he will be upstairs in bed and times it really well so he has just enough time to put himself in poll position before chicken is dished out between 3 of them.  Strange thing is that he will only eat the chicken from my hand and ignores it if I put it on his plate  :-:

Our old cat Dingle RIP (1977-1997) was a bloo*y menace. She once stole a breast of chicken off my mom's plate and ran off with it. She was only little. The chicken was about 1/3rd of her size but she kept her head up lol!  I also had her portrait drawn by a lady in 1992.  The lady came to photograph Dingle initially and she came bearing a gift of chicken in some foil. I actually caught Dingle in midflight as she launched herself at the lady unwrapping the chicken.

Aw sorry to hear Cody still having the duvet peeing problem Lynn :(

That was all my fault though as, when she was young, I used to share 2 breasts of chicken with Dingle and her pal Baron every Saturday afternoon as a treat watching the Incredible Hulk. Ah those were the days.....  :rofl:

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2007, 15:38:32 PM »
now soots never really clawed my legs, he leap up and curl his claws into hands usually since they were the objects obviously unwrapping the desired cuisine far too slowly  :evillaugh:
Now i could handle cody being a pest with food if only he lost the duvet peeing problem  :tired:

Offline clarenmax

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2007, 15:36:00 PM »
3 days ...... I've been trying to train Max for 3 years  :rofl:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2007, 15:30:27 PM »
My soots on the other had was an outright savage and would have claws curled right into your flesh before you had time to get anything raw out of the wrapping..

That's what Jaffa was like last night.  He was sinking his claws into my thigh (they are definitely due a trim!) and trying to get up onto the counter so that he could get at the meat.  When I first got Jaffa he tried to cadge food and on one memorable occasion jumped up and landed in a bowl of pasta  :rofl:  But he soon stopped that and he and Magpie were never really any trouble around food.  Then Mosi came along and he was a PAIN!  Clambering all over me but I was very persistant and would just put my fork down, say no and push him away.  It took him about 3 days to get the message and hes' been very good every since.  He's still good but it's Jaffa who's turned crazy around food after all these years.  Perhaps he's making up for lost time - all those years when he was meat deprived!

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 15:13:37 PM »
LOL..cody only "pesks" around when hubby comes through to sit down with his tea purely coz he is waiting for hubby to put his feet up on the stool so he can snuggle down on his legs  :rofl:  He's never once bothered us for food of our plates  ;D

Well actually he'll maybe come sniffing and looking for abit of chocolate and he has stolen some wine and dr pepper but thats it  :rofl:

The chicken thing i was suprised with because raw chicken doesnt really smell but he smells it from through the house  :Crazy:

My soots on the other had was an outright savage and would have claws curled right into your flesh before you had time to get anything raw out of the wrapping..He was very used to freshly caught raw meat and certainly the keenest carnivore ever, He had mainly red meats raw and went crazy for steak  but wild for liver.

Offline clarenmax

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 14:47:42 PM »
Max would sell his soul for a bit of raw steak .... as soon he hears anything being opened out of the fridge he's down like a shot.  Then he pesks around my plate as well as he knows I'll save him a tiny bit, as my plate empties he gets more and more interested as he knows his bit is coming  :evillaugh:

Salmon is his next best favourite, although he prefers that cooked.

Spoilt .... noooooooooooo  :rofl:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 14:43:42 PM »
Yes they like it cooked too but raw is best  ;D  I used to be able to get out a chicken breast for my meal and chop it or whatever without too much feline interference but now if I get any kind of raw meat out of the fridge Jaffa goes crazy trying to get it.  Mosi isn't so keen although he does eat it when I give it to him. 

Offline CurlyCatz

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2007, 14:38:34 PM »
do they liked cooked meats aswell susanne ??

cody is exactly how you described mainly with raw chicken..he goes mad for it but wont really touch it cooked.
in fact cody is so good i have many a time had food sitting out and hes never gone near not saying he's really clever LOL just that he doesnt like "human" food other than raw meats.

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: I've created a monster!
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2007, 11:58:06 AM »
Ah so Mosi is the instigator lol!

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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I've created a monster!
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 11:22:01 AM »
Jaffa used to be so good at meal times.  He was a bit of a pain when I first got him, but he soon got the message that he wasn't to jump on top of me when I'm eating and try to steal the food.  So for almost 10 years I've happily cooked and eaten with minimal "help" from Jaffa.  He'd hang around when I was eating ready to lick the plate when I'm done, and I wouldn't wander off and leave meat out on the worktop or anything but he was pretty good.  He had dry food plus felix so not a diet terribly high in meat, although he did have some cooked chicken or prawns now and again.

Cue new diet high in meat and chunks of raw meat as a snack.  Now the little  :censored: is obsessed with meat and gives me no peace!  I had a steak last night and he was virtually climbing up my legs to get to the raw meat.  Then when I was eating my cooked steak he was desperate to have some and was trying to climb all over me  :shify:  Little monkey - his inner carnivore has been released!

and btw - I did give him some raw steak - wouldn't dream of not cutting off a bit for him and Mosi  ;D 


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