Author Topic: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier  (Read 3791 times)

Offline emmmy_lou

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2014, 10:16:46 AM »
Wow, you really have your hands full there!!! Never a dull moment in your house eh?!  :naughty:

My 3 are completely boring compared to those tales I'm afraid glad to say!  :naughty:
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Offline crazeekatladi

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2014, 22:49:35 PM »
He he mine can open the fridge dopr steal food (gods knows why fed 4 times a day) and shut it and I dont even notice lol

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2014, 22:45:30 PM »
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh refrigerated cat  :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

Offline MrsPurrfect

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2014, 21:07:30 PM »
I think Ollie should join the norty club. 

Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2014, 12:06:37 PM »
I believe we may have found a new recruit for norty club  :evillaugh:

I still say that Mosi is the nortiest cat on the planet though.  It's just ingrained in him.  He simply cannot be anything other than norty!

Offline crazeekatladi

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2014, 21:02:46 PM »
Oh I have one of those too lol nothing that osnt blue tacked down is safe lol :shy:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2014, 20:54:19 PM »
My goodness and thought that Lupin was top of the class in nortiness!

He will climb anything and has broken so much since he has been hear, nothing is safe.

He didnt breat the cat flap but had it set on in only for the other two and he found a way of hooking it open and also managed to get thro..............found him outside on doorstep cos he couldnt figure out how to get in!

Last summer he escaped from his walking jacket and climbed up the fence and out...........he only goes out with me.............I had to go up to neighbour to get thro her garden and of course by then he was nowhere to be seen.

Luckily by calling his name he was nosey enough to come to see what I wanted. No more I think cos last night he closed his ears!

I have found him on the wrong side of the wall on oneside, hanging by his lead over the fence on the other side and stuck up a tree with his jacket and lead all hooked up.

At the vets he is horribly behaved and attacks if he is touched, taking his temperature is a no no unless he has been sedated and Gareth says he would even scare a rotweiler!

When he is angry at me he will go for my eyes and will hook my clothes or skin when I am walking past and bite.........gentlyish.

He attacks Misa who is just a big gentle boy but he is scared of my tortie Sasa and she just looks at him and meeps and he backs away  :rofl: :rofl:

I have decided to not go up stairs to find out who is rushing round the bedroom and think Sasa can look after herself...........hopes!

This is under  4kg of a stunning blue eyed fluffy little seal point aged 3 years  :innocent:

Offline crazeekatladi

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2014, 19:01:17 PM »
What a monkey the daily call from my 3 year old starts with "whats Merlyn done today auntie emma" lol

Offline Jiji

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Re: The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2014, 18:58:19 PM »
What a wonderful character  ;D 

Offline crazeekatladi

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The worlds naughtiest Cat - Merlyn Digby Xavier
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2014, 17:28:20 PM »
No 3 words ring more round my house than the words Merlyn Digby Xavier!!

Merlyn is my baby 2 years old Lincolnshire Special.  Wynnie has been in a great many scrapes since he came home with an x partner.  Named for my love of harry potter x predecessor x superhero Merlyn has made my home his.  Right from his first day home when there was an accident in my bed (just don't ask) to the more recently bringing home of a dead rabbit twice the size of him he certainly keeps life interesting.

Merlyn has had to be rescued from house roofs, on top of moving cars, a hedgehog feeding box, a neighbours dining room (after being locked in for 2 hours after wandering in), a chicken coop, a garage anywhere where there is something.  He has at least three homes in my village but luckily it is so small they all know where is actual home is.

I have an open stairwell that Merlyn will climb backwards, he pulls the bin over 3 times a day even when there is nothing in it, he insists on having the remains of my cereal every morning and my left overs no matter what in the evening.  He has pride of place in the middle of the bed or sofa where I am not and always ALWAYS has to have to front place on the hearth mat. 

One of the naughtiest things Merlyn has ever done has been to led a young kitten astray.  A young girl by the name of Alice became Merlyns shadow and every day he would call at my neighbours house to see if Alice could come out to play.  Soon Alice was copying Merlyn, roofs and hedgehog feeding boxes, other people homes it was like looking at a female Merlyn.  Unfortunately poor Alice did not have Merlyns road sense and it was to be her demise but poor Merlyn he still looks for her now........

More recently Merlyn came home in a very sorry state.  After calling and calling him in for his tea he finally appeared after dark but a massive injury to his paw.  Turns out curiosity got the better of the cat and Merlyn had decided to stick his paw down an animal hole and 5/6 abscesses later he was in the vets for surgery.

The most naughtiest thing Merlyn has ever done was when I was on holiday.  Under the constant care of one of my best friends I left the clouder at home (I have one who gets very stressed out of home environment - story for another time).  She persistently came 2 / 3 times a day to check on the clouder however decided to keep them in while I was away - just in case.

One day the friend arrived and found a rush of 4 of my cats to great her at the door, howling and crying.  She started the usual breakfast feed and when she realised Merlyn had not appeared started, to look for him.  Not under the bed, not behind the sofa, not in his bed, not on my bed.  It was then she released the missing cat flap.  Yes Merlyn Digby Xavier had ripped the cat flap completely from the door destroying it as he went and was no where to be seen.  After hours of searching she eventually made the call to me to announce he was missing.........
I returned home the following day making the usual 8 hour journey from Wales in less than 5 hours and immediately started to search for him.  My neighbour was very distraught and had been looking all morning for him.  I walked the length of the village.  Shouted in all the fields (scared the sheep in the process) round the grave yards the kids play area everywhere. 

I eventually found little man, sunning himself on his back in a neighbours perfectly groomed cottage garden.  Rolled himself over gave a yowl as if to say "oh your home them" and walked up to me.  I picked him up and he sat in my arms purring for the rest of the day.  I had never been so worried in all my life - little monster.  Needs to say a new cat flap was immediately ordered and installed and from now on its cattery all the way.

More recently Merlyn decided that while Mum was at work he was going to have a cat nip party.  He managed to retrieve the 2 bags I have for emergency use only at times of peak stress from the cupboard - emptied them the length of the kitchen and commenced partying - he and his brothers and sisters were so spaced out when I returned home it was worrying.  I even found several empty bags of cat treats lying around!

So this is Merlyn Digby Xavier and I just wondered am I the only one with a really naughty feline or is there a stronger contender for the crown?


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