Author Topic: Special cats!  (Read 4375 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2007, 09:43:16 AM »
Well, I better stick to my current two, as if I go into bridge babes, I shall have to write out 9 tales, and there has been the odd very special foster too!!

Molly is the most special out of the two I currently have, she came to me as we didn't think she had long to live, and I wanted her to have a home environment for what time she had left - the rescue didn't want to move her, but Molly had other ideas!! She has a knack of getting under people's skins, and is a very chatty madam who puts me in my place on a regular basis - why she was with us for nearly a year I will never know!! She spends the majority of her time in my bedroom, and loves to sleep under the duvet, whcih is nice in winter, but not in summer - and she gets grumpy in the summer when the quilt disappears, the sheet isnt good enough for her!! The thing I love to see the most is Molly playing.

Tiger is special because she might not have been here otherwise, her owner said she was destructive and he couldnt' touch her, and she has proved him wrong, she might not be a very affectionate cat, but I do get to fuss her quite a bit, and also when she puts her tail up in the air when I say her name is wonderful to see, she doesn't like change and is very grumpy at times, but obviously sees this as home as she comes back everytime she goes out.

The most special cat I have ever owned is Ginger though, he was the most laid back cat, and the easiest cat I have ever had, I doubt I will ever have a cat as wonderful as him again. The only fuss he ever caused was sneaking into peoples houses (despite a name tag and two bells), even when he left he did it in his usual style - no indication, saw his two favourite people and then took himself off.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2007, 09:43:39 AM by Desley (booktigger) »
Please spay your cat

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2007, 16:33:03 PM »
My darling boy Max is special because he's such a cuddle monster.  When I come in from work he's going crazy at the front door, then he'll 'escort' me up 2 flights of stairs to the bedroom where we'll have major cuddles and headrubs on the bed before I have my bath. 

He doesnt understand why he can't go outdoors, but he copes amazingly with indoor life, although he can be incredibly naughty as well, normally when he wants to play with his sheepmouse  ;D  I can't be cross with him though as he's so playful anyway, its just one of his charms (apart from when he scratches the sofa, that is defo naughty!).  Sheepmouse lives in my handbag during the day otherwise he'd destroy it, so as soon as he hears the zip opening, he's there like a shot  :evillaugh:

I love the way that when its cold he will manage to find a way under the duvet for cuddles, and he knows when I'm poorly and looks after me with loads of extra attention.

And finally.... I love the way he keeps me on my toes  :rofl:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline Ann Clarke (Tabby cat)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2007, 23:24:52 PM »
Dylan is very special because he is a gentle soul with a big heart who talks to his mummmy every day and gives me fab head butts. The day he came to me he chatted away to me non stop and immediately lay on my knee, stayed there all night and he's been my special boy ever since. He was with our branch for months and nobody wanted him and I can't understand why because he is fab. he also does his own version of Elvis as he had some teeth out before I got him and sometimes hs top lip gets caught  :rofl: He also puts up with Hobbes leaping on him from a great height. Everyone who meets him falls in love with him and he loves people.

Hobbes is very special because he is my first ever kitten and he is an absolute joy to have around. He makes me laugh every day and he's such a happy little soul with a purr like a tractor, he was born in a greenhouse so not the best start but he's growing in to a very handsome cat and he's an excellent jumper.

My bridge babe Sophie was very special because of her problems, she was slightly brain damaged, very small and when she came to me she couldn't jump on the sofa or anything but as she grew stronger and happier she could jump on most things although she never did work out how to get up to my bedroom windowsill so she would just stand next to my ear and squeak at me until I lifted her up. When I came home from work I would hear her squeak at the kitchen door for me to hurry up, she was never a lap cat but she loved to snuggle and Dylan and her adored each other. She was half his size but he knew she was the boss. Sadly she left me far too soon but  I always had the feeling she was on loan and wouldn't be with me very long, a small cat but a big impression on everyone.

My bridge babe Cleo was very special because she was my first ever cat who came to me from a rescue after being mistreated by her owner. She was an absolute star who loved cuddles and would always sleep beside my head and wake me up by giving me a kiss. I never knew how old she was and sadly she was only with me 2 and a half years but she sparked my love of cats and inspired me to get involved with CP so lots of other cats have a lot to thank her for too.

Offline Schmew

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2007, 23:23:52 PM »
What lovely stories and very special cats everyone has!

I feel awful because I forgot to add Mitten.......Mitten was with us for 18 months, but she was never truly happy and upset the other two cats awfully. Despite this I loved her to bits and she was especially fond of the dogs and used to play with Reba, chewing her face and chasing her paws. Mitten's special tricks were running down the stairs ahead of you, then running back up to attack your feet, and also walking across your throat and face and choking you whilst sleeping! (I had some cracking scratches down my face). She also liked to chew things..........including the PVC blinds (those horizontal ones). I started off with a small kitten (Mitten) shaped hole at one end of the window, which grew and grew as she grew, until I had to admit defeat and replace them with roller blinds! (they only covered half the window by that time anyway!) I'd come home to find bits of plastic that she'd spat out all over the floor. She also liked to chew book covers, so I am reminded of her often when I find an item that has been 'Mittened'. And (she was a bit of a character) when I moved the huge dog water bowl to refill it, she would sit and wait patiently at the mat, waiting for it to be put back down so she could be first in it! Little Mitten Mew.

This pretty little Tortie, after MUCH agonising, went to a new home, an amazing home right out in the countryside, safe as you like. She retested negative (having only been snap tested positive as a young kitten) so now enjoys a full outdoor life. Her new mum reports she is still sitting on necks, chewing things and now drinks out of the stream  rather than the dog bowl! She also made friends with the local pheasant. I miss her but I know she is much happier, and adored by her new mum and dad.

Glad you liked the Ted description Janecat, despite the poos and snot he brought me smiles and love every day, when I got him I thought he only had a few months, but he had a happy 3 years before he left us for the bridge.


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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2007, 12:20:42 PM »
Tigger, well what can I say about her, she's just.... Tigger! She is my absolute baby and a real mummy's girl and unlike any cat I had previously owned  :Luv: She makes the most wonderful noises at you as she follows you around, if you are poorly she won't leave your side and will have her front feet up on the toilet seat to 'help' if you are being sick. Tigger's best friend is a little black scottie dog who lives next door and the dog comes round into he run to play. All the other dogs are absolutely terrified of her and tremble when they see her lol (she can be a bit scary). She is sooo adorable, she's a big fluffball, and won Best in Show Pet at her very first show. Sadly at the moment my little baby is AWOL playing feral and appears to have moved herself in with a colony and so the trapping mission will continue in a few weeks!

Bilbo Baggins is special because a more soppy cat I have yet to meet. I fell in love with his picture at a few days old. He absolutely adores going into next doors garden on his harness and lead for play time with the dogs  :Luv: He gets the dogs into trouble though as when he's in his run he'll shout to them so they start barking and then they get told off. I told next door to just tell him to be quiet and she won't as she said it's not his fault!!!  :rofl:  He has an absolute heart of gold and loves people he's never met as much as those he's known his whole life. He absolutely adores when visitors come to the house or to his pen at shows. One person at the last show he was at asked if they could stroke him and he proceeded to start washing them whilst purring! He absolutely adores the ladies (cats that is) and will never hit a girl no matter what they do to him which leads to him being bashed round the head by Tigger and Miss Boopy. He'd happily beat a boy up but not a girl lol.

Miss Boopy is my 3ft slinkycat, well slinkykitten really. She's very special to me for many reasons but mainly as she's the cat I have been wanting since I was 14. When I found her parents 16 months ago I prayed and prayed for a black girl when they had babies. They had never had a solid black girl born in the cattery before so I was warned not to get my hopes up but her parents did me proud and 6 months earlier than planned had a bouncing 137g Boopy. After a long wait until she was 14-15 weeks old or not knowing if she would be mine or not and falling more in love with her with each photo I saw I was told that she would definately be mine.  When I went over to visit her in February she was understandably a bit nervous of who I was but she happily started washing my hand and I fell even more in love with her :Luv: She arrived home to me just under 2 weeks ago and has quite literally taken over the house! She loves to watch dogs on the tv and if there are big cats like lions or cheetahs she will do her big dog growl at them and will not back down from the tv if they make noises so she's certainly very brave  :evillaugh:

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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2007, 12:13:23 PM »
Milly, a pyscho who is now chief toilet assistant, if you dare shut her out everyone will pay the price  :evillaugh:

Lola, brings me home red/pink flowers or other items, her best find was a red anne summers feather tickler, not sure which neighbour it belonged to  :Crazy:

Simon, has the most pathetic wail when he wants attention, food, or for me to make the bed

Spike, believes he is siamese and chatters all day long about nothing

Taz, my special mummys boy, the softest, most stupid cat i know. He will eat all medication straight from the syringe/pot, good job as theres lots of it.

Tabitha, collects earth worms and twigs, out smarts her brothers at most occasions

George, a stray who moved in shortly after we did, he had the finest tastes and would demand to be shown my palms when preparing meat incase i was trying to smuggle something away. He had a special noise saved for lap times, when 6kg of incomming tabby would land on your legs.
George sadly went to the bridge age 4 in February and we all miss him so much  :'(

Taffy, my childhood "pet", he relished in nibbling children and i have the scars to remind me of those fear filled days. He was unwanted at 6 weeks old but we later realised he was younger than that.
Taffy left for the bridge aged 10 years young. He sent all my other furbabes my way

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2007, 11:32:56 AM »
i agree Rosie is very special  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:
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Offline rosiesmum

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2007, 11:31:47 AM »
Rosie is special because she got through her horrific accident. The odds were stacked against her at one point but she pulled through and fought all the way.

She is very very special to my Son too, she sits outside his bedroom door waiting for him to get up, I think she is jealous of his toys as only recently she has started to pull them off his bed, then lie in their place! As soon as she hears him come home from school - she's there right by his feet and will not leave him alone, until he acknowledges her with a cuddle.

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2007, 11:05:27 AM »
Lirael is special because she's got enough personallity for 10 cats, she plays fetch and when she feels bored she jumps up and tries to destroy one of my husbands huge lego starwars toys. Nothing keeps her off of there so you play the jump up game with her or she will knock over the lego thing. She stalks her new brother and sister constantly to play - she never stops unless she is in our sun room catching rays or it's bed time when she curls up under the covers and uses my arm as a pillow.

Smoke was rescued back in February and was slowly coming around to us until she started going into heat, at which point she didn't want much to do with us and was always in a window looking for boys. She had her operation on tuesday and is now coming back around, she's layed in my lap twice and is starting to be interested in Penguin as a friend.

Penguin is the one we flew over from the US he was abused as a kitten and was so scared of everything and everyone when I brought him home. You wouldn't guess that from the way he's been since his arrival in the UK. He's constantly wanting to be petted and can't quite figure out why the girls keep hissing at him as he's not done a thing to them. Except lay on our bed :)

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2007, 10:37:21 AM »
Now id like to mention a cat that isnt mine  :'( but it didnt stop me falling for her when i saw her photo .

Saffy :
i saw saffy advertised on gumtree last tuesday and straight away i felt like i wanted to do something for her ,
i wish so much i could of had her
but i doubt she would of been happy with 7 other cats and a huge dog  :'(
i tried talking to her owner and i tried to convince her owner to let me help either find her a home or find a rescue that would take her in ,
all week ive done nothing but think about her  :Luv:
ive not heard nothing bk from her owner since friday so i presume shes found her a home and didnt bother giving me or my ideas a second thought .
in a way i wish i had just lied and said i want to take her on then really got her into a rescue or got her to js ,
but i always try and be honest and truefull with people   :'(

i just want to say wherever you are now saffy i hope u will be happy and looked after
i hope u will get all the love and care u deserve

ur a very special cat  :Luv:

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Offline Catjane

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2007, 10:28:31 AM »
Awwwww ... I love hearing about our babes' different personalities!

I'd better mention Shanti, otherwise she'll be grumpy all day!!!  She is a cat of extremes, a real moody madam!  She is really loving and affectionate, pops into the house every 20 mins or so for me to pet her, and loves to sleep on my lap!  But oh dear!  She gets a right cob on at the tiniest thing!!  Then she swipes at anyone who'll listen!  She's also special because she always wags her tail!  Oh!  And she is the original bag lady!  She loves bags!  Carriers, rucksacks, handbags - anything!  When I have visitors, she has to check out all their bags, get in them if she can, and empty out all their belongings!

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2007, 10:27:08 AM »
how could i forget too mention my bridge babes as "special cats "

Snowy : mum and dad got u for me when i was a baby i was only 18mths old , so we grew up together ,u were always "my" cat ,u always slept on my bed during he day when i was at school , i was the one who use to worry if u werent in at a certain time each night as i made sure u was in before i went to bed ,
all the times u worried me when u had been fighting and came home with a big chunk missng out of ur neck or face , u were always fighting in ur younger days ,
i remember how much u loved the great out doors espec in the summer ,some nights we had to go out in the garden and drag u in where u still werent in at 10 o clock , u loved sun bathing u would lay in the bush and sun yourself for hours ,
towards the end of ur life u spent much more time indoors with us
always sleeping on one of the dinning room chairs  :Luv:
i lost u when i was nearly 17
you will always be special to me and ill always love and remeber u everyday of my life .

Bubbles : i was looking round for a kitten for ages until i found you  :Luv:
you were so perfect in each and every way , you loved to hide then jump out and attack our feet  :rofl:
you always slept in laurens cot (when mum didnt see  :evillaugh:) or u slept on one of the stairs ,
when u started going out in the garden u were so excited ,you loved going out ,
u were a cat who had taste as u spent all ur time sun bathing in the next door neighbours garden which was beautiful with all lovely flowers growing unlike our garden which was full of weeds  :evillaugh:
u quickly made friends with a few of the neighbours cats and loved to play with them ,  i often use to look out the window and watch u when u didnt know i was watching and you always looked so happy and i felt so very proud  :Luv:
when i use to stand on the back door step and call u in u stood next door looking at me and licking ur lips as if to say " is it dinner time then " :evillaugh:
u were such a loving friendly cat ( ive never known a cat as friendly as u ) i use to wrap u up in a blanket like a new born baby and gently rock u to sleep in my arms ,
you will always be my baby
i hope ur making the people up in heaven as happy as u made me for the very short time i was blessed to have u in my life .

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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2007, 10:06:02 AM »
Jaffa is very special cos he's the most loving, affectionate, purriest cat ever  ;D  He's a real mummy's boy and has been fom the moment I brought him home as an 8 week old kitten (walked out of the carrier, rubbed his head against my hand and started purring).  I'd spend all day stroking and cuddling him if he had his way.  He loves to play chase too - I tie a pice of meat or a treat to the end of a piece of string (one of his fishing rod style toys actually) and he races up and down the room after it.  I love the way he runs.  He really stretches out and you can see the muscles in his body working and he looks like a little tiger  :Luv:

Mosi is special because... hmm..  lets see... because he has that cat trick of being extremely naughty and extremely sweet at the same time!  He's manic, naughty and just never stops but he also has the sweetest disposition and there's nothing at all aggressive about him.  He's such a confident, happy little lad and he looks like he's smiling all the time.  When he's sleepy he loves to climb onto my lap and be cradled like a baby with his head nestling into the crook of my arm  :Luv:
« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 10:07:31 AM by Susanne (urbantigers) »

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2007, 09:48:49 AM »
Awww Bless them all  :Luv:

Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2007, 08:16:23 AM »
now the last two lol

Makosi , me and my mum both went to look at some kittens nearly 2 years ago ,there were two left ,a black girl  :Luv: and a white fluffy boy with tabby patches on him , a soon as we got there and i saw her i was like " im having the black one " :Luv: :Luv: , i called her makosi and my mum had her brother and called him charlie ,makosi was soooooooo tiny my vet said she was only 5 weeks old in her opinion she wouldnt eat her cat food unless i tipped kitten milk on top of it  :sick: :sick:
even though she was so tiny and had been taken from her mummy and sibblings too early  she quickly made friends with my german shepherd and my other cats , my other cats would wash her and cuddle up with her , shes nearly 2 now and shes such a sweetie x

max : weve had max since he was 5mths old , we found him on the street one dark cold rainy night bk in feb this year ,
although we put posters up everywhere no one clamied him so we kept him
he is a real purr monster and never stops purring within a week of having him he had settled in fine and all the other cats had accepted him it was like he had always been here ,
he is a little buggar he is far too nosey for his own good and dont fear nothing , whoever i have in my house he will run up to and start purring ,u have to have eyes in the back of ur head with max because he moves so quickly and is always charging around the house at 200mph  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 08:17:10 AM by forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) »
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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2007, 08:15:35 AM »
This isn't about one of mine but a lovely cat I saw at the CP open day yesterday. I could only go there briefly but fell in love with a cat. Most of the cats /kittens there were asleep but one young mum was climbing up the cage and purring for attention. She was so affectionate. She then went on to give the other sleeping mum a wash, then all of the kittens. She was so cheerful & affectionate. When I read the note on the cage, I was amazed. She was found living in one room with no access to the outside or even a window  :(   She was so friendly, despite being treated badly by "humans" (scum)

I wish her the best home with love and warmth  :Luv:

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Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2007, 08:06:18 AM »
now for the other 4 cats

flossy and pickles : i got flossy and pickles off of the man over the road to us when they were 9 weeks old ,the man had only had them a week and said he couldnt cope any more  :Crazy:and was going to advertise them in free ads , i had already been to see them when the man first got them and i fell in love  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:they were so tiny and cute , so i said to him ill have them dont advertise them ill pay u for them today , so thats what i did and i brought them both home , they are the sweetest girls ever but they do have attitude which makes them even more cute imo ,
they both speak they can both say meowumummy  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: when i first got them i had to lie to my oh and say we were just looking after them till the man over the road got a buyer for them  :rofl: and he said he only wanted 2 cats
we now have 7  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Offline forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2007, 07:58:29 AM »
Molly is special because despite having not the best start to life and being locked in a room on her own for nearly 7 years she then moved in with us and took to living with a german shepherd who she was terrified of to start with ,and four other cats then she went on to accept us getting makosi as a little kitten and then max , although shes not in love with the other pets she does live quite happily with them and many of times i have found her sleeping right next to the other cats under my bed ,
she has had two serious illnesses since weve had her , first of within 4 mths of us having her she had a tumour growing in the back of her throat which needed to be operated on then she had a womb infection which resulted in an emergency spay one saturday morning ,
molly has got a bit of a temper on her if theres something she doesnt like she will attack and if she doesnt want to be brushed or have her flea or worm treatments she will attack us
but we love our molly mew so much  :Luv:

Bailey is special because he is such a gentle loving accepting cat
he hasnt got a nasty bone in his body
he has quite happily accepted and welcomed 5 cats in to his home and has never hissed once ,he is a real daddys boy though he loves his dad to bits .

Bridie is special because shes such a sweet loving accepting cat like bailey shes accepted and welcomed 5 other cats in to this house and has never once raised a paw to anyone or hissed or anything ,all she does is goes round and washes all the cats and the dog she adores the dog and they sleep together  :Luv: bridie is baileys twin sister  :Luv:

« Last Edit: May 21, 2007, 07:59:20 AM by forever_missing_my_boys(Lisa) »
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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2007, 23:31:28 PM »

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2007, 22:58:38 PM »
Awww, sorry that didn't work out Ruth. :( Apologies to Jane for continuing the hijack!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2007, 22:57:56 PM »
Estella is fine, she's with a new bengly family. Sadly Lexy and Estelly just didn't get on, so had a tough choice to make. Her new parents are lovely and they have a wonderful bengly boy for her to play with. From all accounts all happy.

Sorry for hi-jacking CatJane.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2007, 22:57:16 PM »
Having 10 special cats and 4 special Bridge babies it would take me all day and also bore you to tears  :rofl:

So one thing that is special or should i say clever about my lot is that they knock on the front door to come in.
The letter box is at the bottom of the door and they flip it up with their paws !!
My neighbour was gob smacked when she saw it one day

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2007, 22:48:56 PM »
Ruth where is Estella?

I thought that too! :)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Catjane

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2007, 22:28:25 PM »
Oh Schmew! - your account of Ted made me laugh out loud!!  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  Bless him!  There is something SO comical about a cat's tongue sticking out, isn't there?  Sabby was asleep earlier with his tongue sticking out - made me chuckle!

and since I mention him - he is special cause he was a VERY unfriendly kitten, but over time he's become very friendly  ;D  But only with me!  He is exuberant about everything!  I call him my little jumping bean!  And he likes to sleep under the playmat!  :rofl:


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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2007, 22:25:41 PM »
Ruth where is Estella?

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2007, 22:22:07 PM »

Lexy is special. With not knowing much of her background before she came to me, the last year has been one sweet moment after the other. She hides from strangers in the house, but she does little things for me.

When I get home, she stands at the top of the stairs meowing at me as if I had left her alone for days rather than hours, but lets me pick her up for a cuddle. Its the only time I am allowed to do this without resistance. Almost like she wants me to know she's happy to see me.

And when I get ready in the morning, she stands on the end of the bed to watch me, sometimes if she is being really madammy, she sits on whatever it is I am going to wear just so that I have to move her.

I love her. Lexy is the best thing to ever happen to me. 


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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2007, 22:19:47 PM »
Mmm let me think

Ted is my big Teddybear he loves his mommy cuddles but plays hard to get by making me come to him, the cheek!

Ollie likes roasting himself infront of the fire, and he's mostly indoor and loves to dive out when I've got the rest in, so I have to chase him round the garden for 10 mins, little swine!

Macey is so loving I could just squeeze her, she has a strange thing going on with cat toys, she picks them up in her mouth and goes round the house crying?

Harry, well Harry the little s*** is a hunter and brings things home to mummy, thanks Harry I really wanted that centepied,  :sick:

My other cat Renie did play fetch she used to bring the ball back none stop, I got sick of the game in the end, I thought this was great and Ive never had a cat thats done it since, Renie is over the rainbow now. She was a clever girl.  :Luv:

Offline Schmew

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Re: Special cats!
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2007, 22:11:13 PM »
My Buffy does something a bit like that, at bedtime. She hurtles upstairs and jumps on the bed while I'm getting changed, and stands up on her back legs with her front paws stretched up in the air and mews at me til I let her grab my hand and she rubs her face on it. If you ignore her or don't respond quick enough she just mews more demandingly!

Bobby is special because he's just so handsome and scrummy. His favourite game is swiping at the dogs waggy tails, and he comes in and out of the door with me and the dogs, but waits patiently inside the cat run while they go out for wees. My old Ben was much the same, big and hairy and a proper mummy's boy. And Pussy Willow, at the bridge with Ben, was just such a dainty little girl who loved to sleep on the pillow and purr loudly every time you moved.

Ted (also at the bridge, hi babe talking about you again!) was VERY special..... apart from the permanent diarrhea he refused to do in the tray, his tongue always stuck out and he had a special trick of getting right in your face them sneezing and snotting and spluttering on you! However, he was so adorable you had to forgive him. and hearing him heavy breathing his way up the bed in a morning helped me to get up quicker!

God I miss those babies.

And a mention for Boysie, my current foster, who always keeps my knees warm while I'm on the computer.

Thanks Jane for encouraging a moment for me and others to remember why all our little puds were and are so special.


Offline Catjane

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Special cats!
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2007, 21:57:55 PM »
All our kitties are individuals, they're all so different, each with their own personalities, habits and talents!

What are the things that make each of your cats special?

Guess I can't post that without me starting the ball rolling, so ....

Meesha is special because the can play 'fetch', and even brings the ball to me when she wants to play!!  And one of her funny little habits is to ask to go upstairs, then she calls me up too, and we go in the bathroom where she loves to be petted!!  She only likes being petted 'in private'!  Isn't that odd?


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