Author Topic: Street cats in village Seoane, Spain need your help. Kittens are being killed. Can you help?  (Read 4009 times)

Offline CuteCats

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I've donated too.  So lovely that someone looks out for these cats.

Offline moira

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Made a small donation. Will share on FB

Offline pappilon

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I hope she manage to raise lots of money, those poor babies :(
Made a small donation. :hug:
Thanks for posting this Tan :hug: :hug:

Offline Tan

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This lovely lady is trying to help the street cats in her village in Spain and trying to raise money for spaying and vet fees.
Twitter page is @HelpForCats An Indiegogo campaign in order to help the abandoned cats that live in the streets of my village.

My name is Verónica. I am from Seoane, a small village in Galicia (Spain).

I am trying to raise money in order to help the abandoned cats that live in the street in my village. Until now the only help that I have received was from a NGO called Mascoteros Solidarios, but now they said that they almost have no money. So this campaign on Indiegogo is my last resource.

Now I am going to explain my situation and the situation of the cats. There are a lot of cats in the streets of my village. Some people consider they like a plague. What is the reason of this large amount of cats? Simple. Most of the people is not aware of the female cats must be sterilized. If a neighbour has a female cat and the cat has kittens, the solution for the neighbour is to abandone the cat or to kill the kittens. As a result of this the number of cats in the streets is increasing and lots of innocents are killed. And they are killed in a very cruel way. They are knocked or drown or thrown alive to a container like they were rubbish. It is urgent to stop this. The solution is to sterilize the female cats.

In addition, the cats that live in the street are not safe. They can be knocked down by cars or they can eat rat poison, and they also have a high risk of suffer feline leukaemia and feline AIDS. Besides, sometimes people shoot at the cats with pellet shotguns. So they often need veterinary assistance (if they are still alive)

What We Need & What You Get

The cats need your help. We need the money to help the cats. It is unfair that a lot of cats were abandoned and a lot of kittens were killed. The money obtained with this campaign will be destined for paying a veterinarian in order to:

- Sterilize the female cats

- Help the cats that need veterinary assistance

On top of that, helping the cats has another expenses. My mother and I are trying to find a home for the abandoned cats. The cats are not domesticated. They are street cats! So, if we have to catch a cat in order to carry him to the veterinarian or to a new home, we need to buy special cages and we have expenses too due to phone calls and transport. The veterinarian who is closer to my village is about 1 hour by car. And obviously, we have to feed the cats and de-flea them. The money will be also destined to cover these costs.

If you donate, you will receive a perk based in the amount of money you give for the cause:

- 3 €: thank-you email

- 10 €: thank-you email + photo

- 20 €: photo postcard

- 25 €: name a cat

- 25 €: honor team member

- 30 €: thank-you email + share

- 45 €: thank-you letter + photos

- 60 €: thank-you letter + feeder or thank you letter + table mat

- 75 €: thank-you letter + DVD "Garfield"

- 90 €: thank-you letter + DVD "Garfield" + toy or thank you letter + personalized mouse pad

Please, take into account that the most great perk that you can receive is to help a cat. If you don't live in Spain, you can request a perk too. We are willing to send your perk to your country. But, when you choose the amount of money that you want to donate, please, consider that, for example, the shipping costs of sending a package to Canada or USA are about 25 €.

Other Ways You Can Help

Have a look at the gallery, and I am sure of that you'll realize how important is your help. If you can contribute with 1 €, please do it. Every little help is important and appreciated, and you will receive the satisfaction of helping a vulnerable cat. If 2.000 people donated 1 €, I would reach the goal.

Perhaps you can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help. Why don't make some noise about this campaing? Spread the word! For example, you can share this in social networks. And remember to use the Indiegogo share tools!


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