Author Topic: Introducing kitten to resident cat  (Read 7760 times)

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2013, 16:06:54 PM »
I think I'd follow them too just incase it turns nasty. Dharma will put Baine in his place but its how hard she does so which can be the problem because you don't want Baine to be frightened of Dharma as this can ruin the relationship before it's begun.... How long have you had Baine? Also are you a fan of Lost and Batman by any chance?.... :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2013, 15:52:36 PM »
Another qu sorry!
When dharma runs off to another room, baine follows her. Do I still leave them to it? Now i type I guess she needs to tell him to leave her be and stop following?

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2013, 14:54:56 PM »
Sometimes it's just the temperament of the cat as Blue is a neutered male Siamese and is Top Cat believe me in our house....Little monkey but can be the most loving cat ever to both us and Dotty...I see Reebz you have an Egyptian Mau....Beautiful too.....  :Luv2:

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2013, 14:29:24 PM »
try a couple of things to get them to bond. Feed them together in the same room but away from one another but still within view of each other and if Dharma likes to play with toys get some of her favourite toys and play with them both. The toys will defuse any tension she may have towards Baine. I have to do this sometimes with Blue and Dotty as Blue can get a bit rough sometimes when they are playing.  ;D

Yuki is like that too.  :Crazy:
When she plays with Moshi she gets quite loud and her whole body goes puffy.
And Mosh just bats her on the head as if to say 'put them hormones away, woman'.

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Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2013, 14:00:49 PM »
You can try a couple of things to get them to bond. Feed them together in the same room but away from one another but still within view of each other and if Dharma likes to play with toys get some of her favourite toys and play with them both. The toys will defuse any tension she may have towards Baine. I have to do this sometimes with Blue and Dotty as Blue can get a bit rough sometimes when they are playing.  ;D

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2013, 13:24:16 PM »
Growling is just fine, perfectly natural response for her.
After all, he must be very annoying!  ;)
Don't correct it, just keep checking her body language to make sure there's no underlying issue.
Ultimately, give her a 10 minute break from him every so often, and take him into another room, either leave him for a while
or wear him out a bit with some play.

Aggression signs are excessive staring, threatening posture, ears flat back against the head, yowling (like a long disturbing meow/howl/screeching) and puffy tail.
Puffy tail and Growling do not usually lead to aggression, the ears, threatening posture and staring are the biggest giveaways.
She may swipe him, a swipe is very good behaviour for her at the moment, she's just telling him 'back off, I'm not in the mood'.
If she lunges for him and grabs him, THIS is aggressive behaviour, and they need to be separated again before it escalates.

Just remember to stay calm, and to observe.
Give her reassurance only if she comes to you for it.

If she has a problem with his pestering, she will let him know.
Unfortunately it's one of those things that will occur no matter how long you take before introducing them, boisterous cats will need putting in place eventually, either today, or next week.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 13:34:38 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2013, 13:08:02 PM »
We now have growling along with the hissing, baine is still getting too much for her I think. Is the growling still normal or heading to aggressive?

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2013, 10:32:14 AM »
The separation was because I had to go out briefly, I've spent the rest of the evening taking turns with them roaming about. Today I will see how they go once I know I will e at home for the rest of the day.
Thanks for your help guys :)

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2013, 10:19:11 AM »
Hiding isn't a major problem, it's a much better outcome than aggression.
She is doing the cat equivalent of 'sulking', so give her a chance to get through it, and to tell him that it's her house.

I would not see this as a reason to keep them separated, after all you need to give her time to come out and explore him,
not remove him every time she hides. Because she will assume he's just left the house.
If his play is too much for her, she needs to tell him, so that he understands when to back off.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 10:23:49 AM by ReeBz »

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Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2013, 09:44:40 AM »
She will come round, it's all down to scent has well. Try swapping their beds so she can have a good sniff of Baine because once she is used to his scent she will be ok with him. Blue used to hiss at Dotty through the door when I opened it slightly just so they could see one another, then we progressed to me holding Dotty and my hubby holding Blue and introducing them and then we went onto supervising them in a room together to see what happened. I don't think Dharma would hurt Baine I just think she is warning him by saying I'm not ready to accept you yet Tiny.... ;D ;D

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2013, 09:26:35 AM »
Yea Dharma hid after the brief encounter with baine. Baine was happy to creep up to her but she would hiss and swipe then back away. Once we split them and baine into his room dharma hid for a while then carried on as normal

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2013, 09:23:55 AM »
Who is hiding? Is it Dharma? As Blue who was 3 at the time hide in the bedroom and would not eat for 2 days when Dotty arrived as she would cry if left alone and this really freaked Blue out. I lived with Dotty in the living room and my hubby with Blue in the bedroom, it was so upsetting for us as we thought he would never accept Dotty and we would have to return her. All you can do really is reassure them both but as said before I think it's all down to time and patience.  :hug:

Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2013, 09:12:30 AM »
Baine is definitely not scared to try and go up! He's so friendly already.
How long should I expect the hissing/swiping stage to last for? And is it normal for one to go hide during this process?

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2013, 08:20:05 AM »
Hi Arcanegirl, sounds like you are doing a pretty good job with the introduction. I had to do this last year when we had Dotty who was of a similar age to Baine and Blue was 3 yrs old. It took us 3 days to get them together but kept introducing them both through slightly open doors just so they can see one another but could not attack. Dotty was a rescue and came from a fosterer who had multiple cats and a dog so she was quite brave when Blue saw her and it was blue who did the pulling faces and hissing thing. But after 3 days they were inseparable and are still, so my advice is to keep doing what you are doing, they will be fine and soon you too will be having wacky races everyday. :rofl: :rofl:

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2013, 21:33:33 PM »
You can neuter from 15 weeks, but ultimately yeah.. it all depends on your vets decision, but personally I would leave it until he is 5 months old.
Just reaching/about to reach maturity.
My boy Moshi isn't neutered, he's 9 months old (rescue). But need to arrange for that next week.
Unless your female cat isn't spayed? = In which case, as soon as your vet sees reasonable!  ;)

If there was minimal swiping/hissing in the beginning, she may just see him as more of an annoyance than a threat,
which is somewhat better!  ;D
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 21:36:58 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2013, 21:22:14 PM »
Great reply thank you! Before we had the rooms sorted there was a brief period where they were both out, there was hissing and a little swipe from the resident cat but no more than that. You have answered my next question of what to expect.
He isn't neutered just now, I'm not sure what the minimum age he needs to be to do that, he is 3 months old. Circumstances are he came from a friend of mine who wasn't able to keep him. I have intentions to call the vets on Monday to discuss what we need to do.

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2013, 21:10:53 PM »
Great, he seems very curious and already happy with us humans. He was first with a friend of mine (we toook him in) so he already knew me.
How many days should I keep this up before attempting the next stage? And any other tips for us to help this become successful?

Sorry for the essay!!!!
Different people suggest different things, so you might get a variation of answers really.
For me, I have never had to go more than two days before introducing cats, but for others, they have gone through a week,
or even two or three weeks of careful meticulous scent spreading and integration routines, which have sometimes been VERY necessary.
It all depends on the specific cats, their body language, their ages, sexual status, their willingness to adapt to change.. quite a few things.

In my experience, kittens do not generally need as much 'separation time' as adult cats.
Your resident cat should not really see the kitten as a threat to her status, especially if he is smaller, but obviously he is still on 'her turf',
and it will take time, no matter when you decide they are ready to be introduced.
You haven't said whether he is neutered or not?
This can sometimes have an effect on their temperaments too.  ;)

You could take a moment to see if they are ready now, without causing any problems to them.
The thing is, you simply won't know unless you try it out, every cat meeting is different, just as every human meeting is different!

When you are ready to let them 'meet' but not be officially 'introduced', you can put the kitten in a crate or cat carrier in a mutual room,
and let her come in to investigate him.
IF it goes wrong, he will be very safe, and you can always remove her and keep them apart as normal, trying again in two days or so, with constant scent spreading, and room switching.
IF you are not ready to do this, which is perfectly fine, you could spread it out over a few days, popping the kitten into a different room for a few hours a day (or night) and if the room the boy stays in is comfortable, feed/play/sleep with your resident cat IN his room while he's away.
So the smells of him are associated with AMAZING things she likes to do!

After the crate Intro, when you DO decide to introduce them:
Remember some hissing, tail puffing and swiping are all perfectly natural first responses.
She needs to tell him who's boss! That's just how it is.
Always watch your kitties body language, check for signs of actual aggression and fear.
Have a towel ready JUST in case it turns into a fight, but don't expect there to be one, just r.e.l.a.x!

Remember that while you do these things with your cats, you must remain in a nice calm state. Your attitude is what the cats will
look to for confirmation while they assess each other. You must reassure the new kitty that he is somewhere safe and loved, and reassure your resident kitty that she is still 'top dog'.

To make this go as smoothly as possible, try to give the most care to your resident cat, she is the one who needs to accept this new kitten,
feed her, pet her and play with her, give her priority to show that things will not change between you and her.
Both cats should fall in to place once more, once resident cat is happy!
Praise her when she presents herself positively to him, and to you.
But do not scold her if she becomes to stressed or aggressive, simply remove her to a different room and let her out after 20 minutes or so, when she's calmer.

Patience, calm state and vigilance are all key.
It should pay off in the end.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 21:19:12 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 20:01:45 PM »
Great, he seems very curious and already happy with us humans. He was first with a friend of mine (we toook him in) so he already knew me.
How many days should I keep this up before attempting the next stage? And any other tips for us to help this become successful?

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 19:56:20 PM »
Letting the kitten explore the house while the resident cat is away is a nice idea, it will be good for you to supervise him too.
They would both benefit from this, because his scent will become familiar to your current cat, and vice versa, and
he will be more confident of the local hiding and climbing places if he gets scared when you decide to let them meet.

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Offline Arcanegirl

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Introducing kitten to resident cat
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 19:01:06 PM »
Hiya, we are in the process of introducing a male 3 month old kitten to our 4.5 year old cat.
So far we have setup our bedroom for baine (the kitten) and he is in there whilst dharma (cat) is roaming around.
When dharma sleeps in the other bedroom I have shut the door and let baine out for a wander and will do the same again tonight when dharma goes outside. Is this okay?


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