Author Topic: Right thing to do by Felicity?  (Read 9484 times)

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2013, 13:25:27 PM »
oh pav how terrible

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2013, 13:19:31 PM »
Thank you every one for your thoughts i appreciate it. I am afraid i cant reply right now as i had a call to say that the husband of the friend who passed away 3 weeks ago tried to hurt himself and been taken to hospital and the lady who called is very concern about their cat Princess as there are broken glass all over the place and asked if i could go and take her away :(
Good job i have got two days off work , what a mess !
I have to go and see if my neighbour is willing to take her in .
I will come back and reply. :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2013, 11:55:13 AM »
Pav I didnt realize you have lived in London so long and have lived all your adult life here.

I dont think I am in a position to try and push you in any direction because it must be your choice and you know I have viewed my fears before.

When you left Iran as said above, things were so different and for a woman to return to live there now after so long is a massive decision and afraid I have to echo what everyone else has said.

I know you have been back in the last year or two but with the country now even more cut off than before from the rest of the world must make it even more dangerous.

From a womans view, you are used to being a free woman as an adult and whereas much in this country could be better, we do at least have freedom and human rights as women, and animals with good owners have a great life too, the NHS is not all it used to be but at least we have one.

I dont know what rights women have in Iran, can they drive, do they have to have a man to look after them, what happens in old age, what health care etc etc.

I am sure you must have considered all of this but wonder why you want to return to live. I know you were aiming to go before but do you have a large family out there to protect and look after you and will you really be able to adjust to the change for the rest of your life?

Once having left this country I doubt if you would be able to afford to return, I guess you must be a UK citizen now but I am so worried about you.

Having said all that, it has to be your choice and please make the right one for you  :hug: :hug: :hug:

All your Purrs friends are with you what ever you decide and as you can see are willing to try and help with Felicity.

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2013, 11:22:11 AM »
I am new to this site, I don't know you or your situation - so please feel free to treat my comments with the contempt they might deserve!!

Do you think you areally want to go to iran as it is now, or are you hankering to return to the way things used to be? When we are away from somewhere for a long time, it is easy to build it up in our minds into something it never was and never could be. Do you think that might be a possibility?

After reading of the heartache you suffered when you lost Mista, I hate to think of you parting with Felicity and then finding out that Iran is not all you hoped it would be. I do think that a visit first would be a good idea. Would it be practical to have a slightly extended stay, as holidays don't really give a good idea of how things would be on a permanent basis?

Whatever you decide, I do hope that it works out well for you and Felicity (who is adorable!)  :)

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2013, 08:55:35 AM »
tbh I think a trial run might be a good idea to, iran must have changed a huge amount since the revolution - after living in london so long will it be easy to go back to iran, I don't really have any idea what it is like but are there restrictions on woman like in saudi?

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2013, 23:40:04 PM »
Oh Pav I just saw this thread tonight. I'm so sad you feel the need to go back and also think you should take a visit there before cutting off all your ties here. Its a huge step, and possibly an irreversible one.

If Felicity needs a forever home I'll try to find one for you amongst some of my contacts, I've read what you say about her fears and she will need a home very much like the one you've been so kind to give her.

Meanwhile, if you want to go back to Iran for a few weeks, as a trial run, she can come and stay with us for a while? She may not like it too much but it's quiet and safe here, and she'll not be bored! Our two old girls get along fine and keep the boys in check. Then if you decide to stay out there I'll be sure to find her the best possible home. 

Rather that than give her up permanently then realise you don't want to move after all? Or if you do decide you want to move back to Iran permanently, and you've researched it and believe she'll be safe to come out with you, she'll be here waiting.

Keeps your options open, see?

You can come and see us whenever you like and meet my gang if this looks like it might work for you. Only a tube ride away.

Keep this thought, it may help you decide what's best for you this time. Then in the future you'll always know you did the right thing for everyone.  :hug:

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2013, 23:03:49 PM »
As it's been such a long time since you've lived in Iran, I think the idea of going back for a holiday of a few weeks' duration might be wise, before you make any committment to a permanent move.

If you decide to go on a permanent basis, please rehome Felicity rather than take her to a country where cats may not be treated in quite the same way. I don't know what happens in Iran, or what their attitude is; but I do know that you have the chance to find her a good home here.  :hug:
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2013, 17:22:20 PM »
Coulde be Sasas kitten and Pip looks gorgeous too  ;D ;D

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2013, 17:20:24 PM »
I thought some pictures would be nice :Luv2:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2013, 17:13:33 PM »
Aww bless you Dawn, thank you for your concern :hug:
Tbh i am not sure if its safe or not i left Iran when i was 17 before the revolution and have lived here for 35 years now so many thing has changed since, even crossing the road requires skill over there :evillaugh: But end of the day is Home :)

Yes Felicity is good with other cats , there are number of cats who visit here or are in back garden and she always follow them and try to play but they only interested in food :sneaky:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2013, 13:47:52 PM »
pav I'm worried about you going back, is it really safe

do you think felicity could live with other cats?

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2013, 13:46:37 PM »
OMG Alison that would be great , Thank you so much :)
I didn't know there is a rescue in Tehran :-[I knew of a place called Vafa near Tehran which i supported in 2008 , the land was given by a lady who also lived in USA and run by volunteers mainly helped the stray dogs but at some point had about 80 rescue cats :Luv2: It was approved and supported by WSPA but then one day when my sil called to make donation the lady on the phonesaid they are not taking any donation asthere were dispute about the land and they are not taking any more cats in :( :(
I will send you a pm this evening, Thank you. :hug: :hug:
I would love to know more about the ones in Tehran. :)

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2013, 13:37:45 PM »
Oh Pav.  Logistics aside, I don't think taking Felicity to Iran is a good idea.  I say that knowing how much you would miss her, but I think it would be an unwise move.

I would see about getting her rehomed through a cat charity.  She's young and she has difficulties which would not be best dealt with by an elderly lady. Realistically she needs time to be with people who can assess her over a period of time, work with her anxieties and then find her the right home where she can feel safe.

Speaking of which, I echo whether Iran will be the best choice for you, although I know it's been in your thoughts for some time now.  Whatever you decide I think we'd all say we wish for whatever will make you happy in the long term.

Sue thankyou somuch . :hug: :hug:
I dont think i couldleave her in a rescue just the thought of her being in a pen for months :'(I could ask if they help to do direct rehoming.
I know she is scared of people but she is not aggresive and she just cower when some one get close to her or run if she gets the chance but i am sure its not a big issue she is fine with me and follow me and respond when i call her so as you said she just need a home to feel safe and some one who doesnt mind having her as she is.
Thank you for your thoughts. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2013, 23:59:21 PM »
Pav , just read your post and understand how hard this must be. Will pm you as my sister in law in heavily involved in a rescue centre in Tehran although she lives in the states she goes there twice a year. She would be able to help you with finding a good vet and perhaps food issues if you decide to take Felicity :hug:

Wonder if you have visited Tehran recently and perhaps a trip there might make up your mind :hug: :hug: :hug:
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 00:10:27 AM by alisonandarchie »

Offline maryas

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2013, 22:15:08 PM »
Sent you a PM Pav  :hug:

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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2013, 20:02:59 PM »
Oh Pav.  Logistics aside, I don't think taking Felicity to Iran is a good idea.  I say that knowing how much you would miss her, but I think it would be an unwise move.

I would see about getting her rehomed through a cat charity.  She's young and she has difficulties which would not be best dealt with by an elderly lady. Realistically she needs time to be with people who can assess her over a period of time, work with her anxieties and then find her the right home where she can feel safe.

Speaking of which, I echo whether Iran will be the best choice for you, although I know it's been in your thoughts for some time now.  Whatever you decide I think we'd all say we wish for whatever will make you happy in the long term.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2013, 19:49:31 PM »
Looks like a rehoming here is the only answer and maybe a direct rehome from you to whoever.

You will need some rescues who are willing to put her on their site for you.  :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2013, 17:22:26 PM »
Yes Gill dogs are considered impure/unclean in Islam :-: Still there are people who keep small dogs at home my brother neighbour had a little dog when i visited 2 years ago and the poor thing had 4 puppies and they were trying desperatley to find homes for them when i asked the lady why she let her have puppies she said the VET said its good for the dog to have them >:( >:(
Thats why i am a bit concerened if Felicity gets sick or have an accident in Iran what the treatment would be like :(
Gill the embassy was closed last year and no relation between here and Iran.
I think the post would work out very expensive unless is under 2kg.
Thank you for your thoughts :hug: :hug:
I am so streesed over this that i left work early just couldnt concentrate :tired:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2013, 17:11:06 PM »
Kate thank you so much for the link. I would imagine that the foods in supermarkets are either from Vhina or UAE not any european country or usa and the reason for that is the exchange rate in black market for euro/sterling and dollar is so high that people wont be able to offord !
The vets dont stock food like here .
That is a very good idea i am going to start looking for a good home for her and hope that is out there some where through peoplei know and see what happenes, my concern is the journey and the handling over there if i gothrough the stress and worrieng and put her through then i dont think i will be rehoming her in Iran and tbh i dont think it would be easy as i mentioned the cats live in the streets and the lucky ones are the one which are fed left overs by some kind soul but rarely people take them in :(
So far i have found one company that do the transport and all the paper work here and they quote me £5200.00 I am sure they would be able to keep her for few days if needed.
Once again thank you for the advice and the link. :hug: :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2013, 14:13:54 PM »
Thats a great link that Kay has given and I think it would be worth joining that site and seeing if you could contact the two posters.

I didnt like the sound of dogs being made illegal though.

A couple of other thoughts .

As you live in London I am sure there must be an Iranian Embassy, would it be worth making an appointment to see one of the diplomats and asking questions there?

Next is, would it be possible to have cat food sent out to you, probably cost a fortune but cheaper if in bulk and if you were to pay all the costs maybe your friends on Purrs could organize  :shify: :shify:

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2013, 10:37:08 AM »
I found this on Google Pav

and it's recent

vets here stock cat food so it makes sense that they would in Iran

I would suggest planning to take her with you but go on looking out for an ideal home here too - if you do end up taking her she is young enough to get over the journey quickly, and if she cannot settle you still have the option of finding a good home for her in Iran - she is such a pretty cat it might be quite easy

could you go ahead of her, if she is going with you, and take control of her transport in Iran from the airport? there must be catteries here who are used to liaising with overseas couriers
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 10:39:57 AM by Kay&3Ts »
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Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2013, 10:03:43 AM »
Thank you Allison :hug: :hug:

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2013, 08:10:53 AM »
Pav, I don't really have any advice but wanted to send you a few of these  :hug: :hug: :hug: It's a tough decision and not one I'd want to make.  I know that in the end you will do what is best for you and Felicity.

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Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2013, 05:30:34 AM »
Thank you Gill, i guess you are right some cats get over the mistreat and some dont :(
I could take a year or 2 of dry food suply with me but then what?

Yes Felicity like Misa if sees any one in garden will go to hiding .
Aww yes i can touch her and pick her up, she is very gentle and easy to handle and in the evenings she sits with me on the sofa and sleeps next to me on my bed but if any one try to get close to her she runs when i have visitors she stay upstairs and lets people touch her as long as i am there to reassure her. My upstairs neighbour talks to her and play with her moving her keys or a string  while she is  sitting on window seal and Felicity loves it but if she comes to my door she wont come close to her just sits and watch us.
Thank you for the offer but i dont think Sasa and Misa would like a new cat.
I was in bed last night thinking even if i manage to find her a home , she has to be kept in for 6-8 weeks and she will drive the human crazy as she start taping and pawing me every morning to get me up to let her out and she doesnt stop till i do so not sure how this would work with a new home :-:
Well better go and get her in and have another hour in bed :tired:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2013, 00:17:39 AM »
There is no logic to a cat being scared of people and they dont forget when a human has been bad to them.

Misa and especially Sasa are like this too and Misa hides if the doorbell rings and today wouldnt come out in the garden cos there were people outside.

If Felicity wont eat raw food and I know mine wont then you would not be able to take her and this breaks my hear tI would offer to take her but I dont think my cats would like it, well Lupin may and she would not be safe outside.

I am a bit younger than 87 but it worries me cos Lupin will only be 3 this year...........does she allow you to touch her and if so how long did it take?

Offline pappilon

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2013, 23:59:49 PM »
Thank you Gill :hug:
She really is scared of people and i cant understand why, she was so young when i found her even if she was mistreated in that age wouldnt she be over it by now?
I have tried to put her on raw as i believe its healthier than dry and wet but she wouldnt have it.
That is the problem i cant tell how the cage and her would be handeled once we land in Iran, well they dont exactly go by book or follow rules over there do they :scared:  I guess it would be people who unload the luggage and i am not sure if they'd understand why one would bring a cat from abroad when there is millions of cats in the streets fighting to survive :'( :'( It was different in Shah's time people had pets and would travel with their dogs and ..
As for vets yes there are vets in Iran and good doctors but not advance like here and also with sanction i know very hard to get medicines for humans i think animals wont be on the priority list over there.When i was there 2 years ago i noticed there were ads in glossy magazines selling pedigree cats not persian cats but other breeds and when i asked my brother with all these poor cats in the street why would some one pay for this he said its for super rich just to show off so thats the mentality , sad very sad but thats how it is >:(
You are right no insurance ;) Its a beautiful country but a different world.
Thank you Hk , the right home for her would be with mature couple or a single person . She likes other cats and doesnt mind when we have cat visitors its humans she minds :-[
I dont think i go through cat chat as there are so many cats looking for homes and she is not an urgent case, i know of a rescue which would take her but i cant bear to have her in a pen, i wont do that to her.
Thank you Helen, thats what i have been telling my self that she is still young and i should be able to change her habits and have her as an indoor but then i strongly believe if a cat wants to go out i shouldnt take that away from him/her and i guess thats why i lost Mister :'( :'(
Oh no Quarantine period for there but what i am afraid of is that they do things just for the sake of it, just for fun or out of curiosity :-: Thanks for your thoughts i really appreciate it. :hug:
Thank you :hug: :hug:
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 00:15:47 AM by pappilon »

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2013, 23:54:32 PM »
I personally think that if she would be able to settle back into life indoors then you should take her  :hug: I know not everybody agrees with indoor cats and in an ideal world all cats would be able to roam safely outside but life isn't always ideal so if you think she could settle indoors - with lots of love and stimulation from you - then I would take her  :hug:

It looks like there is no quarantine period for Iran so the handling from others would be minimal, they won't handle her for the sake of it and would think they would want to minimise handling to avoid being bitten or scratched by a frightened cat.

If you do decide to try and rehome her I don't think the 87 year old lady sounds ideal, Felicity is a young cat and could have 20 years ahead of her so I would be worried if something happened to the old lady - she also may be too active for an elderly person, my boys are six and they still try and trip me up regularly! If she is frightened of people it might be more tricky to find the right home for her.

I know whatever you choose for her will be in her best interests because you're her Mum and you love her  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2013, 23:06:52 PM »
If you are determined to go, I think it would be kinder to rehome her, but not to an 87 year old. Advertise on CatChat, putting up a picture of her and saying as much as you can about her nature and why she needs a new home. What kind of home do you think she would be happiest in? An older couple? A family? A young couple? (If a young couple, be sure that they won't dump her if/when they have a child).

There are many peeps who can give you good advice about rehoming a cat. Ask in the rehoming section.

You may decide that you can't live without her, if so, it would come to a choice between staying in this country with her, or leaving without her. I don't think it would be kind to take her with you, and I gather that you already realise this.

Find a very good home for her and go to Iran with an easy conscience.  :hug:
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2013, 22:20:28 PM »
Oh Pav this is so hard and really have nothing I can advise.

If she is really that scared of people this creates a real problem and dont think a home to a lady that age a not very good idea tbh.

The cat food issue is also a problem if she goes with you unless you can change her diet first.

Only you can tell how her cage would be handled in Iran and have the language to speak to them..............what are vets like?

Its the first time I have heard you say you would like to go home, but how safe is it for Felicity or you?

I feel the best way if you can change her diet is to take her as long as there are adequate vet facilities............guess there is no insurance............. but I am really shooting in the dark  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Right thing to do by Felicity?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2013, 22:06:18 PM »
Please i need some advice here.
This is the second time i am in this situation, in 2010  due to health and personal issues i decided is best to move back home(Iran) at that time i had Mister my beautiful boy which was young and i was detrmind to take him with me so i had him on raw diet as pet food is no obtion over there then had the flat in the market and shiped all my things to Iran but as Mister got older he refused to stay indoor and i found it impossible to keep him in door :( He wasnt happy and i did try but he wouldnt have it so with the help of Gill here i tried to find him a home cut the story short the right home wasnt found and thats when i decided to change all my plans and stay! It was hard as i had no job and every thing was sent already but i thought i will start all over again and Mister could have his life here with me and he grow old with me :Luv: Well things didnt go to plan and i lost Mister to RTA last year to this day :'( :'( Its been hard really hard some days i felt cheated that i changed my life for him and he left me  :(
Amonth after i lost Mister i found Felicity aged 7-8 weeks under a car out side my GP surgery and well she stayed here with me as i couldnt find her owners if there was ever one. There ia a thread here on purrs about her.
Year later and by chance i had an offer on my flat last week and i do want to sell and go back home but there is Felicity which i would love to take back with me but i know in my heart that is not in her best interest and i am going to put then down and would like if people honestly tell me what they think.
Felicity is terrified of people , one year on and if any one comes close to my door or inside she runs for her life  :( So is it fair to put her through the jurney to Iran with all the handeling and every thing else she has to go through , i have found a company which will deal with transport but once it gets to my country then it will be local people involved and that is the part i am really concerened, people have different views and ways to treat animals :-[
Then its the matter of out door access which i wont be able to give her as there is no out door whwre i am going to live and she loves to go out ! She started months ago by waking me up any time between 4 and 5 am to go out and i have been staying with her till she comes back in but in last few weeks i just let her out and go back to bed for few hours and then call her back  as i realized due to her fear of people and noise she doesnt go to the front and the road.
Also is the food issue as at home i wont be able to get the cat food wet or dry!
So is it fair to consider to take her with me ?
My neighbour has offered to take her for her mum in Norwich but she is 87 and am not sure if its the right choice!
I cant decide what is the right thing to do for her, i do know that i want to sell and go back home so i would be grateful if you give me your thoughts on this .
I am sorry for the very long post and all the typing mistakes and not making too much sense.
Thank you x


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