Author Topic: Metacam  (Read 1347 times)

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Metacam
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 22:40:56 PM »
It can cause problems because cats can't metabolise it very easily, but that's not exclusive to metacam, it's common to a lot of painkilling/anti-inflammatory drugs for cats.  My Milly was on metacam for about 3 years or so for her arthritis, she had blood tests every 6 months to check for organ damage but fortunately she was fine.  Milly has been having acupuncture and we have now managed to get her comfortably off the metacam which is great, as I was a bit concerned about it for such long term use. 

Alas painkillers plus cats aren't a great combination so in many instances it does need to be a balance of what the cat needs to control pain/inflammation v the potential risks.  For a few weeks, personally if the vet thinks the cat needs it, then I would be happy to do that provided I didn't see any worrying signs in the cat during that time - you're always told to stop immediately and seek veterinary advice in the event of vomiting etc.  it may be unrelated of course, but better safe than sorry.

Hope your little one is ok xx

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2013, 02:44:55 AM »
Metacam is a very effective drug but from what I've read it's best used in as small a dose as is effective, and used for as short a time as possible.

What does Oscar need it for? If it was one of mine I would not be averse to using it if needed but would want to know that it was a necessity.

Offline princesskasren

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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2013, 19:36:43 PM »
Ok so vet just prescribed 3 week dose for Oscar as an anti inflammatory. I went online to check for side effects expecting to see things like mild vomiting etc and came across words like very sick...death...dangerous for what's the real deal on this stuff?


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