Author Topic: Looking for some good advice.  (Read 5036 times)

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #34 on: May 25, 2013, 22:55:53 PM »
You'll be doing Moshi a HUGE favour. Neutered males have a much longer life span than entire toms, because they don't go wandering, crossing roads, getting into fights with other males over females in heat. Neuters live about twice as long, on average.

I've had many feral males done. As long as Moshi doesn't mind being handled to be put in a carrier, all should go well. Of the 6 cats I have now, 4 are neutered males and were fine after a few days of soreness. The worst part was getting them caged.  :shocked:

Yuki may not recognise him when you bring him home because of all the strange smells from the vets. Try rubbing him with a blanket or something which they sleep on, so that he smells of home.

Neutering a male is all external, not the complex abdominal op it is for girls. He'll be fine.  :hug:

Yes, neutering is far more disturbing that's for sure. I've seen the process done on cats and horses, on horses it's downright crazy!
I'm sure he will be fine, thanks for the reassurance!
He is terrible at getting in and out of carriers, but that's usually the worst part, which is fine by me!

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Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2013, 19:55:44 PM »
You'll be doing Moshi a HUGE favour. Neutered males have a much longer life span than entire toms, because they don't go wandering, crossing roads, getting into fights with other males over females in heat. Neuters live about twice as long, on average.

I've had many feral males done. As long as Moshi doesn't mind being handled to be put in a carrier, all should go well. Of the 6 cats I have now, 4 are neutered males and were fine after a few days of soreness. The worst part was getting them caged.  :shocked:

Yuki may not recognise him when you bring him home because of all the strange smells from the vets. Try rubbing him with a blanket or something which they sleep on, so that he smells of home.

Neutering a male is all external, not the complex abdominal op it is for girls. He'll be fine.  :hug:
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Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2013, 19:49:10 PM »
I have to assume Buffy was a girl and the op is much worse for girls and then comes the lampshades and probs with stitches, all because most vets wont be bothered to internally stitch and glue to save them suffering for 10 days at least.

Makes me soooooooooooo cross!

I guess I know what you mean there!
When Yuki was spayed, she got quite a nasty infection and had to wear pyjamas to stop her from licking the wound.
They originally put a lampshade on her, but she was so tiny that even the smallest was no good. And I felt terrible seeing her like that.
I had to take her pyjamas off twice a day so that she could have a wash, and I could clean the weeping, not to mention the two weeks of medication, and nuuuumerous vet visits.


Alfie was somewhere just under a year old when he came to us and had not been neutered at that stage. He was absolutely fine after the op although he did chose to sit in the washbasin all evening - I suspect his rear end was a bit sore and the cool porcelain was soothing. There was a tiny smear of blood where he had been sitting. Other than that, you wouldn't even have known that anything had been done  :)

I hope I have your good fortune. :)
I will be just as vigilant with him, to make sure it all goes well.

Yes Gill Buffy is a girl and actually she had the internal stitches and glue and no head collar. She just seemed quiet and under the weather for a couple of days where as Xander was running around exactly the same as before. I had to keep an eye on them to make sure he didn't kick her side as he kept trying to play  :Crazy: Also I think she has a low pain barrier.

It was quite different for Yuki, aside from an infection she had after her spaying, you wouldn't have been able to tell she was poorly.
Half the reason it got infected was probably because she would NOT stop playing, and jumping about like a jackhammer.
Poor Buffy, it must have been a very uncomfortable time. :(

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Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2013, 19:05:23 PM »
Yes Gill Buffy is a girl and actually she had the internal stitches and glue and no head collar. She just seemed quiet and under the weather for a couple of days where as Xander was running around exactly the same as before. I had to keep an eye on them to make sure he didn't kick her side as he kept trying to play  :Crazy: Also I think she has a low pain barrier.

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2013, 18:36:01 PM »
Alfie was somewhere just under a year old when he came to us and had not been neutered at that stage. He was absolutely fine after the op although he did chose to sit in the washbasin all evening - I suspect his rear end was a bit sore and the cool porcelain was soothing. There was a tiny smear of blood where he had been sitting. Other than that, you wouldn't even have known that anything had been done  :)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2013, 18:16:42 PM »
I have to assume Buffy was a girl and the op is much worse for girls and then comes the lampshades and probs with stitches, all because most vets wont be bothered to internally stitch and glue to save them suffering for 10 days at least.

Makes me soooooooooooo cross!

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2013, 18:09:42 PM »
It's always horrible when you take them to be spayed or for any type of procedure. When I took my two Xander didn't seem to notice anything had happened, it was worse for Buffy.

Oh nooo, what happened to Buffy?
I took Moshi to the vet before bringing him to his new home.
He was devastated, shaking and burying his head in my coat.
And he didn't even know me from Adam, poor kid.

I really hope he will be alright on our next visit, but when he gets back home
he will have lots of love and attention.

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Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2013, 13:31:18 PM »
It's always horrible when you take them to be spayed or for any type of procedure. When I took my two Xander didn't seem to notice anything had happened, it was worse for Buffy. 

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2013, 09:58:22 AM »
I'm so pleased that this has gone well. Seems as though Yuki was really longing for some feline companionship and now has Moshi to play with. He'll be an even more affectionate cat after neutering. All in all, you have a great little family there.  :Luv: :Luv2:

My poor little boy. I really don't want to cut his tiny kitty nuts off. :(
But I know that I must!
This is my first ever boy kitty, so im not sure what to expect.  :)

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Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2013, 23:17:27 PM »
I'm so pleased that this has gone well. Seems as though Yuki was really longing for some feline companionship and now has Moshi to play with. He'll be an even more affectionate cat after neutering. All in all, you have a great little family there.  :Luv: :Luv2:
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2013, 19:55:20 PM »
Brilliant and a great result  ;D

They look great together and so pleased he is being neutered next week.

Yes a complete family  ;D ;D

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2013, 19:06:28 PM »
Aww! They are both incredibly cute and gorgeous - they look so cute and kissable!   :Luv2:

 :thanks: They are incredibly smoochable.  :Luv2: :Luv2:
Moshi just needs some time to get used to people.

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Offline Big Cat Lover

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2013, 14:02:50 PM »
Aww! They are both incredibly cute and gorgeous - they look so cute and kissable!   :Luv2:
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Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2013, 13:28:11 PM »
Another Update for today!!

I'm pleased to announce that it's officially 'Snuggling Day' in my household!
They've come a hugely long way in only 4 days, and I'm very proud of them.

They look lovely together, :Luv: glad it's worked out so quickly. The tabby boy looks just like my Xander. His sister Buffy is quite a little madam and he's a big softy who lets her get away with beating him up. Think that's probably the way it is with cats.

Must be, but if it works, why change it right? :)  :Luv2:

Couldn't be more pleased for you! Fantastic result, he's a real sweetie isn't he?  ;D Your baby girl is just stunning too, I hope they will be very happy together.  :Luv2: :Luv2:

I think they are very happy. She's certainly warming up to the burly intruder.
Thank you very much. :)

I am glad to hear that things have gone so well ;D They are both utterly adorable  :Luv2:

Thank you Slugsta,
I believe my family is quite complete now. :)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 15:20:58 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2013, 13:25:19 PM »
I am glad to hear that things have gone so well ;D They are both utterly adorable  :Luv2:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2013, 13:08:08 PM »
Couldn't be more pleased for you! Fantastic result, he's a real sweetie isn't he?  ;D Your baby girl is just stunning too, I hope they will be very happy together.  :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2013, 12:14:49 PM »
They look lovely together, :Luv: glad it's worked out so quickly. The tabby boy looks just like my Xander. His sister Buffy is quite a little madam and he's a big softy who lets her get away with beating him up. Think that's probably the way it is with cats. 

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2013, 11:53:18 AM »
Didn't chip in before as I've never introduced cats before, always having had pairs, but just wanted to say - WOW! The pics are amazing, like they were born together  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: Just fabulous  :) Moshi certainly looks like he has landed on his (slightly odd) feet!  :wow:

Thanks! He really took to the house and to her straight away. :)
He's very shy around people (not a pleasant upbringing) but he's really coming out of his shell now,
and actually comes over for affection and cuddles.
But getting his confidence back will take time (if it is possible).
Speaking of his feet, yes, definitely 'cow hocked', but I love his pigeon walk hehe!

Fantastic to read such a great outcome.Great pics too. :Luv2:

Thanks v.much, very happy with our choice of kitty.
He's just perfect. :)

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Offline CatGirl

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2013, 11:42:49 AM »
Fantastic to read such a great outcome.Great pics too. :Luv2:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2013, 11:29:32 AM »
Didn't chip in before as I've never introduced cats before, always having had pairs, but just wanted to say - WOW! The pics are amazing, like they were born together  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: Just fabulous  :) Moshi certainly looks like he has landed on his (slightly odd) feet!  :wow:

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2013, 11:21:33 AM »
You've all given such helpful advice!
in the end, I really just let the cats tell me what they wanted, and when they were ready to be united.
My partner and I kept them apart for just a day, that's it.
They were eager to explore and I was willing to let them.
And I'm happy to say that I've had no issues whatsoever. :)

He's being neutered next week, and so far we've had no 'macho tantrums', or mountings, or sprayings.
(Thanks for the spraying tips! Will keep those well in mind)
So, all good on that front.

On the Monday morning we brought home Moshi, the 9 month old boy.
And he spent allll day hiding behind a box in the bedroom he was staying in, quivering.
So, I switched off the lights, put on some classical music (to calm myself down!), and just waited next to the bed.
Within literally two minutes, he was out looking around. I did not touch him or look at him,
just left him to explore on his own.
He finally ate, and even used the litter tray first time.

Very proud of my little man!

However, I got NOOOOO sleep that night, maybe a broken hour or two.
He'd jump on the bed and nudge me awake, asking for a lot of cuddling and reassurance,
in between bouts of excessive yowling and wailing.

The next morning (Tuesday), he was a completely different cat.

At 6 am I was up, and he was sitting by the door talking to our resident kitten on the other side (who is 4 months old).
They were making all sorts of chirping noises.
When I was edging my way out of the room they saw each other through the gap, they were very excited and curious.
And I couldn't resist! So I let her creep in to meet him.
My partner was with Yuki, and myself with Moshi.

Now I'm not going to say it was love at first sight, he is a big boy, she is a small girl,
and she was all 'woah! that's crazy!' with her little puffy tail, and babyish surly voice.
But from the moment they met he was utterly smitten with her.

For the majority of Tuesday and Wednesday, he was subject to much of her kittenish wrath.
Especially at meal times!
All that pent-up play she'd missed without companionship, and uncertainty at the arrival of this big softie stranger.
He followed her everywhere, cooing and chirping, taking her bitter swipes all in his stride
and rolling over each time, like a little furry gentleman.
When she was asleep, he'd creep up silently and lay around her, and she'd wake up an hour later,
facing this big tabby cushion.

We kept them apart at night (obviously), so they could get a full night's sleep (I know how it feels to be crabby in the mornings).
One of them slept with one of us in the lounge, the other in the bedroom. This alternated.

Thursday was perfect.
She was waiting by the bedroom door to be let out for breakfast, he'd been waiting patiently outside the door for her for ages (apparently).
They played and chased each other for a good few hours, and they'd eat together without a problem.
She's a little madam, and plays quite rough with him! She's quite an aggressive kitten, and he lets her get away with
all the tail nibbles and bunny-hop pouncings. But I trust she will calm as she ages.

Now it's Friday
We haven't got to the 'cuddling and grooming stage, but last night we all slept in the same room, and they played for an hour or so
before sleeping. In the morning he gave her a good head-bump, and her first kiss.

Just wanted to let you know.. sometimes waiting a week or more isn't really necessary, it just depends on your circumstances.
I've been through so many intro's without the help of the internet, and I just drove myself (and my partner) completely crazy with all
these stories of bloodied claws and screaming voices making me petrified to even 'own' two again, let alone introduce them!

Maybe I really am just lucky.
Or crazy.
Or both.
More updates to come!


'Second breakfast' (can't help but say this in Hobbit voice).

Stretchy time.

Not enough lap space for two.

Sleeping. (My butt is not that big, honest! It's the camera angle!

Inviting her to play.

Little Madam, beating up her older brother, with a nice shot of their 'bad kitty!' bottle.
Sorry for the bum view.

Quality window time.

« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 11:34:33 AM by ReeBz »

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Offline sheilarose

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2013, 13:04:03 PM »
Having brought two entire Toms into my family I can add some pointers, and re-affirm what some other responders have advised.

At 9 months he's perfectly capable of fathering offspring so his need to roam will be high on his agenda. This may make him highly strung and pretty desperate to be out searching for mates. His territorial instincts will be on full alert so he is likely to be super-sensitive towards any other cat, or even unfamiliar humans. His need to identify his new surroundings, also due to his raging teenage hormones, will make scent marking imperitive for him so cheek rubbing, vertical scratching and urine scenting will all be happening as each of theses action leaves a little bit of "him" behind, so stamping his ownership on his surroundings. He's also likely to pee on things left on the floor - piles of clothing, bags, shoes etc will be favourite targets as these usually have their own strong scents that he'll want to mask with his own.

So my advice is to get him neutered straight away, then these symptoms should die off over the coming weeks and months. Meanwhile your girl will sense a full Tom in the house which will make her either panicky or stimulated. Any encounter between them is likely to be highly charged so is to be avoided untilhis hormones have had chance to subside and his Entire Tom scent is less threatening for her.

The operation for male cats is really simple and he won't realise anything has changed when he wakes up, so it's not an issue to get this done whilst he's still being introduced to your home. Best to keep him confined to one room whilst he still has the full Tom feromones in his urine. Clean any spray marks with diluted non-bio laundry fluid or use Xeria RX66 spray if it soaks through to the boards.

Take it slow, two - three weeks is my usual separation target - but even afetr this if their first meeting goes badly, start over again with seperate rooms. Make sure your girl gets lots of reassurance and if there is trouble, always remove the newcomer from the situation, not the resident cat or this sends mixed messages to her.

Some cats will integrate easily, but a tom who has been left 9 months before neutering is likely to be headstrong already, so be prepared to take extra time for everyone's sake.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2013, 18:50:05 PM »
I am pleased the intros will be slow, its the difference of having one cat and then two.

Hope it all goes well  :hug: :hug:

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2013, 16:44:19 PM »
Good luck! It will all be worth it in the end.

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2013, 16:38:22 PM »
Thaaaanks for all your good advice!

It's day one of the new kitty being at home, and he's in the bedroom with all his food, litter and a bed.
My current kitty will be separated from him for as long as necessary, she's been asking for reassurance since she noticed his smell.
Intro's will be slow! He's very fearful of this new place, unlike our first kitten, who was happy to run around and play the second
we uncrated her. He's wedged himself behind my desk, so I've just put some fresh tuna down and will leave him to it for an hour or so.
The vet gave him the all clear, so it will just take some time until he's settled in.

Please keep fingers crossed for me, I'm going to need it.  :scared:

« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 16:39:47 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2013, 17:06:20 PM »
Further to HK good advice, you also need to remember that after neutering it takes weeks for the male hormones to die down.

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2013, 16:50:44 PM »
Please take the introductions slowly, you'll be glad that you did. I once 'instantly introduced' a kitten to a cat who'd been an only cat for sometime, and they never got on. The older cat felt deeply betrayed and hated the kitten who constantly pestered her to play. The older cat went missing, and her body was found by some new neighbours; behind a shed. There was only skeleton, but enough fur for me to know her.

Don't risk it. You've nothing to lose by taking things slowly.

Also, for the sake of the younger cat, wait until he's had his jabs and they've become effective. Your mau could infect him.

At 9 months, he's sexually mature: get him neutered ASAP. I understand that your mau can't conceive, but entire toms can be aggressive, which may make the introduction harder. He will try to mount her, which she won't want, causing problems with introducing them! And he'll start spraying; once he has favourite spraying places, he'll keep spraying there after being neutered. My advice, neuter him in the first day or two, long before they meet.
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Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2013, 15:02:22 PM »
Yes, I've only ever introduced one cat and it was a very big mistake. I had to live with it for 6 years and it wasn't fun to see them fighting everyday and unhappy. One of my cats spent most of her life living next door until my parent were able to take her on. So I think as Gill says you have either been very lucky or I was very unlucky. I've since found out it's not a good idea to introduce two females.

One of them had had turned in back feet and she was a small cat apparently she'd lived in a home with too many cats and I think she had been undernourished when a kitten but she coped pretty well. She was clumsy and sometimes fell off fences etc which I've never seen of my other cats do. Her legs got worse as she got older but she lived to 19.   

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2013, 14:45:53 PM »
Reference problem introductions, yes you have been very lucky!

Offline ReeBz

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2013, 14:27:45 PM »
Thanks for all replies!
Tomorrow is the big day, I'm nervous but excited hehe.

Ok phewwwwwwww takin breathe

Who are you adopting from
Will they take him back if he has a problem
He sounds quite small for his age as I didnt think the maus were that big.

Make sure you know what food and litter he has been using.

Being on the corsious sp? side I would not let them meet so quickly.


Some of this I don't really need advice on, but thanks for it anyway.
Adopting from a friend who's acquired rescue cats.
I wouldn't give him back if there was a problem, the house he lives in is a mess.
He's quite small, but not tiny, Mau's aren't big, but he is only 9 months old, and still a wee babe.
He's only being fed supermarket brand cat biscuit, but I don't buy that.. because it's all filler and no nutrients.
I will be taking his diet very carefully, and he will be on a good biscuit while I introduce kitten food,
and eventually supplementing with raw food too.

Cats can adapt to using a different cat litter instantly, if you introduce them to a clean tray, and reward them for
showing interest in it. There is no need to buy exactly the same litter, as long as they feel comfortable.

I had a similar thing when I wanted to get a bengal kitten to join my two rescue boys who are calici carriers - as the vet said, whats to say the bengal doesn't already have something!  if he has something wrong with his feet its probably not catching - sounds like where he is now is less than ideal so I'd probably do just the same as you are planning (although perhaps keep them apart a bit longer, neutering does take it out of them and he will have had a lot to deal with at once)

@Dawn F

Thanks for the advice.
The neutering's been postponed until the end of the week, after he's had time to settle in,
so he's just going to have his M.O.T on Monday and a nail trim (for any possible scrapping
that might, but probably wont, occur).
So I will be on 'spray watch' for the week, with my trusty water bottle. :P

I'm not worried about him hurting her, more so her hurting him.
My girly is already spayed, so no worries there.

He sounds lovely. If he has the feline equivalent of 'pigeon toes' he'll adapt to this; look at all the three legged felines who bound around: no one told them they couldn't!

As has already been said, I'd keep them apart for longer; remember that the mackerel tabby is encroaching on you existing cat's territory. Put the mack tab in a room so that your existing cat slowly becomes used to the idea that there's another cat in the house. After a week or so, allow your mau to visit the mack tab (with you watching closely - if there's a fight, comfort the mau as he's the one feeling you've betrayed him). If this goes well, let the mack tab into the rest of the house.

When you take the new cat to be neutered, have his jabs done at the same time. This will save the stress of several visits; maybe have him chipped at the same time.

Have fun with your new feline.  :Luv:


Pigeon toed, Interesting!
I'll certainly ask the vet about it, there are mixed reactions as to whether it causes anything serious in long term or not.

The Mau is a girl, just in case you missed it in my post.
A few people have said to keep them apart for longer, but to be honest with you, out of all the places we've lived and kitties (rescues and strays) we've owned in my family, or myself, we've never introduced them over such a long period of time. Strays and adoptees just become part of the family the moment they arrived, with some hissing and mumbling, but no aggression.
That's why I was surprised by all this, I've actually never seen cats fight in my life, except on Youtube.
Maybe I've been lucky? Who knows!

So when I read about the 'secluded room for a week', 'can't be left alone', 'feeding either side of the door' info, I was a quite hysterical..
thinking that if I didn't do this, they were going to kill each other, tear my house apart, run away, or.. anything.

This is all rather new to me.

I'm getting him neutered later in the week after he's settled, and I'll get him microchipped too, and insured.
The following month I'll do his vaccinations, I think.

I'll let you know what happens! :P
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 14:38:06 PM by ReeBz »

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Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2013, 18:45:05 PM »
He sounds lovely. If he has the feline equivalent of 'pigeon toes' he'll adapt to this; look at all the three legged felines who bound around: no one told them they couldn't!

As has already been said, I'd keep them apart for longer; remember that the mackerel tabby is encroaching on you existing cat's territory. Put the mack tab in a room so that your existing cat slowly becomes used to the idea that there's another cat in the house. After a week or so, allow your mau to visit the mack tab (with you watching closely - if there's a fight, comfort the mau as he's the one feeling you've betrayed him). If this goes well, let the mack tab into the rest of the house.

When you take the new cat to be neutered, have his jabs done at the same time. This will save the stress of several visits; maybe have him chipped at the same time.

Have fun with your new feline.  :Luv:
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2013, 08:29:43 AM »
I had a similar thing when I wanted to get a bengal kitten to join my two rescue boys who are calici carriers - as the vet said, whats to say the bengal doesn't already have something!  if he has something wrong with his feet its probably not catching - sounds like where he is now is less than ideal so I'd probably do just the same as you are planning (although perhaps keep them apart a bit longer, neutering does take it out of them and he will have had a lot to deal with at once)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2013, 22:06:42 PM »
Ok phewwwwwwww takin breathe

Who are you adopting from
Will they take him back if he has a problem
He sounds quite small for his age as I didnt think the maus were that big.

Make sure you know what food and litter he has been using.

Being on the corsious sp? side I would not let them meet so quickly.

If you decide to go down your planned route, ask the vet if they use Ketamin when doing the op, cos this makes them totally hyper and whether the op can be done without it ,using what ever they used before bringing ketamin into the equation.

I am sure that there are so many options but in the end just use yout own good judgement  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline ReeBz

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Looking for some good advice.
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2013, 21:43:18 PM »
I need some good advice on this one, or maybe just someone to shake me vigorously and tell me to breathe.

So, yes, I'm adopting a 9 month old 'Mackerel Tabby' to keep my 4 month old Mau company,
now I visited him today, and although he's shy of strangers, he soon came over to receive petting
during my visit, and even played a little.
During my examination of him, I noticed that his back feet turn inward a little when he walks,
making it seem as though he's a kid walking in mummy's high heels, but he showed no discomfort or difficulty in walking.
I've never seen this in a cat, so I will get the vet to check it out when we visit.

Now... Depending on what the vet says... determines whether or not this is going to work.
He's had no inoculations, and he's not neutered, but I can pay for all of that no problem, however...
if he has long term illnesses, I will have to reconsider this all very carefully.

He's only slightly bigger than my 4 month old, and he seems very placid and laid back.
He showed no signs of aggression toward me whilst I petted him, or touched his face or food bowl,
and he even rolled onto his back for a relaxing belly rub, no claws or teeth at all.

I'm either just being very cautious, or very paranoid, about bringing him to meet my girl.

:::: Now here's the plan ::::
(Is this the right way to do this? This is the best I can do)

Pick him up Monday morning.
Take him straight to the vets to be health checked, and neutered.
Pick him up Monday afternoon, and bring him back to my home.
Keep my other cat in the bedroom, with my boyfriend, so that the boy can settle in to this new house
(and recover from his neutering in peace) overnight.
In the morning, I will swap their rooms, so that he can sniff about the bedroom, whilst she sniffs about the lounge.
In the afternoon, I will let them see each other, and see what happens.

Does this sound rational to you? Reasonable? Correct?
I have the whole week off to keep a permanent eye on them.
Any wise words appreciated!

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