Author Topic: Hi everyone  (Read 2536 times)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2013, 21:15:50 PM »
Hi ya Roz ...  :welcome: back  :hug:
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2013, 14:41:14 PM »

There are ads at the bottom of the pages Roz, is that what you mean?

Just helping interferring  :rofl: :rofl:

I dont do twitter and FB keeps changing and dont do that really anymore now.

JS is a real expert on FB and think you will probaly get some interest if you can create a page for your site...........dont ask me how though!

Oh I remember the nite of the exploding suit  :rofl: :rofl:

There are some great cats on here just ripe for napping................I am a follower not a leader you understand  :shify: :shify:

Offline den22

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2013, 02:28:53 AM »
Hi Roz and :welcome: back.
The Purrs 2013 Christmas Auction is now on!
All funds donated to Feral & Stray Foundation  - starts 17th November to 1st Dec 
Will you be a bidder, or donate something to auction - or both?!


Offline Roz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2013, 01:03:42 AM »
Hiya Tannikins,

Aww thanks for your kind words hun and for tweeting about us...  I've yet to join some of these social networking sites but I guess I'll have to get around to becoming more narcissistic and join one of the happy throngs one day....

Please forgive the delay in answering your posts but I've been away since I last 'purred' (see what I did there....a nod to twitter ha ha...and you were awol then..tut tut...probably busy working on your next disguise), but am back now with all the old enthusiasm for resurrecting the infamous catnapping gang ha ha.  Just point me in the direction of any of the little beauties you have your 'snatching'  eyes on and consider the job done...  The trusty old van is still in good working order (back doors now refitted after the old ones were hurled into the stratosphere when your suit exploded....legend has it that on a moonlit night, you might still catch a glimpse of a grinning tabby cat looking down at you as the light reflects on one of the orbiting back doors....(they were adorned with smiley cats).  Which reminds me... how are the old water works these days ha ha?).   And how is Mr Fabulous aka your wonderful hubs?  He must be very proud of the way his 'temporary measure' meant to last just long enough to benefit dear Ron at Ron's Lost Cats or until Cat Chat was up and running again, has panned out.  I think you both have done brilliantly.  I guess we have to include Sneakie in the accolade too (if we must...) :sneaky:

Are you still running sponsorship ads?  I thought I remembered seeing some of these when I last looked in which admittedly was a couple of years ago now.  If you are then I am interested in becoming a sponsor.  There are a couple of other things I would like to run past you too.

I will defo be around more from now on...  I hope all my old Purrs pals are all well and happy and that all their little babes are doing famously too.

(Tan: my website addy is:

Bless you hun.  Will write more later. 8)

Best wishes,

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

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Hi everyone
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2013, 23:07:59 PM »
Posted on twitter
@Tanpurrs: Secur a Cat cat proof fencing highly  recommended by Purrs cat community. Reliable friendly service just contact Roz 😀

Offline Tan

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Hi everyone
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2013, 22:54:21 PM »
By the way I have replaced the PVC cat suit that blew up all those years ago! Ha ha!
Must get the purrs catnapping team going again!

Offline Tan

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Hi everyone
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2013, 22:52:19 PM »
Yayyy hiya Roz hun :D
Wonderful to see ya back  :) loads of hugs being sent to ya furgang x

Sorry ya have had trouble with people copying ya system. It is the best system for cat proofing :)
What's the web addy? Good ya got one as we can now put that link in the securacat thread we have in the cat guide section and put a link in our links section :)
I will also tweet it :)
pm me, I am around and home tomorrow doing shop orders

Offline Roz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2013, 00:20:52 AM »
Hi again Gill,

Oh how sad to hear about Franta's last year....poor little poppet.  And Ducha too but 19 is a tremendous age for a Birman.  So Lupin is the subject of unrequited love is he....Sasa is obviously a steely hearted femme fatale who lives to bat these young upstarts aside with a weary groan of exasperation ha ha.

Do you think Sasa's behaviour was affected by the loss of Franta and Ducha?  Sometimes attachments are not always represented by what you see...or perhaps she was picking up on your grief.  Certainly the dynamics change when one of a group of cats dies or leaves the group.  Relationships can alter and cats who were hitherto friendly towards each other can suddenly become intolerant and hostile.  They're so hard to read...not at all like dogs who are an open book.  (What you see is what you get).

How did you come by Lupin?  Was he a rescue?  It's always good to have a blue-eyed cat in the house....sort of lifts ya spirits just by gazing at them.  He sounds like a real nuisance teenager to Misa and Sasa ha ha.  Do you let him out?

Has that 'prat' next door still got his dog that he keeps locked up in a kennel.  I seem to remember you telling me that the poor dog barked all day because it was bored and lonely.

I'm very pleased that you are back with the art class because I think you have a real talent.  How's the driving?  Do you still have the same car?  I'#ve forgotten what we used to call it.  I know it was red but my memory has failed me on this one.  Do you remember when you took your car out for a drive when it had snowed and got stuck? You hadn't been driving for very long at that time.  It gave us all a good chuckle.   Have you been affected by the snow this year...or worse, the floods.  I know South Wales was quite badly affected.  We had quite a bit here too.

Yes, I will try to look in regularly again.

Thank you to Greenlaner for your welcome too.  I don't think we have ever corresponded because I don't think you were a member when I last posted....but i'm sure we will ha ha.

Night all.

(Tan if you're around I would like to have a chat about advertising - thanks hun)

Best wishes,

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2013, 19:32:03 PM »
My goodness you have a good memory Roz  ;D

There are threads in Rainbow Bridge for both Franta and Ducha, the former thread is enormous because he was ill for a long time but then in hospital for about a month at the end for something different  :(

Ducha suddenly lost all his weight overnight and refused to eat and his kidneys had gone down  :(

Yes it was Angie who brought them to me and they were 13, Franta left me at 17 1/, I 2 and Ducha 3 days after his 19th birthday. They just werent with me long enough although they both were very good ages for Birmans and learnt alot about their breeding after I lost Franta cos they have a very famous cat in their pedigree and were related to another birman on Purrs.

I must send the Birman Cat Club a picture of Ducha for their website, just havent got round to it.

Sasa is a complicated lady and ran away in the latter half of 2011 ansd she stayed out in all the rain and bitter cold and only poppped back through the flap to eat during the early hours when she was sure I was not up!

She was seen regularily in the garden of a neighbour about 6 houses up and I finally trapped her in the house mid January last year, she was in a terrible mess and most of her white fur was orange coloured. I also thought that she had a problem with her mouth but getting anywhere close to her was not an option.

She didnt even want to go out. Misa used to ask to go out because the cat flap was blocked up cos of Lupin.

During last summer I allowed her to go out if she wanted cos she would come back with Misa and she definately didnt want to stay out. Still dont know why she decided to stay away and it started before I had Lupin when I had to put a barrier up in the hall etc etc.............sigh

However I think it was during the summer she suddenly started to squeak at me on the stairs and she allowed me to stroke her but only on her terms as it still is. But she now wants her own stroking time at the top of the stairs every day and I have to sit beside her and she purrs and prffts and rolls about and its just the greatest after all this time ;D

I havent done any painting since beginning of 2011 so just starting up again and today hit the pastels for the first time in about 3 yrs but cant find the bloomin pencils, so am hoping that when I find them LUPIN, I will be able to finish my Scottish Mountain cat that I did today.

I sold my first drawing in the Purrs auction last nov/dec and will get round to putting it in the gallery..........sigh

How do Misa and Sasa get on with Lupin hmmmmmmmmm. Lupin used to love Ducha and poor Ducha was not heavy enough to stop Lupin pinning him down and washing him and bitting his whiskers off grrrrrrrrrrrr. Ducha used to wop Lupin and sometimes it worked but usually I had to save him.

Misa is a huge 7.6kgs and wimpers and crys when Lupin trys to catch him, he half heartedly wops Lupin and occasionally I have to seperate haul Lupin off so Misa can hide!

Lupin is scared of Sasa who only has to give him a look and he runs away LOL, even worse if she squeaks at him.....its so funny cos he loves her, well he would if he could get close. He looks at her from a distance and tries to creep up on her but she knows and then will look at him and squeak and he turns and runs  :rofl: :rofl:

yes that prat still lives next door!

Well thats about it for now, hope to see you regularily.  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Greenlaner

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2013, 18:54:01 PM »
 :welcome: :welcome: :hug:

Offline Roz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2013, 17:50:12 PM »
Hiya Gill  :sneaky:  and thank you for your further update Liz - Your neighbour and her daughter sound wonderful...and I'm so pleased that there was a happy ending to the story of Boris and Baku.  And Miss Millie has obviously landed on her feet...bless.  I hope the injections keep her stable.  Gall-bladder problems are painful...I'm sure you will be pleased when you've had the op. Good luck hun..

Gilly: Thank you for the welcome and I'm sooo pleased to hear that you're keeping up with your art classes.  You must be very skilled by now because I recall those early paintings you did of the local coastline and I was very impressed!  (and I'm supposed to be a professional).

I'm so sorry to hear of the demise of dear Franta and Ducha.  I rather feared that those little darlings might have passed on by now because they were thirteen when you adopted them weren't they?  I remember so well your excitement prior to re-homing them...and the logistics involved in getting them to you.  It was Angie wasn't it who brought them to your home.  I loved those little guys.  But you gave them a great home and they were quite naughty sometimes weren't they....bless.  Ducha stole my heart because of his impairment.  They are in a better place now Gill and I'm sure your beloved Kochka was waiting for them when they arrived at the Rainbow Bridge. RIP Franta and DUcha.  I hope they died peacefully.

So pleased to hear that Madam Sasa has thawed out a bit ha ha.  Was it a gradual process or did she get up one day and decide that you were OK after all.  I've heard of instances where an edgy, unfussy cat can spontaneously relax after years of indifference, and become a complete fusspot. Almost like all the anxieties and mistrust that have kept them 'safe' for years are suddenly released in a single torrent.

How do the resident pair get on with the new kid on the block?  Lupin looks great  What a face!  Mischief written all over it ha ha.  You must be a bit of an expert with Birmies by now ha ha.  How did you come by Lupin? 

Hope you're feeling better now as well Gill.  How is Wales?  Have you settled now?  Do you still have that awful neighbour?

Will catch up later.

(Btw the cats managed to type a load of gobbledegook on this message first time round and somehow also managed to send it - so this is now the modified version....doh!! :doh:     

Best wishes,

Roz  :tired:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 18:44:07 PM by Roz »
You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2013, 17:15:05 PM »
 :welcome: back Roz  ;D ;D

I was up , well just but hunting for my pastel pencils for my art group which is on thursdays, could I find grrrrrrrrrrr

Just been looking for some art supplies and finally found them after some help from the art group.

Its just great to see you again and like has been said Purrs looks different but is just as fun as before  ;D

I have sadly lost both Franta Napoleon and his brother Ducha in the last two years and still breaks my heart but have a new norty norty bad birman aged about 2 1/2 yrs he is a seal point of pet quality and I couldnt get out of the house cos of him at lunch time.

He got in the spare room as I was try to get out and flew under a chair and hid, then when out of there he flew into the porch and lay in a ball on his side cos he knows I find it hard to pick him up........sigh

Oh he is called Lupin by the way LOL

A picture follows!

Forgot to say Misa and Sasa are doing well, Misa is huge and Sasa now lets me stroke her  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 17:19:13 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline Liz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2013, 15:35:24 PM »
Also forgot my forever foster Miss Millie Vanilli a rub-gby ball shaped tortie diabetic aged 15 and a half who has just got her first kitten injection and ID Chip :shocked:

My pet sitter is my neighbours daughter and she adores cats and looks after my lot for very reasonable rates and knows most of their names and even has learnt to inject Miss Millie diabetic so she can stay at home, this lady also has a full time job and a part time job and the Clan are her relaxation she spends an awful lot of time with them and plays to:) 

Her Mum looked after my soul surviving kitten from a feral Mum the Boris when I lost all his litter mates to fading kitten syndrome but he survived and is a spolit little horror!!!  His Mum Baku rejected the kittens and was so ill my vets gave 70/30 odds she wouldn't survive but she is now a happy healthy gorgeous silver tabby who is taming nicely

I am off to Baku on Valentines day for a week - OH is a Reliability manager and I am going back to work again once my Gall bladder has been removed, the Clans Daddy is home for 3 weeks in March, I have a full Visa so can go pretty much anytime but go offpeak so to speak so I have no problems with kennels and work round our wonderful sitter ;D
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Roz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 13:35:59 PM »
Hello Liz,

Lovely to hear from you too...  I've often thought about you and all the animals you have up there in Scotland...  Just when you thought another one couldn't turn up...along come another six!! ha ha

8+kg is a fine weight for a cat!  My Teddy used to be that weight once but I was admonished by my vet and told to slim him down...(the vet and his nurse had the bloomin' cheek to talk to soothing tones.... about his 'very bad mummy' as though I wasn't there!!  :innocent: ... Ha! they wouldn't have been so quick to judge if they had been privy to the race to wolf down his food (nanoseconds) in a desperate bid to plunge his beak into his nearest neighbour's trough!)  But he is a fine figure of a Teddy now...he's actually 'cosied' up to me as I type this...puddening and purring loudly  :)

What's your OH doing in Azerbaijan?  He working on an oil rig or summat? You would need to earn lots of dosh to look after as many animals as you have... 

Do you visit there (Azer..) in the summer or is your holiday home elsewhere?  Do you have a professional cat-sitter to look after your property or does a friend do it?

Really pleased to hear everything is still working well for you.
You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

Offline Liz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 12:44:32 PM »
Roz lovely to see you back, my family has had its ups and downs, its losses and joiners and we now have 2 Ragdolls Minmin our original and Casper who is a blue bi who weighs in at 8kgs, a rescue Physco bengal called Porsche who answers toBB which stands for Barmey Bengal, I have one of Lotties babies now as well Star he is a wopping 8.72kgs and came under sad circumstance but has now blossomed at the Clan, I also have a sunny Harbour baby Miss GG Skye who is now a hapy soul but was so mixed up when she first came and have added a few more ferals and a coupleof domestics and am now up to 3 Border Collies Sky, Sunny and Mistral

My Oh now lives in Baku Azerbaijan so I have a holiday home 8 weeks a year, a wonderful cat sitter who looks after the Clan catsbwhilst the dogs go to kennels where I get 3 for the price of 2 ;D

So welocme back from all of us here at the Clan ;D
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Roz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 11:58:55 AM »
Hi TM,

Thanks for the welcome back (home ha ha) and kind words.  Yes, I have been copied so many times now and the market for catproofing should be very strong but it isn't that huge in actual fact so when you are copied (it's not the first time that my designs have been copied which is why I mentioned the 'new' bracket being registered with the IP office) it dilutes the market even more.  The annoying thing is that one of the plagiarists ( Felisafe ) actually helped a mate install our system and then copied it!!!!  I know this because the guy he helped had bought our system via a colleague who had recommended us (he had bought our system years before) and it was this chap who rang me to tell me what had happened and how sorry he was that his recommendation had led to such an outcome. But it wasn't his fault... and sadly, the damage had already been done by the time I was informed.  He had already plastered our system ('his' system) all over the Internet and was taking most of the business.  There's a couple more on the block now....all copies but masquerading as their own design!!  Annoying really but that is why we took another look at our system and thought about making it even better.  But the only 'weakness' was the snow factor....and that would always be a problem with a mechanical system because snow lying on the overhang is the equivalent of having a ton of water on it and to build a system that would tolerate such stress would be too reinforced to be any good for catproofing!  The system has to be lightweight and the brackets have to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible.  But this new system allows you to collapse the overhang if snow is forecast or appears to be settling on the netting....and resurrecting it once the snow has cleared takes no more than fifteen minutes but keeps the system intact and pristine.

How are the boys?

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 11:32:46 AM »
 :welcome: back Roz

Good to see you back, Purrs has indeed changed dramatically from it's humble beginnings but it's still going as strong as ever. There's some old faces still around and lots of lovely new ones too - we seem to attract only the highest calibre crazy cat ladies (and men  :evillaugh:)

Best bet would be to drop Tan a PM as she has limited internet access at the moment so might not see this post. I was going to say the first thing you should do is sort a website out only to google it and find you now have one - looks fab  :wow: Interesting to see that the bracket design has changed, this sounds very handy for the snow as although I love the stuff I do get anxious when it settles on the netting and can often be seen patrolling with my 'basher' (a broom  :evillaugh: )

Offline Roz

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 11:25:41 AM »
Hiya Dawn

Yes, I remember too.  It's good to see so many of the old faces still here and of course my reminder for the free meals is still up there.  That's so good to note.  The bb has changed a little but is still easy to navigate. When I think back to how Purrs started it seems unbelievable that it would be such a force for good all these years later. 

I weaned myself away from the forum not because I didn't like it....on the contrary I loved the forum....but because I started to become too upset and depressed by some of the stories....However, I couldn't ignore them either.  Often I couldn't get on with my work because my mind was too involved with whichever of our little babes was so sick...

But we had lots of laughs too didn't we....   

I hope all your little charges are doing well.  I have ten now.... (still have Jade, my Raggie (and the only one who is not a rescue).  She's gonna be 17 in April but is still a beauty.

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2013, 11:06:06 AM »
of course I remember you, you were the first person to answer my first post about my baby bengal Tilly - although that was a long time ago! nice to see you around  still a little early for Gill yes!

Offline Roz

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Hi everyone
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 11:00:08 AM »
Don't know whether you remember me.....It's Roz from Secur-a-cat!

Just checking in to say hello to you all after such a long time away.  Doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about you all ....  have just had lots of worries and usual life stuff.

Tan, if you're about I'd like to discuss possibility of advertising on Purrs (if you still do that sort of thing)  Hardly recongnised the's changed.

I hope everyone is well and that all your little babes are in good health too.

I s'pose it's too early for Gillikins to be up and about??  :evillaugh:
You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)


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