Author Topic: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!  (Read 3418 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2013, 06:43:00 AM »
Purrlishious, you really need to see your gp for a blood count. The nose bleeds are suggestive of low blood platelets, which are indicative of many conditions. Some of the symptoms may actually be side effects of meds you're taking (for example, I have med-induced neutropenia which requires monitoring). Also, if you DO have any blood parasites, these will show up and can be treated.

The main 'parasite' transimitted by mammals is toxiplasmosis. I believe that there is a cure for this, but most medics believe that it's a transitory illness leaving life-long immunity. It's only really dangerous if you catch it during the first months of pregnancy.

There are many causes of hypothyroidism which is why most people suspected of having the problem are given auto-immunity tests, as I was.

Addison's disease is a bummer! Are you taking steroids for this? If so, no wonder you're feeling ill. It has nothing to do with your cats. Keep the cats and change your complementary therapist.
Cats were once gods; they have never forgotten this, nor have the people they own.

Offline tab

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2013, 20:42:25 PM »
OK I so dont want to be a party pooper BUT if youve been prescribed something you should never offer it someone else. You dont know the history of that person or any allergies or anything.
I know sometime we as patients need to ask docs why we're not being prescribed something others are and most times its because they hadnt thought of it and its too expensive rather than drug interaction but some times its for our safety.

By that I mean I have various meds to take and took night nurse capsules and slept really well for the first time in years. Went to chemist to get more only to be told I couldnt take them with my meds as they would kill me. Admitted I had and was told I was really lucky to wake up

Swapping prescribed meds can be a whole lot of trouble

Offline LouiseJ

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2013, 16:33:05 PM »
Definitely check it out. I might still have some here - if I do and it is in date and you want to try it you're welcome to it as doctors are reluctant to prescribe it.
I was on 400mcg of levothyroxine at one point and it made little difference, Armour helped (its natural decessicated thyroxine and not really great for anyone who is a vegetarian or Jewish) but I now take 100-125mcg of T3 which is synthetic.

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2013, 13:04:46 PM »
Am on 125 levothyroxine Louise. Not heard of Amour. Will check that out, thanks.

Beginning to think we would make better doctors!

Offline LouiseJ

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2013, 12:16:15 PM »
Purishious are you on standard T4 - levothyroxine? It doesn't work for everyone and a lot of people feel much better on Armour or just T3. 

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2013, 23:18:52 PM »
Ditto HK & Louise
Could have written both posts myself as so familiar. I understand your fear Louise & so sorry you experienced that.
HK I agree the spiritual outweighs the negative & that you responded well to the SSRI.
10yrs ago I had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism but repeated tests showed normal range. I was being passed from one specialist to another then when all that was exhausted on came the psycho team to say I was deeply depressed & had to retrain my brain to tell it I didn't have pain or fatigue! This would be enough to make anyone more depressed & suicidal. Who would wish to bring on such trauma to find themselves labelled a hypochondriac by the medical teams, friends & even family?

Practically giving up I went to see a private ME specialist who ran more intensive thyroid tests which proved with much relief 'abnormal', O joy! Never so please to see abnormal! It also showed I had adrenal deficiency (addisons disease).
A letter was sent to my GP with results & confirmation I was hypothyroid & have been on thyroxine since. Recently I had another routine test done for thyroid & showed I needed to increase thyroxine.
If I HAD NOT gone private years ago I wonder how bad I would have got till routine tests showed deficient. DEAD!

At times I've not been able to feed myself or get a drink to my mouth yet trying to justify that to the medical profession beggars belief.

I have been on Amitriptyline all this time & Citalopram but reduced Cit over weekly basis so Dr could try another as thought ineffective after several years use.

This week has been the week from hell without & boy do I know it! Cry cry painfully cry! Everything made me cry! I'm scared! Another infection of ear nose throat chest etc with flooding nose bleeds hasn't helped. Black mood week.

Fluoxetine yeeeeees!

If the cats were not here the doom & despondency would manifest in many ways. Love you pussies!
Thanks for all your replies

PS Has anyone seen the American Programme on animal planet 'Monsters Inside Me'

Offline LouiseJ

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2013, 08:43:02 AM »
Sorry to bang on but can I just add that if you do have tests it's really important to get the full range done not just TSH and T4. You need to have the antibody test - Thyroid peroxidaise - as its really really common to have the standard tests come back "normal" but have a high antibody count which is a sign of Hashimoto's disease which is auto immune hypothyroidism. If that turns out to be the case then you will experience a low immune system.
When I was diagnosed after years of being told by the doctors I was stressed, subconsciously depressed, imaging it, lying about my diet / exercise the doctor told me that my antibody count was so high I could have gone into a coma at any time. So much for the standard tests but its why I do bang on about it as it scared the life out of me and I would hate for anyone else to be in that position.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2013, 08:37:52 AM »

Beautifully and sensibly put, Hippykitty.  :hug:

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2013, 08:21:32 AM »
Before getting on to the cat issue, Purrlishious, could I suggest that you have a couple of blood tests done by your gp? You've probably had them done already. One would be to check your thyroid function, the other your complete blood count. Some of your symptoms suggest that you may have a blood-related condition, or maybe be hypothyroid.

The cats. Keep them. There have been studies which have shown that prisoners or hospital patients fare better if they have a companion animal. I know from my own experience, that they can save lives.

In around 2005, I had severe depression. Because I'm epileptic and most anti-depresant drugs are counter-indicated by epilepsy, I had to wait almost a year before being treated - my gp wanted me to see a neuro-psychiatrist - during this time the only reason I was able to fight the desire to committ suicide was the love of my cats: Polly and Samantha (now over the bridge). Each time I had a paper scalpel in my hand one of them would come to me, purr in my face, and I just couldn't leave them to an uncertain future. Time again they would stop me on the brink. Luckily, the depression responded to the SSRI anti-depresant I was eventually prescribed.

Whatever minor physical complaints, such as the occasional flea-nip in summer, that we get from our cats, the spiritual benefit far outweighs. Humans have lived closely with cats for many centuries and they haven't wiped us out yet.

If you got rid of your cats, you'd most likely still be ill. Plus you'd be emotionally low, which would weaken your immune system. Cats are good for health, cuddle them and be glad.
Cats were once gods; they have never forgotten this, nor have the people they own.

Offline LouiseJ

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2013, 17:53:26 PM »
Being of the cynical old bag persuasion I think you are incredibly nice to be thinking that charitably of her.  :hug:
If you are on Facebook may I suggest you take a peek at Thyroid Sexy? It's a group started by an American celebrity called Gena Lee Nolin (Baywatch ?) who has a thyroid condition as there are some posts on there which link Fibro, CFS and an under active thyroid condition which has yet to be diagnosed / treated. There's more awareness in the US so there tends to be more info out there.

Hope the info is of use.

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2013, 11:26:52 AM »
Can't believe this... the therapist who said she couldn't/wouldn't treat me because of the cats has rung & given me details of herbal medication that I can buy from her supplier direct, instead of her!
Can't decide whether that's positive or negative that she wouldn't be responsible for patient treatment if I were under her. Positive I think as she was kind enough to ring me!

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2013, 11:15:53 AM »
Wow Liz I can only imagine how lovely the painting is. A treasure to keep.

Tab sounds like you doing a really good job on patient management. Well done. The acupuncture needles are not like having normal injections. But I can say that because I'm not scared of them. I even twiddle them to make it stronger! Nice!

Offline Liz

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2013, 22:44:40 PM »
The Physio dept do it in Scotland as a lot of them have found that it works well with Physio and can really help long term chronic pain, I know my cousin who is a renowned artist has such severe arthritus she couldn't hold a paintbrush and she has been having accupuncture for years and is painting again - I have the most stunning painting of cats she gave me for my borthday last year and we have had to add it to the house insurance having looked at her other work :-[
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2013, 20:48:29 PM »
Im one of those people who the thought of acupuncture is enough to scare me. I do however volunteer as a tutor on the expert patient program which is all about slef management of long term conditions and that helps me so much

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2013, 19:39:43 PM »
Did you ask to be referred to the nearest Pain Clinic Jack? Some areas have funding for some treatments some don't, it doesn't seem fair.

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2013, 12:49:22 PM »
How sad. :( I have a number of health issues too and noone has ever suggested that. I think my doctors can see how it is mostly beneficial for me to have animals share my home, even with the potential "bacteria" risks. (There's risks of that nature everywhere, surely?)

I went to see if I could get acupuncture last year, only to be told the Government had deemed it an unnecessary NHS cost and cancelled any funding for it at all.

So sorry they said that. :hug: :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Liz

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2013, 12:13:25 PM »
Our NHS Physio ius self referral and I have to have a month break before I can go back for more, the Physio I have was just qualified and looking for victims to practice on and I volunteered so he is a bit more flexible thatn the diehards
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2013, 11:56:28 AM »
Yes Liz I've had good results with acupuncture. I've had this done @ the Pain Clinic several courses too. The last lot I had was every week for 13 weeks. About the 4th I started to feel different & wasn't thinking about pain all the time. I could sit without the 'ouch' moan & get in & out the car much easier etc.
Unfortunately, on my last review @ the pain clinic there wasn't any funding for further acupuncture but funding for trigger point injections (anaesthetic) though specialist says costs the same! Strange that though, as a few weeks ago there was no funding for trigger injections!
Have also had lignacane infusion which is anaesthetic by drip over a 2 hour period. Helped for a while... I actually LIKE having injections @ the dentist as it's face ache relief...mad or what?
Going private is out of my financial reach as I have to pay £25 every 2 weeks for osteopath & then all my herbals meds. One thing that works for me is a combination of Nelsons homoeopathic Clipit pilues from Boots or health stores Arnica ~ Arconite ~ Roux Tox & Belladona. Helps if you are so sore all over & even the bed feels hard. Everyone is different so may not work the same.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2013, 11:09:22 AM »
I so agree with you Louise about looking normal.

Just slightly off topic and hope you dont mind.............I think having a pet is so good for people and know when I was taken ill Kocka kept me going cos I loved her so much that I would crawl to feed her and it makes me so sad to hear of older people having to give up their pets when they go into sheltered accomadation or a home.

I reckon this is just a death sentence for them  :(

Offline LouiseJ

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2013, 10:05:15 AM »
I like the letter to normals. People seem to assume that because you look ok you are ok. Being positive is ingrained in most people I like to think but when you have to face the daily grind day after day after day it can wear you down. It's Thyroid Awareness month and I've been sharing some of the posts on Facebook and I think some of my friends / family have been genuinely surprised by what you go through when you have this kind of illness.
CFS and fibromyalgia are worse in this respect as in terms of cause / diagnosis they are more intangible but this doesn't mean to say they are any less real / debilitating.
I genuinely believe that having Chelsea to look after got me through the worst period of my life, pre diagnosis when I didn't understand what was happening to me, when I'd find myself in tears for no apparent reason and when I wasn't bothered if I woke up the next day or not so I think that anyone who suggests that pets are given up needs a re-think.
Sorry if this comes over a bit ott but it does annoy me when people suggest giving up pets as they can be a vital lifeline. 

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2013, 09:40:57 AM »
Wow, We've never been told to get rid of animals by any of our children's consultants or therapists.  The most they said was when Iona finally came home from hospital that we had to keep the cats away from her Hickman line (intravenous line going to her heart) due to hygiene reasons and the fact if the cats chewed it it would let air straight in to her heart which would have had extremely serious/fatal results.

The cats are so fantastic for destressing and cheering me up and Findlay absolutely adores them  :Luv2:
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Offline Liz

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2013, 01:10:16 AM »
Have either of you tried accupuncture for pain control I finally went 18 months ago after a serious car accident left me in so much pain that not much gave me relief but 10 sessions and I was walking again and finally made it back to my high boots they said I would never walk in again

I find the winter the hardest so have weekly seesions at our NHS Physio and they keep me off really strong tablets and it does work and I hate needles

I have my wonderful Clan cats and my doggies Sky, Sunny and Mistral and they are the best therapy ;D
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2013, 22:31:29 PM »
Tab, you have not offended me at all. I understand fully what you mean about the positive 'stuff'. It's easier than it sounds!

I have had years of all the routes into alternative health & practised myself in spiritual, self awareness, metaphysical development & healing of the mind & body & spirit.
But... when your body is very vulnerable day after day with all compounding pain & illness's no amount of 'positiveness' works no matter how much you wish it to be.

If someone said turn round 10 times & walk backwards in mud you would do it in hope there would be a better & more fulfilling life than there is now. We try hard & need to be believed!

Have you read A Letter To Normals?

There are variations to this letter available.

I believe that my cats found me when at my lowest point & they brought back feelings of joy that had been diminished for so long. How could we give up the strong bond & attachment that heals our lives?

Long Rule CATS

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2013, 21:49:41 PM »
No offence taken here hon and sorry if it came across like that as it certainly wasn't supposed to be   :hug: :hug:

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2013, 21:01:11 PM »
Im sorry if I offended you it wasnt meant as I believe in the alternative world.

I get annoyed at the oh you are sick you must have done something to deserve it, the oh dear you're ill well if you look in the mirror and say positive stuff you will get better.

I really dont get the if youre ill you did something to earn that especially for a child.

Positive affirmations cant help remind someone with a long term condition how much they have to share.

Im hyper mobile and when sent to a rhuemy the reaction was your hyper mobile so you will be in pain. Its something Ive known for many years after my gym instructors saying your elbows shouldnt do that. Mention it to doc who said who told you that
Thats the same doc who wont refer me for fibro stuff as it 'overlaps'
Life is annoying but overall with my cat Im not sure I would be here as I reached the point of if I didnt have to feed a cat I didnt want to wake up

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2013, 18:41:38 PM »
I can't help as regards health problems but. . i do know,as do you,that cats relieve our stress.Good luck in finding some relief.x

Offline LouiseJ

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2013, 18:10:28 PM »
Firstly I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well and that your symptoms are worse.
I've got the utmost respect for complementary therapy as without it I may not be here today so can also understand the frustrations of trying to deal with the NHS - I'm hypothyroid with scoliosis and hypermobile joints and before my thyroid problem was diagnosed I was told I had all sorts  (hernia, acid reflux, rheumatoid arthritis, vivid imagination) and have also been tested for CFS and Fibromyalgia.
I do think though that there are some therapists who have the most crackpot theories and I wouldn't take too much notice of what you have been told as the reaction seems a little unprofessional.
There is a Dr I used to go to in Birmingham who also treats CFS who is great and one based in Crawley (although he does travel around the country) who I see now who was a GP and who resigned from the BMA to practice as a complementary therapist. I would recommend them but they are private and you will have to pay for tests.
I use something called Cherry Active to help me with pain. It's a thick, fairly tart, cordial which I mix with lemonade or fizzy water which has anti inflammatory properties.
If you want more info on any of this please let me know as I'm only too happy to share.

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2013, 14:11:12 PM »
I too have a lot of respect for complimentary health people. My Mum was an osteopath and I went to Marcus Webb for years. Most of what is said is good but there are some who arent which is why I asked.

Im sorry your symptons are getting worse. I hope you can find a treatment that helps

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2013, 12:43:11 PM »
So do I Sue  :Luv2:

I will research that therapy. Thanks X

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2013, 12:11:11 PM »

I have considerable respect for certain complementary therapies but there are some very extreme views held by practitioers, not all of which I agree with.

If you have indications of parasitic infestation I would look to have that confirmed by an allopatheic practitioner also, before acting on potential treatment, and I really don't think the cats are necessarily the culprit here. 

Am so sorry your health problems have become aggravated over time, but I suspect your cats are doing more good for you than harm.   :hug: :hug:

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2013, 22:47:05 PM »
Js has simliar probs and know she wouldnt get rid of cats or other animals.

Offline Purrlishious

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 22:41:30 PM »
Tab, I have had Fybromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue too for 15yrs now. I'm not allergic but my conditions are getting worse with added complications. I practised in complementary health & healing before coming so ill so I do follow certain ethics. I know I have parasite overload due to tests & visual observations. (Not nice) I think they are in my head now as having continuous sinus infections, neuralgia, inner ear outer ear infections with perforation & terrible flooding nosebleeds. Think they are in my lungs too as constant cough. (None smoker) After seeing several specialists as we do they couldn't see sinus inflammation yet showing all symptoms. Going to a Bioresonance Practitioner MBSBM confirmed parasitic toxins so have been taking Paragon drops.
I like the EFT especially the tapping on the heart area as it eases stress.

My cats have been therapy for me too as when ill I can go for days without seeing or speaking to anyone. They take the edge of 'thinking all the time' & dwelling.

Know the feeling of sleep disturbance. I believe that no matter how much you remove electric items if you have a problem with the central nervous system & in pain then you don't have natural restorative rest whatever, so then, more pain more fatigue. Can be viscous circle.

Hope you have a reasonable night tonight. X

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 22:20:04 PM »
That just seems madness to me, haven't there been studies that prove having companion animals lowers blood pressure, stress levels etc - not to mention the happiness they bring. I would have said exactly the same as you!

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Re: Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 21:40:47 PM »
I was told by my nhs consultant to get rid of my cats as they were a cause of stress. I refused and now years later I think that having cats or a cat is the only thing thats kept me sane.
OK at the time Amber moved in and Mogs wasnt too happy but Mogs was so lovely she hit me not Amber and for many years things were good.
I think if Im honest it depends on your health condition. If you have severe cat allergy then yeah maybe cats arent the best pet but if you have something like I do (ME/CFS and other stuff) then having cats isnt a problem in fact it can help so much in reducing stress and blood presure.

Can I ask what your complimentary health person is qualified in and is treating? I understand if you dont want to share but over the years Ive had various complimentary health people say things to me. Some are sensible like eat a varied diet, meditate and eft others not so much like Sleep lying on your right and remove all electrical items from the room and thats a cure for ME *scratches head* nah its not I spend half the night getting up to see if its morning or not as I cant tell if Ive been asleep 5 minutes or 10 hours lol

I thinnk you have to rely on your own judgement

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Told to get rid of cats due to chronic ill health! Noooooooo!
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 21:32:13 PM »
I have to tell someone... My complementary therapist told me to get rid of my cats as they harbour so many parasites that I could be ingesting which in turn could be effecting my chronic ill health.
Was told not to let them outside, on the bed, on the sofa, don't pet, don't groom, don't let them near food, don't touch litter trays & worm regularly (which I do by veterinary treatment) etc:

Mmmm I thought.... No blumming way...... My cats are my life & come number 1 to be spoilt & treasured.

I understand entirely what she was saying as done research myself but I had to tell her there was no way I could do that. She said then she couldn't treat me! So I said "Goodbye"

Has anyone else come up against this about health issues.


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