Author Topic: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..  (Read 11283 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2013, 06:55:14 AM »

Ooooo Aunty Helen - shame on you!    :-[ :P  Ma boy's not like that at all.  He's just got to have more room for his gorgeousness to inhabit.  :wow: ;)

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2013, 19:25:13 PM »
7kgs of Misa plus fur couldnt get through  :-[

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2013, 18:43:17 PM »
I thought I posted the SureFlap code in this thread but just realised I put it on the a-team by accident as you mentioned sureflap in there too  :doh:

Here it is for anyone else in the market for a sureflap...

Got an email from Zooplus today and thought of you (Sue)... Sureflap is £59.92 delivered if you use the code. Not sure how much you're shelling out on replacement flaps plus p&p but the sureflap might even save you money at the rate you're going through them  :evillaugh: Not one to teach people how to suck eggs but if you go to the Zooplus site via the link at the bottom of the page the Purrs Buster fund gets 5% of your oder value donated to it by Zooplus  ;D

Just type in the coupon code WINTER-20 at the checkout and click 'redeem' to receive a 20% discount on all the dog, cat, small pet, bird and aqua accessories in your basket. But hurry, offer ends 11pm 10.01.2013!  Minimum order £5.00.

Oh, and your OH has been posting pics of Ross on the interweb - a bit unkind if you ask me  :-[

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2013, 16:04:01 PM »
 ;D  You little love.   :hug:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2013, 15:54:42 PM »
Chubby had no problem getting though the small flap when he was at his biggest, around 6.4 kgs, but any bigger would struggle I think. I'd certainly start with the smaller one, and if Ross gets to the size he can't physically get through it, you'd need to carve out a bigger hole and buy the bigger version.
I'd buy your used one off you as a spare if you decided it wasn't right for you, I'd been toying with the idea anyway.  ;)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2013, 15:44:15 PM »

Thansk Sheila - that's really good stuff to know, and has set some of my concerns to rest.  ;D

I dont like the idea of a mains operated flap - no power point near the door itself, and like you, we have a history of power cuts which would make me uneasy, whereas I always have a stash of Duracel batteries in the house.

yes, Dickie has a chip, bless him, and I knwo we can have his chip programmed just the same way as Ross's (for as long as we need to...., although his Dad has come over to collect him last night, so maybe finally the message is getting across to him that he shouldnt leave Dickie out all night?)

Do you think, given Ross's generous proportions, it would be as well to buy the Pet Flap size as opposed to  the cat flap model?  I gather it's rather larger but OH is upset at the thought of more DIY to the door.....  :evillaugh:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2013, 14:35:09 PM »
Sue, the only one of mine who can't use the sureflap is Tuffers. There are two reasons why he doesn't like it :

1. Sylvester has prime spot just inside the doorway (unfortunately by the fridge where he camps out most days) and only admits his Friends, of which Tuffs is not one. This involves either barricading the flap itself with his paw or his fat bum, or just scowling through the door.  >:(

2. There is a rather loud "click" on my two year old model which Tufty has always been freaked out by. I feel if he'd got his head round the click before Sly took to ambushing him, he'd be able to get past Sly too. But as he's not food or treat oriented (really!) we've no way of convincing him that catflap is a good thing so although he can use it to exit no bother, getting back in is still not possible for him. Hence the "Tuffs still on the windowsill, let him in!" photos :doh:

I have two "tappers" who've both mastered the Sureflap - Sam and Polly. Both will sit there and tap for a few minutes till they realise I'm not coming to open it for them, then just nose their way through no bother. Both are food oriented so it was easier to convince them to stick their heads in the tunnel with a bit of chikkun.  :drool;

There's is a training mode which disables the locking mechanism while they get the hang of pushing the flap with their nose. It won't stop Burglar Cat BC from breaking in while its in training mode so you'll need to have an intensive chikkun session with them both before setting it to "Unwelcome" all non-scanned intruders.  :shify:

There is also a new softer "click" locking device on the more up to date model, I've ordered an upgrade - should be here any day now. I'll let you know how much softer it is.   ;D

I honestly wouldn't think about going back to an ordinary flap now,  :Nooooo: we had so much trouble with intruders in the past.
Big strong strays shouldering their way in, neighbours' cats with magnetic collars even small foxes were found to be breaking in stealing food, crapping on the floor (fox crap is so  :sick: ) and spraying up the kitchen cupboards would set my boys off on counter-peeing expeditions of their own. Beau became so totally phobic about the cat flap he moved into a cupboard.  :(

The only way to stop the cycle was to either close off access completely or get a microchip flap.
I've had not one single incident since fitting it :clap: The spraying stopped, my food bill halved and no-one has to sit and guard the door as before (poor Theo would, every night, and poor Jarvis (RIP) for many years before him)  :-:

I chose sureflap over the other one available at the time because it doesn't need plugging in to the mains - not an option for us as my nearest plug socket is in another room plus we get our fair share of power cuts and I wasn't convinced the mains fed one would retain the chip details each time.  :scared:
Are you absolutely sure Dickie has a chip? If so, it will recognise him just the same as Ross, but I think you already knew that.  ;)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2013, 06:54:49 AM »

Hmmmm.  Methinks this will require further thought.  OH not so sold on the idea after I discussed these further thoughts with him last night -  thinks its a costly outlay if it doesn't work.  Then again, so's replacing a flap every month over the course of a year.....  :doh:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2013, 21:56:14 PM »
Tapping may work if they come far enough into the area that reads the flap but if they sit outside and only reach out a paw then it wont work

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 18:46:37 PM »
..  Previously Ross would sit tapping at the open flap and occasionally poking his nose through then wailing plaintively that it didn't work and he couldn't do it and he wanted to be ooooowwwt!!!  :innocent:

Bunty and Biggles are both 'tappers' but as they manage to come and go without problem I think they only do it when I'm watching, almost as if they think they're doing something naughty by using it.  Like you, I'm not sure how tapping will work (or otherwise) with the Sureflap.  :-:  If you do decide to invest in one you will probably find the answer to that question before I do because I've bought mine not for home, but for the boat, which won't be ready until the Spring.  :shify:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 10:12:01 AM »

Good luck with your enquiry mlesser - hope it gets sorted very soon.  It's good to hear that for the most part the sureflap product works well. 

Carol, will be interested to see how Biggles and Bunty get on with the flap when you instal it - was wondering about the click being offputting to some cats, so Sheila - thanks also for that info.  As you can probably tell, am considering acquiring a sureflap given our recent issues with Burglar Cat and the replacement flap having now been similarly smashed.  Ross took quite a while to get used to using the flaps, and actually Dickie was Godsend in that regard, as once he worked out what to do, he just flew through the flap and Ross followed  :rofl:  Previously Ross would sit tapping at the open flap and occasionally poking his nose through then wailing plaintively that it didn't work and he couldn't do it and he wanted to be ooooowwwt!!!  :innocent:

Offline mlesser

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2012, 17:38:42 PM »
Thank you all for the replies - much appreciated.  I'll talk to Sureflap tomorrow - fingers crossed...

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2012, 16:59:21 PM »
I wouldn't hesitate to contact them and ask for a call back. They're lovely people and will bend over backwards to make sure their customers are happy with the product. I've had my Sureflap for two years aswell and have been very happy. In total I've registered 10 cats through it and none have failed, and I too am a bit lax in the old cleaning department but I'm pretty sure the sensor is in a sealed unit so as long as the "ceiling" of the tunnel is clean, it should still work :-[

As you have had a complete failure, not just one cat's chip no longer recognised, they might ask you to send it in for a service, perhaps?

Yes, Kay's right, one of the Sureflap sales team is a Purrs member, and cat owner herself, so may see this. Otherwise their Customer Service team also have a Twitter account if you're into that? askSureflap is the tag, I think that's right?

I've just ordered the upgrade front plate, as one of my cats (yeah, Tuffers  :doh: ) has issues with the "click". The upgrade has a new, quieter design. I'll let you know how I get on.

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2012, 16:40:38 PM »
didn't someone from Sureflap come on Purrs once to address a poster's problem? I'd get in touch with them as a  first step, as they will know if others are experiencing the same problem, and should be able to sort it for you
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2012, 16:13:28 PM »
I would certainly get your cats chips checked and then get in contact with sure flap.........I know its a pain but would email them rather than ring cos at their head office they are very good but the ones on the phone URGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH dont get me started!

I only tried Sure flap for a short while but worked fine

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2012, 15:30:48 PM »
Just a long shot but I had a letter from the miocrochip people earlier this year telling me to take my cats to the vets to get their chips checked because there had been some problems with failure.  It appears that the potentially faulty batches covered quite along time frame from 2010 right through 2011 so it might be worth getting your cats chips checked, although I agree it would be odd for them all to fail at the same time.  It certainly sounds more likely like the flap has failed.

I've just bought a Sureflap (not used it yet) so will be interested to see if anyone else has experienced this and if they have any suggestions.

Welcome to Purrs by the way.  :welcome:  I love your cats' names.  ;D

Offline mlesser

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Sureflap Issue - Not Recognising Microchip?..
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2012, 15:05:56 PM »
Hi All,

First of all I'm new here so hello.  Secondly apologies if this should be a reply to another Sureflap thread - just haven't seen quite this issue before - very happy to re-post if necessary.

We'd got 3 microchipped cats and we've been using a Sureflap cat flap for nearly 2 years.  We're very happy with it - it's worked perfectly until last week.   However it suddenly seemed to stop recognising the cats' chips.  I tried changing the batteries - didn't work.  Then I tried cleaning it properly (I've been really lax about that so quite possibly the sensors got clogged) but it hasn't worked - also tried doing a factory reset and reteaching it the cats' chips but when I put it into "learn" mode it doesn't recognise there's a cat in the tunnel.

Now I did wonder if this might be an issue with the cats' chips - but it would seem odd that they'd all suddenly fail at the same time.  Has anyone else experienced anything like this and what did you do?

Any advice appreciated,



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