Author Topic: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas  (Read 12033 times)

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2012, 22:45:50 PM »
Oh now that's a dilemma.

OK, because I'm biased...


one each for Figgy and Treacle  :wow: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2012, 22:36:54 PM »
So there we have it.  Twelve cats for the 12 days of Christmas.  Every one of them is gorgeous and deserves to earn loads of Chrissy dinners for all the Paws Inn cats.

Its £1 a dinner.  :hungey:

Thank you Carol that is great and will sticky this for you  ;D
« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 22:40:58 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2012, 22:29:32 PM »

This thread wouldn’t be complete without the addition of Olly who was finally promoted to the position of President of Paws Inn in 2012 after coming up through the ranks.

The story begins at the end of 2007 when an appeal was put out on Purrs for funds to help a cat whose days were numbered because of non-payment of vet bills incurred following a road accident.  It got rather complicated and unpleasant at this point but eventually, many hundreds of ££££ lighter, Paws Inn took delivery of Holly.  Teresa couldn’t believe her eyes.  Holly had been shaved from waist downwards before undergoing major surgery involving sacro-iliac pins to repair a badly fractured pelvis, and had then spent over 3 weeks hospitalised at the vets without anybody noticing that she wasin fact  a he.  His story can be read here for anybody who is interested,11676.msg255875.html#msg255875 but basically, his recovery was long and complicated and by the time it was considered that it might be remotely possible to rehome him he had got his paws firmly under the table and had other ideas.

Olly still has residual nerve damage but apart from a rather odd gait you’d never know it to look at him.  He spent a couple of years as an indoor cat for his own safety and was quite happy until one day he decided he would like to go outside again.  He pestered and pestered for weeks until with some trepidation the door was opened and from then on his daily constitutional became routine.  He is now an indoor/outdoor cat again and supervises the visits of potential adopters by accompanying them on their rounds and keeping guard from the roof of the summerhouse when they’re inside.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2012, 22:33:46 PM by CarolM (Wendolene) »

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2012, 22:26:52 PM »

Rosalind is around a year old and arrived at Paws Inn in early May with her four beautiful tabby babies.  It soon became obvious that she was too run down to feed them properly and a trip to the vet for the whole family confirmed that the babies would need bottle feeding while mum received urgent treatment for calcium deficiency.  Her condition took longer to resolve than we had hoped and she never was able to return to feeding her babies who were hand-reared to the age of 8 weeks when, in a first for Paws Inn, all four went together to a lovely forever home.

Rosalind has not been so lucky and is still waiting for hers to come along.  She has recovered her vitality and is playful and affectionate but doesn’t get on well with other cats so being in a rescue situation doesn’t suit her.  She equates being picked up with being put back in her pen which frustrates her so she sometimes reacts badly which doesn’t endear her to potential adopters.  Where oh where is that adult-only home with no other pets where she can relax and be the loving cat we know her to be.

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2012, 22:24:55 PM »

Pansydora arrived at Paws Inn in April of this year, a tiny scrap of a thing no more than 5 months old who was severely traumatised after being ‘got at’ by a much older Tom.  With lots of TLC she settled down, but it was feared that she might be pregnant and when she went on to develop severe flu symptoms the vet gave her less than a 50% chance of survival.  Luck was with her though in the form of Teresa who nursed her 24/7 until she started to show signs of recovery and she had a second stroke of luck when it was confirmed that was that she wasn’t pregnant after all.

She eats like a gannet but remains lithe and slender and what she lacks in bulk she makes up for in decibels so we think she must have a smattering of oriental somewhere in her genes.

A real character and an ace cuddler, Pansydora is a firm favourite with everybody at Paws Inn and we hope she doesn’t have to wait too much longer for the third stroke of luck that will give her a forever home because at nearly one year old she has already spent more than half her life in rescue.

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2012, 22:22:17 PM »

Cornelius is about 6 years old and arrived at Paws Inn in April of this year as an entire Tom with a very badly infected injury to one of his front legs.  He was rapidly relieved of his boy bits but sorting out his leg took rather longer.  For a while it was was touch and go as to whether amputation would be necessary but thankfully after months of veterinary treatment and TLC it has healed beautifully, a fact that he celebrates daily with a vigorous workout on his scratch post.

He is loveable, loving, relaxed and friendly with humans but is not too keen on other cats and is hoping Santy Paws will send him his very own personal, private slaves (complete with home of course).

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2012, 22:19:53 PM »
Sonny and Jimbo

Who could dump these adorable kittens?  Not you or I that’s for sure but somebody did.  They were found by a lady riding her horse along a bridle path and when she realised they were far too young to be on their own so far from civilisation she phoned Paws Inn.  At the time Teresa was already bottle-feeding five one week old kittens and her lounge was awash with collapsible pens but she dug out another and the rest is history.

Sonny and Jimbo were about 4 to 5 weeks old and in a bad way.  Very underweight for their age, one was dehydrated and the other had a noisy lung and they were neither weaned nor litter trained.

Look at them now.  ;D  It took a while to get them to a decent weight so they could be vaccinated but finally they’re 100% fit and raring to go.  Quite where they will go we don’t know but somebody must fall in love with them soon because they’re are adorable, affectionate, playful and purr for England.

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2012, 22:17:30 PM »

Anastasia first arrived at Paws Inn in April 2007 and immediately had major surgery for the removal of both ears which were cancerous.  She took it in her stride and recovered well, making herself at home among the house cats during her long recuperation period but it was over a year before somebody looked beyond her odd appearance to the loving, loveable cat within and offered her a home of her own.

Sadly, it turned out not to be forever and she was returned to the Inn in the first week of this year due to difficult personal circumstances.  We noticed changes in the appearance of the skin on her nose and took her to the vet who agreed that it’s probably cancer but we declined to put her through the trauma of a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis because it’s position means that it’s inoperable.  Instead, after a brief period in isolation she’s back in her rightful position with free run of the house where she will remain until the end of her days unless a very, very special home comes along.

I love Anastasia – we all do.  She asks for nothing but regular meals and cuddles.  Well she doesn’t so much ask for cuddles as demand them and if they’re still not forthcoming she has ways of making sure she gets them.  :shify:  If cuddling was an Olympic sport she’d be sure to win the gold medal.  She’s the only cat I know who can sit on your knee when you’re standing up  :Crazy: and woe betide anybody who fails to shut the bathroom door properly when using the loo – we’ve been known to lose people for hours that way.  :rofl:  If we were to rent her out by the hour for cuddling purposes we’d have a waiting list and never need to fundraise again.   

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 22:13:10 PM »
The pudding family

Pudding’s arrival at Paws Inn coincided with Teresa’s penultimate admission to hospital and I’m afraid that with all that was going on at the time the story of how she came to be with us went in one of my ears and out the other, but I do know that she was pregnant and starving.  She caused great concern by refusing to eat anything for several days but when she did start to eat she made up for lost time which is how she got her name.  Despite putting on plenty of weight her bump didn’t seem to grow at all and we were on the point of taking her to the vet to find out whether she really was pregnant when T returned and assured us that she definitely was.

She was right of course and on August Bank Holiday Monday, Pudding gave birth to four gorgeous kittens.  Our initial concerns about her maternal instincts (we kept finding one or other of the kittens on the pen floor instead of in the bed) proved unfounded and she settled down to became the good mum that she still is today.

Now spayed and vaccinated, young Pudding remains a kitten at heart, as shown by this picture snapped when she was taking a well-earned break from the demands of motherhood.  As well as being playful she is very affectionate and easy-going of course gorgeous. She will the perfect addition to some lucky home. 

Her kittens, who are all affectionate and mischievous as only kittens can be, are now vaccinated and ready to face the world.  They are:

Ginger pudding (cheeky boy who fancies himself as a photographic model),
Toffee pudding (tiny girl who has inherited her mum’s stunning colouring and has the loudest, most sustained purr I’ve ever heard),

Treacle pudding (black girl who is in training as an opera singer) and

Figgy pudding (black boy who fancies himself as a mountaineer).


Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Feed a Paws inn cat for Christmas
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2012, 22:07:45 PM »
As has become a tradition with Purrs auctions, some of our current residents are going to tell you their stories and ask you sponsor Christmas dinners for the Paws Inn cats.

I’ll be posting them up one at a time so can I ask you not to post on this thread until I let you know that I’ve finished or it could get a bit confusing.  :doh:


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