Author Topic: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice  (Read 6610 times)

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2012, 14:34:55 PM »
PS meant to add re the Fostering is certainly something which we'd consider in the future. Although I can imagine I'd end up keeping every poor waif that came to me haha! It's something that I'd have to do more research on but thanks again for the suggestion :)

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2012, 14:31:29 PM »
Thanks for your replies all, really is very much appreciated :)  :hug:

We're still very much at the 'thinking about it' stage (but we all know where that leads to, don't we? ;) ) but the possibility of taking on a younger one doesn't leave feel me feeling so guilt ridden any more thanks to you lovely ladies!  :hug:

Although three of the current brood have come from Paws Inn, and I will forever be a huge supporter of the Inn, my OH has said that if long-timers at RSPCA centres run the risk of being PTS, but the Inn-mates/dedicated cat rescues don't have that threat hanging over them then should we consider one from there? I can see his logic but my loyalties will forever be at Paws.

On the subject of all things Paws I'm wondering if Carol could advise on a good day to visit and also if you have any need for clean but unwanted bedding for the pens? We've been having a clearout and we've plenty of old blankets etc and also my beloved black brood have been rather fussy of late and we've got a big box piling up with unwanted tinned food which I know will be put to good use there.

Thanks again all, really is appreciated!


Offline funkiechicken

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2012, 00:08:40 AM »

Sorry, that was a bit long-winded, but what I’m trying to say is that if you do decide to add to your gorgeous brood, be guided by whatever you think will fit in best, be it an 8 week old kitten or an 18 year old cat and don’t feel any guilt for the ones you leave behind.  I would also suggest that if you do decide to look around you keep an open mind because sometimes the one that is right for you is not the one you thought it would be.

I agree with this quote from Carol  :hug: its about choosing what would best fit in your family and often a cat that is just a few years old (or even months old as Carol said) isnt always instantly re-homeable.
I re-homed a 2yr old to be companian for my now 10yr old after my oldest cat went to the Bridge. This went as smoothly as i could of hoped although still the odd punch on the nose is exchanged, they sleep near each other - albeit not curled up like your beauties - but given my eldests grumpiness i am pleased with that  :) I promised i'd always adopted older or young adults from there on in.
Then along came a space for another.....after much soul searching and humming and harring at the local rescue we adopted 16week old Evie in June. My first Tabby (Mine have either all been black or B&W - & she doesnt even match my decor like the other 2!  :rofl:) because i didnt think my 10yrs old would fair well with another adult and that he may be more tolerant of a youngster. I was partly right, although she does scare the life out of him by landing on him from no where but he coped quicker. My 2yr adoptee also took to her well  :)
Evie probably wasnt the most unadoptable kitten (but the only single kitten they had as the others - not related to her - were established pairs of a few months old)  but speaking to the Rescue Manager just at the weekend they did worry about homing her suitably as being pretty, they find people want them on a whim regardless of temperment or suitability to their personal situations and they wanted to make sure she got the right home also - so were glad she came to the crazy cat lady  :evillaugh: and not just someone who wanted pretty cats and in true honesty, what ever her colours I would have still taken her that day.
I think a home given to any rescue kitty is a potential place for another that needs help??

Liz has the right idea of possibly fostering prior to adopting and then you can see how the law of the land lies. An older cat may well fit right in and older doesnt always mean being or wanting to be alpha.

Go with instinct and spend time with them - also like Liz said, foster or get a trial?
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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2012, 20:30:11 PM »
As you probably know I volunteer for Paws Inn so have kept out of this ‘debate’ in case anybody thinks I’m biased. Moi?  :evillaugh:
What I am about to say is in no way intended to influence your decision as to whether to rehome or not, because as you say, four happy cats is far better than five miserable ones (plus guilt-ridden slaves).  Nor is it intended to tug at your heart strings (although it probably will) but I feel I really must comment on this statement.

...... I think I know in my head and heart that a kitten would be the most sensible but in some ways I'd feel that a failure as a cat lover not try to an old-timer.

I can understand why you might think that but DON’T.  It isn’t only the oldies who find it hard to find homes, kittens can struggle too, especially if they happen to be born black or black and white.  You have only to look on the Paws Inn website to see the truth of that.  Dainty (black, albeit with health problems and a nervous disposition) and her friend Fontaine (black and white with no health problems at all) are 2 years old now but were born at the Inn.  That’s obviously an extreme example but we have many black or black and whites around 6 months old who are spending their kittenhood in pens and I’m sure most rescues are finding the same.  Violet, at only 14 weeks, saw the last of her littermates go to their forever home at the weekend and I fear she too may be joining the list of past-their-sell-by-date kittens because she is mostly black, and I already have my fingers crossed that Pudding’s two black babies (who are too young to rehome at the moment) don’t miss their window of opportunity. 

Sorry, that was a bit long-winded, but what I’m trying to say is that if you do decide to add to your gorgeous brood, be guided by whatever you think will fit in best, be it an 8 week old kitten or an 18 year old cat and don’t feel any guilt for the ones you leave behind.  I would also suggest that if you do decide to look around you keep an open mind because sometimes the one that is right for you is not the one you thought it would be.

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2012, 17:14:20 PM »
Good luck whatever you decide.

My black beauty Poppy likes to sit in the front bedroom window, the man from down the road just walked past and said 'ooooh Hello' to her.

Black cats rule, or atleast mine does..............


Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2012, 07:54:08 AM »
Lil_Scruff, I agree with Teresa, I can see a spare patch on that sofa  :) I hope you find a lovely oldie who will fit in with your crowd.  :hug:

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Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2012, 07:14:05 AM »
What a great photo, I love the one at the front who is 'talking' :Luv2:

Offline Liz

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2012, 06:17:31 AM »
My black beauties include Inca, Puma, Cougar, Jet, Turbo, Midnight, Magic, Kali kitten(she's 18 months old but was the runt of the litter and only weight 2.5kgs), Panther and Raven, and my bridge blacks Sweetie, Toerag, Bert and Diva

Of course I have a rainbow family and love them all but there is something about the black cats that has me hook line and sinker :Luv2:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2012, 22:04:13 PM »
For wot itz worth, I'd go for similar ages altho itz anyone's guess wot will work out best.  I would however aim to home a cat that has shown itself to be a cat loving cat if poss.  Can't tell you how easy it was to acclimatise our darlings Boris and Bobby who obviously love other cats  :)

They iz all beauties that's for sure  :Luv2: 

We also have 4 of the black variety............. 2 boys, 2 gals; 3 SH and one LH ................ and then there's the others of course  :evillaugh: so newbie doezn't have to be black to fit in :innocent:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 22:05:02 PM by Rosella moggy »

Offline Liz

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2012, 21:03:47 PM »
Millie lived with a pensioner the he died and then she was homed on by CP who got her back and now she is with us, and will stay forever and be a Clan cat, she is a delight and wanders around like she has always lived here

I think introductions are the key and what works for us may not be right for everyone but feeding about 14 of my lot treats at 7am this morning with one of my neighbours cats sitting on the table like helives here and none of mine batting an eyelid tells me I do somethings right

If you can try the foster route for an oldie and see how it goes they are loving, greatful and steal your heart ;D
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 20:14:23 PM »
Thanks for your advice and also the 're-welcomes'!  :hug:

I suspect getting another cat is because you have a big heart and a house big enough but have you asked why you want to do this and risk upsetting the status quo?

I know others have increased their mob apparently without problems but what will you do if it doesnt work out?

Thanks Gill. Well, like you say, we have enough love in our hearts and in a fortunate position that we have the space in the house and the resources to care for another cat. We love our cats immensely and they enrich our lives so much so it makes sense giving another cat the chance of such a good life that ours have. As mentioned initially we want an older cat who could live out their final years in a warm and loving home where they'd want for nothing.

We have thought about how the others will react, hence me asking for advice on whether it would be a sensible choice to take on an old-timer or whether it would be too intimidating for them coming to live with four strongly bonded, young and boisterous cats.

I think that our cats would take to a new-comer judging by their reactions when my parents cat comes to stay, it's just whether it would ruin the hierarchy if it was an adult cat (young or old) over a kitten. The 'alpha' male, who's in charge of the pack, sometimes wees in the house (a typical example is if we've been away an on return he'd urinate on the suitcase. And it is weeing rather than spraying), so obviously we wouldn't want to do anything that would encourage him too much although we'd expect it a little, and be patient with him, if a new-comer came.

Liz - thanks for the info. Did you know any of Miss Millie's background before she came to live with you? Do you know if she's had experience of sharing her space with other cats before coming to you?

Thanks Tiggy :) I certainly will be sure to update you all! I think I know in my head and heart that a kitten would be the most sensible but in some ways I'd feel that a failure as a cat lover not try to an old-timer. But then I guess I'd also have failed if I ended up with five miserable cats just because I'd selfishly wanted to 'do the right thing' if that makes sense!

Thanks again all - all food for thought! Any more input appreciated :)


Edit - just thought I'd add a pick of the current pack - the four full time cats and my folks who's also a regular visitor...Teresa always used to say see could see a spare patch on that sofa!

« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 20:18:04 PM by Lil_Scruff »

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2012, 19:55:19 PM »
 :welcome: back Lil_Scruff, it's such sad news about Teresa isn't it - agree with every word you've said :hug:

Part of me says 'why rock the boat/risk upsetting the apple cart' but if we all said that then there would be even more cats in rescue! It would be nice to get another cat friendly older cat, to give it that chance that nobody else was prepared to take but he/she would have to be a sturdy soul to fit in with the rough and tumble of your youngsters  :hug:

Alternatively you could go with another youngster who would hopefully fit in with your pack - there's no guarantees with either though!

:luck: with whatever you decide, and please do keep us posted if you decide to go for it  ;D

Offline Liz

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 19:52:44 PM »
We have a forever foster with us Miss Millie she is a rugby ball shaped 15yo tortie diabetic and after 10 days is comfortable with my mob and will happily raise a paw if any of the junior delinquents are a bit familiar

I have done supervised introductions as the Clan are bit of a shock to most cats due to numbers and the fact they love newbies as do my cat loving Border Collies :shocked:

I also have a feral Mum Miss Baku and her 4 2 week old kittens in a pen in the familyroom and she is slowly being acclimatised to the sounds of her forever home and is growing in confidence as long as no sudden moves on my part

Plug in a Feliway and get yourself down to the nearest shelter and adopt an oldie they bring a wonderful dynamic to any house and they are grateful for the warmth and love unlike our juvenile delinquents
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2012, 19:47:58 PM »
I suspect getting another cat is because you have a big heart and a house big enough but have you asked why you want to do this and risk upsetting the status quo?

I know others have increased their mob apparently without problems but what will you do if it doesnt work out?

Offline Lil_Scruff

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Thinking of adding to my black brood - advice
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 19:42:54 PM »
Hi all,

We have four black house cats (three of which came from the wonderful Paws Inn) and we frequently look after my parents cat when they go on their travels. The four permanent cats (two boys, two girls) get on fantastically well and operate as a real pack around the house and often all cuddle up together as well as playing and eating together. Perhaps by sheer luck or perhaps because Teresa brought up such wonderfully trained cats at Paws Inn (my bet's on the latter), when my parents' cat comes to stay she is very much welcomed into the 'pack' too and despite living as an only cat seems to genuinely enjoy being part of all the fun. In fact I think I've posted a pic on here of all five cuddling up together.

Anyway, my OH and I have recently been thinking of taking another cat on and initially we both wanted an older cat which due to it's age has been overlooked in rescues however from taking a look on a few pages on Cat Chat, it seems that many 'adverts' for older cats specify that they should go to homes without other animals.

Our four cats, as mentioned two of each sex, are all between 2-3 years so are younger cats and very boisterous. Regrettably due to the nature of the road we're on we've decided to keep them as housecats however it's a large house and no room (or surface) is off-limits to them.

So my question is thus: should we stick with the idea of getting an older cat, try and get a similar aged cat, or get a kitten? I'd want the new-comer to have a happy life so I wouldn't want them to be too intimidated by the pack and although it would be lovely if they joined in I realise that this might not happen.

I came onto this site for the first time in a few months yesterday to conduct some research into this and it was then I saw the extremely sad news about T. It goes without saying that the world of rescue has lost one of it's shining stars but heaven has gained one. I've posted a tribute in the other post but also wanted to say a few kind words in this sub-forum as this was her 'patch' but if mods would prefer it's deleted as to keep my post pertinent then I understand.

Thanks in advance for your input and apologies if the above is a bit of a ramble!

« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 19:43:55 PM by Lil_Scruff »


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