Author Topic: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets  (Read 4163 times)

Offline Liz

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2012, 20:58:19 PM »
I got mine through my old CP Branch not cheap but worth every penny
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2012, 20:33:16 PM »
Thanks for the advice all - I've got away with it from now as while I was trying to navigate buying a cage - he stopped limping... so whatever it was sorted itself out.

However, neither of us will be so lucky next time so I still need to crack buying a cage.

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2012, 09:13:36 AM »
From what I understand - though Liz may know more - a crush cage has a false inner wall which can be moved when the cat's inside in order to push the cat into one corner. This makes it easier to administer a sedative so the cat can be treated safely.

At least that's what I think it is.
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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 12:47:24 PM »
Thanks for the advice Liz - my Hobbes does like boxes and generally hiding in dark places.  I have a cat box outside that I've taken the door off and he likes sittiing in that in the summer.

What's the difference between a crush cage and cat trap?  And do I need both?

Offline Liz

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 07:13:12 AM »
Your local CP may have a drop trap which is closed by string or they have electric ones not the slamming down of hte door on the metal traps

I have to say that showing no fear also helps, I live with 38 feral cats all sharing my home so have a lot of knowledge on the boxing of nice to Ace who has no fear and will come at you - I slo have a cat box sitting with a bed in it with no door on and my ferals love it so thats an idea as well as it gets then used to the cat box and mine use it to sleep in its under my desk and they find it a safe place

I also shut off the rooms that I don't want them in and leave the door open to the room I want them to be in to go in the crusher or cat box

They do forgive you eventually :hug:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2012, 23:53:14 PM »
Yes that sounds like a good idea and maybe put his food dish in the carrier from now on.

Try tying some string to the door so you can slam the door from a distance.

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2012, 23:24:59 PM »
Thanks Gill - sounds like there is hope that he might eventually want to be my friend ;D

the local feral trap and neuter scheme from local Rescue Centre caught him to neuter him a few months ago - he did go into the cage to get the food set up in there (he is highly motivated by food) and obviously the trap closed and poor little thing was locked in.

So I was thinking that if I could figure which is the right cage to get that I could try that approach again which would be the least invasive for him and would save further scratches for me from my last attempt to corner him  :'(

I am finding it a little traumatic!!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 22:27:42 PM »
This is very hard and I have a fourteen yr old tortie just like this.

I have a cage carrier, quite large and one end opens completely.

I am afraid that I have to trap her and it starts by closing all the floors and blocking up the stairs.......usually fail on the latter but basically I have to get her trapped in a corner by the cage with door open. She will cry pityfully and it breaks my heart and she will freeze.

I cover the cage completely on the closed sides and top with a towel and once she is trapped I talk to her quietly and stroke her..........when I last did this she would not let me touch her..................and try to push her gently in and shut the cage door.

It can take for ever and have an agreement with vets that as she is semi feral I catch her and then ring and say we are on the way.

Maybe if you havent got a cage type carrier, you can improvise with a large cardboard box from which you can then make a hole into a normal carrier from which he can walk through.............once in the carrier tip it up so he cant get out to shut the door. I would also put a towel over the carrier and keep it covered for the journey.

After running away about Jul last year and staying out until jan/feb, except for rushing thro the flap to eat and straight back out, Sasa has been living totally indoors and after her being here for 7 years she now wants to be stroked  ;D

She is very heavy and strong.  :innocent:

Offline Liz

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2012, 22:17:52 PM »
If he has a hidey hole can you place the cat box in front of it and use a very thick towel or welding gauntlets and push him in to it and then cover front of box with a cushion and get door on

I have a lot of ferals living here and we use a crush cage for the worst ones for vets visits as they have a sliding door which is easily slipped in to place with cushion covering the entrance

I have also used cat traps for my darling Ace took me 7 years to convince him to go in to a crush cage but now he visits the vet twice a year

Your local CP may be able to lend you a crush cage they are quite expensive to buy, our vets also has them for ferals as they transfer them from traps to crush cages when in for neuter/spey, feel free to pm me as I have ferals ranging from nice to bloody nasty
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline kathleen21

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2012, 22:13:54 PM »
Thanks Sootyca ... genius!!!  Unfortunately my little Hobbes is scared of everything at first and so the chances are he would run away with from the mouse!!!

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2012, 21:31:57 PM »
My local stray was easy to catch when i discovered his love for catnip.  One catnip mouse thrown into cat carrier.  He ran into it, door was closed on him, job done.

I'm sure others have better ways but it was fun.

Offline kathleen21

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Advice needed: re catching semi-feral cat to take to vets
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2012, 21:19:48 PM »
Hi All

As usual ... I am after advice.  I have slowly been adopted by a mum and young male cat (Hobbes) and we've been getting to know each other for last 18 months (he was just a kitten when I found him in our garden).  Mum (Calvin) has become v soft and friendly house cat.  Hobbes is still quite scared and skittish and wont let him me touch him and he has never been handled.  He will quite happily potter around house (they have an outside house as well) and he has a hidey-hole when he sleeps inside.  He is quite happy around me - there is just no touching allowed!!

Unfortunately, over last few days he has developed a limp on his back left leg.  Doesn't seem to be bothering too much (still chasing butterflies and jumping about) but he is definitely carrying it and doesn't want to put any weight on it when sitting.  I really need to get him to the vets and have had a couple of unsuccessful attempts to get him a cat box where I definitely came off worse and I'm concerned I'm just going to overstress both of us by continuing to physically manhandle him into cat box.

Has anyone got any methods for catching cats that can't be handled for vet treatment.  I've also looked at feral cat cages - but it looks a bit of minefield about the different types so if anyone can advise what to one to get and from where that would be great.

Thanks v much in advance of shared wisdom x


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