Author Topic: How can I stop my cat being attacked  (Read 3020 times)

Offline funkiechicken

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2012, 01:50:13 AM »
sounds to me like there maybe a compromise coming and that loose ends are just getting tied. He is following her and so, with a safe distance (more than a paw stretch lol) he clearly is fascinated by her. Additionally she is probably getting used to the idea, although still gets annoyed at the pesky young kid   :evillaugh: they actually sound like my 2  :rofl:

either way it is going in the right direction and the calm is coming. Some may never get on but a tolerance and no injuries is what you need  :)

and yes...he is one handsome young fella!!  ;D
Cats are independent, don't listen, don't come in when you call, stay out all night and when they're home they like to be left alone to sleep....Every quality that Women HATE in a Man, they LOVE in a Cat...

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Offline Jules5645

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2012, 22:46:32 PM »
Thankfully it all seems to have calmed down and 'touch wood' Charlie is unscathed for over a week.  Lola is still hanging around and there is clearly a turf war going on because I have watched them closely. Lola lies in the street and Charlie approaches and lies a few feet away. Lola moves towards him and Charlie hisses before Lola runs at him swiping her paws and Charlie runs out of reach only to return a minute later and it all starts again.  He clearly isn't prepared to admit defeat and hopefully she will get bored and find another battle somewhere else!!

Thanks for the post re photos. Have now managed to add one to my profile.  He is one good looking kitten 😊

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #13 on: May 24, 2012, 13:06:35 PM »
...I would love to put a photo of Charlie on my profile but cannot figure out how to do it!!

Not sure of size restriction  (mine of Groucho is only 56KB but think it will take more than that) but.........

Hover on "Profile" above and choose "Forum Profile", then in personalized picture click on choose file.  When you have chosen the pic scroll down to "change profile"  :)

Offline Jules5645

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #12 on: May 24, 2012, 11:36:27 AM »
Hi thanks for all your posts. I have finally found out where the female cat lives. Her name is Lola and she lives around the corner from my cul-de-sac. The good news is that their house is up for sale 😃😃.  The bad news is that Charlie clearly hasn't learnt his lesson.  I watch him from the window and you can be sure that wherever she is Charlie is not far away.  I watched him last night and he was following her around. My nerves couldn't take it so I went out just in time to find Charlie cowering under a car hissing like mad and Lola giving him a double paw swipe towards his face.  He did have the common sense to run then and she didn't chase him so hopefully he is starting to realise what rung he is on!! 

The good thing is that as I have started going out in the street in protective mode I have spoke to quite a few neighbours who I have found have fell in love with Charlie.  They are all aware of the problem and are chasing the other cat away from him whenever they see them together.  He now has several bodyguards while I am out now so feeling a bit better.  Am crossing my fingers the house sells soon

PS I would love to put a photo of Charlie on my profile but cannot figure out how to do it!!

Offline funkiechicken

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2012, 03:59:21 AM »
fingers crossed for the little fella  :hug:

As Dawn says the do get used to the enclosure and some are quite a decent size  :) but if you think he is avoiding the trouble (thus far) then i'd just see how things go. They probably wont cause him much bother if he has learnt that he is bottom rung of the ladder lol
Snowy chased my young cat Peanut into out back garden today, all claws out and furr fluffed up to look 10 times his normal size....then Nuggie ran out in defense of his garden (he wouldnt of cared much for Peanuts fate  :rofl:) and Snowy got the shock of his life and he didnt stick around either. I have noticed that Peanut consistently loses his right eyebrow whiskers lately so dont knw if thats with his turf wars?

As well, the older charlie gets and the braver he gets he'll have hisses and paw fights but hopefully nothing to that scale where he got them awful injuries!
But good luck and keep us upto date!!
and a photo of the little man would be nice too  :evillaugh:
Cats are independent, don't listen, don't come in when you call, stay out all night and when they're home they like to be left alone to sleep....Every quality that Women HATE in a Man, they LOVE in a Cat...

Nuggie (31.08.2002)
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2012, 15:52:23 PM »
they get used to it Jules, we proofed our garden after loosing one to the road, Oscar and Tilly adapted fine, they tried it get out a couple of times then gave up!

Offline Jules5645

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2012, 23:14:52 PM »
That is a really good idea and I really appreciate your post.  Charlie has been used to the run of the neighbourhood for over 6 months now though so I honestly think confining him to the garden would be unfair.  I wish I had been aware of this product before though because it would have been ideal. Things seem to have calmed down (tempting fate!!) and I think he is finally wising up and legging it at the first sign of trouble.  I am starting to relax and don't feel physically ill when I walk in at night expecting to find carnage!  However if it happens again with the severity of the last attack I will seriously consider it. Thanks again

Offline funkiechicken

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2012, 19:50:06 PM »
hello!! have you made any progress on finding a solution??
So do you think it was definitely another cat that caused Charlie's injuries? Hope hes ok, bless him  :hug:

I know you said you couldnt consider an enclosure due to only owning one fence and them being low, but sont know whether you were aware of this product....

You dont need to attach it to any fences, it can be as big or as small as you wish and you can take it with you should you move. There may we be other suppliers - for the UK, but just thought i'd fling the idea in your direction. Its also, not imposing and wouldnt block neighbours sunlight etc (the usual type thing people often complain about) so its a thought.....?

Other than enclosing him so he has the run of the garden but is safe from bullies, I think there will always be an eliment of bullying from existing dominent cats in the area. It usually isnt so violent (well, not from the experiences my lot have had) but it can be persistent until the dominent cat is satisfied little Charlie knows his place within the cat order  :shy:
My Cul-de-Sac has already had a "Cat Counsel" where all cats sat and yowled (it was funny and bizarre all at the same time  :rofl:) Snowy (not as cute as he sounds as far as other cats are concerned) has visited several times to put my newby Peanut in his place. He is the boss here, apart from my big old tom Nuggie who is king and guardsman of his garden and even Snowy knows that when Nuggie makes an appearance to disappear quick smart. Nuggie is just too long in the tooth to be warning the youngsters and doesnt wander much past the door these days.
It does, however calm down, but as poor Charlie is getting so nastily attacked it may be worth thinking about alternatives.
Anyway - i hope the link will help show the possibilities and it'll keep him as free as best an enclosure can, rather than having a run - it also allows you to still enjoy your garden.

Good luck!! and i hope little Charlie finds life a little less stressful soon  :hug:
Cats are independent, don't listen, don't come in when you call, stay out all night and when they're home they like to be left alone to sleep....Every quality that Women HATE in a Man, they LOVE in a Cat...

Nuggie (31.08.2002)
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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2012, 20:42:49 PM »
You could try building a cat run off the house so he can have access safely to the outside world there are threads on here about can runs and we are contemplating one for our indoor only crew to have some outside space just got to reconfigure some windows to do it
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Jules5645

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2012, 19:30:29 PM »
At the moment I don't have to worry because he is so frightened he will only go in the garden if I am out there with him and as soon as I come in he comes straight back. It is soul destroying because he has always got so much pleasure from playing outside and this latest attack has really knocked his confidence. 

Oh and yes he was neutered at six months. Why can't all cat owners be responsible ones 😒

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2012, 18:21:56 PM »
I think you need to keep him in when you are out and keep a watching guard when you are in.

I take it he is neutered?

Coukld be the girl cat isnt.

If he can get out of your garden onto a road its not safe for him.

You can put fencing up inside others fencing and that may allow you to make a protected area for him.

Offline Jules5645

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2012, 11:07:26 AM »
When he first started going out I would spend my life at the windows watching for other cats because he would regularly be chased back home. I then stood guard at the back door with a hosepipe in hand ready for any unsuspecting bully to come running into the garden.  I have managed to catch the female cat with a full stream of water but it doesn't seem to deter her and she even goads me by sitting on my front garden grooming herself and when I run out she just casually gets up and trots off.  I can't say for definite she is the culprit because there are a lot of cats on my estate but she never appears to be far from the trouble.  I can't even speak to her owner because I don't know where she lives. She definitely doesn't live in my cul de sac because I have asked around. 

Enclosing the garden isn't an option because it is backed on by three other gardens all with low fencing. Only one of the fences is mine

Thanks for the comments hopefully the cats will find a new target soon or Charlie will wise up and keep his distance.

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2012, 10:44:42 AM »
I agree with JackSpratt,i too would frighten any cats off that even attempted to threaten mine!

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Re: How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2012, 09:23:02 AM »
Any way you could enclose your garden for him? The problem is, if he's bottom of the rung so to speak this will keep happening until he tries to stand up for himself. (Which is also not particularly great.)

When you see the other cats do you scare them out of the garden? I now know which cats upset mine so I will literally run out like a crazy lady flailing my arms about and send those ones packing. :shy:

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Offline Jules5645

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How can I stop my cat being attacked
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2012, 01:57:15 AM »
My kitten Charlie is nearly 10 months old and loves being outside.  When he was 6 months old I installed a microchip cat flap which he took a while to get used to. In the early days I had to tape it open and he was once chased into the house by a female cat who seems to terrorise him.  Since he has got used to it he occasionally comes running to the sanctuary of home and there have been various cats after him.  A couple of weeks ago I had to take him to the vets as he had clearly been clawed around his nose as all his fur was gone. When I left the house the female cat was waiting on the front garden so I am sure she was the culprit!  Another cat that was causing problems hadn't been neutered but after talking to the owners they kindly agreed to sort it and he rarely leaves his house now thank goodness so he is no longer a problem.  Tonight I have come home from work to a kitten who looked like he had been run over by a car!  He was matted with blood and clearly in shock as didn't move when I came in.  I took him to he vets and once cleaned up discovered he has a nasty bite to the neck but fortunately nothing worse!!  I am not sure how much more I (or charlie) can take.  I am constantly expecting to walk into a bloodbath and wondered if anybody has any suggestions. I have caught the female cat sitting in the garden before and given her a soaking with the hose but this clearly hasn't deterred her. I know people will say "KEEP HIM INDOORS" but he loves being out and I would hate to deprive him so any ideas would be gratefully accepted.


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