Author Topic: Neko joint problems  (Read 3296 times)

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2012, 03:50:38 AM »
It`s great to hear Neko is doing better.

The only thing i would say is that you have to be extremely careful when using Metacam as it shouldn`t be given to cats that have vomiting or diarrhoea. Does Neko still get loose poos? You could also try weaning him off the Metacam after 2 more weeks and see how he is without it maybe?

Do you think he would tolerate acupuncture? My own cat had acupuncture as he has some neurological issues due to being hit by a car before i got him. I was a bit unsure about it but he made him so relaxed and really did seem to help with his discomfort.

He sounds like a lovely cat! :)

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2012, 08:56:17 AM »

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2012, 19:33:09 PM »
Blimey thats a good price, seems to be around the £9 mark elsewhere! thanks Helen!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2012, 16:55:57 PM »
Glad he seems to be improving  :)

Saw this and thought of you (well, Neko  :evillaugh:)... £5.08 delivered

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2012, 10:18:49 AM »
Thanks Gill, hopefully he would agree! its no more than anyone else on her would and has done. most of family and friends already think im crazy for taking him on, its nice that theres somewhere that understands

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2012, 21:27:35 PM »
Sounds like Neko is doing well and that you are giving him so much love and care and that he wants for nothing  :hug: :hug:

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2012, 20:16:12 PM »
Thank you sam, you did help me to stop worrying that i should be confining neko or somehow stopping him racing about!

Just back from the vets, knee caps much better but still swollen so continuing mtacam on full dose for another 2 weeks then if alls well dropping the dose. His vaccs are due end of may so well check again then and may be able to reduce further. also now on seraquin, which neko has eaten like sweets and the other 2 have sulked for not getting lol so no worrys on that count. Shes also happy that hes well enough to continue the work weve been doing on building up the strength in his back legs. Weve checked his kidney function too so we have a comparison point and to check everythings fine before more metacam. given the catalogue of issues he has, hes obviously not been put together right.

it is likely that hell be on metacam for life now, just need to do as much as possible to help his joints so hopefully hell only needs a low dose  :'( This will in all likelihood shorten his life but better a short, happy life free from pain than a long painfilled existence.
Vet was happy that although hes obviously not all there he was smart enough to recognise her (and hiss!) and to respond to my reassurance- odd boy kept trying to lick her/the clippers as she clipped his forearm for the blood and when she tried to take the blood :) such a sweet boy even when hes scared.  she was pleased about him fetching the foil balls (purrs toy win!) and his light up led balls. the more gently active we can keep him the better, mentally and for his joints.

Hes currently asleep in a box that he can barely squeeze into.  :Luv: The cat radiator hammock that had been ignored by the other 2 for so long it was put away has come out again and put above the beanbag they sleep on next to one of the cat trees and is now a regular neko spot! very pleased that hes taken that on as the heat should help

Sorry for rambling on, just need it written down with people that understand! 

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2012, 22:08:56 PM »
Sorry to hear Neko has poorly knees.  This sounds exactly like Zephyr about a year ago.  I noticed he was limping and occasionally you could see his knee slipping.  I took him to the vet and he was confirmed as having a luxating patella (slipping knee cap).  The vet gave me metacam and said to keep an eye on him, stop him jumping (that's like trying to stop a fly flying LOL) and keep him indoors (again impossible). 

Basically I ignored most of the advice and just left Zephyr to do what he wanted to do .... I figured he wouldn't put himself at risk even if he is a bit stupid ... he's also an animal with pretty good survival instincts!

I administered the metacam occasionally if he looked uncomfortable and gave him lots of love and reasons to stay indoors.  That was about a year ago and for the past 6 months he has been back to normal.  His tendons have tightened up and he is back to bouncing about like a loony.

If I was you I'd just let Neko do what he wants and he should heal OK.  :hug:
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Offline snarf

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2012, 21:21:56 PM »
Thanks heather, the more info options to harrass the vet wth the better!

aye helen, hes shown steady improvement and is his normal chirpy smothering self today, no limping since sat pm despite some fairly energetic leaping  :doh: so hopefully that means we can leave out steroids for now  (option if the metacam didnt work) which is at least one less thing to worry about  :tired:

Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2012, 23:02:58 PM »
My 18 year outdoor stable cat has arthritis in her back leg and the vet recommended Stride. She doesnt like it on her food so I have to squirt in on her back sneakily and then she licks it off, giving me dirty looks. The vet charged around £24 when I bought it, but you can buy it online much cheaper. It has really helped her mobility and she climbs up trees and over the stable doors to go mousing ;D

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2012, 21:47:21 PM »
How's Neko been doing today Snarf? Do his joints seem any better? :care:

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2012, 20:12:18 PM »
aye gill hes on the metacam and will be for at least the next 10 days to give his knees time to recover. the hope is that the swelling and stiffness is the result of the fall, not normallity. if the vet feels his hips/knees are continuing to pain him he will continue on the metacam. Sorry, probably very garbled initial post, even after days to process its still difficult to verbalise. i would love for Neko to live a long painfree life but if  we cant have both he will at least have a pain free life, as much as is in my power in any case.

Im looking for additional routes - to be used with vet approval- because i want to do as much as is possible to improve Nekos life. He is still experiencing pain now when he twists. i know with my own knees, even codiene didnt totally prevent pain whereas building the correct muscles and for me glucosamine, chonditin and calcium and care mean that i rarely take pain meds now. obviously with neko, he cant tell me when hes in pain and we cant do physio but we can attack the problems from all routes 

I think Nekos Neurological problems arent the reasoning behind the low life expectancy, hes not safe out on his own so is house and garden only. i think the greater issue is his spine and the very real possibility of things like heart defects  or kidney disease which are more likely in inbred cats and hes doing too well at ticking of the risks of inbreeding checklist- so far, learning difficulties, cryptorchid testicle, skeletal deformaties and possibly hip dysplasia and luxating patella :(
neko is 2 1/2 years old and i was hoping that wed got through the worst or that at least wed have longer. he had a terrible start and has clawed his way back from deaths door already, he shouldnt have to again :(

Thanks helen, hes one of those cats that sleeps everywhere but he has had me trapped on the sofa all weekend  :Luv2:  so ill leave him a hot water bottle snarf-substitute , might at least encourage him to settle for a while

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2012, 19:18:04 PM »
I would definately try the metacam cos hopefully it will leave him in no pain.

I know there is a risk over kidney damage but if it works then maybe he can be on a low dosage or even with some time off.

I use it on and off with Ducha when I feel he is in pain but he is so much older..........will be 19 in Aug the quality of life for him is so much more than the quantity.

If Nekos neuro problems are severe enough to reduce his life by so much its far better in my humble opinion for it to be a quality life. However I know vets have been wrong so many times on the lengths of little lives and some cats just defy all expectations.

Its a very hard one to call and only you can do it based on what your vet says and what you feel.

I hope that Neko can have a wonderful long life once he gets over this hiccup  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2012, 17:38:50 PM »
Just had a thought... Does he tend to sleep in the same bed/place? If so then a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel (or a heated bed if he teakes to the hot water bottle) might help.

More healing :care: for Neko

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2012, 15:41:09 PM »
Thank you jiji and helen  :hug:

Vet is just suggesting metacam and possibly steroids at the mo, how much of each depends on he responds.  reading between the lines, i dont think the vet would give him much for life expectancy  :'( she asked if he was pressing his forehead against windows or chasing things that werent there- i might be totally wrong but isnt that a diabetes/ kidney disease type question? he doesnt and she didnt ask for bloods so i dont think thats a concern but hes clearly doing things that worry her

seraquin was one of the supplements i looked at on Vetuk, they sound palatable, i recognise the packaging from the vets too which i prefer- id rather use something approved

the plan is to go in next week to check he is getting better- he seems in a better mood to me but hes still limping off and on when he does something stupid so id rather get the experts opinion. will check on supplements and anything else we can think of then. This is the first time this particular vet has seen Neko although she has seen the others. She mentioned that her own cat had spine problems so hopefully shes done some extra reading and can give more advice on how to help him best

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 13:48:19 PM »
First of all a :care: for Neko and a :hug: for you

From how you describe him after the slip I think I would have done the same as you and I am a cat hypochondriac of the highest order so please stop beating yourself up about not taking him straight away, Neko is lucky to have you  :hug:

I've heard of Seraquin for cats and they're supposedly palatable too so might be worth looking into. Did the vet say whether it was severe enough that an operation could be an option in the future?

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Re: Neko joint problems
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 13:36:38 PM »
I don't have any advice for you but wanted to send you and Neko some  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline snarf

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Neko joint problems
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2012, 10:57:27 AM »
Sorry, this might be a long one!
Neko slipped over on easter monday, quiet badly, and when he got up he limped under the dining table, he wasn’t limping when he came back out and still running about for the rest of the day so I just kept an eye on him.
Tuesday I came back from work and he limped quiet heavily- tail curled under and back leg lifted up and held close to the body but again he stopped straight away and went hairing off round the house like a loony again
Wednesday morning he jumped down from the bed and  immediately lifted one back leg up and limped a few paces but again then raced off but I started worrying about his hips as hed seemd to limp on different legs so off to the vets

Nekos history is that he is likely the result of inbreeding and came to me as a foster with a curved spine, severe diahorea and suspected brain damage. The diahorea was eventually found to be caused by a tritrichonomas infestation and treated but the treatment carries the risk of some neurological damage. His suspected brain damage is now thought to be due to his inbreeding and he is basically the mind of a kitten in the body of a 2 ½ yr old.
The vet has said that his knees were swollen (both) that the kneecaps were more mobile than shed like so he may have dislocated on his fall and that his hips were too mobile but again some stiffness.  His hips have always clicked when hes clambering onto my shoulders but as hes never shown any sign of discomfort ive not panicked- its been mentioned before to the vet.  My hips also click and mine in not normally painful.

Treatment is metacam  and hopefully will clear up within a few weeks, but it may be that he now needs to go on metacam permanently but this is likely to affect kidney function after 6-7 years. In her opinion that may not be a problem for neko as he may not last that long. :'( :'(

Its not a shock so much as this was always a possibility, the curved spine indicates to me that further skeletal abnormalities was on the cards. Ive always been more concerned about organ abnormalities  and the spine itself. Plenty of tears however , this beautiful soul that suffered so much so early deserves better and im kicking myself for not taking him in earlier, he just didn’t seem to be in pain :(

I asked the vet about confining him and in her opinion it could be worse. Part of the issue with Neko is that he just doesn’t have the awareness that some activities cause him pain and he is to be frank, hyperactive. hes likely to pace constantly and refuse to sleep and spend half the day stood up  on his back legs wailing  :( hes very bonded to sparecat and theyre both distressed if separated for long but i think shed be driven nuts by bored neko if confined together. I also wonder if this is because she sees this being  a normal state and that we cant, obviously confine him forever. 

From looking on the internet abit, it sounds like hip dysplasia and luxating patella may be what were looking at, and they are more common in main coon which is certainly in nekos heritage somewhere. Ive dislocated kneecaps too (spontaneous lateral) so im very aware of how much that hurts. It breaks my heart that Neko has been feeling that and ive not protected him  :'(

So, id really love to hear from someone with experience of these sorts of problems.

The house is largely set up so that neko can get about by stepping instead of jumping anyway as hes never had much strength in his back legs.  Glucosamine and chronditin make a big difference to my mobility and joint pain so I will be hoping to try these- want to ok it with the vet first though.  Any recommendations on more palatable supplements etc would be very welcome.  is cod liver oil helpful?

Any other ideas I can talk to the vet about would also be very welcome,  I want to do everything i can to give Neko the life he deserves, he is such a treasure.


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