Ok, the scan came back and there are no growths in the Bowel, I didn't realise
it was quite a life threatening ailment
The new vet got his History and picked up on the drastic weight lose from months
ago, some of you may remember that I was getting on at my mother to get Korky
checked out at the time because of this, just for her to say " but He hasn't changed "
( I think the main part of Hesitation on my mums side was mainly to do with what
happened with us and Olivia )
The new vet thinks it is around that time that the IBS started, He also said if it hadn't
been caught now, Korky might have only lasted another 5 months
So, He has had steroid injections and has to get two pills a day, the pills as far as I
can gather will be for the rest of his Life, I have had a quick look on the net to try and
find out more about IBS, and I'm kinda relieved that with Meds, they can still live out
their full expected lifespan
I will keep you all posted,
Please keep the vibes coming tho