If your 2 like valarian then they will also love purrwhiffeez!! and as an extra bonus they dont smell as bad!! infact i didnt notice any smell but Nuggie was going mental at the packaging alone.....!! i thought he was going to end up like a freeze dried cat the amount of fluids he lost dribbling
He loves the valarian range too - but for the first week i cant keep them in the living room! gives me a headache!!
Peanut loves the "Da Bird/Mouse" and he is like a gymnast!!
hes crash landed and disappeared behind the back of furniture a few times
and has even used the 10 claw grib after landing on my head!
but so amusing and keeps him sooo fit!!
he yowls at the top of my book unit for me to get it to play!!
Liz - I think i'll try that free standing laser pen for my 2! I get distracted and quite frankly my cats think i'm substandard as it just stops dead for a while and then i remember to move it or Peanut jumps on me. So i'm a bad Mammy and to make up for it i shall buy them toys hahaha