Author Topic: Could do with some input  (Read 1966 times)

Offline Gee

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2012, 20:08:03 PM »
Thanks, everyone, for your thoughts. Puzzle would hate a harness unfortunately and would resent it. There is no evidence to suggest she is brain damaged fortunately. I tried  blocking the sideway but she is a clever and resourceful cat and went over the neighbours fence which was worse as there was less chance I could see her! I try and keep her in as much as I can. During the winter it is easier but with the summer coming it's going to be a challenge to say the least as she has always been an outdoor cat primarily.

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 19:50:57 PM »
Any chance you could put an outside run on the house so she has access to fresh air and interesting things but is safe from all the nasties

We are planning an outdoor run for ours who are house cats but it means new familyroom doors for us and some planning on how big the run will be

Depending on her size there are vcarious types of harness, we are currently using a dog one on our foster NFC Star and he uses our long lines so he has about 40 foot of space to move freely

If she is happy being inside then that works to ;D
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 18:59:34 PM »
Is there someway that you can block up the side to stop her getting to the front?

I would not recommend putting her on a lead and jacket and think she would resent that a lot and you would always have to be with her, run if she wants etc etc.

I have an 18month birman and its not safe for him  out in my garden so have bought him a walking jacket but its not the same as them being to do this like normal outside.

I tried an ordinary harness and lead and he escaped from it ................panic!

Offline Angiew

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2012, 18:55:23 PM »
At 15 and with sight problems, if you cannot secure the garden I think you should keep her inside.
She will not be happy to train on the lead at that age.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2012, 18:41:05 PM »
my old neighbour had a cat brain damaged by a car, she used a harness, seemed to be the only way for her

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2012, 18:13:22 PM »
Hi have. U tried putting a lead on her with a harness then maybe itt. Might take. Some of the worry away
I love my courtney xx

Offline Gee

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2012, 18:09:41 PM »
Thanks for your input. I have tried to secure the back garden with some success but she can get out into the front garden. To be fair to her she hasn't attempted to go near the road. Twice she has exited the front garden but she kept close to the wall. I encouraged her to return. She's 15 and has spent her life being a venturesome cat with no incidents up till now. I have always opened the door and let her roam free without worrying. But now I worry all the time she's out. I would love her to be a house cat but she would be so unhappy. I know it's a fine line between keeping her safe and keeping her happy. The vet wasn't supportive of trying to turn her into a house cat and Puzzle hasn't been supportive my attempts to do so!!  I don't believe she is blind in one eye, if she is, she is compensating very well. The vet suggested that her night vision may be impaired. There are no other apparent problems. She has gone from strength to strength, bless her. Overall she has been very good; turning round and coming back when I ask her to. She's a clever cat and may well have learnt from the experience. But I can't see myself ever not worrying!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Could do with some input
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2012, 17:38:50 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs  ;D

It sounds like your garden is not secure and that she can get out on the road easily?

If that is the case I too would be wary of letting her out but for that reason not the eye.

Do I understand right that she has one good eye and apart from the other eye she has no other problems?

Cats get around absolutely fine with one eye and even a blind cat can navigate around if they are familiar with the area, say garden or house.

My worry would be from a safety aspect and her getting out on the road again.

Offline Gee

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Could do with some input
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2012, 17:33:15 PM »
My cat, Puzzle, is 15 years old, 16 in September. On the Tuesday before Christmas she was hit by a car and suffered a head trauma. She was in a dreadful state and the vet and the nurses were preparing me for the worst. But against all the odds she survived. She's doing really well. We had a check up on Monday. My vet is really pleased with her.  She still has a problem in her right eye. It doesn't reflect properly and the vet thinks there was probably some bleeding into the retina. It might get better. To begin with I had to keep her indoors, obviously. As she improved the vet said she could go out if the weather was okay, supervised, in daylight. Now the vet says just keep her in when it gets dark because of the potential vision problem. But I can't bear to let her out of my sight. She is being really good overall and I know it's my problem not hers. I just wondered if anyone else out there has had a similar experience and can share with me how they dealt with it. I try to be strong and let her out and sit back but after a couple of minutes I go looking for her!!! Would love to hear some opinions.


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