Hi Everyone I'm Claire from carluke in scotland and would love some advice if anyone has any....
Just found this place after looking for some advice on the t'internet.
I have two gorgeous cats who I adore more than life itself. They are both sisters and I have had them from about 7 weeks and they are now five. Up until yesterday it has been an idyllic life with them. They are mine and my husbands first cats and they have been absolute angels (well almost

) so our lack of experience with cats has never been an issue up until now.
Anyway yesterday I took one of the cats, Pheobe, to get her teeth cleaned so she was away at the vets for most of the day. I took the day off work just so that the other, Muriel, wouldn't be too stressed out on her own in the house (They are both housecats).
Everything went to plan up until the point where I brought a doped up Pheobe back from the vets at which point Muriel turned into a cat possessed, she was hissing and growling at poor pheobe and generally going crazy - neither of them have every behaved like this before and its really stressing me out. Everytime Muriel sees Pheobe now she hisses and growls at her - and now everyone is stressed.
I phoned the vet this morning and he gave me a diffuser of feliway to try. So far no change at all however.
Just wondering whether anyone else has ever had any similar experiences and if so how did you manage to fix things.
I really hate seeing both my girls so upset and stressed and its so out of character.
I am panicing as well because I am due to take Pheobe back to the vets again for a check up on Friday and don't want to make the situation worse.
Anyway hopefully someone has some advice as I'm at my wits end.
Many thanks