Author Topic: Taking clapton off fortekor  (Read 29758 times)

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #104 on: May 24, 2007, 23:38:55 PM »
He's eaten 1.5 pouches tonight and thats it. He doesn't seem to be drinking much either. Also, his breath smelled sweet which is really odd, a bit like pear drops.
Let see what tomorrow brings. I am thinking of registering him next door again and explaining to my other vet that the journey stresses him.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #103 on: May 24, 2007, 18:07:16 PM »
hope he eats tonight Mark.  It's pretty hot. Maybe that's making him lethargic.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #102 on: May 24, 2007, 14:10:42 PM »
I don't know the first thing about liver disease. It might be worth starting a new thread so more likely to be read.

Still can't get my boy to eat all day. As long as he gets the goodness, I'm sure its fine. He is due for worming next week so I will ask the vet.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #101 on: May 24, 2007, 13:05:01 PM »
Weird - yesterday it gave them both the munchies. Today more normal eating. A bit agitated though; I got woken up at 5am and had to get up and feed as they wouldn't calm down.
Now mega sleep.

I don't want to start another thread but am becoming increasingly concerned that Swampy may be a bit or substantially deaf after his liver disease. He doesn't respond to noise like he used to. Can this happen? How can I test definitively? I don't want to put the wee lad through any more.  He didn't hear me come into the room yesterday although was wide awake which is most unusual. I'm noticing that he's responding to visual stimuli but not really his name being called or me making silly noises or the TV, whereas he used to.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #100 on: May 22, 2007, 21:15:21 PM »
confusing isn't it. Clapton has started to just eat in the evening. Its really odd but its almost as if he gets his appetite back when the fortekor wears off. He has had a bowl of chicken + 1 pouch so far but he usually makes up his days food by bedtime - really odd.

I read an article about kidney disease in dogs. It said that k/d diets could cause protein deficiencies  :Crazy:
So much information. I just try to make him eat the best things but not worry as long as he's eating something.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #99 on: May 22, 2007, 21:06:02 PM »
Well Swamp is being a bit off his food (not Max though) and vomited 4 times while I was out, including the Zentonil tablet. I hope he settles down because there's the loooong weekend with no vet coming up. I regret trying him out on 'other' foods like k/d and think I'm going to retry to just feed him the l/d but he may have other ideas of course. He likes that chicken k/d but it does come up quite easily when he's snotty and swallowing muck or feeling a bit off.
I was a bit confused by the package insert of Novartis's which says it works best with advanced kidney disease. Novartis also told my vet that it's metabolised half in the liver and half kidneys, yet the package insert says that's in dogs - cats it's 100% liver.  Bit worrying when they don't know their own product!

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2007, 11:53:11 AM »
Not that I know of. As the creatinine levels "may" increase at the beginning, he may be a bit precious about food for a few days. Clapton has been eating well until today. He ate for the 1st time at 11.30 (and I was up at 5am!)

I was telling OH that I am being strict about no missed days on tabs seems to be helping and was informed that a pill was found next to claptons bowl yesterday morning and binned!  >:(

Its funny but I passed boots in broadstairs on saturday and there was a poster saying 50% of people don't take tablets properly which could affect their effectiveness.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2007, 11:23:16 AM »
Day One of Fortekor. The victims are asleep. Are there any common side effects? My vet suggested lethargy?  I had to give Max more to eat 1 hr after his pill and he was making a horrible yowling noise like he hadn't eaten this am (he had).
Very nervous! Although I know with Swampy that if it does hit his liver, it won't be for a day or 3.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #96 on: May 18, 2007, 11:42:06 AM »
I felt terrible as when I went back an hour later to deal with it, I couldn't find anything. However, She has reoffended in the dining room so I don't feel bad now  >:(

Clapton is OK at the moment. He had a funny day as he sleeps on the sofa in the basement. I had shoved a cat carrier in a recess over the sofa as I need it next week for kylie &willow (it's only a soft holdall type) The holdall had fallen down and must have landed on him in the night. He was upstairs in the kitchen on Willows bed and she was on another of her beds (a 50p cushion from a charity shop last week!  ;D ) He was sleeping most of the morning but I opened his favourite food  - Tesco salmon & prawns in jelly pouch mixed with extra water. He lapped it up. Went downstairs, had a run round the garden and is curled up next to me purring now  :Luv:

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #95 on: May 18, 2007, 10:27:07 AM »
thanks Mark. got my nose bitten for nosh at 5.30am today and duly fed Swampa at 6.30 - then it all came up again. So def not starting until next week.
How is Clapton? Hope your TV survives the Willow onslaught. Was it jealousy or a comment on the quality of the programmes?!

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #94 on: May 18, 2007, 08:08:30 AM »
I think they are a bit vague. Possibly a few days. I thik it also says "may" increase levels. Not very clear info. Hopefully he will be fine with it.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #93 on: May 17, 2007, 12:40:10 PM »
for some reason Swampy's not been snotty for 2 days and is eating like a pig and purring like a tractor so I'm going to wait until monday before starting, esp if he's going to feel a bit sick at first. The vet wants to do a blood test for his liver function one week after starting. Not a good idea then to start him off on a thurs or friday. Plus I don't want to mess with him having a few days feeling great.

My vet knew nothing about the raised levels of creatinine to start out with (although it's in the Novartis stuff isn't it) - just says he's never seen a cat with side effects.
How long before the creatinine goes down?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 12:40:39 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #92 on: May 16, 2007, 20:57:01 PM »
I just looked at novartis site again and they were referring to Fortekor 5 - Thanks for that.

I'm glad Clapton isn't any heavier otherwise it would cost me £44 a  month for meds  :Crazy:

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #91 on: May 16, 2007, 20:14:53 PM »
Double check the strength mark, he may have 2.5mg prescribed in which case a whole one would be right. At work we use the 5mg and give a half.

Go on be brave and ask for a prescription!

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #90 on: May 16, 2007, 19:51:58 PM »
I am a chicken Helen.

Another option, I was just looking at Novartis website and they say dosage is 1/2 a tablet up to 5kg body weight - I need to check but I'm sure clappy only weighs 5kg. Imagine If I get it 1/2 price AND give 1/2 tablet - that would save me £15 a month (I think  :Crazy: ) = £180 a year!!

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #89 on: May 16, 2007, 19:06:34 PM »
The Fortekor is not too bad palatability wise, Tiggy ate one on it's own once, all other times it was hidden in various treats, it certainly doesn't taste unpleasant though which is a good thing.  As far as I know it can be given at any time with or without food, my vet never told me any different.

Mark With your vet prescription issue why don't you ask the receptionist rather than the vet, it took me ages to pluck up the courage to ask but my vet was fine about it.  They even used to ask me if I needed another prescription every time I went in.  Or you could ask over the phone rather than face to face if that would be easier.  Just say that someone has told you you can order the meds online and you find it really difficult to get to the surgery in opening hours or something like that.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 19:11:27 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #88 on: May 16, 2007, 17:47:05 PM »
My vet rang. Swampy is to start his Fortekor tomorrow so I'm pretty nervous. I hope it doesn't have side effects. The drug co said it's half metabolised by the liver and half the kidneys. Phew. Max may go on it too.

I chatted to him about the food thing. He said that Hills are def the best, not just cos he makes money out of them!  Plus their beef, pork etc is processed so it's not the same as giving meat that you've bought, which he would not suggest doing (beef or pork). His fav food for these kind of illnesses is k/d.
Does anyone know how long Hills has had the minced chicken k/d out for and if it's always had pork liver in it? After the l/d debacle, I hope that it soon doesn't become minced pork liver k/d........ :sick:

Yes when Swamp was so ill the vet said any senior food if he wouldn't eat prescription l/d or k/d. Anything that's nice and stays down.  He claims fortekor is 'palatable' so I just laughed.
Do you know if you can give it any time or is with food, before food, after food good?

I would say with food as I guess any med is better. They are supposed to be palatable so you may find swamp will just eat it anyway  ;D. Don't forget that for the 1st week (I think) creatanine levels are actually elevated so he may feel a bit crap until it kicks in. As I have found, its best to make sure they have it every day. I wish I had the guts to ask my vet for a prescription so I can get it 1/2 price from vetuk - maybe you get on better with your vet. Apparently, you can buy large packs - not sure if vetuk sell them - my vet says they can only get 28's (costs me about £22 for 28 days  >:( )

So Clapton is OK at the moment but Willow just came down to the basement & peed behind the TV on the we go

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #87 on: May 16, 2007, 16:19:58 PM »
Glad his Lordship is eating today Mark it must make him feel better love him and give you a little less stress

Take care

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #86 on: May 16, 2007, 16:16:17 PM »
Fortekor does get eaten in food easily, as long as its something tasty  :evillaugh:

Mark, im glad clapton is eating after his hairball day, hopefully it was just that making him feel crappy

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #85 on: May 16, 2007, 16:12:23 PM »
My vet rang. Swampy is to start his Fortekor tomorrow so I'm pretty nervous. I hope it doesn't have side effects. The drug co said it's half metabolised by the liver and half the kidneys. Phew. Max may go on it too.

I chatted to him about the food thing. He said that Hills are def the best, not just cos he makes money out of them!  Plus their beef, pork etc is processed so it's not the same as giving meat that you've bought, which he would not suggest doing (beef or pork). His fav food for these kind of illnesses is k/d.
Does anyone know how long Hills has had the minced chicken k/d out for and if it's always had pork liver in it? After the l/d debacle, I hope that it soon doesn't become minced pork liver k/d........ :sick:

Yes when Swamp was so ill the vet said any senior food if he wouldn't eat prescription l/d or k/d. Anything that's nice and stays down.  He claims fortekor is 'palatable' so I just laughed.
Do you know if you can give it any time or is with food, before food, after food good?

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #84 on: May 16, 2007, 12:14:12 PM »
Well I am feeding Tesco pouches at the moment as he is actually eating them - even though I am topping them up with water and giving them a stir before dishing up! - He is on pouch 4 today  :-:

I am trying to encourange him to eat senior food which apparently is the next best thing to prescription. I didn't used the out of date Katalax as I found an in-date tube of defurrum and it seems to have helped. He loves it  :Luv:

I will try the k/d pouches but as the vet said, at the moment, keeping the calories up is the main thing - so he gets what he will eat. A bit of chicken a bit of fish and whatever pouches he wants  :Luv:

PS - after advice on here, I am making sure he takes the fortekor every day to avoid the creatanine "rollercoaster"
He will take it as a suppository if need be  :evillaugh: (just joking)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 12:18:05 PM by Mark »

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #83 on: May 16, 2007, 11:00:06 AM »
Apologies for this long post and going on about diet, but this seemed the right place to post my concerns. Thank you for explaining the nutrient thing.

Gillian, I am very inclined to leave the Swampcat on l/d (the nicer cans) and add in some minced chicken k/d - now the former's beef and the latter's chicken with some pork liver and the usual other stuff - as he eats it and his coat is good. Tum is a bit hard little football -like since his liver disease which is why I don't buy the vet's notion that his liver is now 'fine'. Over the last 3 months he's been better than he was in January except for the rise in urea and a bit of creatinine. He still has his bad days and I'm under no illusions that the kidneys will get worse and his liver could go again cos it does with cholangiohep in many cases.
I'm concerned though with what Mark's vet said about beef and pork; my vet isn't a nutritionist but says that not all beef/pork are that bad, depends on the cut.  Hills of course say they'd never produce a (processed) food that wasn't tested and would be harmful.  It is curious that they chose beef (and now pork) for liver patients, chicken and pork liver for CRF patients on wet food and use chicken more in their dry foods.  Then again, they cut beef because could not guarantee the right quality. Who to believe?!
then they push d/d at me - one reason could be is that as a new product it won't change and they know how I/the cats react to changes in food! - but it looks not so good for kidneys or liver.
Max I would like to leave on i/d (which is now all turkey I think, the American site has cut the chicken from its ingredients) and give him some k/d chicken as 'pudding'.
I may gradually phase in the k/d as the main food although as it's got bits in it, Swamp finds it a bit harder to eat - so on his iffy days, he's going to want  a 'lick' food.

The beef l/d has unquestionably helped his liver recover gradually, along with the pills. I wonder if it can be implicated in the sudden rise in urea or if it's just a coincidence. I first took Swamp for a geriatric blood test as he was drinking so much and doing copious pees but the bloods then for kidney function were normal. (I'd thought it was his kidneys). That was last September; his creatinine hasn't moved too far upscale - more the urea.

Sorry for the long post - wondered how important the actual nutrients are or are the ingredients even more crucial ? ie fat's low, phosphorus low etc but it's beef or pork so avoid.
Btw before l/d, cats were given the same Hills food as CRF when had liver disease.
I'd really like to know what you think about my Great Food Strategy! Max has also got what the vet calls 'early renal failure'; I think he could be worse than his urinalysis showed as it's more concentrated as he doesn't drink much at all.

Phew! How is Mr C doing today Mark and was the out of date Katalax a big, middling or small success  :wow:  Btw minced chook k/d is NOT constipating!  :)
« Last Edit: May 16, 2007, 11:00:46 AM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #82 on: May 15, 2007, 13:50:04 PM »
Which are the must haves or must not have nutrients then? (Protein I know can be high or low quality so % can be misleading).
I seem to remember being told Swampy needed taurine and potassium?!
Plus only l/d has L-carnitine, zinc, vitamin K and Arginine - wassat? No figures for omega 3 fatty acids. If they really need those and they aren't in the food, can they be given as supplements?

Carnitine and Arginine are present in all meats, so in theory if the presciription food is meat based it should contain them.  Cats have a high need for arginine, bit like they do for taurine. Again taurine is present in all meats. A lot of these ingredients have to be added to cat foods simply because they were lost in the processing!  Again, omega 3's  would normally come from the fat in meat offal etc.

Always seems crazy to me - they have the meat with all these necessary nutrients in - then they process it to within an inch of its life, and add back in the nutrients that were lost in processing  :Crazy:

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #81 on: May 15, 2007, 12:20:06 PM »
Don't ask me I'm  :Crazy: re prescription food. I understand protein is OK if high quality, ie egg, fish, chicken (not pork, beef etc). As for added vits, I think they make half of them up  :-:

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #80 on: May 15, 2007, 11:40:41 AM »
Still haven't heard back from the vet on Fortekor's effect on sensitive livers.

I wouldn't bother with d/d Mark.  Swampy thinks it's sort of ok, Max thinks it's great, but looking at the Hills America website (which has a letter from their MD promising their foods are safe!) it has the highest protein, fat, sodium and phosphorus. That could be good quality protein though cos it's venison which people with gout etc eat don't they?! ??

Anyhow having read that I am a bit curious as to why they suggested d/d as Swamp has liver, start of kidney probs and high bp so it really doesn't look suitable. It is very high in fibre and also has the lowest taurine of the foods. Maybe I'm missing something as i/d (so I was told) isn't meant to be a long term solution if kidneys are a bit iffy, but its better on the nutrient contents, even in fat and has the highest calcium for oldies - Max is a bit arthritic so isn't that good? 

I'm using the dry matter % print out from their website  I am going to have another go at using Excel (ha ha) and do a spreadsheet and ask the vet ok WHICH NOSH!!!  L/d and k/d come out ok - the chicken k/d has by far the lowest phosphorus (0.38 as opposed to the others which are similar - l/d's 0.68 and i/d's 0.71...the new d/d is at 0.73).
Which are the must haves or must not have nutrients then? (Protein I know can be high or low quality so % can be misleading).
I seem to remember being told Swampy needed taurine and potassium?!
Plus only l/d has L-carnitine, zinc, vitamin K and Arginine - wassat? No figures for omega 3 fatty acids. If they really need those and they aren't in the food, can they be given as supplements?

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #79 on: May 14, 2007, 17:36:48 PM »
Nothing - still under the sofa - just the defurrum.

I have some chicken to cook later - I'm sure he will want some  ;D

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #78 on: May 14, 2007, 16:15:15 PM »
Is he eating any better since throwing up some hairballs?

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #77 on: May 14, 2007, 10:25:37 AM »
Morning all! Mark - thank you so much for your offer of k/d. However Hills have sent me some samples and a free tray of d/d (their new product). IF the beasties won't eat it, I'll post and maybe I can send you some for Hackney's finest to try :)  I'm so glad he's eating.

Max ate his i/d sooo fast this am that it all came up on my slippers. They love it. Tried k/d minced chicken at the weekend on saturday and they liked it. However I am getting nervous about what's in all the foods and just how different they really are. I think (what do others think?) I will give Swamp the l/d he likes, esp if he's going on to Fortekor, and mix in some k/d or d/d (if he'll eat venison!) some days too for when the l/d runs out or I'm left with the cans of not nice l/d. The quality control seems to be recognised as an issue - the vet nurse told me that was why they changed to pork as I've said.

Have you rung Hills customer services, Mark? they are quite good with their free samples if you explain that the situation is difficult. They'll also take back anything you've bought and Clapton won't eat and give you a refund. Maybe your vet can give you some pouches as samples? (mine does).

My 2 have both lost 100g over the weekend despite eating ok. I wondered if the k/d chook food was less calorific perhaps. It certainly looks and smells like a whiskas sort of food - pongs.
Good luck today.

Glad they are eating something. I will probably order the 36 pouches for £15.50 as clapton goes more for the "chunks in gravy" or "chunks in Jelly" type food thesedays (odd because he was always a supermeat boy)

Thanks for te offer!  ;D

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #76 on: May 14, 2007, 10:23:55 AM »
i am glad he seems to be stabilizing. Did you ever get round to using hte Slippery Elm Bark?

He doesn't seem to be "gurgling" any more. I will keep an eye and add it if he seems off - but at the moment, he's eating OK (not 100% - he hasn't eaten yet today)
I spoke to the vet about slippery elm and he said he thinks it comes under the "won't do any harm category"

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #75 on: May 14, 2007, 09:51:53 AM »
Morning all! Mark - thank you so much for your offer of k/d. However Hills have sent me some samples and a free tray of d/d (their new product). IF the beasties won't eat it, I'll post and maybe I can send you some for Hackney's finest to try :)  I'm so glad he's eating.

Max ate his i/d sooo fast this am that it all came up on my slippers. They love it. Tried k/d minced chicken at the weekend on saturday and they liked it. However I am getting nervous about what's in all the foods and just how different they really are. I think (what do others think?) I will give Swamp the l/d he likes, esp if he's going on to Fortekor, and mix in some k/d or d/d (if he'll eat venison!) some days too for when the l/d runs out or I'm left with the cans of not nice l/d. The quality control seems to be recognised as an issue - the vet nurse told me that was why they changed to pork as I've said.

Have you rung Hills customer services, Mark? they are quite good with their free samples if you explain that the situation is difficult. They'll also take back anything you've bought and Clapton won't eat and give you a refund. Maybe your vet can give you some pouches as samples? (mine does).

My 2 have both lost 100g over the weekend despite eating ok. I wondered if the k/d chook food was less calorific perhaps. It certainly looks and smells like a whiskas sort of food - pongs.
Good luck today.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2007, 07:34:02 AM »
i am glad he seems to be stabilizing. Did you ever get round to using hte Slippery Elm Bark?
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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #73 on: May 13, 2007, 23:18:49 PM »
He seems to be stabilizing after the steroids. The 1st evening, he ate like mad then the appetite went. I think its partly to do with me being strict about him having the fortekor every day now as well. He actually begged for breakfast this morning - I can't remember the last time he did that (and he had 2 pouches! ). He seems keen on asda senior which is in gravy so that helps moisture-wise. Fingers crossed, he is a lot happier now. I am going to order the 36 pouches of Hill's k/d chunks in gravy (hope its not another £18 down the drain)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2007, 23:21:18 PM by Mark »

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #72 on: May 13, 2007, 10:59:55 AM »
my vet said that in her experience, cats dont drink water with the electrolytes in it, which is why Pebbles had sub-q fluids at the vets instead. I did try syringing normal water into her, but that wasn't that successful!!
Food and health issues are a tricky one - I do wish I had been on here sooner with Snowy, she had raised liver enzymes and I just put up with months of sickness and diarrhea cos the vet kept dismissing it as being nothing (we had locum vets then and they didn't seem that helpful compared to my vet now), so I just fed her what she would eat, and tuna and cat milk to help her weight - which now, seems like one of the worst thigns I could have given her!! It is better for them to eat something, however bad for their organs, than not eat though.
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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #71 on: May 11, 2007, 19:21:48 PM »
Surely there must be some kind of electrolyte drink that cats can have?

Yes there is its called Lectade or you can use a human one, my chemist only sells blackcurrent flavour so i have Lectade in stock. Its wise to have a bowl of plain water down aswell as the lectade so if he wont drink the baited bowl he wont get dehydrated  ;D

Hills just seem to pluck foods out of the air, d/d is no more specific for CRF then using a low phos chicken based food.  :-: :shify:

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #70 on: May 11, 2007, 18:18:07 PM »
Well I have tried a lot of Hills various wet foods and none of mine will touch any of them. Clapton was named by SNIP (Society to Neuter Islington's pussies) as they ran out of names and called the cats after where they were found. Clapton was found in Clapton Road in Hackney  ;D

I will look into getting some D/D - I have so many catfoods in the cupboard!

If you PM me your address, I will post you a can of K/D for swampy to try - I have cans of K/D and another dutch brand of low-phos that have gone to waste.

BTW - regardless of what the vet says, I still think it's simpler and the cats are happier if you give them what they like and slip some binders in - I put some in clapton's food tonight - he didn't even know it was there  ;D

Check this link - they have other renal food I haven't tried like Purina & Leo. Also Binders and a renal support liquid

Edit - probably not the cheapest - I just googled kaminox and it's £29 from VetUK (£38 from Bestpetpharmacy!)

2nd edit  ;D

I am going to order these Hills K/D pouches of chunks in gravy - special offer price 36 for £16.50 - at lot cheaper than the cans!

« Last Edit: May 11, 2007, 18:37:32 PM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #69 on: May 11, 2007, 17:38:07 PM »
you must have picked up the 'shame' bit from him then!   ;)

Heard back from vet on the nosh for sensitive tums plus kidney probs - Hills suggest d/d which is made from venison and is low in phosphorus, if k/d isn't accepted or vomited.
They are now saying that changed from l/d beef to pork as couldn't be sure of the future supply of the high spec beef they used. I wonder what's in the cans I've got in that case?!
Sounds like they want me to ditch the stash under the bed and try Swamp on k/d or d/d - this afternoon he would only eat i/d (just to simplify matters: I had to apologise to the vet's nurse cos she has to ring - punters can't talk directly to Hills vets or even email or write to them   :Crazy:). Started noshing his l/d and heave-ho'd on the plate so now he's phobic about eating there and off that plate. Could be a long weekend.

Wonder just how bad i/d is for liver/kidney/seniors as they do like it a lot.

How's Clapton? Is he called after Eric?!  Oh btw Hills said Swampy's the only cat in the entire world to refuse the pork l/d. Well, actually no.....there are a few on this forum too. They can't have asked the right cats.

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #68 on: May 10, 2007, 18:36:41 PM »
Scuse me but you aren't S African are you Gillian (the way you used the word 'shame'?) - where I'm originally from and my boys lived for 8 years, happy in a sunny catrun!

Nope, but did go out with a S African guy once - does that count?!!  ;D I love the accent!

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #67 on: May 10, 2007, 18:32:46 PM »
He had been on Fortekor for about 3 months when they were taken - I don't have the readings for last november when he was diagnosed but the ones I posted were "marginally improved" readings.

I hate the idea of putting needles in him - OH would forbid it. The vet suggested keeping him in for 24hrs for rehydration next month if no improvement. Also, after the improvement in eating yesterday, He has hardly eaten today but it could be to do with the fact that we had 2 people clearing the garden today and that kind of thing always upsets him.

So maybe the fortekor is having a good effect then and hopefully that will continue. I know what you mean about sticking needles into them, and at some point, I'm going to have to face that with Suzie. From looking at the felinecrf site and seeing what others in the same situation on the felinecrf support group do, I'm pretty convinced about using fluids at home, if I can get over the needle thing!    :scared: It seems to be a more common form of treatment in the US than here.                           

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #66 on: May 10, 2007, 18:30:41 PM »
I would prefer to try glucose/water before needles. Surely there must be some kind of electrolyte drink that cats can have?

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Taking clapton off fortekor
« Reply #65 on: May 10, 2007, 16:47:00 PM »
Maybe the vet could rehydrate Clapton as Gillian suggests; Swampy's had both reydr methods: he didn't enjoy it with a needle under the skin but it's better than nothing if Clapton's dehydrated - although in hospital rehydration's going to work a lot better, but then you have the whole hospital trauma and he sounds nervy. Does he drink tons of water?

Gillian - thanks for the readings info. I'm not going to rush the decision because my vet's vague and changes his mind so unless things are very urgent, I usually wait until he's suggested them at least twice! He def told me Swampy's urine (dipstick) was 10.16 and Max's 10.35 which was better - although that's not a surprise cos the Max just doesn't drink - I have to add water to his i/d nosh.  He thinks that we must catch Swampy's kidney problem early as if it gets worse, so will his liver.  No news yet on whether Fortekor will affect his liver or how and there's nothing on the links contra-indicating it, unlike with Istin (for bp) which made his ALT rise in a week.  I think he suggested every cat could react differently. Has there been any liver blood result change on Fortekor with Clapton, Mark?  So difficult when being off food can be caused by liver or kidney to know which it is.

Scuse me but you aren't S African are you Gillian (the way you used the word 'shame'?) - where I'm originally from and my boys lived for 8 years, happy in a sunny catrun!

I've contacted Hills to ask about what food/s etc are appropriate if k/d's no good and will see what they say if they do reply. If they don't will ring up and ask them to call my vet - because he's said he'll do it but he'll forget  :Crazy:


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