Author Topic: Not again!!!!  (Read 2388 times)

Offline Furry Friend

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2011, 16:11:25 PM »
Following on from yestredays post when i said mom washed the bed, she weed again on it last night so once again its outside drying. I m so going to try all of the things youve all suggested, shes getting to much with all this unneccesary weeing, theres no need for it, there is 3 trays all oover the place :(  :-[ :tired:
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Offline Furry Friend

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2011, 16:53:53 PM »
thanks for the puppy pad idea, we went through that when the dog was 4-5 months cost a fortune:P
18 is a good age and 3 legs!!!! :D
The only problem is with the pad idea is the dog rips them all up, and tend to eat them,. because hes not normal hehe :doh:

But will speak to my mom bout that one thanks alot, keep the idea coming
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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2011, 16:02:55 PM »
I would get some puppy pads and cover all places she is going, including the dogs bed and hers. Not only will this protect them but will also stop the smell getting into things.

It will be a bit costly to start with as they will need to be thrown away after she has wet them, if she does. The dog and her will be able to lie on them comfortably and once the smell has all gone by doing what the others said, then the smell areas will be the puppy pads and can be left or removed during the day.

You will need to experiment with them.

You can 56 from PAH for about £18, (maybe cheeper) I think and I use them under the litter trays cos Ducha seemed to be missing but have just found out that he is doing it quite deliberately but he is 18 and only has 3 legs  ;D

I also cover my bed with them during the day and reuse and reuse.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2011, 13:33:28 PM »
bengals are highly strung I'm afraid they can also be a bit stroppy  - have you tried a feliway plug in, she might just need calming down a little, if it is that she is trying to dominate the dog not sure, that might be a bit more difficult

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 13:21:56 PM »
I think she is weeing due to the smell remaining (to her anyway) I bet it has soaked into the wood flooring or down the grooves and is still lingering. Dettol won't get rid of the smell. It must be an enzymatic cleaner that will break down the urine ingredients. You can even make a solution of biological washing powder and this can work. Sometimes it needs to soak for several hours for the enzymes to break down the urine and it can be whiffy as it does it.
I do think there is a dominance issue with her and the dog. They give out different signals and unfortunately dogs and cats do not speak the same language. One of our cats will lash out at the dog and he respects her though on occassion will copy and try and paw her however the other rolls over tummy up which to a cat is friendship but to a dog is submission. The dog thinks he can then dominate the cat and has on the odd occassion tried to mount the cat (a dog's dominance signal!!) Dogs urinate over things to scent mark to express their possession and dominance - cats spray and urinate to do the same. She does not see it as 'being dirty' as we would because she is a cat and this is her language. It just is not acceptable in our society and she needs trained up.
If you dog is a male it is likely she is picking up his scent that he leaves on the bed from his undercarraige and trying to scent over it. She is one confused kitty!
It may be worth the vet trying something to calm her and it is always possible things may have changed and she cannot help weeing as soon as she needs.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 13:23:52 PM by souffle »
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline Furry Friend

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2011, 12:38:11 PM »
thanks ouffle we are in a pickle at the moment. There is a stair gate on the stairs and she can go up out the way of the dog as and when she likes to. Mom said thats why she wees because she can smell her scent from last time. Weve bought £70 worth of bedding for her to keep weeing on!!! :(
She used to wee behind the tv the sofa the table the work tops, everywhere!! Dad did the loft out she weed in there too!!! She has free run of the house, the dog stays downstairs.
Yes the door is open all day as we have no cat flap, she doesnt go out much as she doesnt like the cat next door hee hee... at the moment shes curled up on my housecoat on the chair Xxxx
At night when the dog needds to go in and out to toilet, toffee will try to get out the door with him. Even though shes been out all day. Feliway has no effect on her, its difficult because its the dogs bed! She always used to wee, since we had her. Shes only started to wee on the dogs bed last week, weve only had the dog since june 2011
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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2011, 12:30:53 PM »
Oh dear you are in a pickle. It sounds to me that she has some scent confusion with the dog and herself. She is a mixed up kitty and does not know is she is a cat or a dog. Once she has wee'd once in the dog bed, no matter how much you wash the stuff the scent remains (even if you can't smell it) She will keep returning here to wet. You must use an enzymatic cleaner to get rid of any smell trace. She is probably trying to dominate the dog's smell and I would be inclined to remove the dog beds altogether and place it in a room that she has no access too. I know this will not be easy but I think it is essential.
Make sure she has private access to clean litter trays at all times. It must be in a place where the dogs cannot go and you don't want them sticking their noses in it either as they may have scared her once when she was using it so she is nervous. Maybe change the tray and litter type and try keeping her in one room only with her own bed and the tray or better still several trays. Once she starts using one concentrate on keeping this up and ensuring she is always safe and free to use it. It should be well away from the dog beds.
Does she go outside at all? Maybe try and encourage her to urinate outside. Have her vet checked to ensure there is no medical cause for the weeing and if it is due to stress over the dogs (even though she seems fine with them she may still be stressed) some vets will treat with medication. It may be an idea to also try a Feliway diffuser and see if this helps settle her.
I hope it works out but it may be a bit of hard work for now so good luck x
souf by Lynne Blair, on Flickr

Offline Furry Friend

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 12:27:22 PM »
Toffee has had water sample and everything, nothing wrong :/ Theres a corner tray on bottom of stairs, and 2 upstairs, they are always cleaned and kept filled up. We have to buy special litter from sainsburys hehe.. thats the only stuff she will consider using!
The dog bed is in the middle of the floor in the back room completely open! She just walks anywhere and chooses somewhere to wee. She is just getting worse. She cant keep weeing on the dogs bed, or anywhere else of the matter.
Worst place is the kitchen workttops!! Shes filthy, we get through tubs of dettol cleaning stuff
Would anyone suggest a waterproof mat or something??? But the dog likes to be comfy and water proof mats arent :P
I dont know anymore.
s the bed she wees on. They are only blankets as his bed is on washing lne. But this pic is so you can get the jist of the area she wees.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 12:30:57 PM by Furry Friend »
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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Not again!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 12:10:28 PM »
Sorry, has Toffee been checked for things like cystitis?

Also, is there a litter tray upstairs anywhere if Toffee seems reluctant to toilet downstairs? Some cats are very worried about being too "exposed" when they toilet so they find furtive places to go to the loo....

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Offline Furry Friend

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Not again!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 12:01:46 PM »
As my last post said toffee my bengal cat is 5 yrs old. She has always weed in the house even though there are 3 trays around the place. 2 without lids 1 with a lid. I would put it down to the dog but she has done this since we bought her home for the first time!!!

My other cat is petrified of the dog yet he comes downstars for the toilet! why doesnt toffee??? She plays with the dog, and chases around the dog, and fights with him, we dont understand why shes weeing still!!! She has took a like to weeing on the dogs bed. Have had to buy 2 or 3 eds as she keeps weeing on them. :( She will meow meow and meow then start scratching at the blankets.
She went to do it last night luckily i was on computer so i could see her and managed to sher quick, but when i got up this morning the bed was on line because mom said shed weed in the night!!! She isnt scared of the dog, id say she quite likes his company but why is she so dirty! How ddo i stop her weeing on the dogs bed for starters! :/ She has got to stop the house smells of wee its so embarrasing when friends come.  :(

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