Author Topic: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?  (Read 18816 times)

Offline SuzynCora

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2012, 17:48:15 PM »
Hi Helen.
Thank you  I think I've managed to send message, let me know if you don't recieve it. :thanks:

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2012, 09:53:52 AM »
Hi Suzy - sorry for the late reply - OH and I had a busy weekend!

I'm so glad to hear that Cora is doing better now - hopefully she's on the right track, and the diuretic will sort the fluids out! We noticed a fairly quick weight improvement when we went back on the thyroid meds too, and hopefully the destolit and a liver supplement will help things along for Cora as well.

If shes hard to pill, you might struggle as I did with the Destolit to be honest though, its got all sorts of conditions with it (ie they have to have it on an empty stomach etc - so no hiding in treats  :shocked:) and its rather big and bright blue! But you might get lucky with them! And no need to send anything in return at all - the box is sat on my shelf unused, and I'd much rather it was put to good use than to just bin it :)

If you want to PM me your address, I'll pop them in the post today :)


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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2012, 10:21:46 AM »
Thank you so much. 
I had a long chat with the vet last night, he said I did absolutely the right thing in asking for her to see a specialist,
and the heart problem was probably always there, we just hadn't found it.  Apparently the condition is one that is common in older cats.
At the moment she is on Prednisolone for the jaundice and inflammation, a mild diuretic for the fluid, the thyroid pills and destolit.
She is a nightmare to pill, so I'm having to be creative with cat treats, bits of turkey, and catnip.
I have to say she is looking better, though, and she is gaining weight, her backbone doesn't stick out so much, but I do still feel as though it was a mistake to take her off the thyroid pills, although I now understand the reasons why they did it.
I'm also not sure about this vet of mine, but will do a separate post on that.

Helen, I'd be happy to have the destolit, but would like you to have something in return.  Is there a toy or treat that Schmoo particularly likes?

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2012, 10:37:40 AM »
Oh Suzy I hope you are ok - sending good vibes your way!!  :hug:

Please dont blame yourself though - I know its so hard not to, but you can only go on vets advise when things are this complicated. We felt so helpless and frustrated with Schmoo when each test came back ok, and everthing we tried (including coming off thyroid meds) didnt work and in same cases made things worse :/

Unfortunately it seems in these complicated cases its sadly a bit of trial an error - which is not a nice thing to have to go through at all I know. If you arent happy about having more ultrasounds/sedation then I'd talk to your vet. We stopped taking Schmoo back to the vets at one point, as all the repeated testing was just stressing her out even more, but the vets completely understood so its worth talking to them?

Could they put her back on the Felimazole for a while to help her heart? I think heart and the liver problems can both cause fluid issues, so this may help that? If you do go back on thyroid meds, I would recommend trying a liver supplement to take at the same time (obv worth checking with your vet tho too) to try and counter the side effects, and help the liver out? It does seem to have helped us.

If you can pill Cora there are a few options to try - we were advised to try Destolit initially, but we couldnt pill Schmoo so switched to Hepatosyl which you mix in food. I still have a near full box of the Destolit though, and could post them to you if it helps?

Thinking of you both  :hug:

« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 10:52:19 AM by HelenD »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #42 on: January 05, 2012, 23:17:10 PM »
This is so sad.............have they done anything to get rid of the fluid like given her a jab for it, although she would then need to be on a drip.

I hope that she can improve  :hug: :hug:

Offline SuzynCora

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2012, 21:36:59 PM »
I thought she was doing well,  but we are back from the specialist tonight, and I'm being told she is on the verge of heart failure, and the weight around her middle is fluid.
I'm distraught, because I feel that in trying to help her, I may well have finished her off.
At the moment, she is hiding from me, and won't eat her treats or her food.
I'm convinced that the heart issue is due to not being on the felimazole, and I'm not sure that the fluid in her abdomen isn't connected with a fluid sample they took last week.  They've also sedated her to do ultrasounds every time we've been, so not sure the sedation has helped either.

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #40 on: January 05, 2012, 13:17:02 PM »
OMG re the X-ray, that must have been awful for you!! But so glad that a change of vet helped sort that out!

Pancreatitis was actally one of the first additional tests our vet did when the first liver tests came back so high, but apparently it was negative for any issues - shes been a right conundrum cat!

At one point our vets spoke to a referral specialist as well for their opinion and they mentioned something called triaditis - which is something to do with IBD, the pancreas and the liver all at once? Because Schmoos pancreas test was negative though they though it more likely to be predominantly the liver/IBD part. But then her IBD test came back ok too, so we were back to an unknown liver issue, although we did switch to the gastro/senstive foods at this point as well!

We also took her off the Vidalta at one point too (its in a previous thread somewhere I think) but we had to go back on it as her weight plummeted and her heart rate went up so high she got a murmur, and they didnt think it was safe to keep her off any longer. For some reason she didnt take to Felimalzole, so Vidalta is our only option at the moment. I dont think alternate therapies will help as she was very high on the Thyroid scale apparently when they first diagnosed it, and she reacted badly when the dose was dropped even by 5mg.

Sounds like Cora is doing well though - I know our vet said that putting on weight, and just being happy is a really good sign on its own!

We are back to the vet tonight, just for a check up (claw clipping!) and a repeat prescription & dental checkover, so hopefully we will do ok - shes going to be in a right strop with me later though LOL!

Offline SuzynCora

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2012, 18:14:37 PM »
Hi Helen (and Schmoo)
Thanks for the reply, pleased Schmoo is doing OK.  This is a lovely site isn't it?
Cora is about the same size as Schmoo, is also difficult to handle, and has very similar symptoms.
For 6 months I was told the vomiting etc was due to a liver tumour.  For all that time she was on Prednisolone and antibiotics.  Last spring, I was shown an X-ray of her "liver" and told she should be put to sleep.  I couldn't reconcile that with how happy and lively she was when well, so I took her for a second opinion, was told the X-rays were of a full stomach, not a liver.
I changed my vet, the new one said she had a thyroid problem, as well as a liver problem, and she's been on Felimazole ever since, but regularly goes off her food, vomits etc.
Just before Xmas, she had a bad bout of cat flu, and weight was down to 2 kilos.  I asked to be referred to a specialist, and after an ultrasound and bloods it looks like what she actually has is chronic pancreatitis and a thyroid problem.  Pancreatitis is quite rare in cats, and I believe they respond well to the type of diet Schmoo is on.
The specialist said Felimazole can irritate the liver quite badly in a small percentage of cats, so it would be logical the Vidalta would as well, especially as it seems to cause more side effects than Felimazole.
At the moment, Cora is on Destolit and an ani-inflammatory, and seems to be doing well, and is gaining weight, so give a thought to the pancreatitis the next time you are in the vets with Schmoo.   

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2012, 22:57:12 PM »
Hi Suzy & Cora!  :welcome:

So sorry to hear you are having similar problems to us, is it a liver/thyroid problem? :/ I saw your post on newbies and Cora looks gorgeous - seems our furry madams have a similar temprement too LOL!

Schmoo is doing ok, thank you :) We at long last found a food she likes and can keep down (for info its Royal Canin Digest Sensitive, not the vet one!) but we havent actually been back for any more tests for a while.

Last time we went to the v e t they gave her a visual check and basically said she looked lots better, her heart rate was almost back to normal and as her weight was on the up. He was quite up front and said we could do more tests if we wanted, but as she looked so much better that it was really up to us. We decided to wait and carry on as we were & only go back if we down-slid again. We had a little hiccup a while ago (manufacturers changed a food recipe - grrr) but we are back on track again now.  :shy:

Shes currently back on the Vidalta, taking a 1/4 destolit and hepatosyl capsule daily and so far so good. Oh and we also got a Feliway plugin too. Im sure some people might think it odd we havent had her retested for so long, but to be honest she was getting so stressed with all the tests we just couldnt keep doing it to her :/ So, for the moment, we are just sticking with it and keeping everything crossed.

I do hope you are ok though, these forums are a fab place to get loads of great advice and support from all the lovely members so you are definitely in the right place if you have any questions. Speaking from personal experience, the help i got from the wonderful people here kept me sane!



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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2012, 12:53:37 PM »
I am posting this a bit late, only just joined the forum, but I have similar problems with Cora, and we have been referred to a specialist. 
So far, tests but no answers, although the specialist says it is probably her pancreas, and she is better without the thyroid meds, or so it appears. 
Really, I just want to say that I hope everything has worked out OK for Schmoo.

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2011, 18:18:34 PM »
Dear Helen,

I became aware of your cat's problem when I was searching the internet for side effects of VIDALTA. I was shocked when I read your blog and decided to register with purrsinourheart in order to be able to respond to you.

I am not a vet but since we got our cat about 7 years ago (he was 9 1/2 years old then) I read a lot about alternative remedies and I believe that they can often help or are even better than the normal medicine.
Unfortunately, there are not many vets in the UK who also deal with alternative treatments so you have to get into it yourself. One book I can highly recommend is "The Natural Way for Dogs and Cats" by Midi Fairgrieve. I managed to heal quite a few problems withthe help of this book (for example his skin problems when we got him!)

But now he is also suffering from hyperthyroidism. And in fact, Vincent has a similar experience with VIDALTA. He got very sick after 4 doses of 15 mg which the vet prescribed. He has been suffering from Hyperthyroidism since about a year. It wasn't that bad in the beginning and I treated him with the biochemical tissue salts which worked. Luckily, we had a vet who was not adverse to alternative remedies and she just stated that the tissue salts obviously worked and that there is no need for anti-thyroid medication as long as we control his weight and his heartrate. Stupidly, when his appetite got back to normal (he was getting really fussy) I stopped the tissue salts.

Then about 4 weeks later (it was beginning of October) he started loosing weight dramatically, drank a lot of water and was generally unwell. We first thought he had diabetes but the bloodtest only showed that his thyroid has gone up very high. Otherwise, the vet said his blood was as good as the one from a young cat. She was really impressed (unfortunately, the previous vet is on maternity leave now and the new one has no understanding of alternative remedies). In any case,we decided to put him on VIDALTA as I was getting worried about his heart.

Then after 4 days he was so ill (diarrhea, feeling sick, no appetite, insomnia, lethargy, depression) that I thought he is going to die. The vet then also said that we should stop it and start again as soon as he has recovered with 10mg dose. He got immediately better when we took him off the VIDALTA but his diarrhea did not stop. His heart rate was good, his appetite came back and he became more lively again. I have to say that he is back on the tissue salts and I also ordered some very good homoepathic medicine including enzym therapie from Germany (this is for balancing the thyroid, heart and kidneys). Last Monday then also his diarrhea stopped and he looked like he had almost completey recovered. The last Thursday after he ate fresh trout all of a sudden his state deteriorated and the diarrhea started again. He had no appetite and of course I got really scared that he might lose more weight. His stool was quite bright brown so we though it has to do with the liver.

As his liver was perfect before we started with the VIDALTA we thought that it has to do with the medication. Also I had spoken to a homoepath in Germany (who wrote a book about tissue salts for cats a.o.) before we started the medication and she told me that I should avoid it if possible as all anti-thyroid medication has bad effects onthe liver). In particular in our cat's case his diarrhea started with the VIDALTA. Very often diarrhea is the body's way to eliminate toxins. I then read about how to deal with liver problems and yesterday we bought immediately milk thistle, lecithin and started to do warm wet compresses on the liver (2x a day for 10 minutes each at 60c -it is a treatment discovered by Dr Kneipp a German doctor and is still applied in Health Clinics). After the first compress, which he enjoyed a lot) he got up, relieved himself and then he got really hungry (he then ate 2 lamb kidneys with vegetables). First thing this morning I made another compress and he did not have diarrhea for the whole day, he also ate his whole breakfast (admittedly, the third one I gave him - as he became really picky recently). Our neighbour who also saw him yesterday (when we both cried) was here today and she could not believe it. he was a different cat.

After all I have read about this anti-thyroid medication and what I saw happened to Vincent I have already made up my mind not to put him on the medication again and instead trying it with the tissue salts and the other homoepathic remedies and the enzym therapie. I think that the side effects are just too strong and i have the feeling that I will rather kill him than help him. Also in Vincent's case the alternative remedies seem to work - you always have to control the heart and the weight though). It also requires a strict regime.

As regards the liver, I do not understand how one can give antibiotics and steroids. They usually effect the liver badly and very often liver problems are the result from such medication. You just have to help the liver to detox. It is like giving alcohol to someone with a liver desease... I also have another vet coming to see Vincent next week. She is doing Chinese medicine and I read that acupuncture is really good for liver problems.

As I said, I am not a vet and I can surely not advise you on how to treat your cat - but it might give you some thought about alternativ remedies.

You can get bio-chemical tissue salts in the UK but unfortunately not the ones for the thyroid. These are additional ones discovered by the successors of Dr Schuessler (the doctor who discovered the salts) and I receive them from Germany. You might also get them in other European countries. The other medicines I get from a company called Heel (you might also get them in the UK but I am not sure - these are excellent but also quite expensive). They do also the co-enzymes. I also give him Terrakraft which is OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidin), the enzyme from the kernels of grapes which amongst a lot of other things supports the liver.

I hope I was not too confusing. There is so much I wanted to tell you but obviously it would be too much for this forum.

I hope your cat is getting better soon!!

All best, Hanna

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2011, 16:52:06 PM »
I gave many injections to Napoleon over the years and as long as they are ones you can give that go just under the skin in the scruff and your cat is fairly good, it becomes all down to your nerve.

I even gave a convenia one and the vet can teach you how to give them.

As long as the fluid is waterlike a very thin needle with a short chunky syringe is the best way. If its milky like convenia a thicker needle needs to be used. The short chunky syringe is a 2 ml one I think and being on my own with a cat who used to lie on his back often and no spare hands this much easier than the 1ml one.

The thinner needle has an orange bit on it and next size up is blue, the next up from that is green. Basically the thinner the needle the less feeling.

THe sense of relief at being able to do something to help my cat without having to taqke him to the vets everytime was wonderful and one gets quite good at giving imjections as i am sure others will tell you.

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2011, 15:58:15 PM »
There is a Noroclav injection but it has to be given twice a day for a couple of days and then back to the vets for a check over, we have had them before for a couple of our scarey ferals when we had some cat flu issues with the outside ones - they liked going in a trap then a crusher so were easy to do

Some vets aren't happy about giving injections to the public but we have had 2 diabetics so are well used to giving injections and have the correct storage facility for them to
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2011, 14:12:50 PM »
I know its not the same thing but with one of mine Star I have had to insist on ab injections when she had a dental, she really can't be pilled and the time I tried to do it I ended up hurting her and making her mouth bleed and she was sick, she was a cruelty case from the rspca and it set back my relationship with her by months she was terrified, anyway the vet said that the ab's weren't really the right spectrum etc but we would try, she needed three lots of weekly jabs to do the same as a weeks worth of oral abs but it was worth it

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2011, 14:04:05 PM »
Thanks Gill :)

I think I will talk it over with Max (hubby) tonight and see what he thinks too - I think I'd rather get the thyroid and liver meds down her at the moment and wait and see with the a/b's.

Lucy (Vet) said it was more preventative that she was on them (to stop her bile ducts getting icky I think) so I cant see it doing her too much harm to be off them for the time being?

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2011, 13:32:12 PM »
I think you and the vet need to come to some agreement and its a difficult one.

If a cat is being forcibly pilled and then throws it up, its a complete waste of time and is causing distress to the cat. The vet has to understand this and if you are willing  to try a different ab that may not be as effective but will help, then this is the way I would go...........actually I wouldnt have a choice cos mine cant be pilled.

There are other abs injections to convenia but only last from 1-4 days so that could be another option.

The vet has to be willing to think outside the box and you have to decide how much stress you are going to cause your cat and think about her quality of life.

Its a very hard thing to decide but important that both you and the vet  consider this  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2011, 13:04:52 PM »
Hi Liz

Hmm sounds good about the steroid jab! I'll definately ask if we can have a jab rather than pills if shes needs to go on them.

I asked about the a/b jab, but the vet said it was a different type of a/b, and that the Noroclav was better for her condition compared to the injectable variety :/

She used to take the Noro crushed in her food, or in some cream cheese, but now she can spot it mixed in and walks away from it. Shes only eating boiled chicken at the moment, so I guess its not covering the taste enough! I might try with some poached white fish and see how we get on. I think its getting the balance of enough flavor to cover the taste, but not too rich so it doesnt make her sick  :sick:

I'll try some chicken roll again, shes a good 'unwrapper' though LOL so not sure if it will work, but I'll try anything at this point!

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2011, 11:15:33 AM »
Helen we got Steroid injections for our late great Miss gracie feral when she was diagnosed with a tumour on her jaw at 17 and they gave her another glorious 9 months with us and so much easier than tablets

Have they tried the Convenia jab for antibiotics lasts for 2 weeks and so much easier than tableting - I used my pill cutter and cut the Noroclav in to 4 smal pieces and wrapped it in chicken roll and got my unhandlable ferals to take it in small bits

can only send you both  :hug: :hug:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2011, 10:45:25 AM »
Just an update - we have had to put Schmoo back on Vidalta. We took her in last night for the IBS blood tests, and her weight has dropped to 2.4Kg and her heart rate was up yet again, and shes now deveoped a murmur, so the vet didnt want to risk keeping her off any longer. She said Vidalta would be best as she was on it for quite a while with no reaction, whereas we couldnt stabilise her on Felimazole when she was first diagnosed, so we couldnt be sure how she'd react to that now.

I'm struggling to deal with all the pills at the moment though. The Noroclav is a complete no go at the moment - she threw it all up last night, and again this morning (with the Vidalta and the Destolit with it). I gave them both again, minus the Noroclav, so I'm hoping they stayed down at least after I left for work :(

If the blood work comes back positive, then thats going to be even more tablets (steroids) and I dont know how we are going to cope! Any treat foods I have used before to hide pills she wont touch, or throws up, and I cant force tablets because we cant afford to stress her out. I dont suppose anyone else had had a similar problem and has a magic solution at all?  :scared:

I just feel like we are losing the battle at the moment :(
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 10:50:05 AM by HelenD »

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2011, 20:59:14 PM »
Only just seen this thread -

Unfortunately  I've known a few cats  have bad reactions to Videlta (I think there was another thread on here as well and certainly there were a couple on Catchat). The lower doses seems to be tolerated a lot better than the higher ones.
I know my vet tends to use Felimazole rather then Videlta !

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2011, 21:35:55 PM »
Thanks Rosella :)

I have done some more research tonight and both the Felimazole and Vidalta docs say not to use them if the cat is suffering primary liver problems, including cholangio-hepatitis, so I think that sort of makes our decision for the time being.  :scared:

I think for now we have to stick with trying to get the liver sorted as fast as we can, and then maybe think about wether we go back on the meds or not. According to the Vidalta information you might be able to restart treatment with these once liver problems are sorted, so that sounds a bit hopeful.

Thanks so much for everyone's posts, I really appreciate all the kind words at the moment. I hope we can get some good progress this week, I'm meant to be going abroad on Saturday and although O/H will be home looking after Schmoo, I will still be so worried if we haven't got anywhere by then.

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2011, 20:34:54 PM »
We still dont know what to do about going back on the Thyroid meds either at the moment. O/H thinks we should maybe try a low dose Felimazole just to 'take the edge off' for a while, which will hopefully not trigger a liver reaction while we try and treat that problem. I'm going to ask the vet again tomorrow and see what she says. I'm not sure if a low dose will have less reaction, or if just any amount in her system might irritate things :/

Have you looked at contra indications in NOAH's compendium.  I tend to refer to this whenever any of ours are put on medication.  Sending best possible vibes for Schmoo  :hug:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 20:36:03 PM by Rosella moggy »

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2011, 20:06:53 PM »
Hi Gill

Yes it's an antibiotic, I will ask if the jab will work in Schmoo's case - be ideal if it does!

She has insurance, but the thyroid isn't covered as it was found out too close to the policy start. And you have to report new conditions within 14 days of symptoms apparently, and as they though it as thyroid related initially (& still may be) we prob won't get a claim through :/

I have a list ready fir tomorrow LOL : D

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2011, 14:38:55 PM »
I dont know what Noroclov is but if its an ab then yes convenia is the two week jab but doesnt work for everything.

I would reckonmend that you write all your questions for the vet down, with the most important at the top and insist that she addresses all the med problems, tell her that your cat is not tollerating being pilled or the particular med. She has talked to the experts and should be well clued up now.

If she isnt then maybe its time for her to refer you to an expert,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you do have insurance dont you ?

Sending lots of good vibes and think time is of an escence now cos liver problems are serious :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2011, 10:42:00 AM »
Thank you :)

I think I am going to ask the vets if theres a jab we can give her instead of the Noroclav tomorrow though. Tablet time this morning did not end well. The destolit 1/4 tab was fine hidden in some food, but she can spot Noroclav a mile off now! I resorted to making some prawn paste again and putting it in that - but minute that had gone down, we threw the whole lot up all over the kitchen.  :sick:

I'm sure theres a jab you can get which lasts a couple of weeks isnt there? It would just save so much stress trying to get pills down her. If I cant hide them in food we dont stand a chance as she cannot stand being force fed, and I cant risk stressing her out :/

We still dont know what to do about going back on the Thyroid meds either at the moment. O/H thinks we should maybe try a low dose Felimazole just to 'take the edge off' for a while, which will hopefully not trigger a liver reaction while we try and treat that problem. I'm going to ask the vet again tomorrow and see what she says. I'm not sure if a low dose will have less reaction, or if just any amount in her system might irritate things :/

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2011, 21:06:54 PM »
Hope you can get her stable again very soon  :hug:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2011, 14:10:30 PM »
Finally heard back from the vets. They have talked to the specialist today (both agree Schmoo is a complicated case!) and they now think it's more likely to be a primary liver problem again.

Apparently they suspect a case of Cholengio-Hepatitis, aggravated by the thyroid meds and possibly IBS.

We are picking up some Destolit and more Noroclav today, then we need to do another blood test next week to check her B12 vitamin levels, as this should tell us if she's got IBS, and if she has we'll put her on some steroids? Then we also need to decide if we put her back on the thyroid meds, and if so which one!

I'm not entirely sure why we are back on the Noroclav when 2 weeks on it did nothing, but at this point my head is spinning and I think we just have to go with it!

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2011, 12:23:57 PM »
Have just unlocked this cos I am sure it must have got locked accidently

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2011, 07:01:34 AM »

Just got back from a meal out to an answer phone msg from the vets. The short version is that her liver levels have gone up again! Her WBC has apparently gone up a bit which is good, but looks like the meds might not be the problem after all.

She's waiting for the specialists opinion still though and is ringing back in the morning to talk through things properly.

Completely confused now, just got my head around the thyroid op possibility and now I have no idea how this is going to end. Having lots of cuddles with my girl tonight...

Sorry to hear the liver levels have gone up again, the WBC will go up if she's not on thyroid meds I would think as they can lower it.    Good there were no masses felt originally, and hope that they can soon find out out what is wrong and treat it.  :hug:
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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2011, 23:03:59 PM »
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2011, 21:47:43 PM »

Just got back from a meal out to an answer phone msg from the vets. The short version is that her liver levels have gone up again! Her WBC has apparently gone up a bit which is good, but looks like the meds might not be the problem after all.

She's waiting for the specialists opinion still though and is ringing back in the morning to talk through things properly.

Completely confused now, just got my head around the thyroid op possibility and now I have no idea how this is going to end. Having lots of cuddles with my girl tonight...

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2011, 13:45:21 PM »
Hi Helen, well I've had 3 hyperthyroid cats and they've all been treated with meds - my current cat Pepper is hyperthyroid (I've also been hyperthyroid myself so I know how it feels).  My Pep has been on Vidalta now (he's on 2 x 10mg per day as 15 wasn't enough) and he's now stable it sky high initially.  I've not heard of any other cats with liver issues but I think, if I remember rightly when I was on Carbimazole myself the side effects could be liver although I'd think they were rare.  It's not good to be off thyroid meds though if needed and the heartrate will go up, so your vet must think that it will be worse for the liver.  I'd keep chasing your vet up - although they're probably trying to chase up info too for you.  Best of luck, I do hope that you can sort something soon  :hug:
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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2011, 13:30:05 PM »
Keep rechasing cos often they dont seem to get the message  :hug: :hug:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2011, 13:14:10 PM »
Still no news - I just rang for an update and my vet had just gone out, so they are going to leave her a message and hopefully we will hear back soon :/

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #12 on: October 06, 2011, 19:55:54 PM »
The results and then specialist advice takes sometime as I know from when this happened with Napoleon but I would definately chase the vet  :hug: :hug:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2011, 19:51:54 PM »
No word from the vets today unfortunately   :scared: trying not to read into that...!

Will ring them first thing tomorrow I think.

 She's been off her tablets for a week now, and we can't try her on any different food until we get the liver results....

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2011, 13:27:02 PM »
Hope you hear from the vet soon  :hug: :hug:

Offline HelenD

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2011, 12:39:07 PM »
Thanks ladies :)

My O/H looked it up for me too last night, as I was having a bit of a mini-meltdown, so I feel a bit betternow! I guess when the vet commented it was raised, she meant versus her normal rhythm, but its not too bad compared to the average?

We are still waiting to hear back from the vets at the moment, if I stare at the phone much harder I think I might melt it LOL!


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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2011, 12:31:40 PM »
Hope she feels better soon.  :Luv:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Senior hyperthyroid cat with liver issues - possibly Vidalta caused?
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2011, 00:21:35 AM »
Just got this so if its correct your cats heart rate is OK .

Tips & Warnings

For dogs weighing 30 lbs. or less, the average heart rate is 100 to 160 beats per minute. For dogs weighing more than 30 lbs., the average heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute.

A puppy up to 1 year of age has an average heart rate of 120 to 160 beats per minute.

A cat has an average heart rate of 160 to 220 beats per minute.

Read more: How to Check the Heart Rate of Dogs and Cats |


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