Author Topic: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???  (Read 3154 times)

Offline CatMad JoJo

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2011, 17:28:50 PM »
Awwwwww thank you Tiggy's Mum!   :thanks:

I really do think ALL cats are lovely, they are able to just look beautiful with any effort - and also COMFORTABLE but Pandora does take this to a whole new level with her funny little poses - I missed such a cute one this morning, by the time I'd fetched the camera and turned it on the disturbance made her move!!   ;)   The "under paw heating" is the subject of much ridicule  :censored: for me but I bought the heater for my old girl who declined over her last 4 months so that all she wanted to do was lay on a comfy warm bed and I've never regretted it!!!  These kittens have very fine coats too, so it makes sense to provide them with a snug and cosy bed...  (well that's MY story and I'm sticking to it!!!)  :) 
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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2011, 17:15:46 PM »
Wow, cute alert on those photos JoJo!  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

I love the one of Pandora flat on her back with the 'under paw' heating bed  :naughty:

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2011, 17:10:56 PM »
Hello Helen & thanks for your reply!

I really hope that the Feliway helps your Schmoo and hope that she gets better really soon.   :Luv2:

The "fireworks seasons" is why I'm continuing Feliway this year.  I used the DAP version between Halloween and New Year for several years as our old dog used to get very distressed with fireworks and passed that anxiety to George, my sensitive rescue so I thought as it had been such a success I'd keep it going.  I don't mind paying out for it when it works - that's all you want really, isn't it.  Something to help your much-loved furrie!!  :Luv:  I think that the majority of comments seem to be favourable and while it doesn't work for everyone I really do think it's worth a try for anyone who is looking for such a remedy.  Especially being able to buy soooo comparitively cheaply!!  Bargain.   :)
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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2011, 13:50:35 PM »
So glad it worked! :) I've just bought one if these for our cat Schmoo to see her over the Bonfire/Fireworks season.

Shes not been too well recently and I thought it might help keep her calm, as I really dont want her getting stressed or freaked out, and she hates fireworks at the best of times!

Fingers crossed it will work for us too!


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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2011, 22:50:31 PM »
Photos are absolutely wonderful.  Go take a look peeps and see if you don't gasp and swoon  :blow kiss: :blow kiss: :blow kiss: :blow kiss:

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 22:11:00 PM »
Thanks for the update and the photos are adorable - so glad that everything is going so well and pleased that the Feliway seems to have helped xxx
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Offline CatMad JoJo

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2011, 18:40:02 PM »
Hello to all...

Many thanks for everyone who has written in, your experiences have all helped greatly!  :)

I just thought that I would write an update.  It will be a whole month soon since our new kittens arrived & I thought it was a good time to let you all know how things went...

I DID buy Feliway, from the link kindly provided (I've now passed this on too - twice!!)  I noticed a positive difference in my rather clingy and needy boy cat George within the week, he seemed sort of quite chilled out and stopped following me absolutely everywhere.  He's continued to be quite cool about all the changes and has been amazing with the kittens.

When they arrived I did keep them in a bedroom, in which I also slept in for their first week with us.  Everything they needed was in there, cat trees, toys, bed, litter, food and water etc but George immediately knew (of course) that they were in there and kept sniffing under the door and asking to be let in. 

After doing lots of scent exchange with stroking and beddings etc there seemed to be no adverse reaction, so I then let them see each other for a while through the open doorway.  Again George only appeared interested.  In the end I only kept them apart for only 2 days before Dexter made his escape and met face to face with George.  I held my breath and waited for the hissing but George just looked interested.  Funnily enough it was actually the KITTENS that fluffed up and hissed,  Pandora in particular tried to make her tiny self as big as possible and made the most awful yowling.  George looked a little alarmed but just carried on watching them, even when Pandora chased him he would return straight away for another look.  Within a couple of hours they were touching noses...  then soon were eating next to each other and now they are playing together.  George has not quite shared his bed with them yet but I understand that he may never want to, after all he HAS got a great fluffy coat and feels the heat.    :Luv:

Maisie took a bit more work.  She seemed absolutely terrified of the kittens at first, actually asking to be picked up then trembling in my arms when I held her but after lots of TLC, a bit of ham, tuna and some "Dreamies" and lots of new toys & cuddles she has also touched noses and started to accept the 'intruders'.  I think that the Feliway has helped her too.

I know my messages do tend to be long and detailed   :shy:   but hope that they will help someone else facing the same thing!  I know all cats are different and maybe I've just been lucky but I also did read the Cat Vs Cat book AND ensure that there were plenty of everything like litter boxes, food dishes, cat trees, beds so that no-one felt left out and I do think this is vital.  I also stopped Pandora getting into George's bed - the kittens have an identical one as she seems to know that they is a power trip!!!!!!! 

Bottom line:  I would definitely TRY Feliway - after all it can be easily discontinued if your cat(s) are among those that either seem to react adversely or not at all!!  I shall certainly be keeping mine going for a while yet and would definitely recommend it.

Will post again if things change dramatically.

If anyone would like to see pictures then visit: 

Thanks again to all who replied!    :Luv2:
CatMad JoJo  ♥☆ღღ☆♥

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2011, 17:24:56 PM »
I just have a very odd cat Amber who loves the plug in feliway and goes all cuddly when I plug it in but fluffs and hisses if I use the spray  :Crazy:
I have a plug which I dont have on all the time as my cat gets stress cystitis normally if I get stressed about something she gets ill so if I know something stressy is coming up I plug it in but if I think its fine I turn the plug off.
I hope the intros go well

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2011, 17:04:25 PM »
Its true they dont work for all and Sasa hates it too

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2011, 16:19:55 PM »
We had tofee first and she was an older kitten, then we had iggy who was half the size hehe...
We had diffusers, and sprays galore as toffee hated him! They didnt work for us, but maybe they work different of other cats, like catnip??? :hug:GOOD LUCK with your little kitten :)
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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2011, 12:34:31 PM »
Sounds very promising so far - :crossed: it continues to go smoothly  ;D

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2011, 00:44:40 AM »
Pleased its going well and hope that Maisie comes round  :hug:

Offline CatMad JoJo

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2011, 00:21:18 AM »
Hi all...

I did order some Feliway from the link kindly provided  :thanks: and plugged it in immediately on arrival.  We collected kittens yesterday (they is soooooo beautiful!!!!) and all is going better than I could have hoped for...

The kittens are separate at the moment but George (my darling spoiled boy) seems to be nothing but interested - he hasn't reacted badly at all and in fact has been amazing!!!  After sniffing their scent and under the door at them I opened the door and allowed them all to see each other and wander around a bit.  That also went well so we had a little game of Da Bird, with ham for rewards after... ... ... George LOVES ham and will do anything for a slice!  As I say he's not the problem, which I was fearing but the kittens are obviously quite frightened at the moment.

So while George has been quite ok about it all, sadly Maisie has made herself scarce  :(  but I think will be ok once she gets over the shock of intruders in her house!!!  However, it's actually the KITTENS (!!!), the tiny little terrors that brush up, posture and hiss!!!!!!!!!  It's actually quite brave of them to take on 2 adult cats!!!  Hopefully once a few more days have passed and everyone calms down a bit more perhaps it will all be ok. 

Thanks to all concerned - I'd still love to hear from anyone and may write with a big HELP notice if things take a turn for the worse!!  :-:  but all things considered I feel that the early indications are positive and that with some more tlc and patience (and probably a lot more ham) we'll all get there. 

I'll write another update in a week or so (if anyone is interested???) but until them am keeping my fingers crossed that they will all be one loving furry mass by then!!!!!

Will post some pictures too if that should happen!!

 :Luv2: :) :Luv: 8)
CatMad JoJo  ♥☆ღღ☆♥

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2011, 22:43:28 PM »

Thank you both for your replies!!

Dear Rosella Moggy  :Luv2: It is great to hear from such an experience cat parent and I'm greatly encouraged to hear that you think things will be fairly straightforward.  :)  I am definitely ordering some Feliway now - have been humming and harring for several weeks - and wish I'd written in here sooner as it's been really good to hear what others think.

My two aren't at all aggressive either and the kittens have been VERY well socialised - they're bomb proof - so will probably not take any notice of my existing cats if they have a hissy fit or two.  My REAL concern is for my existing babies (I know I'm an over-anxious mother!!) and I'm praying that with a little patience, a lot of love and some common sense they will all be one loving furry mass soon.  :Luv: :Luv2: :) 8)

I'll leave an update as and when!!   :thanks:
CatMad JoJo  ♥☆ღღ☆♥

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2011, 22:35:37 PM »
They're all adorable  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv: :crossed: that the intros go well  ;D

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2011, 21:19:01 PM »
Lovely pics and videos  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

TBH, with those ages (all very young), I think things will work out OK pretty quickly.  I too am a firm believer in Feliway and am one of the ones that got the good deal.

We have a rather nervy girl amongst our troupe called Ruby.  We introduced Boris a month ago and she was very upset by his hooligan antics.  Lots of hissing and spitting.  No aggression; all fear bless her.  He is now only 23 weeks. 

Now she just shakes him off when he lands on her and walks off giving him "you silly little man" looks.  I am sure part of the quick settling in process was to do with 2 feliways plugged in permanently but am also sure the fact that Ruby is not yet 3 years old helped too.

Am sorry to hear about Aimee  :(.  Very beautiful girl  :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2011, 20:56:33 PM »
Oh I don't think that link works!  Try this one!!   :shy:
CatMad JoJo  ♥☆ღღ☆♥

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 20:44:57 PM »
Thanks for your replies...  ;D

To answer your questions Gill my existing cats are about 18 months old (we rescued them last June when they were quite little) and the kittens will be 16 weeks old when we collect them in 12 days time.  They will be already neutered and have everything done so it's just a matter of introducing them to each other!!!  I will follow certainly follow your advice about a gradual introduction as I agree it's the best idea and have already given our cats the kittens scent on a blanket!  You can see the kittens reaction to the blanket when we took to them on the photobucket link below!!  They just sniffed and sniffed and then all piled onto it!!!!!!!

I've been reading a really good book called Cat vs Cat by Pam Johnson Bennett, which has been amazing but it's always great to hear about the REAL life experiences of real cat parents!!!   :hug:

To reply to Tiggy's Mum... thank you so much for the link, that's wonderful!!  I usually buy my stuff from Zoo Plus but their Feliway refill is still over £15 so it's great, especially as it's free delivery over £25!!  I will definitely get some now and plug it back in - I did use it for about 3 months when we first had them but never had used it before.  My cat George is very nervy (like your boy), while Maisie (our other cat) is very laid back...  They too have both been treated the same just like yours, but as you say it doesn't mean they will BE the same!!  Strangely enough George is also very loving and affectionate (again like your boy) in fact he's sooooo much that way I often feel that I'm WEARING him  :Crazy:  Perhaps using it again it will help to settle him down like your boy too!

Again thank you both.

Pictures on photobucket.  Link below.  The video on photobucket plays a repeat endlessly, you just have to stop it.  Our boy(Dexter) is the Thai Blue Point kitten with the yellow collar on, while Pandora is a Korat and has a lilac collar.

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 17:17:43 PM »
I haven't used it for introductions but I am a massive fan of it in general and have one permanently plugged in. One of my cats, who I've had from a kitten and has been raised and treated identically to his brother who is bombproof, is very sensitive to change. He often jumps in the air like he's been electrically shocked for no reason! He is very affectionate and loving but gets easily 'freaked out' by the silliest little things. With the Feliway plugged in he is a confident and cheeky little boy and much less nervy.

Susanne recently discovered a website that is excellent value for Feliway, £16 for the plug with vial and £11 for refills - delivery is free if you spend over £25 or else it's £2. Several Purrs members have ordered from them over the last few months with no probs. Compare that to VetUK (who are usually competitively priced) £23.41 for the plug and £17.48 for the diffuser.

:1st place: on your new arrivals btw  :wow:

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Re: Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 17:07:38 PM »
It can work but not always and takes about a week minimum to be effective.

How old are your current cats and how old are the kittens?

Usually its best to at least start the introductions very slowly by keeping the old and new seperate and then gradually swapping scents before letting them see each other before actually meeting.

Sometimes things go quite smoothly and quickly but not here LOL

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Does anyone know if Feliway DOES work???
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2011, 17:03:09 PM »
Hello   :Luv2:

I'm writing in to ask if anybody has tried Feliway plug in diffuser when introducing new kittens to existing cat household please???

We are just about to go from 2 cat babies to 4...  It should have been only 1 but there was a gorgeous boy whose booked "parents" decided they didn't want him 'cos he's cross eyed!!!!!  :shocked:   :(  When we went to see our new kitten (Pandora) we fell in love with him and were powerless to resist!!   :Luv2:

We've used Feliway plug in diffusers before but have never really known if it IS that effective so I'm wondering just what all you experienced cat "parents" thought about using it???

I would be very grateful to hear what you think and/or if you have experience of introducing new kittens to 2 very spoiled and much loved cats!!

Many thanks.

 :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
CatMad JoJo  ♥☆ღღ☆♥


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