Author Topic: How to starve one, but feed the other?  (Read 1986 times)

Offline lilylass

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Re: How to starve one, but feed the other?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2011, 12:49:00 PM »
Tiggy's mum - will source some RC sensitive pouches for the future bouts that will no doubt happen!  Although Archie eats wet food, she's not too fussy about it and much prefers the dry (saying that she's a wee minx at trying to pinch my food off my plate)!

FireFox - dog usually has a load of veg (cabbage, carrots etc) mixed in with the dry good as he's prone to weight gain and the vet suggested this to bulk it out.  He's wheat intolerant so unfortunately Chappie isn't an option.  He's getting chicken at the minute as had one of his many tummy problems a couple of weeks ago and am slowly moving him back from chicken & rice to "normal" food.

Anyway, really pleased to report that "Minnie Me" appears to be a bit better this morning - not totally "normal" but a HUGE improvement on the runs of last night.  She's also a lot more happy in herself so hopefully whatever it was has "passed through".

Dog's going to the vet on Monday for his 6 monthly prescription check-up so if things aren't totally back to normal by then, she'll be coming along too!


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Re: How to starve one, but feed the other?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2011, 02:06:36 AM »
Sorry it's a little off topic but may I suggest you don't supplement your dog's food with chicken on a regular basis? Commercial diets are complete, providing all the nutrients in balance with one another. Adding plain meat upsets the ratio of protein to minerals (bone), and the ratio of protein to carbs and fat.  :shy: If your dog won't eat his dry food without additions then it might be best to change the dry food or add in some Chappie.
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Re: How to starve one, but feed the other?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 23:38:54 PM »
If they ate wet food at set mealtimes it would be easier as you could just shut them in separate rooms to eat but having dry down makes it much harder! Hopefully your boy can have his secret snacks in the wardrobe and she'll be none the wiser  :evillaugh:

I keep some Royal Canin sensitivity pouches in now so if either of them ever have a runny bum I don't have to faff about cooking chicken. When I first tried my cat on it he refused to eat it and I fed him chicken for nearly a month. I think he was just feeling so poorly he didn't want to eat as he now wolfs it down whenever he has it.

:crossed: that she's better by tomorrow  :hug:

Offline lilylass

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Re: How to starve one, but feed the other?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 23:28:24 PM »
 :thanks: I've got some cooked chicken in the fridge (dog gets with his dry food :-[) which she'll def eat :)!

He's a different matter - he won't eat anything "human" - goes nuts if I have fish or chicken but won't touch it if I put a bit down for him  - he's a very odd cat indeed!

I might try putting a few bits of his dry in the wardrobe (he sleeps in there on a shelf - have finally given in and put an old pillow & fleecy blanket in :Crazy:) and put a few wee bits of chicken down for overnight & lift the rest of the food until the morning.

Really hoping she's a bit better by then - taking her to the vet is a nightmare, she's not good in the car and is usually "unwell at both ends" before we make it there - even when her tum's OK.  She gets horrendously stressed and turns into a poor wee (know this is a bit of a contradiction) hissing, spitball when we get there. 

Last time (booster time) my vet was unfortunately on hols and the locum wouldn't even try to get a worming pill down her.

Fingers crossed it clears up overnight. :(

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: How to starve one, but feed the other?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 23:16:05 PM »
When my cat was having diaorrhea problems my vet said they don't recommend starving them anymore but to feed them something bland like chicken and rice. Could you feed them both chicken for 24 hours to save having the issue of having to separate them.

Hope it clears up quickly and that she feels better soon  :hug:

Offline lilylass

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How to starve one, but feed the other?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 23:00:39 PM »
Hi, my wee girl cat has got a VERY upset tum tonight (she does occasionally have an upset tum for a day but it clears up after that & vet can't find anything wrong so thinks it's when she's eaten something "lovely" outside) - however, not very nice tonight & she'll be going to the vet tomorrow morning if no better.

I know the best thing to do is to starve her for 24 hours, but I have another cat so struggling to come up with a way to do this - they get different types of RC (and don't usually touch "each others" for some reason ;) but I'm pretty sure if I lift her food, she'll just eat his.

Putting it somewhere else is going to be hard as have a very  :naughty: lab who is the biggest thief ever (the cats basically have all their "stuff" in my spare room with a baby gate on).

Do you think I should just leave the food down - or starve both of them?  (In for a very noisy night if so, as my boy is VERY vocal).


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