Author Topic: loving Family home offered to patient kitten or older cat in need of cuddles. (S Birmingham) Sorted  (Read 10157 times)

Offline Janeyk

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i will move my kitten chat to the cat stories thread now though so its in the right area- any advice is gratefully recieved!

thanks  :)
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline thekittensmittens

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to be honest im not too sure-the woman said shes 6 weeks but she looks bigger than other kittens of that age to me, considering the kitten was going to be dumped outside RSPCA i was kinda gobsmacked- oddly the lady was really upset the kitten had to go, thats the bit i dont fathom?? the mom cat is back on heat as well she said so really hope the woman gets her neutered as i suggested as wouldnt like to think of her ending up pregnant again!
Ive got kitten milk that im giving her but she doesnt seem to eat that much but she does eat and seems perky enough-oddly only evening and night though :Crazy:
i will move my kitten chat to the cat stories thread now though so its in the right area- any advice is gratefully recieved!

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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  • Misa at 4yrs old and new with me
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Wonderful. how old is she?

Offline Janeyk

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 :) I will move this to sorted now and we'd love updates if you'd like to start a thread in Cat's Stories  ;D
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 09:53:15 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline thekittensmittens

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  • Slave to: Mr Miyagi , Georgia, Pacey & Little Mo RIP....also 10 lovebirds and rainbow the rosella! Rip Cookie & Sunny my beautifull cockatiels
UPDATE:  a friend told me that there was a woman at the school who had kittens and was going to dump one at the RSPCA so i got her number and im now the mom of Georgia a black and white female kitten. Shes already asserted her place in the home and ive spent most of yesterday and this morning blocking gaps behind appliances in the kitchen as she likes to hide in dark corners where i cant find her. 3 1/2 hours i spent yesterday and when i went to get her out she just purred, then came into the front rooom and slept under my cushion on sofa till daughter came in from school. she then spent last night hyper from a days sleep and wanted to play so we had to take turns with things tied to wool for her to chase.
this morning shes repeating the same routine and hiding now in the cupboard , if i give her bedding though she hates it! she looks at her basket like its an alien space ship and tiptoes around it lol!
the woman said she was going to dump poor Kitty that day so it was fate that i turned up apparently :(

Offline thekittensmittens

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  • Slave to: Mr Miyagi , Georgia, Pacey & Little Mo RIP....also 10 lovebirds and rainbow the rosella! Rip Cookie & Sunny my beautifull cockatiels
thxs for the replies- I spent today back at RSPCA looking at the cats, the poorly kittens they have in and are treating are looking so much better already, fingers crossed that they do make a good recovery- i looked at some of the older cats but they were either reserved or were ones that werent to be rehomed with children. i phoned up my local CP, the blue cross and another one but all had no kittens to be homed but said there will be lots in march. the boy that my daughter was looking at is reserved now so hope he settles in a new home soon x

Offline snarf

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Here is a list of rescues local to birmingham -

it might just be worth ringing round to see if they can help.

to put abit of a damper on- id imagine that an older cat would be better, every kitten ive known has been abit bitey (albeit in play) and its very easy for it to become a habit with some cats if anyone squeals or reacts (as children tend to) a slightly older cat will be more set in personality so you can find one that suits- some will have been fostered with young children in equally loud houses! and you know if youve got a cuddlebum then. i have two 4 year olds that still play like kittens (they dont know theyre supposed to have grown up  ;))
the little lad from the RSPCA might just be abit over energetic now if hes stuck in a pen.

Offline thekittensmittens

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  • Slave to: Mr Miyagi , Georgia, Pacey & Little Mo RIP....also 10 lovebirds and rainbow the rosella! Rip Cookie & Sunny my beautifull cockatiels
Thxs for the reply Gail- There is a CP , not close by bus for me but if they could give me a lift it would be ideal ;D
my children are well behaved with animals as I have been brought up with animals myself but dad swore never to keep cats again after our next door neighbour poisoned our manx cat as mom was heartbroken so we had guinea pigs mainly.
the children know that our lovbirds need thier time alone and to not touch the cages without an adult or teen being with them. they also handle the birds supervised etc. they are good kids but obviously a new cat or kitten will spark a huge reaction for them so i do need to make sure the poor kitty isnt overfussed.
I know it sounds quite offputting, 5 children! :Crazy: but they are good loving children and do have a lot of love to give a pet, I wouldnt comdone tail pulling or anything nasty to a cat, I had a friend who had kids like that and it used to make me so angry! especially seeing as she refused to neuter the mom who was permently with a little of kittens and then the kittens would be played with like toys :'(

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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  • Misa at 4yrs old and new with me
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None of these sound like they would be the right cat for you and who ever was allowing unneutered cats to be going out is clearly not a rescue.

It sounds that you are going to need a very special cat and think that most kittens will be scared of boisterous children and loud noisy offence meant.

I think you to ensure that the rescues you look at are good ones and that they know their cats...this is very hard but a guarantee in writing that they would take the cat back if it didnt work would be the right track.

Do you have a CP branch near to you, the one closest to me transported me out to look at some of their cats and agin to collect and bring home cos at the time I didnt drive either.

Try looking for a list of rescues in your area on Cat Chat but beare in mind this is just a list and no checking of them has been done.

It could be some modification of the household children needs to be done so they understand what is required for a cat, ie no forcing attention when not wanted, no tail pulling, no loud noises to scare the cat etc etc, just basic things that would widen the base line for your cat lookin  :innocent:

Offline thekittensmittens

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  • Slave to: Mr Miyagi , Georgia, Pacey & Little Mo RIP....also 10 lovebirds and rainbow the rosella! Rip Cookie & Sunny my beautifull cockatiels
I thought i would give you some more background information. We have looked at two kittens that were local and offered to good homes. the first was a female who had ran off when we first phoned and returned the next day. when we went to see her she was out the back with some ferals and was brought in and then the other male kitten (who they said had a new home arranged) proceeded to mount the poor girl who was in heat and obviously was un-neutered. I told them i was concerned she was pregnant as didnt want to take a kitten that was going to have kittens and the lady said she would have the vet check it out. the partner phoned me a few days later and said the vet had checked kitty and she wasnt pregant but how would they know if it was so early? anyway i advised the kitty was kept in till she was neutered but the man said it was cruel to keep her in ....obviuosly i couldnt see the logic in this as she will end up pregnant sadly!
anyway i now feel guilty for not taking her but i cant afford to look after a litter of kittens too  :(
the next kitten we went to see was again lovely and friendly to us yet as soon as the woman or teen son came near he jumped a mile and was very nervy of them, this made me feel he has been abused by them and he was so loving to my daughter i was very sad to leave him but i really didnt know what to do..if he is scared of certain age groups of children would this trigger a defense in him if my own children were too loud or would he be too nerous of us to ever settle in. I wouldnt like to take him and he didnt settle and he had to get rehoused again.
I feel really bad now but need to find the right cat for both our sakes as if its a younger kitten its going to live here for life.
we have vistited local RSPCA but nearly all were reserved and one young chap whom my daughter loved had gone a bit loopy and started biting- so the man said they may be changing his sign over to say not for children? he was really cuddly but did give my finger a bit of a bite but it was just a testing nip-not trying to draw blood-more a weird hello! he then gave me a few kisses so was really sweet but he then "cut his eyes" at my daughter which made me laugh-definately a character ;D

Offline thekittensmittens

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  • Slave to: Mr Miyagi , Georgia, Pacey & Little Mo RIP....also 10 lovebirds and rainbow the rosella! Rip Cookie & Sunny my beautifull cockatiels
You can read a bit about us in the  newbies intro section but i will tell you a bit more later but firstly ill tell you what we can offer to a pussycat xx
   Your name .... Im Jo and kitty mad daughter is Willow  :)
   A bit about where you live. ... I live in South Birmingham. although i live in a town I am fortunate to be one street away from a farm and fieldsmy house is a large 3 story with an enclosed backgarden.
  Are you near any roads, railways... I live on the end of a row of 3 houses which are built in a circle. although it is mainly quiet unless morning school drop it is unfortunately a route for the local bus which runs 3 times an hour in daytime
   Family circumstances. Do you have children and if so what ages? I have 5 children...eldest is Willow aged16 and will be dual carer of any new kitty, son aged 14, daughter aged 6 , Son aged 5 , duaghter who will be 3 in May.
  A bit about your working day pattern.. i drop children to and from school, maybe do a bit of light shopping then return home to care for youngest child who will start school in september. I work partime as a fashion blogger for an online department store so I am in a lot ie most days as work at home.
   If you currently have any other animals. 3 lovebirds, one cockatiel and a fish. all are safely housed and never left to fly unattended as have supervised flight only due to size of house, small children etc.
   Do you have a garden? Is it  enclosed or easily assessible. I do have a fenced in garden , it is however in the process of being fully renovated as had lots of bushes..unfortunately my stepdad did job in dec but left a pile of junk in middle of garden which will be removed as soon as it grows slightly milder and i get a skip
   Do you have a catflap installed? but i can get one .
   Have you had cats before? as a child but not as an adult.
   What kind of cat/s you are looking to adopt.... Ideally it would be a small Kitten to grow up in our family so we can share the needs of a younger Kitty into full adulthood . I am however open to having an older Kitten that has been neutered and doesnt have problems spraying if a boy cat or again a girl that is definately not pregnant ( will detail my kitty search disasters later :-[)  I dony mind an older cat but the main focus for me is that the cat is not agressive at all, can handle the size of my family as obviously the smaller children will be hoping for a cuddle too off pussycat. I would hope for an older cat that it doesnt have any problems with weeing or pooing in house either on a daily basis.
to cap it off-ideal cat is furry, likes to be groomed, loves cuddles and to play and has no naughty biting habits.
   If you are looking for something specific such as a pedigree... I cannot lie and say i dont go all daft when i see a pic of a persian or ragdoll as they look so sweet but daughter just wants a kitty to share her love with and cuddle so it definately doesnt have to be a specific breed.
   Whether you are willing to consider a senior puss? I would love to adopt an older lady or gent but worry if the cat could cope with the sheer noise volume from my 5 children.
   Area you are willing to travel to adopt a cat...i am without a car at present unfortunately so would need help in getting cat if a long distance. Im relient on public transport which is limiting for me.
   Have you been homchecked and if not whether you would be willing but willing to be checked.

Extra info is especially important if you would like to give a loving home to - a FIV or FeLV+, very old or very young, feral, a cat with medical needs etc.

I wouldnt mind looking after a very young kitten if i was asked- i have experience of hand feeding puppies before after rejected by their mom. i dont know much about the cat illnesses except that they cant mix with other cats and must be kept as an indoors cat. again this is something i would consider but feel my lack of experience may limit my ability here.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 09:50:34 AM by Janeyk »


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