Author Topic: New Cat- please read could do with some advice  (Read 1999 times)

Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2011, 15:43:02 PM »
Fearne doesn't really like to go out much only when it's nice a sunny and she likes to sunbathe in the garden! Even though when it was badly snowing she kept wanting to go out.... ( I have no idea really as I didn't want to go out in it!) At the moment we are still in the initial stages of introduction and I think we're going to work on the glass door technique as she does seem to be hissing a bit less! xx

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2011, 15:33:49 PM »
I think it will help and if both cats go out then maybe they will start to bond better. When Bramble is out Fearne can have run of the house and vice versa. Even leave some of Fearne's litter tray contents buried around the garden  (sorry sounds yuk) might help establish that this is both the cats territory.
I have managed to introduce my two kittens to our GSD dog in about 6-7 weeks. Still wouldn't leave them alone but we have progressed from puffing up hissing spitting monsters to rubbing noses. I'm sure you will get there and good luck.
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Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2011, 15:27:59 PM »
Hi Souffle,

We are just coming to the 4 week point so we can hopefully let him out next week- and I hoping this will help. We do have a good size garden and there will be access via a cat flap for him. I am worried that he will try to get over the wall so I am just waiting for some DIY to be finished off! x

Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2011, 15:25:46 PM »
Hi Trigger,

We have started to do that- but I'm trying to do it when she's asleep in her room so she doesn't feel like we are forcing her out. But sometimes it's like she knows and she will stay in the living room!!

We have been leaving something with each of the cat scent in each of the rooms so they get use to the smell- we even tried a technique where they could see each other through the door but not be able to attack each other. This doesn't seem to be too bad a technique- and I am hoping that Fearne doesn't go through the glass to get to Brambles!!


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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2011, 15:24:29 PM »
I don't know if this is silly but would it be possible for Bramble to go in the kitchen say and have a cat flap? I know this may not be an option but it sounds as if he would enjoy going out and about and he may become more content indoors then?
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Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2011, 15:19:53 PM »
Yeah I play with him before I go to work and then when I get home. I leave the radio on so there is noise in the room and I've got lots of toys that he can play with. He seems OK today- but then I've been at home most of the day....

I think I'm just worried because when I got him they said he could be left on his own during the day so this is why I went for him. I don't know if he just needs time to adjust but I'm just worried that he needs a lot more attention then what I initial thought. I'm also worried that leaving him on his own will make him depressed- they do say getting another cat does help which we already do but at the moment she hasn't taken to him and she is a bit older. On some threads they have recommended you get a cat the same age but I don't think I could handle a third cat!

I do think I can official say I am starting to sound like a crazy cat lady though! xx

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2011, 15:18:41 PM »
must say in this situation I'd be a bit inclined to go against the usual advice and try it the other way around just for a short time - ie Fearne shut in the room and Bramble allowed out to be with you

it isn't really fair on Fearne, but as she is an older cat she may be OK with it, and will at least have a chance to get used to Bramble's scent, and visa versa

if you try this you should concentrate on playing hard with Bramble in the hopes of tiring him out before putting him back in his room
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2011, 15:03:54 PM »
It sounds like he is just crying out for love and attention and now in a house with someone he likes he is totally focusing on you play with him?

He sounds very like Franta but Franta is 17 and has just bitten me.......sigh

Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 09:23:58 AM »
Morning All,

We've had him nearly 4 weeks.

My main concern at the moment isn't about the two cats getting on- as I know this is going to take time. What I'm really concerned about is leaving him alone. When I got him I was told he could be left alone for long periods however since getting him I don't think that he can be. Every time I go to leave the room or he thinks I'm leaving the room he will put himself against the door so it's more difficult for you to leave- this of course doesn't help with the worry of Fearne being the other side. I've got to distract him so I can get out and then he will start making noises, ripping up the carpet and banging down the door. Even when we keep him in a different room this is still the case. Things may improve when the cats starting getting along but I'm concerned how long this will take and is this environment right or fair for Bramble. I think it is starting to make him aggressive as he has started going for me (and not in a playful way). As I said before I've tried making sure he's got lots of toys and things to play with, I leave the radio on and we have the Feliway diffuser. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can try- well other than not leaving the house which as much as I would like to be a lady of leisure isn't an option!

Thanks everyone for the advice xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 22:29:14 PM »
You still havent said how long you have had Bramble and how long ago they met?

You have to make decisions and your orininal cat must come first and Bramble is an intruder in her territory.

I had a problem with one of the birmans, doing the same as Bramble when he and his bro were shut in the front room. It turned out he wanted to be upstairs in the bedroom and lie on my bed.................if I allowed that to happen he was as good as gold burthad to shut bedroom door to stop my other two getting to them.

So maybe Bramble will be better off in a different room?

Franta birman also met Misa by accident early on but at that time I didnt know they should not meet.

It took a very long time before the two pairs were able to live together in peace as Ducha the other birman used to defend his brother and advice from others thought the birmans should be rehomed again.

Five years on there is no problem and hasnt been for about 4 yrs but the birmans still live predominantly in the bedroom and its onlt last year that the other two have started going up there too and Misa now sleeps on my bed with the birmans.

Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2011, 22:09:32 PM »

We have been keeping the cat separate and new cat has been kept to one room. We had be trying the below techniques however the cats have meet by accident when going from the room and not realizing the older cat was behind me and so close to the door.

The fact of having to keep him in just one room at the moment is concerning me and I think this is why he has been so destructive. He has teared up most of the carpet and he has managed to tip half the litter tray on the floor! I think he needs to be able to have space to roam around but until the other cat is happy with him it does give us restrictions on where he can and cannot go.

The reaction from the older cat does concern me as I think it may take a long while for them to get use to each- however in this time I'm worried is it fair to Bramble to be kept in a room.


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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2011, 22:00:44 PM »
You dont say when you got the new cat and how soon you let them meet?

It can take months or even years before cats get on and they really need to be introduced properly over a long period and I would never leave them to get on with it.

Your two are quite different in age and could be the younger one is too younf for your resident cat.

You need to keep the resident cat allowed to raom the house and the new cat to stay in a room of its own and you need to start intros all over again.

After the new cat has been in the room and not allowed to leave for a few days, then you need to start swapping scents and move the new cat into a room that the older cat has been in and leave the door of the other room open so the older cat can go in there.

There should be no meeting of the two at all for at least a week and each day the young cat goes back into its room after its excursion in a different room.

Make sure you give the older cat lots of time and cuddles so she knows she is still loved but you obviously need to give the new cat attention and cuddles too.

If both cats are reacting Ok to each others scent during the exchange period, then is the time for first intros whichmust be supervised and you must be ready and protected to ensure that they dont fight and split them up if they do.

Dont give them much time together and leave them split up as before unless being supervised and its going Ok.

You keep on trying this each day and hopefully you will at least get a truce.

Do not ever leave them together until you are sure they can be trusted,

Loads of good luck and time means time, not a few days  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2011, 21:52:32 PM »
yeah we got the feliway when we first got brambles not sure if it helps!

I've tried keep Fearne away from the door but he still seems to be attacking it- I'm not sure if its more that he wants attention than Fearne annoying him. We did try one technique where you tie a string to two mice and place them either side of the door so they can play together. The only problem with this is Fearne ignored this and the poor mouse is now in pieces!


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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 21:46:36 PM »
Hi and  :welcome:

im not sure if youve come across it in your research but feliway is really good- its a synthetic hormone to promote good safe feelings in cats. It seems to work best as a plug in diffuser.

I would guess that bramble is attacking the door because fearne is on the other side of it- can you put something against the door so neither can stick paws under, cast  a shadow etc. i lean a pillow against the door when i have fosters in as one of mine loves to wind them up until shes used to them.

Offline suzie_3010

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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 21:12:22 PM »
Hi Yvonne,

Thanks for posting back.

I am really quite worried about them getting on as Fearne nearly took his eye out the last time- I know people have said you just need to let them go at it- but I just find it distressing. I don't want either of them to get hurt.


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Re: New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 21:03:55 PM »
Hi Suzie   :welcome:  to Purrs

Sorry that Bramble and your existing puss are not hitting it off.  For the time being you have upset the balance but I live in a multi-cat household and in my experience the cats usually resolve their differences eventually.  I have a newish cat well he is not really mine he is a stray (Raffy) and it has been about four months and my existing four are just starting to tolerate him now and they do still chase him if they get the chance.

Good luck with the introductions - I hope somebody else will be along soon with a bit of helpful advice.
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Offline suzie_3010

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New Cat- please read could do with some advice
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 20:33:28 PM »

I was advised that this was a good site to get advice on cats- and I'm really hoping that someone can help!

I recently adopted a new 2 year old boy (Bramble)- and he is the sweetest thing in the world really playful and loving! When we got him from the rescue I was told he was active and playful and could be left alone during a working day. I did have the first few days off when I first got him so I could make sure he was settled in and things were fine. He was already sitting on my lap by the end of the first day and wanting cuddles. Now being back at work I am worried that he really can't be left alone for long periods of time- he has started tearing up the carpets and banging down the door. I have got him toys and such for him to play with to entertain himself whilst I'm working- I even leave the radio on for him so there is noise but I don't think this seems to be working.

We do already have 10 year old cat and we are aware of introducing a new cat can be difficult; I read up on techniques and ways to make it run smoothly and helpful tips but the older cat (Fearne) has really taken a disliking to him, and we've had 2 quite serious run ins! We are currently keeping them separated to and trying different techniques but I am worried how this is making Fearne feeling. I don't think this helps things either as Bramble whilst I'm at work he is kept in my room.  They do say that you need to give it time for them to get adjust but I feel that because Bramble is such an active cat this isn't really fair to him.

He has also started to be quite nippy and scratchy- which they did say he would do when playing but at the moment this seems to be whenever. I don't know if this has anything to do with him being locked in all day but it is starting to concern me.

I know that it can take a while for things to settle down but I'm worried that this isn't the right home for him. I am concerned that he isn't amble to be left on his for long periods of time and my working schedule isn't really appropriate for his needs- especially with the other cat I am worried about leaving them on their own. If anyone has any advice or tips I would really appreciate it. I just want to make sure that Bramble gets the best possible care and really is in the right home. I also want to make sure that Fearne is happy as well.

Sorry for such the long rant but I would really appreciate the advice!

Suzie xxx


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