Burmese are very people-oriented cats. They need their human more than do most breeds. They are in fact, quite a lot like a dog in many of their characteristics. They are adventurous (love climbing curtains, bookshelves, mantelpieces etc) and can, at times, be quite destructive (shredding furniture etc). They tend to bond with one person in the household and will be polite to others, but not so attentive (or they can be utter sluts and go to anyone). they will climb into a car if the door is left open, so tend to accidentally get kidnapped if you are not careful, or cooked, if the car is left in the sun.
I would probably not recommend the breed to someone who will be out for extended hours like this. However, if you do wish to get one, and can ensure that it can be contained indoors in your absence, with plenty of enrichment to keep itself occupied, then a companion cat will be pretty well essential. I usually had a siamese to keep my burmese company, but have also mixed them with moggies and an abyssinian successfully. Siamese are also not a breed I would leave alone for extended hours, so you may need to think outside the square on this one.