Author Topic: I just want to give a cat a home (Sorted)  (Read 23175 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home (Sorted)
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2010, 18:16:37 PM »
Great news, will move this to sorted secton now  :) We love updates so if you'd like to start a new thread in Cat's Stories  :hug:

Hope that all goes well with introductions, if in doubt just take it slowly as Gill says.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 18:20:07 PM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2010, 18:08:10 PM »
Just take lots of time for intros and assumer that if she wont get on with yours, Wood Green will take her back as they said she would be OK ?

I hope it all goes well  :hug:

Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2010, 18:01:05 PM »
Update: This afternoon we rehomed a 10 year old from Wood Green animal shelter in Herts.
She seems lovely. I am worried about introducing her to my cat as the questionaire the owner filled in when she brought her to the shelter said she's aggressive with other cats, but the lady looking after her at Wood Green said she thought she'd be ok. Really hope so.

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2010, 15:39:20 PM »
I'll be a bit more forceful about wanting an older one then. I know it's silly but I just feel now I'd be letting down Slipper! :(
Probably is, now the weather is as it is I can't get out and about to visit any :(

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2010, 15:37:06 PM »
I agree with Janey. People willing to take older cats are few & far between so giving them a younger cat is liking wasting an opportunity.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2010, 15:32:23 PM »
Yes, I have but I wasn't very assertive about it ;)
Have also enquired with a couple of neighbouring branches and the RSPCA so will see what they say.

Offline Janeyk

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2010, 12:36:23 PM »
Yes, they've mentioned one called Slipper at their local branch but she's not available until she's stopped feeding her kittens. The problem is I keep seeing cats I like on websites from various rescues, I want them all. In an ideal world I'd want a cat older than slipper (she's about one) as I believe they are harder to home and would probably be even more grateful for a loving home for the rest of their days. But I feel bad if I didn't follow her up as it's the CPL branch that home checked me who have her.
I'd like a young cat/kitten too but an older one is a priority.

Have you explained to them? if you tell them what you think and then ask their opinion they should be able to match you up, good luck!
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2010, 11:49:01 AM »
Yes, they've mentioned one called Slipper at their local branch but she's not available until she's stopped feeding her kittens. The problem is I keep seeing cats I like on websites from various rescues, I want them all. In an ideal world I'd want a cat older than slipper (she's about one) as I believe they are harder to home and would probably be even more grateful for a loving home for the rest of their days. But I feel bad if I didn't follow her up as it's the CPL branch that home checked me who have her.
I'd like a young cat/kitten too but an older one is a priority.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #36 on: December 19, 2010, 11:43:50 AM »
that's great news

do you have your eye on a cat at the moment?
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Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #35 on: December 19, 2010, 11:31:37 AM »
Update: Just passed my home check with my local CPL!   ;D
 Very happy as didn't think they'd make it today with the weather! Plus I wondered if I'd pass at all after the other rescue goggled my house and said no! :'(

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2010, 10:47:13 AM »
Sadly no joy for them yet. :( Great news for you though! :)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2010, 21:39:28 PM »
ooooh that's great news ... keeping fingers crossed that it all goes well and you can give an oldie a new home soon xxxx
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Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2010, 13:50:21 PM »
Well there's been progress. I'm being home checked on Sunday by my local CPL (luton) with a view to possibly taking one of their cats. I would have liked a kitten as well but they will only home kittens in pairs and I am keen on getting an older cat as a priority. I think we could maybe get another either at same time or later date so we'll have to see what she says.

How's it going with those two girls at the vets?

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2010, 13:44:21 PM »
How's it going with the rescues?

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Meowal

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2010, 08:17:02 AM »
Ill keep everything crossed for you.... Hopefully we both might have a new addition to the family at the Christmas table! :-)

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2010, 23:18:20 PM »
I do hope you are lucky and some lucky kitties find a loving home with you.
It is such a shame that the cats in need up here are not in your area. When we adopted Callie and Monty from the RSPCA home they were just desparate for homes as there were so many cats there. They had some in pens in the clinic as the cattery was overflowing with lovely animals all wanting chosen. They had cats for indoors only so a flat or near a road is fine as long as they are kept in. Some cats seem quite happt to just stay indoors I think.
Fingers crossed for you now.
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Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2010, 22:55:43 PM »
Hello thanks for all your replies. Much appreciated.
While I was at work this evening my local CPL and also another one nearby rang me and we're going to talk longer tomorrow as I was just about to drive a train and couldn't talk (I'm a train driver, lol).
So things maybe looking up. Just hope they can home check me soon.

Thank you JackSpratt for suggesting those two cats, no 7 wouldn't be too old at all but the distance could be an issue. I better follow up with these rescues first but if nothing comes of it I'd certainly consider them.

Thanks again everyone.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2010, 21:12:45 PM »
Agreed. For the amount of stress likely to be caused, it's got to be worth it in the long run.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #26 on: December 14, 2010, 21:10:14 PM »
It is Gill...but what about a transport run if necessary...its been done before ;D
Stephanie Novell
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2010, 21:01:45 PM »
I think thats a very long way from Beds JS?

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2010, 20:45:13 PM »,35789.0.html *coughs*

Not sure if seven is a little older than you'd be looking for. Also how well your cat Dudley would take to two bonded girls. I can PM you the phone number for the vets if you think you'd like to chat to them.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline sweepster

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2010, 17:53:10 PM »
Hi, in case there are any rescues you haven't yet tried, here are those listed on Catchat:



As you already have a senior kittizen, I'd suggest going for an older, more sedate puss, as a youngster might be too much for him/her to cope with - plus they'll be less likely to be bothered about scaling the fence.  Good luck  :)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2010, 17:06:15 PM »
Oh this really is so sad  :(.  I understand volunteers are esp busy at this time of year and do a fabulous job but Amy and her mom sound like the perfect people to home a cat esp if they are happy to take on an older one.

It so takes me back to the awful frustration I felt after losing Aslan and, whilst still grieving his loss, choosing to offer Freddie a home and having to wait forever for a home check (OK so it was about 8 days  :innocent: after creating a huge fuss  :-[ ) but I really do empathise Amy  :( :hug: 

I would suggest you go and visit any rescues in your area rather than phone/email BUT be careful not to choose a cat until you've been homechecked!

I'm so very sorry for your loss (and your mom's of course)  :hug:
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 17:06:57 PM by Rosella moggy »

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2010, 16:46:10 PM »
Can I just add that most rescues have non paid employees who have a job to fund their lives and that this has to be respected to

Also a lot of rescues have a blanket ban on Christmas homings and also they have to fit cat rescue around their lives!
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2010, 15:41:01 PM »
Sorry Angie but think they were so wrong in this case, I know all of you are very busy  :hug:

Offline Angiew

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2010, 15:34:12 PM »
The rescue that only googled you is just lazy and on the ground things are so different, everyone has a busy road somewhere close.

a bit unfair Gill, more likely one person trying to do 10 jobs and having to prioritise. We always google first. I've only ever refused one home visit and by that time they had chosen a cat and bought it a new bed, so these things have to be done fairly early......

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2010, 15:24:00 PM »
Just lost my post grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I think you have a purrfect place for a cat

I woulde email any rescue you can on their emotions cos most have so many cats to rehome but dont let them play on yours!

Tell them that one of your cats has passed to the Bridge and her friend needs company and you are feeling so lost and can rehome a suitable cat and would love to give one a wonderful home for Christmas.

Do you drive and could you travel to pick one up?

The rescue that only googled you is just lazy and on the ground things are so different, everyone has a busy road somewhere close.

Loads of luck and dont let them play games with you, make sure any cat is healthy and the right one for your cat  :hug: :hug:

Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2010, 11:28:29 AM »
Hmmm, I can't see the type of proofing you mention as being an opinion. The fence on the one side is my neighbours and he's obsessed with it. We banged a nail in it once to support a flower and he wasn't happy to put it mildly. Plus my mother will sell this house in a years time or so and it'd probably put people off as it can't look particularly attractive.

My two (now one) never even looked at it as if they wanted to scale it and as I say no other cat has ever come in so I think it probably would put most if not all off. Also I live on a cul-de-sac and the road is a bit of a walk away. I know it doesn't mean it's never happened but I've never seen any of the neighbours cats even go near it.

Thanks for the advice though.

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2010, 11:05:02 AM »
I have to say the small panel we put to cover a gap round to the front of my house is over 6ft and all my cats can happily run up it and get over.
Cat proofing would involve adding a sloping down ledge to stop , for example, what my cats do. The cat would be able to climb up to the fence but would then face an overhang (if you think of rock climbing) and not be able to get any further.

The other option would be to browse some of the free ads on the internet and perhaps accompany this with a donation to a rescue. I think those of us in rescue would always prefer cats to go from us , you as a new owner then have some backup if things go wrong but as quite a lot of the cats on those sites probably end up with us somewhere down the line (if they are lucky!) does it really matter? Especially if you are happy to consider an older cat (over 2 years) that can often stick in rescue for over a year.

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2010, 11:00:29 AM »
if you fixed mesh on brackets at an inward sloping angle of 45 degrees no cat would be able to get out

I have a complete specially built fence enclosing my back garden, but I know other posters have fixed that sort of attachment at very little cost, and would be happy to advise you
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Offline binkyb

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2010, 10:54:40 AM »
What is the definition of cat proofing, I don't know how much more I can do. My garden is completely enclosed. A 7ft wall at the end, a fence on the neighbours side (it's a semi) of about 6.5 ft and a 6ft fence/wall on the other side. Neither of my cats ever got out of my garden and I've never seen any other of the neighbouring cats in my garden so I think it's pretty cat proof. I did explain it was completely enclosed to the rescue that turned me down but she said the road and the surrounding greenbelt would prove too much of a lure to a young cat (even thought I said I was interested in older cats too).

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2010, 10:46:08 AM »
 have you considered cat proofing your garden, Amy?

then the busy road won't matter at all, and your cats can go out without any worry over their safety
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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2010, 10:01:02 AM »
My mum lives in luton adn got her Kitten from Blue Cross at Kimpton.

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2010, 09:56:32 AM »
Hi, yes maybe they'd be suitable. Although I'd worry if they retained any roaming instinct due to this main road we have nearby.

Off the top of my head I've tried Cat and Kitten Rescue (they turned me down as mentioned previously)
Various RSPCA Branches, Hemel CPL, Luton, CPL, think I emailed Feline Cat Rescue...there may have been a couple of others.
Was going to try Mayhew and Blue Cross but I don't know if they'd home check me this far out from their centres.

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2010, 09:50:15 AM »
Hi Amy

I live in Bedfordshire, not sure which CP branch you are trying to contact but I know Bedford branch shuts down over Christmas (from the 1st) I think they still man the phones etc but don't tend to rehome. They only have two cats looking for homes at the minute.

I myself have been working with CP to trap a feral family. I caught two adults and two kittens a month ago. The adults now have farm homes and I am currently taming the kittens which is going very well and they should be able to go to new homes in the new year. Not sure if they would be suitable for you and your existing cat or not...?

There are quite a few other rescues in the area, who else have you tried?

Stephanie Novell
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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2010, 09:48:48 AM »
have they an email address? I know my phone sometimes goes a bit funny and have others in the group email me to tell me to check it out.

not sure when cp stop homing for christmas , perhaps cp bods can tell you but its gotta be soon.....

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2010, 09:46:21 AM »
I had a couple of issues getting approved and then finding the right cat in the same area as you (I live in Luton) due to living in a flat and by a busy road.  I got a bit frustrated with the whole thing to be honest and I understand your feelings.  I got my cat from Luton and Dunstable Cats protection and found them very helpfull  once i finally managed to get in touch with them.  I know they are all volunteers and as such aren't available all the time so i found I needed to call a few times and not rely on someone checking the emails i sent.  As i said though once i got in touch everyone was very nice and helpful, so keep at it.

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2010, 09:41:35 AM »
I hope you manage to get a response from CP very soon, I know all rescues are busy, but they also have an obligation to follow up on homing requests too!!!

Sorry to learn you had to lost your cat recently too, 16 is an amazing age  :hug: :hug:

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2010, 09:31:38 AM »
Thanks. The only number given for my CP branch is continuously answered by a recorded message which says it can't take messages but press 1 and it'll alert the caller that you tried to ring. I have done this 2-3 times and a week on and no reply.  So I've hit a brick wall there.

I would try other CP branches but one in a next door area emailed me to say I have to contact my local one. So it's like going around in circles.
Yes it'll be very quiet here. Just 2 adults, me (32) and my 63 year old mum so no wild parties or noisy kids.
I would never think of an animal as a present. I'm a passionate animal lover, vegetarian and animal rights supporter. Just want to do my bit and ease the strain on shelters who do marvellous work.
Just got to be patient I guess. x

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Re: I just want to give a cat a home
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2010, 09:17:22 AM »
I would leave another message with your CP branch. I volunteer with a branch and the messages are picked up on different days by different people as we are all volunteers. I know all rescues are wary of homing around xmas to avoid the types that want to give pets as xmas presents for kids or where cats are likely to be around noisy homes with parties going on etc - obviously quiet homes where cats are genuinely wanted are exceptions - which yours sounds like. I don't know the Beds/Herts area, but one of the people from Bishops Stortford branch posted on here recently. I'm sure they would be glad to find a good home for a cat or 2  :)

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain


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