Author Topic: Cats being friends  (Read 1589 times)

Offline lizfraser

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2010, 11:57:58 AM »
My two Dillon and Digby (who sadly went to bridge last week)  :'( were litter mates and Dillon used to clean Digby's bottom for him when they were really little!  They were best of buddies until about 2 years old and would cuddle up together.  After a two week stint at a cattery in the same pen whilst I was on holiday they came home more allusive from each other.  Would never really fight, but swipe and give a wide berth.  The arrival of a semi-feral teamed them up again a few years ago to pick on the intruder.  This last week has been tough on Dillon who seems very subdued and missing his brother but is no doubt secretly enjoying the extra fuss and attention.  The semi-feral is already getting more adventurous in the house without Digby to put him in his place. Time will tell whether Dillon finally accepts him as he is much more laid back than Digger was.

Offline Kucinta

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2010, 11:53:39 AM »
I have two 5 yr old Singapura boys who are litter mates, and total lifelong best buddies. They sleep together, play together, wash and groom each other and just curl up and chill together. It warms my heart to see them.

They have plenty of beds and cat trees etc and will sometimes curl up in separate beds or rooms for a short while; but mostly they enjoy each other's company, and will often both come and curl up on the sofa with me, or 'assist' me with whatever I am doing.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2010, 11:01:02 AM »

Well, with my original group (Carrie, Jack, Toby, Parsley and Sage) for the most part there was harmony. No real fights, just the occasional cuff from Jack to Toby to remind him he was "the man." ;) Carrie and Jack were pretty bonded and regularly found curled up together until their later years. Sage and Parsley got on well and while they didn't curl up together, they'd chase each other hell for leather around the house. :) Toby was friendly with all of them, but was more a people person ;) than a fan of other cats. He was fond of me, but doted on my partner.

The group now (Sage, Astryd and Darwin) is a little less plain sailing.....mostly because Darwin is a tiny furry ASBO hoodie in a cat costume.  :evillaugh: He insists on trying to get the girls to play, especially when they want to the least. He's also going through the dominance stage, but he is very young so we're hoping with time it will calm down.

With both groups though, they would all sniff each other and touch noses so it could be worse!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2010, 09:06:56 AM »
My two came as a pair from the rescue, they'd been together 8 years.  Within the first couple of weeks they had a major fight which I think must just have been new house settling in because they really do love each other.  They often sleep next to each other, groom each other and go out hunting together.  If one of them comes back in having caught something, you can guarantee the other will be right behind.  Occasionally Geoffrey will reverse into Milly when settling down and she will bite him but it's not malicious, it's just that she doesn't want to be sat on  :evillaugh:

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2010, 01:26:45 AM »
Noah doesn't even like YouTube cats!  :( Once I played a clip of a Siamese pacing and yowling because his sibling had gone to the vet ... Noah  ran about the room to find the intruder.

My last two were adopted at the same time tho not previously lived together (ex-hubby couldn't decide which, I didn't argue ;) ) . Tom spent the first few days on my lap or my pillow,  :Luv2: Jerry spent a week under the spare bed. When they finally came into contact there were horrified looks from both parties, but within months they were teaming up to terrorise the neighbourhood.  :evillaugh:

I guess it is like humans, there are not many people you could live with long-term without an atmosphere or spats. Dogs seem to be more tolerant?
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 12:58:44 PM »
I don't think I could describe Jaffa and  Mosi as friends exactly, although they more than tolerate each other.  There are times when they play together happily so I think they do enjoy each other's company sometimes.  Mosi would be Jaffa's friend if Jaffa would allow it because Mosi is everyone's friend.  But Jaffa wants to be boss cat and also wants some peace and quiet and that doesn't include boisterous somalis pouncing on him from behind!  They do groom each other at times but that is usually dominance related and tends to end in fisticuffs.

I've never had friendly, cuddle up together cats.  Even Jaffa and his brother Magpie weren't like that once they were grown up.  They would groom sometimes and were happy to sleep side by side on the bed, but they didin't cuddle up together or anything.  They had very different purrsonalities as Jaffa has always been an in your face mummy's boy wanting attention all the time and Magpie was chilled out and happy to doze in a comfy spot and watch the world go by.  So they sort of inhabited different worlds!

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2010, 12:15:32 PM »
I have four unrelated cats, three get on well but one would prefer to be an only cat I'm sure!  you can often find three on top of the wardrobe on cushions in a row, star
however will be downstairs on her own!

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Re: Cats being friends
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2010, 12:11:44 PM »
Two gorgeous boys there  :Luv2: It's great when they get on together and makes for twice the fun  :)

My childhood cats were brother and sister and whilst they didn't hate each other they didn't exactly love each other and never slept together, after they passed away I got my current two - brothers who are now 3 1/2. They are head over heels in love with each other and are often found snuggled up in each others paws, chasing, rough and tumbling, ear washing, throat biting!

Offline Borderreiver

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Cats being friends
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2010, 12:05:12 PM »
All the years I've had cats they have mostly only tolerated each other at best. So now I have my totally unrelated black boys it is lovely to see them such good buddies. They play together, sleep together, wash each other and generally love life together. They are similar ages, about 5mths and 7 mths but had just met each other at the rescues foster mum's house before I got them.

Do your cats like each other? It certainly makes for a more peaceful home life if they do.


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