Author Topic: biting and agressive behaviour  (Read 7315 times)

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2011, 07:38:40 AM »

He's lovely....if not, a little mischievous. :hug: He's very young at that age and most kittens take time to train out of their natural *coughs* overzealousness. ;)

I definitely think clicker training is worth trying. My partner clicker trains our middle cat (none of the others are interested) and she loves it. :)

Another great idea....brain training for over active kitties. ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline kitinboots

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2011, 23:43:25 PM »
thanks Gill , its really heartbreaking but i goto think what best for him. :'( .  i would like to get him nuetred first and when he turns 6 months he due for spot on too , if he has to leave i rather he be neutred and healed.
 i still hoping tho he my baby :'(
 you never know his name might come true ,fingers crossed. :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2011, 23:08:58 PM »
I am so sorry and hope that he may settle but you maybe right about needing to be able to go out  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline kitinboots

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2011, 00:42:27 AM »
hi , i been doing alot of reading about attention seeking agression and pent up energy agression and so far every one seems to be no matter how you try to adapt the home like his playroom with trees and shelves hidey holes toys etc, actually going outside seems to be the most efective and this i cannot offer him  :'(  i luv him so much i just want him happy but its also causing alot of family problems and i am now having to think of finding him a home where he cn go outside and get the best of being indoors and outdoors   :'( this is realy upsetting but i want the best for him, if he doesnt calm down after being nuetred i cant see any other option  :'(

the time out in the carrier was my vets advice as he had a kitten similar and this isthe method he advied , when i first got him i just used to do absolutly nothing when he bit not move not shout or whimper just sit or stand there even with his teeth in my flesh he got no responce in any form no eye contact,no talking,nothing. he would walk off but second later come back and do it again this goes on and on and on day and night he only stps to sleep and eat.
THe times this cannot be done is when he goes for your face and is trying to bite thru your nose or eyebrows or lips. my family have seen this and find it very disturbing. they didnt realise how bad he can be. people who have come to see him after me explaining to them what he is like are very shocked as they thought i was making it sound worse than it was or over reacting.

well time will tell, the feliway plug in , rescue remedy, diet, now i guess no more naughty box, and finally weeks to calm down afte being nuetered.
fingers and paws crossed.

Offline kitinboots

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2011, 15:20:45 PM »
hi there and thankyou both for replying. I will have a look at those sites you posted  :hug:


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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2011, 13:24:53 PM »
Hi Kitinboots, I've just been reading through your thread and wanted to try and add to the reassurances already given that you're not doing anything wrong - but it is obviously an extremely stressful situation  :hug:

Yuki sounds to me like a 'normal' kitten, in the sense that his behaviour is explainable: his energy and desire to play-fight are normal, but having (presumably) a rough start in life will have affected his early development and the way he has learned to interact with others (cats and people).  He is clearly very focused on you, and is deriving a 'reward' - excitement, attention - from your responses to his behaviour.  If he is still attacking you when placed in the cat carrier, he is succeeding in maintaining the sort of interaction (even if it's just you saying 'ouch!' or making eye contact) that gives him this reward.  That isn't intended as a criticism but a suggestion that there are still things to try.  If you could get a properly sympathetic behaviourist to work with you it might be extremely helpful, but if that isn't possible there are some articles here which may be of use:

This is a general outline of how a kitten's behaviour develops - the first case study (Morgan kitten) may be of interest:

This one looks at aggression as attention-seeking behaviour:

And a more general one on types of aggression, including pent-up energies:

Offline paddypaws101

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2011, 12:52:44 PM »
kitinboots....cats do not like alcohol...but the amount he will get really is minimal if you add it to his water bowl. Gently wiping the drops over his head is another option, or the alcohol free version I posted.
I will again suggest that you remove all grains from his diet and stick to pure meat for a sustained length of time.
As for putting him in a carry box for 'time out' well I am not too sure that is a good idea...cats don't really understand punishment and I think this could be traumatising him still further. The normal advice is to ignore the cat, leave the room etc but shouting or smacking is never a good idea as it would just seem like more rough play to the cat
I find the information here interesting.
Don't give up, I know it must be hard for you...but he ha a good chance to get over this with your loving help.

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2011, 10:46:00 AM »
hi everyone  :) hope your all well.

hi Steff - I had those type of glove toys with bells or pompoms on the ends of long straw like fingers but i decided to get rid as they are too much like hands and i dont want to give the impression Yuki can play or even bite me or others even if we have skin covered. but ty :)

hi Fire fox - Yuki totally ignores a clicker trainer  :-: i'm not sure uf its cos my nephew has toys that have similar sounds and hes learnt to ignore them???

hi paddypaws - Yuki has been on a meat only diet but he did keep looking and mewin for royal canin so he gets meat as main and royal canin as treats and left out overnight incase he bit change in behaviour when he eats meat only or both but i took out go cat kitten food completly.
i have a feliway plug in on the way finally and i have some bach rescue the alcohol in it dangerous at all???

i never thought id say this but i am totally and utterly lost! at my witts end so is my mother, i not well,not sleeping,absolutly exhasted  :tired: all i am praying for is he is mature enough in 3 weeks to be neutured. i feel so selfish as i thin he needs another cat who is stronger willed then he is and be able to take all his agression out on things outside. I really dont know what to do when i pu thim in naughty box (carrier) not only can he open it but he throws a tantrum and now bites me thru the bars as i secure the door  :'( as soon as he calms down let out he attacks so back in naughty box till he almost asleep.that is the only time he comes out and will rub my face and purr am i doing this all wrong?
he will no longer let me do his claws, or brush him he doesnt like being stroke that much now and i am in tears writing this as nothing seems ot be working ,i thought we really bonded when he wouldnt let me go and cuddled me and went to sleep on me and wouldnt go back to owner.
do you think blood tests could show if he has an illness or something??? or have is it me?

Offline paddypaws101

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2011, 09:57:50 AM »
Hi sorry to read this thread and see that you are having such problems with your young cat.
He may not realise it, but he is VERY lucky to have landed in your care and I am sure these issues will settle over time.
Having two kittens in the house myself these past months I can totally agree that quality of food is paramount....on the few occasions they have eaten dry food with any grain in, they both turn into hyperactive monsters. So, personally I would strongly recommend trying to feed a food without ANY grain added. This means no dry food...but Butchers classic in supermarkets would be ok, as would Bozita or Animonda carny from Zooplus. Also any raw/ cooked meat as advised by FF.
Next I would definitely buy the plug in is just too hard to try to spray often enough and in the right places with the spray version. The last thing I can recommend is Bach Rescue Remedy....honestly this can really help. You can get the regular type in helath food stores and add  few drops to water/ food bowl, or even gently stroke it over the cat's head. It is possible to get a special alcohol free brand from

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #38 on: January 04, 2011, 00:06:11 AM »
lol firefox i tried showing youtube to Yuki with cats and founf one that sounded like it said mumma LOL he didnt like them even on tv a cat noise he stops and does his bottle brush tail and ears go back  :shocked: . tho i have never witnessed him hissing or growling EVER sometimes i think he dont know he is a cat- seriously.

Also its getting hard to play with right now as any kind of wand toy like da bird he knows my hands move it so he comes to bite my hands, i am having to hang things over the dorrs but he still has worked out its me moving it so comes and bites, any ideas on help with that???

 :rofl: Cats Protection warned me Noah is not cat-friendly, and he reacts to every little mew on YouTube. The biggest reaction was to a Siamese who was yowling whilst searching for his missing brother who was at the vets, Noah leaped about trying to find the intruder!! Strange because the Siamese was presumably not making aggressive noises, but of course I don't know how well Noah was socialised as a kitten (ex-stray).

You might try clicker training with Yuki? It is supposed to stimulate their brain and can be used for behavioural issues. The system I was using started with getting the cat to touch his nose to the end of a stick, then using the stick or a treat to guide the movement you want. Noah learned UP (onto back legs), SIT (mealtimes) and (give me) PAW quite quickly, DOWN took a while longer. Never mastered AWAY as the prawn smell was waaayyyy too interesting for Noah to leave! :rofl:

The best part is that clicker training is chep as chips - a clicker is a couple of pounds from a pet shop and there are stacks of free tutorials on YouTube! I trained Noah with frozen Value prawns cut into pieces, but most people just use their cat's favourite biscuits. To be honest biscuits will be far more convenient as you can toss them around the room without making a mess. :evillaugh: I found it a pain to hold a stick AND a clicker AND a treat, so I just used the clicker to touch the nose to. I would think you would be better taping the clicker to a stick as recommended, so that Yuki gets used to keeping his distance on command?
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
Lulu's Catbook

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2011, 20:39:41 PM »
I have a feliway plug in and I wouldn't say it gets any hotter than a normal plug in air freshner. Have had it for a few months and haven't had any problems. It has definitely helped with all my 3 getting on and calming Soap a bit :)

Toys wise, pets at home used to do a gloves toy which had long fingers with danglies or balls on the end so your hand would be protected. I haven't seen them in there for a while but think I saw one on zoo plus. If you can't get hold of that, could you just wear a gloves when playing with the wands toys? Maybe a leather one...

I haven't tried Soap with catnip yet but out of my other two only Marble was interested and Bourneville wasn't bothered. I believe not all cats are, I think honeysuckle is another thing to try as an alterntive to cat nip :)
Stephanie Novell
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Offline kitinboots

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2011, 20:19:18 PM »
lol firefox i tried showing youtube to Yuki with cats and founf one that sounded like it said mumma LOL he didnt like them even on tv a cat noise he stops and does his bottle brush tail and ears go back  :shocked: . tho i have never witnessed him hissing or growling EVER sometimes i think he dont know he is a cat- seriously.

i was looking at the feliway products and the reviews and am a bit worried about the plug ins as people say they get very hot (i am petrified of fire) so would the spray be as good do you think? some reviews say they like the spray better but yopu never know who actually writes the reviews and if they are genuine so i thought i would ask here first :)

Also its getting hard to play with right now as any kind of wand toy like da bird he knows my hands move it so he comes to bite my hands, i am having to hang things over the dorrs but he still has worked out its me moving it so comes and bites, any ideas on help with that???

i also got him a willows kipper toy it has pure catnip in it ,tho i read kittens under 6 months may not react to it yet, its a big fish with like hessian on it to bite and a soft side to cuddle ,he shows no interrest in it even if i wiggle it he comes to it ignores it and just gets me as usual lol.

i huess it trial and error with toys with a young cat. i think he too smart for his own good !!

hope everyone is doing ok and all your fuzzbutts had a great new year despite the fireworks :D

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2011, 22:19:41 PM »
Oh Kitinboots please don't ever doubt your capabilities as cats only need one thing - the love of someone who always wants the best for them, even if that is tough love or letting them go to the Bridge when the time finally comes.  :hug: You are not the only one with a tight budget nor the only one with health issues, so you would never get 'judged' on here for having a responsible attitude! I cannot have two partly as money is tight, but mainly because Noah HATES other cats even on YouTube!!

PS.  Noah sometimes bites (nips) me when I am on the phone, does not like me talking but not looking at him! :rofl: I hope your health issues can improve with time. xx
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2011, 22:06:29 PM »
hi again  ;D oh it would be lovely to have 2 cats cos they just yummy lol oh i could imagine Yuki lol he gets jealous when i talk on phone imagine his reaction if i was petting another cat LOL

i am keeping my fingers crossed once neutered it will help but i not getting hopes up just in case lol. Maybe your Soap should come and meet Yuki and say Hey you not the king of cats you know LOL put him in his place   :evillaugh:

lol thanx but i am a worrier :shy: i guess it like being a new mum in a way ,you just scared your not getting it right lol

i was thinking of making Yuki a sign saying Yuki's naughty box but he would probably bite it off and throw it back to me or play with it   :rofl:

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2011, 21:54:24 PM »
P.s. Forgot to mention that Soap has to go into time out sometimes still now!!
Stephanie Novell
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2011, 21:49:12 PM »
No worries hun, if was just a suggestion in case it was an option. But its no a guaranteed solution and would be a lot to take on, financially and otherwise.

I don't think you are doing anything wrong at all though, you just have a very lively kitten. Hopefully with age and time he will settle. I think someone else also mentioned once he's neutered he may calm down a bit too. That definitely helped with my dog Esco.

My third cat, Soap, who came to me nearly a year ago now was pretty crazy and would terrorise my older two and the dog and the house in general!!! She has calmed down a lot but even today she was climbing the door frame!!!!

Please don't worry or doubt yourself ok hun *hug*
Stephanie Novell
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2011, 21:37:42 PM »
Firefox - that is how i see it how would they like it if a noughty child was sentanced to death! to me Yuki is my baby he is my family he didnt ask to be born,or even ask to be with me tho by some peoples reactions i think he stands a better chance with me,i'd hate to think what would happen if he was with someone who says 'its JUST a cat'  >:(
Anyway hopefully getting an extra plug socket put in the playroom and i can make it a proper living room/ cat playroom  ;D so can put my computer in there and i have a tv of my own and a futon Yuki already sleeps on :D.
I will have to try trimming Yukis claws when he flat out sleeping cos he wont let me near his paws now LOL even with bribery lol.

Steff - hi there :) I sadly could only have the 1 cat -after discussing with my mum who is also my carer she said maybe another cat but i know she only saying it cos of how Yuki is affecting me atm, she couldnt handle anothe rkitten and to be honest I really dont think i could either, plus i only sorted all my money out for 1 cat before getting one and i had no idea how much the insurances had gone up so financially it wouldnt work ,my health wise it wouldnt work and as i am sure you can understand I couldnt risk giving a home to another cat when feeling not 100% it would not be fair on the cat.  it would have to be a very very strong willed,very boystrous very very confident cat as Yuki i know already would be a bully.

I just dont want to let him down,I want to give him the best i just hope my best is good enough this is what i am afraid of,not being good enough for him :'( I just wish i knew what i was doing wrong so i could put it right and he would be a kitten not a flesh ripping vampire in cat form lol

but thankyou for replying as I do so much really appreciate cat peoples feedback to make sure i not doing anything wrong  :hug:

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2011, 19:03:16 PM »
Hi kitinboots

Can I just throw in a little suggestion here, not sure if its been mentioned previously or if its possible for you but could you get another kitten as a companion for Yuki? I'm not saying it would be a definite fix and you would probably need to find a kitten with a similarly bold and playful personality but it would mean that they would be able to play with each other all day and get all the energy and kitty play agression out with each other.

When I first got Bourneville he was on his own and the scratches and bites he inflicted on me from play were pretty bad due to all the extra energy he had. I got Marble as a companion for him and having the two of them together sorted him out :)

Just a suggestion and understand if its not possible. It took me about 4 months to decide to get another kitten because it is a big thing
Stephanie Novell
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2011, 16:53:23 PM »
Tell your 'friends' you will put Yuki to sleep once they have PTS their children for misbehaving repeatedly.  :rofl:  I have to trim Noah's claws when he is dreaming or I get bitten! Of course he was good as gold for the vet nurse.  :tired:

Lots of slaves isolate their cats at different times; I shut Noah in my bedroom when I have more than three house guests or when there is DIY taking place. Others do so whilst introducing a newbie to the existing menagerie, when they are sick so their bugs are not transmitted, whilst they move house, etc. Many rescue cats that are fostered have a single room to themselves.

:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2010, 22:02:02 PM »
 :hug: aww thankyou fire fox thats lovely thing to say :)

i got a bit upset as i was told by some friends to rehome him or if he doesnt get better best thing is to be pts cos no one will want him  >:( which i was not impressed with. worst comes it will be me and Yuki in his playroom which is my spare bedroom. oh that sounds bit llike a prison doesnt it :( he has cat trees and lots to play within there as well as all round the house LOL... sadly he wont be very social but he will get infinate love and support from me cos he my baby :Luv:

I am hoping he will settle after he is old enough to be neutered once all hormones settle down. atm i cant see it making much difference but i am hoping he will be more accepting of us humanoids and that we are here to help and to sit by for warmth and maybe a cuddle and play and not to fight and bite lol.

ooh  he did let me trim his claws in 24 hours which i was so over the moon with  ;D

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2010, 21:15:14 PM »
So pleased to have you back on Purrs, kitinboots, and a happy new year to you too!  :) Sorry to hear you haven't had much luck despite sticking with the rules. I have such mixed feelings as I am so grateful Yuki has someone so caring as to want to help, but I wish you could find a solution and not have to worry. I agree 100% with you, if I didn't have a good feeling about a behaviourist I would not want them involved. Please pop back to Purrs for support at any time, we will always be here for you.  :hug:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
Lulu's Catbook

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2010, 20:22:45 PM »
Of Course, we on Purrs have so many connections  :evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2010, 20:21:09 PM »
 :rofl: hehe  :thanks: i was just reading the site ,you must of sent it telepathicly   ;)

thankyou i do hope he will get better Its upsetting to think he is going ot be a cat only around round the house when i am there and when people visit have to go to his playroom BUT hopefuly it wont come to that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 20:23:14 PM by kitinboots »

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2010, 20:17:48 PM »
This link gives you access to everything  ;D

Loads of luck in sorting this out  :hug:

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2010, 20:15:00 PM »
No problem and Vicky Halls is a respected and well known behaviorist unlike the one you must have contacted.

Will just do a search for her and see what I come up with, you can also get her monthly newsletters which are quite good too.  ;D

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2010, 20:01:27 PM »
 :thanks: i will get some feliway to try and have a look for  Zykline .

my vet gave me number for a behaviourist who just didnt seem interrested at all and said the prob was he obviously wasnt handled properly and i charge £105 to come out unless yoru insured. she actually put me off lol but i wil have a looky for the lady you suggested :)

thankyou so much  :hug:

p.s. i do appologise for the mistakes in my previous post i was a little emotional when i wrote it  :-[

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2010, 19:14:43 PM »
Happy New Year to you and family  ;D

I think you should try a felway plug in despite what your vets says, there is also something called Zykline that may help too.

If Yuki is not improving I would ask your vet to refer him to a behaviorist because a good one like Vicky Halls can probably work out the problem with Yuki almost immediately and come up with recommendations.

I believe your vet will refer him to one you select and I would go for Vicky Halls, she now has a FB group which you could join and maybe get some advice initially through there.

Offline kitinboots

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2010, 19:06:55 PM »
HI happy New Year to everyone  :hug:
just an apdate on Yuki.
well not much of one as theres not much change lol apart from him getting stronger jaws  :(  I a still keeping strictly to putting him on his carrier as vet told me too when he attacks or just even bites.

My mum managed to get hold of the lady i got her from by ringing off her mobile ,we told her everything thats happening and all she could say was "well get rid of it"  >:(  mum said the house sounded very noisey and i was wondering if Yuki is missing lots of noise and this is why he is attacking everyone that comes in the house????
we have my nephew every afternoon during the week and now i am getting worried i am failing with helping Yuki. I am having to tell my nephew when he can see him and when he has to pretend the cat is not there cos i am taking the cat otu the room as i see him start his tail and his eyes widen ,we are basicly gonna be banished to one room  <sigh> but if this hapens how am i gonna get Yuki socialised.
i'm sorry i been getting a bit down and pretty upset cos i must be doing something wrong the vet reasures me i am not and i am doing everything but he isnt at home.
I was also wondering Yuki is a house cat,he has never been outside in his life could this be one of the problems? is he the wrong type of cat to be indoor ?? i live by mainroad tho i do have a backyard , but its too dangerous in my opinion. I thought about taking him for walks in the garden on a lead so we both get fresh fresh air and it something for him to lok forward to but i tried a harness on him and he can get out of it in a second and half .

I am hardly sleeping as i have to be on gard all the time as i dont want to shut Yuki in a room cos he needs to get used to not biting while he is with a humanoid.
if he is awake and i answer phone he gets angry if i pop on computer he gets angry , could i have givien him too much attention???

All shook up - how is Elvis doing? is he less agressive now?? i hope so :)

sorry for all the questions i am just  very worried. i am thinking of asking vets to do blood tests or something incase he is in pain and not showing it or something :(

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2010, 20:30:09 PM »
Great to see you back but sorry you have been having a rough time.  :hug:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2010, 13:58:21 PM »
 :hi: sorry I havent been about to reply, have had a nasty bug i cant shake off and weather has been playing havoc with net, a miserable birthday but then when you get older its not as fun as when you were little LOL :(

Sam: this place is lovely and a place to be proud of  ;D i was on and off ferret forums for years and some places can get very nasty sadly  :( I was a mod on 2 or 3 and boy was it hard work! i take my hat off to you all for a great place  ;D

Fire fox: aww thankyou i do hope to stick around as long as you all will have me and Yuki  ;D
LOL i bet Noah tought xmas came early hehe

well bit of update:

Yuki has now had 2nd jab ,he is such a good boy at vets he doesnt even flinch! the vet was pretty shocked at the state of my hands and arms from Yukis teeth lol he also has cats and had an agressive cat he told me when he bit he put him in his carrier like sitting a child on a naughty step. as before i went to vets i had to do this on several occasions as Yuki is getting alot stronger = harder bites . he is now starting on my mum who lives with me as she is my carer , i guess he knows he will go in naughty box (carrier) so he is trying his luck with my mum and now my brother who visits but thankfully they are doing exactly what i do so hopefully no confusion so he WILL get the idea biting family = not acceptible.
I also asked the vet about trying feliway but he doesnt think it will make much difference as Yuki is not a stressed cat but a very cheeky,trying his luck cat. he said if he was naturally agressive he would of shownt signs towards the vet himself after all he was the one with the syringe lol.

I managed to get Yuki some Royal canin kitten 36 which he likes so i am weaning him off the go-catkitten onto this and his felix kitten meat and he prefures the kibble now to the meat. THo i had probs getting it as zooplus dont have it sadly and where i ordered it from i had some trouble and not sure if i am going to use them again  :-:

hope you all arent too badly effected by the weather and your fuzzies are well and enoying themselves :D

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2010, 17:39:57 PM »
I hope you will stick around, Kitinboots, as I think you will fit right in here!  ;D Pop over to the Purrs auction as there are usually bargains to be had on cat food, litter or potential Xmas gifts for humans. Also it is worth e-mailing a few pet food companies to explain you would like to try some of their dry food to check it doesn't have a negative effect on your kitten's behaviour. IIRC I found Royal Canin, Hi Life, Wafcol, Burns and Trophy to be helpful/ generous and others have had large samples from Arden Grange.

You may be pleased to know you helped me out last evening - I caught up on this thread then had a flashback to weighing out Noah's raw for the next two days .... the flashback ended prematurely so I rushed into the kitchen. There I found the bulk meat safely in the freezer but the tupperware containing two days food still on the worktop AND with no lid! :doh: Noah was poised to jump up and gave the saddest little chirrup as I whisked it away to the fridge. :rofl:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2010, 14:55:34 PM »
hugs to everyone and big thankyous for all your guidence this is a great place  :hug: friendly and not intimidating to newbies to ask questions which you guys have probably gone through so many times.  :hug: :thanks:

We do pride ourselves on being one of the friendliest forums around and we would rather answer the same question a 1000 times and ensure lots of happy healthy kitties than have someone worried about asking a question and a kitty suffer.

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2010, 13:01:52 PM »
 :hi: and thankyou both for replying :)
Allshookup: it is comforting to know that I am not alone with a jekyll and hyde lol but i hope it doesnt last too long for you and your skin :) elvis is a looker  :Luv: i never thought about rubbing Yukis paws when he scratching as he is so quick but i have been doing it alot since i got him to get him used to knowing the feeling of being touched and that it is a nice thing so when his claws will be cut it wont be such a suprise as to why i am holding paws hehe i do the same with looking at teeth regualy ,ears and tail etc just incase and hope it never happens he has accident and vets need to touch him so i want him to feel comfortable with being touched.  ;)

hi again fire fox :) thankyou for saying "It is clear you have a huge amount of love and commitment to your fuzzball and I feel confident that will carry you through." that is so very kind and makes me feel more confident also  :hug:
Thankyou for the link I will have a good read and take some notes later when master yuki is having a nap hehe
hmm its very misleading when the ingredients arent listed as they should so they are more beneficial to us and our pets.

raw chicken wings sound good as it seems clear to me yuki really needs to chew so thankyou for explaining about the lactoB i will put it on my shopping list too :D and as with ferets i guess many carnivores good for teeth and gums :)

i used to know some people who fed 'BARF' diets to their pets and many who like yourself feed with both , I used to get chicken wings for my ferrets but i had strange ferrets,they thought they were vegies even tho they knew how to use their teeth LOL but ya gotto love em  :Luv: they all at rainbow bridge now sadly but all fuzzies creep into your heart  :Luv2:

GOOD NEWS is Yuki is doing better i am feeding him on felix kitten pouches which he goes CRAZY for (in a good way this time) and the go cat kibble is there 24/7 but his main meals are the meat. he is now taking treats out of my fingers nicely again. i have some dental treats very small for training and a clicker set on the way  8) he still does have the jekyll and hyde moods but this will take time nothing ever happens overnight but i am so glad i decided to get rid of the hills completly as there is a change in him for the better. 8)

Noah's prawn treat is frozen Value or Smartprice - they are safer than fresh prawns, plus massively cheaper than most cat treats if you look at the price per kilo!  :rofl: Like you I am on a budget, I try to feed Noah (6.5kg indoor male) a high meat/ grain free diet on an average of 50p per day. As the regulars know, I have a head-start as Noah will eat almost anything that contains meat (even still frozen or covered in pesto :evillaugh: ).
LOL  :rofl:
hmm  :thinking: maybe i could try prawns with yuki  if you dont mind me using your idea  ;)  for clicker training. would also be good to introduce him to different tastes at his age so he hopefully wont grow up to be a fussy eater .plus i am thinking they will be better than cat treats in the long run. 8)

hugs to everyone and big thankyous for all your guidence this is a great place  :hug: friendly and not intimidating to newbies to ask questions which you guys have probably gone through so many times.  :hug: :thanks:

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2010, 15:07:14 PM »
yep I am on a budget but i still want good food for yuki but i dont really understand the contents % on the packets/bags/boxes but I am looking to see that meat/poultry should be first in the ingrediants and cereals at least third i think i read. the better is the 3 first listed if they are meat.
I would be a bit worried with giving raw meat incase of salmonella which my ferrets got once from meat someone prepared for them.

I am currently trying hand feeding by my palm so he cant actually grab my finger by accident its going ok so far touch wood lol

thankyou so much for your advice and suggestions i will go nosey on you tube and look at clicker training  8)

your Noah is very lucky cat prawns wow :D

 :thanks: again :D

I will let the more experienced members of Purrs work with you on the behavioural side. It is clear you have a huge amount of love and commitment to your fuzzball and I feel confident that will carry you through. :hug:

This is a great article for gaining a better understanding of feline nutrition, from a scientific not a commercial perspective. I have 'cheated' as (human) healthcare is what I do in real life!
As you already know, a cat food should have meat as the first ingredient, but I also prefer to be told the actual meat content as a percentage of the total product. The reason for that is that some sneaky manufacturers use several different grains in order to make each appear later in the ingredients than if a single cereal source was used.  >:(

I am not going to pretend I know anything about ferret biology! Felines have a short digestive tract and higher acidity compared with the human stomach, which protect them from salmonella and other nasties. An important part of the immune system is the probiotic (friendly) bacteria that live in our gut - these can be kept topped up using a product such as LactoB. There are many vets who recommend using raw chicken wings to keep pets teeth clean, which they would not do if raw feeding was risky.

Obviously that means you still need to buy meat from a reputable source and practice good hygiene - I buy chicken ready frozen from the supermarket (Value/ Smartprice leg portions), plus whole offal to chop and fast freeze myself (cold metal baking sheet lined with silicone paper). Most articles you will find on the net recommend you don't feed minced meat, unless you mince your own or purchase pet meat that you know has been frozen quickly after mincing. This is because the high surface area can be a breeding ground for nasties.

I certainly don't raw feed full time, so please don't think that is my angle.  :-[  The reason I suggested it is that it is possible to feed a balanced diet using only a single protein source, and you know exactly what is going into the meal. If there is improved behaviour that can be more easily attributed to the additives or cereals in the Go Cat or Hills. The alternative would be to feed a single wet food (fewer ingredients than biscuits) which is cereal and additive free as that way you have removed a large number of possible culprits in one fell swoop.

Noah's prawn treat is frozen Value or Smartprice - they are safer than fresh prawns, plus massively cheaper than most cat treats if you look at the price per kilo!  :rofl: Like you I am on a budget, I try to feed Noah (6.5kg indoor male) a high meat/ grain free diet on an average of 50p per day. As the regulars know, I have a head-start as Noah will eat almost anything that contains meat (even still frozen or covered in pesto :evillaugh: ).
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2010, 11:29:30 AM »
Hello :) This sounds like my Elvis. He will be 12 weeks on Thursday. The Jekyll and Hyde thing you describe is pretty much the same with Elvis. They are still kittys tho so things will calm down as they get older :)

We just make sure Elvis has lots and lots of play time to tire him out when he is like this. I was a little concerned about controlling his biting etc but I think with lots of confidence and playtime etc things will calm down :) He is slowly starting to understand when we say "no" when hes like this he will 7/10 times stop and lick your waggling finger  :evillaugh:

He was bad with his claws before this but we managed to stop him swiping by kind of rubbing in circular motions on his pads when he had his claws out. This seems to have worked and we do it everytime his claws come out during close contact play.


Offline kitinboots

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2010, 10:57:17 AM »
 :hi: hi Sam thanx for replying also :)
I hav used zooplus before,few years ago tho but never for food so i will have a looky thanx :D

I thought i was getting somewhere with Yuki and i dont know if this is coincedence but  today i started to mix in the hills science kitten with his go cat kitten food (i stopped mixing it so just go cat again and he seemed more relaxed and happy and less agressive) but aprox 2 hour later he was going nuts again  :shocked: coming at me more nasty,pupils like he is on drugs,almost black.scratching everything,biting everything and constantly mewing and unable to keep still. bit like me when i drink coca cola LOL tho i not nasty lol .

Is it possible there is something in the hills food that isnt in the go cat that doesnt agree with him and sets him off??  it just doesnt feel right at all when he is like this. he had started listening to to the word NO! when goign to climb furniture and getting on the tv now today he is just acting plain evil and ignoring me I am really confused  :Crazy: i personally would have thought with a little colour in the go cat, this one would affect him as the hills is just brown but its come across as opposit,its the hills making him go crazy it seems. or am i reading it totally wrong and at his age he should be totally hyper and hardly napping ??

mum couldnt get the Royal Canin at the pet shop so I am going to try a small packet ordered online to try him on :D

I do hope i am doing everything right for him and he is happy with me ,yes id be extremely worried if he was quiet and lethargic I really dont want to let him down .

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2010, 20:05:22 PM »
With cat food the higher the meat content (%) the better.

You may want to have alook at   -  they have a huge selection of food, treats, toys etc.

If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find a link to zooplus that will give you 10% of your first order and by using this link it also means zooplus donate a percentage to our rescue fund.

It sounds like you are doing all the right things for him and if you can cope with ferrets I'm sure he will be no trouble! lol.  He may be a little bundle to teeth and claws and hyper energy but at least he is happy and healthy ... quiet, letharic  kittens are more worrying.  I would just keep doing what you are doing and I'm sure he will calm down soon.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2010, 00:00:42 AM »
hi Fire fox :)

sorry i think i understand what you meant by 'ignored' now :) when visitors are here they are all cat friendly think he is adorable and if he is curious they just let him sniff about them, i ask them to please let him know your not a threat and let him come to them and when they go to stroke talk and give their hand for him to smell before petting him, but if he shows any signs of agression i tell them to do exactly as i do or i walk out the door so he follows me and let him calm down if he calms down i give him a treat,and then we go back in. i hope this is the right way to do it as i read kittens need to meet people ,different people to learn we are not all threats. BUt usually he is spending all the time smelling them and their shoes as he isnt an outdoor cat it must be very interresting smells for him :) If he is play mood but not agressive i hand them wand toys /fishing rod toys as they find it as much fun as i do and hopefully Yuki does too :D
I wasnt sure if putting Yuki out the room when he bites was a good idea or not as he may just learn if i bite i get to go out the room? but i am also concerned i could be doing wrong spending too much time with him and he turns into a spoilt kitten and if i go out he will suffer from seperation anxiety.

lol as you can see i am not very confident in my decisions cos i am so scared i will let him down. I have been told by some friends or family the cat should go to a shelter or shockingly vets as dangerous cat,but those are not cat owners and i am not going to give up on him,I know he has such a softy side like right now he i purring away falling asleep on my lap he just needs help with manners and I am going to help him as best as i can,he is my baby and we kinda bonded when we first met ,i think you guys will understand that but non cat owners cant lol
If what i am doing atm by my ignore/freeze method is the way to go i will carry on as i am determined patient and lucky to have all the time to do it :) a few scar wounds is worth it to help him learn,its not his fault after all poor thing. :'( so i will have to play teacher hehe

yep I am on a budget but i still want good food for yuki but i dont really understand the contents % on the packets/bags/boxes but I am looking to see that meat/poultry should be first in the ingrediants and cereals at least third i think i read. the better is the 3 first listed if they are meat.
I would be a bit worried with giving raw meat incase of salmonella which my ferrets got once from meat someone prepared for them.

I am currently trying hand feeding by my palm so he cant actually grab my finger by accident its going ok so far touch wood lol

thankyou so much for your advice and suggestions i will go nosey on you tube and look at clicker training  8)

your Noah is very lucky cat prawns wow :D

 :thanks: again :D

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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2010, 20:58:46 PM »
Additives can cause hyperactivity in human children as can excess sugar, I suspect there are plenty of artificial ingredients in Go Cat to make what are essentially meat-flavoured cornflakes palatable to an obligate carnivore. Go Cat is also absolutely crammed with carbohydrates (only 4% meat :shocked: ) which I rather suspect are high glycaemic index (GI) carbs. High GI means that they cause the blood sugar levels to peak and trough, i.e they may as well be sugar. Hills and Royal Canin are somewhat better as it is much higher in meat than Go Cat but still contains a lot of cereals/ grains.

I am guessing you are on a budget if you have health issues - many of the Purrs regulars do too  :hug: - so the most cost effective way to feed your kitten will be something like Butchers Classic tins (~£1.50 a kilo, additive free), Bozita tetrapacks (~£2.70 a kilo, 90% meat) or even a raw/ partially raw diet if you are feeling up to doing a little research (~£1.40 a kilo). One advantage to feeding wet is that your kitten will be getting plenty of moisture in his food so you won't have to worry about drinking, also most wet foods are low in carbohydrates. It is very difficult for a cat to gorge itself on bone in meat, and many absolutely love being able to express their inner lion!  :Luv2:

By feeling 'ignored' I meant that perhaps you were not paying your kitten as much attention as you normally do on account of the fact you have house guests. I didn't mean that you are being in any way unkind. :shy: Have you tried putting the kitten or yourself in another room rather than simply being unresponsive? I know we have had people posting before who find it impossible to ignore a cat that has it's claws or teeth sunk in!

Clicker training is worth a try IMO, the clicks are relatively infrequent and you want your cat to be responsive to you whilst training; a clicker is only a couple of pounds which is a lot cheaper than a behaviourist! Clicker training is used by some rescues for behaviour modification as well as simply to occupy a cat's relatively high intellect. Noah really enjoys clicker sessions, probably because that is the only time he gets prawns!  :rofl: If you are concerned about getting bitten you can drop or throw the treat each time rather than hand feeding: there are loads of 'how to' videos on YouTube if you want to learn more.
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Re: biting and agressive behaviour
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2010, 14:11:50 PM »
  :briggin: thankyou Rosella
i think he is a very very handsome cute kitty but i am biased hehe  :Luv2:

mum is going to tesco and there is a pet shop near it so she is going to see if she can get the food you mentioned to try,i guess it wil take a couple weeks as will have to mix it with current food so not to shock the digestive system :)

i tried him with a couple bits of dry food, Go-cat seems to be what he picks ( i think its the milky bits in the kibble) apart from the hills science one,the thing is what worried me is just over 2 hours later he is so hyperactive its unreal -is that normal for a food to do that after only say a level egg cup size eaten please? it was like it turned him into damion off omen LOL its impossible to even give it to him as a treat by hand as he takes my finger or thumb with it  :shocked:

if its just a few months for him to hopefully calm down thats cool  I am used to taking about 9 months to just stop a ferret shredding ya fingers or any flesh it can see HAHA plus he will be nuetered as soon as vet says hopefully feb so hoping that will help too :D

I have the patience and the time i just hope Yuki does too and doesnt end up hating me for ignoring him when he wants to eat me  :-:

hes drinking water now so much bettter then when he came maybe it was the hardness or softness difference . he is quite good with the sachets as he eats a little and leaves and doesnt gorge everything which i was worried about as he had to fight his siblings to get to bowl aparently and i'd like him to know he his safe and no one is going to steal his food and go back to enjoying taking a treat from my hand. he purred and seemed to enjoy it,i obviously loved it i felt accepted by him. i love it when he rubs noses :cat rub: with me after a treat its so cute hehe :Luv2:

thankyou for replying and your advice,it's greatly appreciated


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