Author Topic: What would you do??  (Read 1294 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2010, 23:30:08 PM »
If it was me I would want to know too, it won't be an easy phonecall to make (if it's a mobile maybe you could text?) but if you give them the facts ie date/colour/location - they will have to come to their own conclusion about whether it might be their cat  :hug:

Offline Claire_smc

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2010, 21:09:37 PM »
I'd have to call them too, just say what you said here and explain that you can't be sure if it was theirs or not but you thought they'd like to know that you found one. Just say to them to keep looking for their boy but also to realise that the outcome might not have been so great  :'( I think if I was the owner I'd still like to know, just in case they never find him they might think it was him isntead of always wondering.

'I love my cats because I love my home, and after a while they become its visible soul'

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2010, 21:06:09 PM »
Ok yes I think I misread and went straight to the "you have to tell them" part :shy:. yes that is a wise move. Still make the call tho!

Offline princessmaizie

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2010, 20:14:42 PM »
If I knew for definite it was their's I'd have no hesitation calling them even though I'd probably be in tears doing it. 

The thing that's making me worry what to do is that I wouldn't actually be giving them any closure as I can't say if it was their cat or not, for all I know their cat is out there waiting to be found, if that's the case what if my call stops them looking for and potentially finding him.

I think I might try JS's suggestion and start with 'has your cat returned yet' hopefully the answer will be 'yes, he's home safe and sound'

Thanx for your replies! 

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2010, 19:57:00 PM »
I agree with Ella & Effie. I would definitely want to know..regardless of how upsetting it may be. The not knowing is far worse in my opinion than finding out for sure what has happened to them.

I wouldn't be able to rest without knowing. If the poor cat you found was theirs, they can now grieve properly and try and move on.

 :hug: :hug:

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2010, 19:18:21 PM »
I am not an experienced cat person like some rescues but I am a cat owner and Ella and Effie are my world.

I would want to know. The not knowing would upset me more I think over time. I would wonder if they were trapped or had been stolen. At the moment with the cat in bin case, any owner is worried that something may happen. They have put signs up and that means theyw ant to know. either way. Bad news or good.

With the cat missing they cannot relax or move on - whether that moving on in closure or even getting another cat.

You don't have to give them any details about how unrecognisble it was, all you have to say is you saw it and it had sadly passed and that you thought they would prefer to know.

I am saying this on being a cat owner.

Not an easy job but.... :hug: :hug: :hug:

keep us posted xxx

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: What would you do??
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2010, 18:45:56 PM »
I think I would phone them and explain gently that there was no way for you to clearly identify this cat but that you noticed they were close to that area. Is the ad recent? If not, ask if their cat has returned first and if they say no then broach the subject. :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline princessmaizie

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What would you do??
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2010, 18:23:17 PM »
Just looking for some advice, a few weeks ago I posted in the rainbow bridge section about and unknown and sadly unrecognisable cat I'd passed on my way to work.

I was in PAH browsing the notice board whilst waiting to pay and there was a lost cat notice, searching for a cat missing from exactly the same road I saw the unknown cat on.

What do you think would be for the best, should I call the people and tell them about the dead cat I saw? I can in no way give them a description, without being to graphic it must have been there a while and there is quite a lot of wildlife in the area, or would this just upset them and possibly stop them searching for a cat which may still be out there. The poster did say the male cat was not neutered or chipped so it is possible that there cat is out there 'sowing his wild oats'.

Please can some more experienced cat people give me some advice...............


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