Author Topic: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway  (Read 2105 times)

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2010, 22:22:36 PM »
Glad that things have settled down for you and them
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Offline Stezzle

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2010, 13:36:38 PM »
Just thought i would post an update on the situation.

Only after posting this thread did Candy attack Licky when it was feeding time. After seeing her actively go out of her way to get him. I refused to feed her til she calmed down. I stared at her and she lowered her head after a while. In which she came through the bedroom window (which is her normal thing, as our room was her area and Licky has now taken that over) Well she came in and wanted fuss and then curled up on my tummy and i seemed to have gotten her spot under her chin as she pretty much was falling asleep. After this, she seems to be coming in more than offen and likes attention off my bf, who she adores.

Licky is still being the alpha male of the house but the two of them seem to have worked some sort of friendship out. In that when it really throws it down with rain, Licky will sit on the window sill meowing til Candy pops her head in. He then moves over to let her through and give each other kisses and clean each other. It seems to have gone relatively back to normal but they seem far more comfortable with each other. They have even started to sleep close to each other again, when normally they sleep on different sofas.

I think its amazing that at the old age of 13 years old. These two siblings can work together, still care for each other and look out for each other.

Only the other day did candy miss judge the jump from the bed to the window sill and as a result was left hanging by her claws. When she finally let go and seemed to be a bit shocked, good Licky came to see what all the fuss was about.

Just got to hope the house move goes well now, as a few weeks without leaving the house will be hard, but its nice to think we wont have to split them up due to them not getting on.

Offline Stezzle

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 23:25:55 PM »
Hi Stezzle

I've read your earlier posts and see that Candy is aged 13 and there have been quite a few changes in your household.  In particular, I see that in addition to curling up with you on the sofa, Licky is also sleeping between you and your BF so it's possible Candy feels a little left out  :hug:.

I think I'm right in saying Candy likes her food? As long as she doesn't have any weight problems, could you perhaps try simple bribery using food treats to encourage her to stay inside a little more?  Others on Purrs use toys to hide treats in which provides a bit of exercise at same time.  If BF works from home could he perhaps keep Candy in same room as him during the day or would that be a problem? 

I am assuming it's not health related as I read she has been to vets recently with her teeth.  There are however some health conditions where cats sometimes prefer cooler environments
e.g. hyper thyroid I think but not sure if she is showing any other symptoms of ill health altho aggression can sometimes also be a symptom

Candy loves her food and so she always eats and lets you know she is eating. We would stick her in a room but she meowing loudly all the time if you do that and if you don't let her out she will start to scratch the door or window. It just makes her more stressful. She is eating fine now after her teeth and she seems more happier afterwards but has gone in on herself.

We think the more and more Licky has come out of his shell (has he was a shy loner cat) the more his has become the alpha male in the house where as before Candy (even tho female) took the higher role. With this change Licky's scent is probably everywhere so she is just not that happy or unsure where she fits. We are hoping to have to duel play session 2mo and make them see that we like both cats equally. We are also moving house in a few months so they need to get along so the 2 weeks or so we need to kept them in.

Just hope this works, Its not medical as she had a full check out and bloods when she had her teeth done.

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 23:08:10 PM »
Hi Stezzle

I've read your earlier posts and see that Candy is aged 13 and there have been quite a few changes in your household.  In particular, I see that in addition to curling up with you on the sofa, Licky is also sleeping between you and your BF so it's possible Candy feels a little left out  :hug:.

I think I'm right in saying Candy likes her food? As long as she doesn't have any weight problems, could you perhaps try simple bribery using food treats to encourage her to stay inside a little more?  Others on Purrs use toys to hide treats in which provides a bit of exercise at same time.  If BF works from home could he perhaps keep Candy in same room as him during the day or would that be a problem? 

I am assuming it's not health related as I read she has been to vets recently with her teeth.  There are however some health conditions where cats sometimes prefer cooler environments
e.g. hyper thyroid I think but not sure if she is showing any other symptoms of ill health altho aggression can sometimes also be a symptom

Offline Stezzle

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2010, 23:00:44 PM »
I had a similar thing with my Chilli and she did set up home with someone else for 3 months! But that was due to the arrival of Dave and her being disgruntled.

I thought we were going to be going through it again, she's been much grumpier for a little while and then a third cat has decided to adopt us. Thankfully though, she has only given me the cold shoulder for a couple of weeks and seems to be settling back down.

It could well be that there has been an imperceptible shift in the dynamics between her and your other cat and they need a little help to re-adjust again. I find that with Chilli, a Feliway plug-in and, without wanting to sound like an awful Meowmy, forcing her to spend more time in the company of myself and the other cats (i.e keeping them all indoors more), really helps her to settle back down again.

I don't know if this would work for you and i would hate for it to have the opposite effect, it just seems to work with my reluctant little girl!

Thank you for the tips, i may try that 2mo we some toys and see if we can get a little game going with both cats instead of one. Its worth a try. Btw your cats in your sig are soo cute.  :Luv:

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 22:57:06 PM »
I had a similar thing with my Chilli and she did set up home with someone else for 3 months! But that was due to the arrival of Dave and her being disgruntled.

I thought we were going to be going through it again, she's been much grumpier for a little while and then a third cat has decided to adopt us. Thankfully though, she has only given me the cold shoulder for a couple of weeks and seems to be settling back down.

It could well be that there has been an imperceptible shift in the dynamics between her and your other cat and they need a little help to re-adjust again. I find that with Chilli, a Feliway plug-in and, without wanting to sound like an awful Meowmy, forcing her to spend more time in the company of myself and the other cats (i.e keeping them all indoors more), really helps her to settle back down again.

I don't know if this would work for you and i would hate for it to have the opposite effect, it just seems to work with my reluctant little girl!

Offline Stezzle

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2010, 22:47:57 PM »
How old is she and how long has it being going on?  If it is quite sudden, then she may not be feeling very well at the moment and wants to be on her own. 

Other than that have there been any changes to the household or routine that may have upset her?  Or has your other cats behaviour changed towards her?  My boy cat at the moment seems to be going through a dominant phase and is trying to boss the girl around which she isn't liking.

Hopefully with it coming colder weather she will want to spend more time inside and you can re-establish your bond with her - during summer we haven't been able to keep the boy cat in at all, sometimes he would dart away if you go near him just in case we tried to pick him up and take him inside.

Hopefully someone else will be along soon with some better ideas! :)

She is 13years old and ive noticed it about 2 weeks ago and it seems to have stuck. The male cat seems to spend overly amount of time with us than normal. She has also started to become more aggressive towards the other cat which is abnormal as they are normally really close and are seen leaving the house together for night time missions or defening their gardens from other cats. Its almost like when it comes to protecting the house then they will pair up but otherwise will not be friendly apart from the odd times. Like when the thunderstorm happened the male cat looked everywhere for the female cat and when she finally came in dripping wet they were rubbing noses and licking each other clean and dry so its not like they are never affectionate towards each other, you have to remember they are brother and sister. lol.

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 22:34:02 PM »
How old is she and how long has it being going on?  If it is quite sudden, then she may not be feeling very well at the moment and wants to be on her own. 

Other than that have there been any changes to the household or routine that may have upset her?  Or has your other cats behaviour changed towards her?  My boy cat at the moment seems to be going through a dominant phase and is trying to boss the girl around which she isn't liking.

Hopefully with it coming colder weather she will want to spend more time inside and you can re-establish your bond with her - during summer we haven't been able to keep the boy cat in at all, sometimes he would dart away if you go near him just in case we tried to pick him up and take him inside.

Hopefully someone else will be along soon with some better ideas! :)

Offline Stezzle

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Sudden change in Cat behaviour - worried she'll runaway
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 22:26:22 PM »
Just wanted some ideas really on this situation i have noticed.

Candy use to be very affectionate with us and now she seems to only come for food, water and a place to stay at night. We see her sleeping outside in the garden all day but she seems to have withdrawn herself from us and we are rather worried she may run away. We love her and show her affection all the time. My bf is home all day so she is never alone but yet has chosen to. I have even tried to play with toys with her but she does not seem interested. When i go to stroke her she ducks or slips under my hand. I have also noticed that Licky, the other cat seem to have become rather a lot more attached. He stays on the sofa next to us curled up and he always greets you with a meow at the door when you come in.

Is it possible that without knowing it Licky is pushing Candy out and setting a boundary on us, the owner? We have this week got Candy alone and seen if she would be her normal self but this hasn't worked. Any suggestion or ideas would be great.


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