Author Topic: Home available for young male kitten - have 3 year old spayed female SORTED  (Read 10183 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Great, thanks! I'll move this now  :hug: we would love to hear updates if you can post in Cats Stories that would be great  :thanks: :hug:

I've pm'd you  :)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 08:31:16 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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It is, I have the little male kitten living with me and Migs and I found his sister a home with one of our friends.

All is well :)


Offline Janeyk

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 :shify:  Is this sorted now?

soz, I'm confused cos it was soooo quick - the same day?   :wow:
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 08:11:21 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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Haha, thanks!
It's brilliant watching the two of them at the moment, he just wants to play and she wants to show she is boss without doing anything more than hissing as really she is a big baby.
I'm happy to leave them alone together too which I didn't think I would be so early on, I also imagined he would be in the pen to begin with but we haven't had to use it once due to him being so laid back and her just hissing every so often to show who is boss. She hasn't even tried to swipe him which suprises me! After having introduced a kitten before I think I am a lot calmer which helps as they know when you are panicking!

Offline Feline Costumier

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Oh I think we can all relate to having "lost" a kitten, or even a fully grown cat for that matter! Flea collars don't work and if I'm correct, can actually be harmful. Great for putting in your vacuum cleaner should you have to fumigate due to unwanted visitors ;) I would recommended ditching the collar on such a small neck for the time being, although I know how useful it is proving :naughty:

You're doing a great job, honestly, so please don't take any offence to me, I know I learn loads from these here purrs folk. :)

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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The main reason he's still wearing it is that it's useful for locating him at the moment. He  has pooed behind the tele and has found a cupboard he can get behind and that he can get under the sofa, so the bell is useful for me to fnd him and coax him out (hopefully before any other accidents) Which funnily enough only happen when i'm not around... He always uses the litter when i'm watching  :naughty:

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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It's a flea collar that he was wearing when I collected him, I don't really do collars and cats, I once tried a pretty pink one that somebody bought for Migs (yes - my friends buy my cats 'present's) but she refused to stand up whilst it was on haha! She rolled around until I took it off and binned it :) This one is a safety collar though, i'd have binned it immediately if it wasn't   :doh:

Offline Feline Costumier

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Looks like they are getting on just fine, there's no way Chilli would have been that relaxed and close to Dave on week 2 let alone day 2!

With his collar, he does seem a little young and small for one and with him being indoors not entirely necessary. Also, is it a safety collar? He could easily get it caught on something and if it doesn't release, well, you can imagine potential outcomes. Not having a go, just want to make sure he's as happy as he looks!

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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They're getting on well for it being day 2! Migs hisses at him so that he knows who is boss but is not really bothered by him as the picture shows! She is all hiss no action though, bit of a madam and just likes to pretend she is boss :)
He's very laid back and so will just wander of cooly if she hisses. He's a little purr pot though!

I have a pen for him (to keep him safe from her) but haven't used it once as they seem happy enough left roaming free together.

Newbie doesn't really have a name... hubby is calling him tinkerbell due to the bell on his collar but he needs a permanent name! Any suggestions appreciated! The vet said he's a little thin and has worms but is other than that all ok. Will get him castrated the minute he is old enough to avoid any issues with hormones!

He is currently curled up on my knee purring like little trouper, he is such a sweetie. I have migs asleep on my legs the other side of the laptop haha!

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Hiya Effie  :welcome:

What a stunning girl Migs is  :wow: :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:

How is she with little newbie? What's his name and did he do ok at vets today?

If ya need a hand reducing pics, i can do it for ya hun of ys email me them :)

Love to see more  ;D

With cats it's more size and personality that can clash rather than boy or girl.  I had alot of trouble introducing a little mad kitten boy to my adult cat a few years ago and although little Giz was smaller, he was a very outgoing personality where my adult was a more quiet one.  My adult was scared stiff of little imp!! gradually after long introduction technique they got to like each other :)

I hope Migs enjoys her new friend :)

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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I am taking him to the vets tomorrow to see when they will neuter him. George is now spayed and in a loving new home that she is happy in.

Offline Feline Costumier

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The fact George was never spayed could have a lot to do with it as well. Hormones can make even the nicest cat turn into a demon! I think neutering any cat you have as soon as old enough would prevent it happening again.

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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She loved playing with George before George decided she hated her. I have just adopted a very skinny 18 week old boy from a lady that couldn't look after him and his littermates, Migs appears to love him, they're playing and have cuddled up together already. I will be taking him for a full vet check tomorrow. This lady appeared very desperate and I feel he has a much better home here. Thanks

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Maybe she doesnt want a friend and likes being the sole receiver of your attention ?

Not all cats like having other cats around.

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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Partly because I reckon that half the problem last time was an 'alpha female' thing and partly because when we got the other cat 'george' she was supposedly male and we always wanted a male companion for Migs.

She took alpha cat role when George came to live with us as a kitten but the enormous fights (which Migs ducked out of and was very stressed by) seemed to be George trying to batter her down which sort of worked in the fact that Migs was terrified and used to hide but equally I don't think Migs would reliquish her role easily.

I figured as we successfully introduced a young kitten into the house before that another would be fine with the same technique of using the pen for 'protection' initially and the gradual introductions.

The picture below is Migs, I was trying to put a picture of her and george snuggled up (when they were friends) but it wouldn't upload and I couldn't get it under 300kb!

Offline JackSpratt

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Hi, welcome to Purrs. Can I ask why it needs to be a male cat? Do you think Migs prefers male companions?

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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Home available for young male kitten - have 3 year old spayed female SORTED
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2010, 09:52:18 AM »

I am offering a home for a young male cat.

We have a 3 year old spayed devon rex varient. She is a bit of a madam. We have introduced her to a kitten before and with a pen and a slow intro things worked until the other cat (1 year by then) tried to kill her after having kittens (both in permanent homes now)

We had to rehome the other cat after spaying her due to her newfound hatre of Migs (current cat) but would welcome a young boy in as a companion. He would need to be an indoor cat due to the close proximity of the road.

I am in the Chesterfield area in Derbyshire.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 16:01:51 PM by JackSpratt »


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