Author Topic: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??  (Read 11352 times)

Offline cj

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Re: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2012, 19:18:09 PM »
Hiya Mymblesdaughter,

Thanks for the reply at least now i know its not just me having a spot of bother!

I was thinking of trying the cat and dog shelter only the thing is, while cat cuddling is very important, i feel its more important at this time of year (thing mating!  :Luv:) i would like to get more involved with catching strays before they have a chance to mate, which will only compound the problem that most shelters have at the mo.  No where will all these new kittens and undoubtdley injuryed male cats crossing roads to look for queens...end up?!!  :Luv:

Ive heard from the RSPCA today, and another cat shelter last night, they are refurbishing at the mo so have to try in 6mths time.  Going to speak with CP Gateshead at the weekend.....looking forward to that  :)

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Re: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2012, 23:27:42 PM »

I'm sorry to hear you haven't been successful trying to help with cat rescue. I must say I found that I've offered quite a few places my help over the last few years and very few of them got back to me. I did some volunteering last year for CHAT but I didn't receive a reply to my email for ages and ended up phoning them and eventually I did end up going in to cuddle cats and I also fostered a Mum and kittens. Which if you have the space I would recommend as I found it fulfilling and fun.

I think sometimes the cat rescues get bogged down with the day to day running, rescuing etc. I feel that sometimes they don't really have chance to look at the bigger picture as they are sometimes overwhelmed. For instance I offered to help a rescue that needed help in their office I had 3 months free and after three months they contacted me to say could I go in to help. I said it was too late, and they said sorry they hadn't contacted me as they were really behind with their paperwork. Yes that's why I offered to help :Crazy:

Have you tried these guys

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Re: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2012, 18:07:19 PM »
Well im so sorry i havent posted about this sooner.....dnt have internet at the mo!!

So meeting went ahead with the RDM of Cats Pro, very nice lady.  They would love to set up another CP Newcastle only they dont have the land to do so!

However she did tell me Gateshead was setting up a new shelter, only when i checked out there face book page they are still fostering cats.

Im getting rather frustrated about the whole thing.  I have alot of time and skills to offer yet i feel like im not moving forward  >:(

Here is my email address i will check back in afew days time if ANY cats shelter needs and help with anything in the North East area pls get in touch. 

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Re: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 10:59:29 AM »
Hiya all,

Just a quick update.  I contacted CP HQ to try and get in touch with their Regional Development Manager.....wasnt in the office so i left my details to be passed on.  Gent on the phone said i should hear something early next week  :)

Meanwhile i thought i would try and help out at another rescue  :Luv:  Only they are currently refurbishing the cattery at the moment....i should call back in a month  :sneaky:

Probably have more luck trying to join the  :censored: Masons than helping out at a rescue!

Thanks for the replys.  I have thought things throu will wait and see what the RDM says from CP HQ.

Just desperate to try and help the little puds without a meowmmy  :'(


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Re: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2010, 11:00:47 AM »
As Julie says its a huge undertaking CJ and by starting a rescue you have SO many things to consider from the get go including funding, where will the cats be accommodated, vets, what vet care you can afford to provide the cats, how will you find homes, what will you do if you don't get sufficient funding and to me one of the important aspects is - do you have a broad knowledge of cats, health conditions, behaviour, and experience necessary to help you to nurse cats/ kittens appropriately?

The list is endless to be honest.  It is a wonderful thing to want to help the kitties though my personal view is that if you don't have the experience and knowledge regarding cat health and the level of work involved in rescue is to volunteer with another rescue for a while and gain the hands on experience and see what is really involved before jumping in head first.

It is so easy to become overwhelmed with cases and just not know what or where to turn and as Julie says it does very quickly take over your entire life.   :Crazy:

Wish you all the luck in the world if you try the venture on your own but do think it through carefully before hand.   :hug:

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Re: New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2010, 15:30:18 PM »
Aw... it's kind of you to want to help the puds.  :naughty:

Perhaps the independent rescuers here will respond with ideas? Me personally, I could never go it along and set up a new group. You've got all the requirements of setting and maintaining standards, raising funds etc. publicity, accomodations, the endless paperwork... all without any kind of back up.  :doh: I think we have some tips and guidelines already here for folks interested in starting new groups?  :-:

Anyway, I much prefer being a small cog in a big machine and that way I get to chose exactly what I want to do and how much time I devote.  :) Well I say that.... but it does very easily take over your life.  :rofl: :rofl:

Offline cheekycj

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New CP Branch to open in Newcastle??
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2010, 12:56:30 PM »
Hiya all,

This is going to be a long post and prob take me an hour to explain as im at work doing this inbetween calls at the mo  :sneaky:

I contacted CP Newcastle awhile ago to do some volunteer work.  I received a reply from a lady called Cris saying they had advertised for volunteers some time ago and quite afew people seemed interested.

However it was thought that as CP Newcastle is just a small branch it would be better if the new volunteers set up a seperate CP branch within Newcastle  :-:  I have contacted CP HQ about setting up a new branch within Newcastle with the help of the volunteers that have had there details passed on (i think) to CP HQ.  I received a standard reply saying they will contact me when a vacancies comes available.

Now i know CP Newcastle are a small branch (I think they have eight pens?)  And apparently they have a very long waiting list  :(

I guess im wondering if i could try and set up my own rescue with the help of the volunteers that came forward to CP Newcastle?  Instead of waiting for CP HQ to give us the go ahead?  How could i go about this?  How could i contact people who came forward?  I would dearly love to be part of something special like starting a new rescue.

Maybe if people that applied to CP Newcastle (or anybody in the Newcastle area wishing to help) could contact me via pm or email we could at least knock some ideas about  :)

Its going to be winter little boy Charlie was a boy Joey was left out by his owners.  I know there are more cats that are in the same position as my two were id dearly love to help.



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