Author Topic: Charlie the Siamese  (Read 13486 times)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Charlie the Siamese
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 22:07:51 PM »
Ahhh Dave you must be so happy that he as settled with Val and is obviously being spoilt rotten and loved so much.  He sounds like a typical siamese - cheecky, loving, slightly destructive and very intelligent (his typing skills are amazing! LOL).

Thanks for sharing the lovely email xxx
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Offline Janeyk

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Re: Charlie the Siamese
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2010, 21:00:11 PM »
It's lovely to hear that Charlie is so happy in his new home  :Luv:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

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Re: Charlie the Siamese
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 20:55:55 PM »
Great news Dave - he sounds like he will be happy and well cared for there  :Luv2:

Sharon will be pleased.

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Offline Dave_s

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Charlie the Siamese
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 18:53:56 PM »
Just a quick update for those who remember Charlie the siamese I re-homed recently. I have had quite a few updates from Val who gave him a home and he has settled really well  ;D

Here is a copy of an email Charlie sent today:

Hi Dave,
Though I'd send an e-mail, quite a venture for a cat!!
I'v settled in really well, just got the hang of things when Val decided to put me into a Cattery for 2 weeks!  Although she took toys and an old tee-shirt (so I had her sent) I still really missed my new home.  Just when I thought that she had forgotten me Valerie came and took me home, I tried really hard to chew my way out of the wicker basket in the car, but we arrived home just before I achieved my mission.
Wonderful to be home again, I just love to sit in the Garden with the sun playing on my tummy, the other day I found a dead baby blackbird that had crashed and killed itself on the patio window, sooooo took it through the catflap for Valerie (after throwing feathers all over the kitchen). 
Valerie sometimes gives me fresh or cooked chicken which i ABSOLUTELY  love.  I still continue to be sick sometimes, so Vals trying me on different food, so far Iams seems to stay put.....but she thinks because I love to eat grass and make myself sick, as long as I an do this occasionally it seems to help my problem, trouble is with my lack of teeth its difficult to pull the grass up, she says I'm like a little lawn mower, chomping away at the edges of the lawn.  Yesterday Val bought me a new toy (yet another!!) a little mouse with real feather tail, its just wonderful and I was throwing it around and hiding the mouse under the carpet last night?
Anyway I still miss you, but am really settled in and I don't wander away from the garden.
Will keep in touch and hope you are well and enjoying the warm weather, I'm very happy now the cold wind has stopped.
Meow,  Meow, Purr Purr
Charlie xxxx
PS sorry about the's so difficult with paws and claws!

Sounds like he has definitely landed on his paws with Val :)

« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 18:55:03 PM by Dave_s »


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