Author Topic: Mali, Merlin and Myth  (Read 3979 times)

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2010, 16:06:57 PM »
Aw just look at them.....All beautiful babes and so glad they are feeling better!  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2010, 13:57:38 PM »
They sound wonderful and so pleased their illness was just an expensive Blip  ;D ;D

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2010, 13:54:01 PM »
What beauties!!!!!!  :Luv:

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2010, 13:28:20 PM »
And a couple more pics

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2010, 13:26:59 PM »
Hi All

I thought I’d update you all on the latest antics of Merlin, Mali and Myth.  After a quiet start to Christmas with the tree going untouched by paws for at least four days there followed a continual battering of the poor tree and it’s baubles by all three of the little darlings!  They loved every aspect of it from lights to branches to the glimmering of the many faceted decorations.  We’re hoping that next year they will have moved on to bigger and better things and will find the tree boring!!!  Some hope huh?
New Year’s Day arrived with a scare; Merlin and Mali were off their food, lethargic and being sick.  Merlin who normally snuggles into my chest and neck didn’t want to know me, preferring the warmth and comfort of his basket, he looked so miserable and then Mali followed suit, lying miserably next to him.  I watched this for a couple of hours and then rang the vet as they weren’t interested in water and I was worried that they would dehydrate with the vomiting too.  The vet said to bring them in and reminded me that emergency call out fees would apply – lest I forget!!

Off we went with two very sorry little boys who barely acknowledged the journey; I was so worried for them.  An examination of both delivered a verdict of high temperatures and very liquid bowels.  They had three jabs apiece and got some prescription food.  I’m happy to say that within an hour of getting back home they were starting to perk up and Merlin leapt into his mum’s arms for a cuddle, Mali started to explore and the vomiting stopped too.  After supper that evening they were all completely back to normal, enough so that we told the vet and she told us not to bother going back the following morning for their follow-up consult.  We were only charged for one appointment so it wasn’t too bad a mere £200!!  Strangely enough little Myth didn’t get it at all.  Just one of those things I guess.

They have started to get bold and confident enough to sleep in different places to each other and explore on their own if the other two are asleep.  Mali and Myth are definitely the naughtiest and actually seek out mischief while Merlin prefers to look on with wisdom far beyond his years reflected in his little face.  They all love cuddles and will alternate between the affections of mummy and daddy.  More often than not I am mobbed by all three when I first sit down on an evening, which all worked out fine when they were smaller but now there’s a jostling and a mewling as they all vie for the prime position round mummy’s neck!  Merlin always wins so Mali sits round the back of my neck and Myth will curl up in whichever arm I have free.

The past week has seen all three abandoning their night time sleeping place of under the spare front room bed in exchange for the comfort of our bed.  Which is all well and good but Merlin and Myth want to be in the bed and Mali wants to spend the night suckling my hair.  (Which incidentally, he is doing as I write!)  We don’t want to shut them out because that will mean Shadow, our youngest older cat won’t have access either and she loves coming into our room but needs the freedom to go if she wants to.  So we are all a bit tired at the moment as the combination of worrying about rolling onto them and having my scalp kneaded with 10 little needles isn’t conducive to sleep!  Indian head massage it isn’t!

They’ve met Herbert the Dog several times now and have gained the confidence to wander around him, they’re not best friends yet but they’re not terrorised either and Herbert is such a good dog, he’s curious at first and then he just goes and lies down by his mum and dad’s feet.  Generally Herbert comes for dinner about once a month so as they all grow up together we’re hoping that they learn to get along famously.

They have decided, unilaterally, to accept Whiskas kitten food as opposed to the hideously over-priced Gourmet Soufflé that they were on before and also have taken to the Hills kitten kibble so their diet is cheaper and more balanced. 

Our three older lady cats have grown more accepting of the furbabies, particularly as they have nicer food than they do and are generous in sharing their leftovers!  There is still the odd rumble and grumble from Kashmir, but again, we’re getting there.

So that’s about it for now – we are totally besotted by all of them, each has their own emerging personality and each grows more striking in looks day by day.  Lee remarked last night that getting them ranks among “One of the best things he’s done in life” and I am inclined to agree. 

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2010, 16:13:36 PM »
how are the little ones doing, assume you are working at home lol!

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 08:52:38 AM »
glad they are settling in and the others are getting more accepting

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2009, 18:32:44 PM »
 ;) Hi All

Here follows the latest bulletin :-)

Well, today was a big day for Merlin, Mali and Myth as our granddog Herbert was coming for a roast lunch and the triplets have never seen a dog before. Herbert is very laid back and used to nanna and grandpa's cat house but even he double took when he saw not one, not two, but three teeny kitlets!

He came out to me in the kitchen and looked as if to say "Nanna, you went a bit mad this time at the rescue didn't you?" Then he settled into his usual place under the table whilst we ate and that gave the babies a chance to pull themselves together. They were shaken but not stirred so to speak and the three of them had managed to get to the top platform of the cat scratch posts where they were snoozing away all intertwined with each other - awwwwww.

No pics of that as we were all doing our best to move verrrry slowwwwly and not cause any jumpy twitchy movements which could have sent our house into a fur flying frenzy!

After dinner the kits came and camped out on me and Merlin the brave even walked around Herbert and looked as if to say "I'm sooo not scared of you mister dog." Myth hissed for all she was worth for a while when she confronted Herbert who was just minding his own beeswax and then even she gave up and went to sleep in her basket. Merlin clambered in with her and that just left Mali who's little rumbling tum got the better of him so he too had to run the Herbert Gauntlet and although it was close there for a while he lived to tell the tale too!!

Once Herbert went home again I was mugged by all three of them, demanding food and excess cuddles (can there be such a thing as cuddling to excess?)and lots of praise for how brave they'd been.

Herbert's next visit will be an overnight stay on Boxing Day so we're all looking forward to that very much now that we know there is nothing to worry about (much !!).

All three are growing beautifully and their weight gain is good, I can't be specific as to how much they have gained though as they won't sit still in the Tupperware pot on the kitchen scales this time around!

Merlin is definitely the top cat (he thinks), he is the chatterbox too, always telling you what he wants and when he wants it. Myth is a brave and feisty little soul who stands on her own four paws when it comes to a rough and tussle with her brothers often leaving them squealing as she launches herself at them and head butts them! What's with that??

Mali...awwww, my Mali - noooo he's not a favourite, there are no favourites in this house, it's just that's he's so cute, so teeny and such a good little lad. He eats whatever is put down for him (we're trying different food types every other day to see if we can ween them off the most expensive cat food that ever was!!) He sleeps more than the other two and he is the first to be content to sleep on his own without the cuddles he gets from his brother and sister. He lives on my legs when I have my feet up and he's really a middle of the road cat against Merlin's bravery and Myth's shyness. Myth has become a daddy's girl and is actually not so shy now, she took a while to realise that she loves laps and cuddles but there's no stopping her now :-)

Kashmir, my white BSH, actually stopped on her way out for the day this morning to sniff all of their bottoms whilst they were eating - ooo-errr, without growling too! She spent a long time with Myth (who incidentally is trying to eat my mouse cable whilst I write) and I think that Kasha approved of the fact that we brought a girl home too :-))

Makes note to self to buy blue tooth cordless mouse............

It's been two weeks tomorrow since we got the bambinos and I can't believe what a success it's all been so far! I'm not holding my breath for something to go wrong though I'm just eternally grateful to the god of cats for smiling on us this time xoxo

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2009, 18:39:24 PM »
Hi Everyone,

The latest update follows:

Mali and Myth are clear of infection and the last day of antibiotics is tomorrow. Merlin has had runny eyes on and off over the past two days but it's clear and not sticky, I think it may even be from his rough and tumble sessions as some of those scraps are enough to make anyone's eyes water. Still, have used the ointment on him twice a day to err on the side of caution.

Yesterday morning was a nightmare, we had run out of the Gourmet Souffles on Sunday afternoon so we gave them Gourmet Perle Sunday night and Monday morning, I hadn't realised that they didn't eat it on Sunday though as I had been out until after their teatime. Apparently the big cats ate it. By Monday morning they were really hungry, they had kibble but that wasn't good enough. Mali and Myth were happy enough to lick the gravy off the perle meal but Merlin went into a depression, he sulked so much that I thought he was ill! I got so upset and worried for him - Mali and Myth played and fought and settled into their morning routine of mayhem but little Merlin seemed to shrink to half his size and curled up on my lap. He was lethargic and seemed constipated and wouldn't let me out of his sight. I cancelled my conference call (was working from home) and ran off to the shops to buy the right Gourmet food. I cursed myself all the way home and all day long truth be told - I felt awful for messing about with their diet - not all Gourmet is the same and I know better now.

When I got back with four cases of Souffle, they mobbed me, I was forgiven - Merlin only wanted half a tin to calm him and then they all curled up on me. Merlin was immediately transformed, he played and slept and used the tray and went back to being a furry fun loving feline. I had no idea that a change of food like that could bring about such a depression - of course I know now, but I guess with all of the 17 cats that have passed through our combined hands throughout our lives we have clearly been blessed by not having had one single fastidious eater!

Not being satisfied that I hadn't brought them to near starvation I then decided to weigh them all. Out came the kitchen scales set to grams with a tupperware bowl on top to sit them in. Imagine my delight when I found that Mali and Merlin have gained 300grams each and Myth 240grams!!! We are doing something right!

They are all snuggled on my lap as I type, it's hard to reach the keys and hard to move full stop!

Poppy the grinch threw a smack in Myth's direction today for absolutely no reason and that after she had played roll about on the floor with them all not ten minutes hence, what's that all about then?

Finally, they only sleep for 3 hours in the morning now as opposed to going 6 hours in the day, they come down demanding food and squealing with delight at being cuddled, vying for attention and seeing who can get onto mummy's neck first. I am off to work tomorrow and Lee will take up the role of kitten carer. I shall miss them all every minute of the day and drive home with a smile, knowing what awaits xoxo :Luv2:

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2009, 19:59:11 PM »
Have to type one handed, have armful of kittens.  Merlin is using my thumb as a teether!  All is going so well - my resident 3 ladies are learning not to growl and snarl quite so much but they are spending more time out than they normally would - they are paying us back for our act of treachery by eating the kittens food which is expensive! Shadow sleeps on our bed all night and Kashmir disappears when she hears the kittens get up and comes back home when she hopes they've gone to bed.  Poppy just stuffed herself on so much food that she was sick in her rush to swallow it before the kittens came - whatever!!  Poppy is such a Grinch.  Myth has used the litter tray since the third day here so she's "dry" now :-)  Their infections have cleared up completely.  Three days of antibiotics left still.  Their favourite game is rough and tumble and they take it in turns to be the attacker - Lee says this is how they learn and I haven't to keep separating them everytime Myth whinges, she gives as good as she gets!  I was out all day with my daughter at Taste of Christmas, Lee stayed home with the bubbas and as soon as I got in they all ran to me again, I'm so happy that they love and trust us already.  I really think that they know this is their forever home.

Next Sunday they will meet Herbert D Dog, who is my daughter and son-in-law's daft hound - he's a rescue too.  He loves cats and misses his old mukka Fable, hopefully 3 won't outface him.

He's coming to stay for one night on Boxing Day with his mum and dad so we wanted to make introductions now whilst they are still so adaptable.

More updates to follow this week. :Luv2:

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2009, 02:27:47 AM »
Aw! I love seeing kitties all relaxed and stretched out!  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2009, 13:45:32 PM »
I really must get over to you, they are lovely - am picking up the leaves in the garden today sadly (yes we are the only ones in the road with a garden full of leaves lol!!)

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2009, 16:12:08 PM »
Isn't it lovely when you moggies come and greet you when you get home  :Luv2:

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2009, 08:02:20 AM »
What wonderful little beings to come home to and have them run up and say hello!! :Luv2: :Luv2:

Darlings!!   :Luv: :Luv:

Sparklecat and Tulip

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2009, 20:13:06 PM »
 :wow::wow: Hey everyone, Today was a hard one, I had to go into the office and leave Lee in charge of the babies - I kept thinking they must be missing me but by all accounts they slept all day in the same place as yesterday and came down at 4pm to start playing.  Games were in full swing when I arrived home at 5 but they did seem pleased to see me and all ran up to say hello mum!

As I  type, Mali is sleeping on my legs and Merlin has managed to wedge himself between my left arm and the cushion, he's on his back and so cosy looking with his little front paws crossed.  Myth loves to sleep on the back of the sofa cushion against the wall.

The good news is that Myth had a "dry" night and got up to use her tray at about 5am.  Their eyes are so much better now and there are less sneezes.  The rough and tumble seesions they have with each other look a bit ferocious but they take it in turns to be "the victim" so I'm thinking it looks worse than it is. xoxo

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2009, 16:39:25 PM »
oooh I definitely will be over, better not bring oh though, he has got a thing for kittens at the moment!

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 16:36:09 PM »

WANT THEM!! :Luv: :Luv:

Sparklecat and Tulip

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 09:12:36 AM »
They are gorgeous  :Luv2:  :Luv2:

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Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2009, 19:26:27 PM »
Dawn, message me and we can arrange a time for you to visit  :)

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2009, 18:38:31 PM »

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2009, 18:35:30 PM »
Hi All

Mali is sitting on me whilst I write this, fascinated by all the moving smileys at the top of the page.  He is a real mummy's boy already!.  Today was a fantastic day for the furbabies, they found a new quiet place to sleep in the front bedroom under the throw on the bed and it allowed my three older ladies some peace and quiet too.  I managed to do a whole day's work and my client call this afternoon went without a single miaow or purr in sight!  They are feeding tremendously well, we have them on Gourmet gold by the rescue centre and the vet's recommendation - it's helping them to gain weight and they are more relaxed with it.  I have been mixing kitten kibble in with it, the Royal Canin stuff.  They drink regularly and use the tray without issue.  Playtimes are manic, it takes two of us to keep them amused for around half an hour then it's all stop and flop wherever they are.  I can't believe how well they are taking to us and their new environment especially so soon. :Luv2:

The infections are clearing up nicely, little Myth's eyes are looking brighter and much less sticky with the bathing and ointment.  They have gotten wise to the antibiotic syringe though and all run in different directions.  It's a good job we can tell them apart so easily otherwise I'm sure one would end up with a double dose!  Myth peed on the duvet again last night, I will have to get it down to the cleaners at the weekend, I think with her it's just excitement, I am going to put some spray on the bit she peed on and see if that deters.  Trouble is we're in the bed when she does it so it's a case of strip the bed reload the duvet and try to get back to sleep.  She doesn't do it during the day.   :shify:

Merlin thinks he is the ring leader but Myth knows otherwise, little Mali just goes with the flow and is everyone's best friend.  Merlin seems to know how the cat flap works, we have it set to entry only but I have never seen a kitten go up and push it with his paw like he does.  It means we have to let the ladies out when they want to go now and security in the kitchen is on red alert but hey, it's all part of the fun. :rofl:

Merlin climbs up my jeans and onto my shoulder so I  have to wear thick sweatshirts otherwise the needles that he calls claws would have scarred me for life by now!! :Crazy:

Will load more photos and updates soon xoxo

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2009, 03:07:31 AM »
They are gorgeous little babes!  :Luv2: :hug:

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2009, 21:53:57 PM »
Oh Wow! Triple trouble!  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2009, 21:23:07 PM »
wish my t cons were like that !  I love Mr Walters at crossroads

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2009, 18:25:33 PM »
Hi Dawn!  Yes we use Crossroads, they were lovely today and I'm sure they knocked some money off the price.  They are sleeping on my chest and shoulders while I work, they are the cutest bundles of joy :)

I was on a 25 ppl telecon this afternoon and I got told off for not being on mute as all anyone could hear was purring, I explained what the noise was and met stony silence, but every time I speak Merlin miaows back so as I made my explanation, he miawoed and the stony silence was broken with 25 x awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!  :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2009, 16:23:05 PM »
omg!!! these I have to see in the flesh!!! do you use crossroads?

tilly used to pee on our duvet as a kitten, unfortunately a shut door is the best I can offer, it worked though and once she had broken the habit was safely allowed back in

Offline JaninaD

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Re: Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2009, 16:22:02 PM »
A couple more................

Offline JaninaD

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Mali, Merlin and Myth
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2009, 16:20:32 PM »
 :welcome:Hi everyone

Here are some pics of our new additions taken last night just half an hour after arriving.

They have settled in really well but mum and dad are extremely tired after they all decided to sleep on our bed so we spent the night half or wholly awake worried that we would roll over onto them!  They finally settled for my pillow which was a little easier.  Myth has peed twice on the duvet but knows where the litter is and how to use it so any advice there is welcome please!

Unfortunately they have an upper repiratory tract infection so already my vet has them on antibiotics and drops but they are eating and sleeping and drinking well.  They love to play of course and are using me as a climbing frame!  Our lady cats are grumpy but all spent the night indoors, they don't seem to have a problem with the kittens' food though!!  Will update with more as and when xoxo


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