Author Topic: So Sad  (Read 1997 times)

Offline purrdy1

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Re: So Sad
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2009, 10:17:26 AM »
 :'( it is sad.....

I think sometimes these bigger organisations can lose sight of what they were set up for! it becomes a money making business and they are interested in the clients that can PAY...hmmm sounds only too familiar!
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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: So Sad
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2009, 08:24:22 AM »
The last two times the RSPCA have come to the door trying to get me to do SO's, I have had cats in that they wouldnt touch, so the poor people on my doorstep have had a bit of a tale about the cat in the house who woud be dead if it had been up to them - the last one was worse, as I had Sam in my arms, so the bloke could see he looked perfectly fine and happy. He then told me he didn't blame me!! Hopefully they will decide not to bother coming to my house again, although my vet has managed to get them to help with neutering a couple of cats before me taking them.
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: So Sad
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2009, 16:14:39 PM »
Sue contacted RSPCA about Tina and they were just rude and asked here where she got their number from...this was not the call centre and she said her vet but they were just ridiculoisly indifferent.

She said she would never give them any money and this message sounds like its starting to get around, thank goodness, cos its taken long enough.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: So Sad
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2009, 15:47:46 PM »
For many reasons i won''t entertain the RSPCA or PDSA - had run ins with them in the past .
On the other hand i found the Blue Cross excellent and very helpful.

Offline snarf

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Re: So Sad
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2009, 14:09:56 PM »
the rspca and pdsa in notts are awful, but the AARU (animal accident rescue unit) has always tried to help whenever ive had to contact them and theres quite a few vets that will help if you approach them directly. i will never give money to the RSPCA in particular and have stopped to explain exactly why when ive had a tin shoved in my face
 the attitude of the big  animal charities is bizarre when i first took in spare cat it was only while we located her owners and i was adamant i couldnt keep her (she upset lucifer the first 4/5 months) i was willing to house her and feed her until she was rehomed but didnt feel confident home checking on my own. CPL said they wouldnt homecheck or look for a home without her being signed over to them and housed in a pen, but as they had a huge waiting list and she was in a secure place shed always be at the bottom of the list (so basically wait for ever) the RSCPA told me flat out she was my problem and if i didnt like it to put her out.  >:(  on the upside she ended up staying and shes a :Luv2:

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: So Sad
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2009, 12:45:08 PM »
I think organizations such as the RSPCA and PDSA should give priority to helping anyone willing to care for a stray with veterinary treatment, as it might mean one less animal requiring a rescue place

I know it would mean some people taking advantage, and claiming their animal was a stray, but then they take advantage anyway 
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Offline bonnielass

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So Sad
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2009, 08:52:17 AM »
I dont normally read the papers but passing an hour away i picked up the Nottm evening post and  found this sad letter :(

"Very recently i discovered what a poor animal loving nation we are
Some time ago i noticed a poor weather beaten cat in my garden
Having in the past provided home for a stray i took it upon myself to befriend this little one
After a time i managed to gain his confidence and he became a regular visitor for food and a warm rad to sleep by but never stop
Last week he arrived at my door with a wound to his head looking the worst for wear and in some distress
First call was to CPL ,though very polite they informed me they had over 200 cats waiting to come in
Next i went in person to PDSA only to be told because im not on benefit they couldnt treat him
On leaving i noticed more then 10 people outside with sick animals, they could afford to smoke etc but obviously couldnt afford to pay for vets bills
Last hope was the RSPCA but after continually for 3 days recieving a recorded message  saying their operators were busy i admitted defeat

I now realise how naive i have been in the past when every week while shopping i have believed some person when they have thrust a tin i in my face asking for money to help treat sick animals


There was also another one about someone who had also been feeding a stray that no-one would help, she was told because she had been feeding this cat it was classed as hers therefore she would have to pay,,she ended up having to have the little one PTS .
She also said she felt like telling them to shove their boxes where the sun doesnt shine
If you need a vet at night you need a passport to get any help from PDSA and if you dont have transport or the £80 fee its Tra duck Is ther anyone out there who is still dedicated i wonder


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