Undisturbed nights sleep? What's that then
Dave, given half the chance, would sleep nose to nose being stroked constantly
As it is, he varies from bottom of the bed, back to back with me with him pretty much at head height, sometimes on the unused pillow next to me or quite often I do wake up with his nose an inch from mine and always when I open my eyes on those occasions he's just looking at me lovingly
At various times during the night, if I stir, he insists on some fuss and then I have to hide my hands and turn over to get him to leave me alone, it works 50% of the time!
Chilli used to sleep at the bottom of the bed occasionally coming up for a cuddle either just before going to sleep or first thing in the morning, we will see what the new routine brings in the next few weeks.
If I tried to shut them out, impossible as my door doesn't close, then it would be even more of a sleepless night. I have to say though, I do love waking up to find a furry snuggled against me or next to me.