Author Topic: How does he know?  (Read 1543 times)

Offline LeighK

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2009, 14:48:12 PM »
 ;D so I'm not alone then?!  ;D

Alfie just loves his food, I think the most telling of comments was made by the lady that fostered him when she said "he has a very healthy appertite". So I should have known what to expect really. As they've both grown older by three years since I adopted the boys I expect that they are no longer satified with a pouch in the morning and one again after work plus biscuits. On average they now get 3 - 3 1/2 pouches a day each again plus bicuits and they are not growing any fatter. Frankie never makes a fuss for food except his favourite sliced chicken breast treat he just waddles over when he smells the pouches being opened with precision timing wheras Alfie has me wrapped around his paw. The other morning something went haywire bacause he tried it on at 3 in the morning and even I wasn't getting up at that hour so he subjected me to 2 hours of head-butting, milk-treading, arm licking, chest-sitting (on), clawing face and hair, jumping on and off/ running across the bed etc. until he got his breakfast and he wasn't a very happy bunny for being made to wait ;D after which of course he had his "funny five minutes" as I call it dashing around the flat chasing Frankie, bang, crash, wallop, god knows what the neghbours think is happening in my bedroom at 5 every morning!   ;)

Another funny thing is that whenever he has had a few mouthfulls of biscuits he always goes over to the cat grass and has a munch, it's like his "dessert" !. Wish they wouldn't like the jelly or gravy off and leave some of the meat as well.


« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 14:53:22 PM by LeighK »
Alfie and Frankie's dad - "Letterbox" are Rockin' the Feline World


Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2009, 12:52:20 PM »
You know, Leigh, I am convinced that there is a god of waking and all cats worship him/her. The god tells them what time it is and they, obedient souls they are, follow through. Now I am also convinced that cats work to targets like most sales forces. The sooner you get up to do their bidding, the more kudos they get in cat world and the god of waking gives them another life in addition to their nine.  :naughty:

Your humble one, awake at 5:29am, 1 minute before alarm clock rings thanks to Lexy wanting to be Top Cat in cat world. I figure she's won a few awards this year alone.  :tired:

Offline LadyJane

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2009, 12:44:23 PM »
Spooky isn't it?

Samson wakes me up at 4.45am every day just for strokes and purrs.  He isn't usually very affectionate, although he does like human company, so even though I hate how early it is, I cannot resist but to indulge in this ultra-lovingness and then of course I wonder if it's because he wants breakfast but invariably he's not eaten all of his supper so I get out of bed for nothing :rofl:,26287.0.html

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Offline Den

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2009, 12:22:03 PM »
Memphis has his afternoon nap starting at 2pm every day and at 10pm he has his one kitty grand prix race. Luckily he doesn't wake me up- he gets up after I do. What is clever with him is that he knows my routine, so when I wake up he races out the room to go and sit by the bathroom. He does the same sort of thing in the evening too. He gets the cutest confused look if I do something different to what he's expecting.

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Offline Daisymac

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2009, 12:02:36 PM »
I think my gang listen to noises outside,  the Swallows normally start the morning chorus at about 5AM and that is when mine try to wake me up,    when the Swallows leave the cats dont wake me up until about 7AM.

Offline Leanne

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2009, 11:51:46 AM »
I have the same problem but at 5:25am EVERYDAY!!!! Why don't cats understand weekends  :tired:

Also have the 9:10pm problem too, no matter where they are in the house that time arrives and they come a running and sit in front of me, waiting for their night feed.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: How does he know?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 11:19:35 AM »
they are scary with the timekeeping aren't they - at 9.15 every evening Amber goes to look out of the front window - Tilly (who sleeps most of the day on top of our wardrobe) comes down at 8.30 in the evening to spend the night in the garden!  luckily no claws involved in either!

Offline LeighK

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How does he know?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2009, 11:15:01 AM »
Hi folks,

Since moving into my new home Alfie has a few new tricks. He wakes me up at 5.00 AM plus or minus one or two minutes every morning for food and I being a softy get up and feed them then go back to bed shortly to be joined by Frankie and Alfie in turn for their early morning stroking purring sessions. This morning he was 1 minute early and he has now taken to jumping on the bed and biffing me on the top of the head with his paw with the claws out or sinking his claws gently into my face to wake me up or if that doesn't work biffing me in the face with his claws in and/or nibbling my beard as a backup :).

What I want to know is how does he get the time so precisely accurate?!.

Best wishes to all

Alfie and Frankie's dad - "Letterbox" are Rockin' the Feline World



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