Author Topic: Tail Injuries  (Read 12388 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Tail Injuries
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 06:49:45 AM »
(Sacrocaudal Fractures in the Cat)

Tails are wonderful, expressive body parts used by cats for communication purposes as well as for balance.  The tail consists of a varying number of vertebrae called “caudal” vertebrae, voluntary muscle, and ligaments and tendon to hold it all together.  The tail attaches to the body at an area called “the tail head.” The first caudal vertebra attaches to a special backbone called “the sacrum” which connects the tail and lower back (“lumbar”) vertebrae.

The spinal cord itself does not extend down this far (it typically ends at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra) so that injuries to the tail do not damage the spinal cord.  Because the spinal cord ends so high up, nerves exiting the cord to provide control and sensation to the tail, hind legs, urinary bladder, and large intestine and anus must extend long branches to reach their destinations.  When one looks down at these nerves (an “aerial view” if you will), these nerves are said to look like a horse’s tail and thus this area is called the “cauda equina” by anatomists.

Cats get their tails pulled or broken through an assortment of traumas:  A child might pull a tail or a tail might get caught in a closing door.  A tail can get bitten during a cat fight and, of course, automobile accidents can easily lead to dislocated or broken tails.  One might think a tail break would involve an obvious external wound but usually this is not the case; instead, nerve damage (from stretching of the cauda equina nerves) is the usual tip-off.

What Might be Noticeable at Home

Cats with broken tails might show any of these symptoms:

A tail that drags or never held high.
Involuntary dribbling of urine.
A dilated, flaccid anal sphincter with or without diarrhea or fecal incontinence.
Incoordination of the rear legs.
Any of these symptoms might lead the cat into the vet’s office for an evaluation. Some additional findings the veterinarian might notice include:

A distended bladder that is relatively easy to express manually (in other words, the bladder is very full but can be emptied with careful squeezing.)
Bloody urine (if the tail trauma is recent).
Painful tail head.
Loss of sensation in the tail.
A radiograph such as the one above will often show a break in the tail or a dislocation though in some cases the tail bones are intact. How permanent these signs are largely depends on whether the cauda equina nerves have been over-stretched or actually torn. In many cases if a trauma is severe enough to break the tail, there may be additional injuries as well.

Classification of the Injury

In a 1985 study by Smeak and Olmstead, sacrocaudal fractures in cats were divided into five groups.

Group one:
Cats with Painful Tail Heads as Their Only Sign

These individuals are minimally affected and, while they may have a chronically sensitive tail head, they are expected to otherwise have a full recovery.

Group two:
Cats with Lack of Tail Mobility and Sensation as Their Only Sign

These cats are expected to recover tail function completely and have an excellent prognosis.

Group three:
Cats with Lack of Tail Mobility and Sensation Plus Urine Retention as Their Only Signs

Most cats will have a complete recovery.

Group four:
Cats with Lack of Tail Mobility and Sensation and Diminished Anal Tone

This group of cats has about a 75% recovery rate, meaning 75% of the cats that fit this description should recover.

Group five:
Cats with Lack of Tail Mobility and Sensation Plus a Dilated/Flaccid Anus (ie Zero Anal Tone)

This group of cats has about a 50% recovery rate, meaning about half of the cats with this description will eventually recover.

If it is not clear whether a cat has partial anal sphincter tone or not, it may be possible to have a test called an “Electromyogram.” The muscles of the anal sphincter and tail can be tested to see if they are receiving any nerve input at all. If they are, there is reasonable potential for recovery. The EMG test is highly specialized test and not readily available except at practices with a neurology specialty.  Referral will probably be necessary.

Should the Tail be Amputated?

If the tail is not expected to recover mobility or sensation, there are some reasons to consider amputation. If the cat cannot lift its tail, he may soil it regularly creating an infection issue or simply an odor issue. Further, the weight of the tail dragging may further stretch the cauda equina nerves. Whether or not tail amputation is helpful or speeds recovery is controversial but certainly amputation could solve a soiling problem.

Management of the Bladder:

It is important not to allow the bladder to over-stretch. The fine muscles of the bladder can become so stretched out that even if the nerves recover, the bladder may still remain unable to empty fully.  This means the cat’s bladder must be gently squeezed 3 or 4 times daily to keep it from over-distending. Medications can also be used to assist the bladder’s own ability to contract (Urecholine) or to relax the urinary sphincter (Diazepam or Phenoxybenzamine).   Since urine retention tends to promote infection, patients will periodically require some sort of monitoring urine tests.  If constipation is a problem, periodic enemas or regular administration of stool softening medications can be given.

Recovery Time

Nerves heal notoriously slowly. It has been said that a good six months must pass before one can say the maximum recovery has occurred and no more positive progress can be expected.  Most cats who are going to recovery function do so in a one week period and most cats who do not recover urinary control after a month probably will remain incontinent.  Tail function and sensation tends to take longer.


The information is the opinion of the writer in the link to the website provided and is not a substitute for veterinary/professional advice.
Purrs Owners and Staff are not responsible for the content and information provided through links to other web sites.     

« Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 06:52:13 AM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.


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