My poor Nina is dying, she was doing so well but then stopped eating over the last few days, made an emergency appointment for today by which time her skin has gone yellow and she is being sick with what little is in her tummy. They can feel masses on her liver now too. Basically they have recommended that we say our goodbyes as they are not sure she would even make it to Tuesday.
We are having a nice peaceful night together tonight and she is going to the vets first thing in the morning.
So many of you know this horrible feeling, I feel like my heart is breaking, she is part of me, I can't describe it any other way. I so desperately want to do the right thing. I just don't want her to suffer. My baby looks so tired, she hasn't got any fight left in her.
Am sorry I can't type anymore, thank you all so much for all the support I have had ever since I first joined Cat Chat as a first time meowmy with Nina.