My queen had a litter of five kittens 10 days ago. I took them to the vet this morning due to fleas got them treated and asked the vet questions about how my queen had all of a sudden acting strangely with one of the cats. I was told that I was doing the right thing etc and basically not to worry about it and get on with it.
The basic gist is that last night and subsequent times today before the visit to the vet, the queen was singling a kitten out (the smallest)and taking it to a corner or cupboard, cleaning it and leaving it. At first I thought that the Queen was going to move all the kittens through so waited to see what happened but she didn't, even when the kitten started meowing a few minutes later for her she never batted an eyelid.
This is what has been happening untill the visit with the vet.
Since coming back, the Queen wont even lie beside them anymore. I have had to practically dump the kittens ontop of her to get her to feed them. She has removed one and tried to hide it again and since I have closed off as many hidey places as I can. When she removed another from the basket I watched her to see what she would do. When she seen that her way was blocked she literallly dumped the kitten on its head (she hadn't been overly gentle in picking it up as she had it by it's rear) then held it down by the neck, I watched to see if she was just 'adjusting' her hold and then the kitten started mewling as if it couldn't meow properly. I lifted the kitten from my Queen and put it back in the box.
Any help or advice that you can give me would be very much appreciated. I have spoken to a few of my other cat lover friends and have considered the thought of loss of scent fue to the frontline spray that they were all smeared with. Is there a way I can get the scent back onto the kittens of the Queen?
Thank you very much