Author Topic: Volunteer - Help Offered  (Read 6272 times)

Offline sassy

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Volunteer - Help Offered
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2009, 19:30:38 PM »
Hi All

I am here to offer my services to you all.  I am pretty good with computers being an IT Consultant by trade and can use Microsoft Office very well including Access.  I was also a Marketing Manager in my past life.  I can help with newsletters, posters, brochures, writing and maintaining websites including setting up online donation oh and easy to use systems to hold information on cats, potential adopters, members, newsletter subscriptors, inventory control, donation recording and anything else you like....oh and of course direct marketing via email or letter merge or others

I am not asking for any payment for doing any of these things the website creation will come with a small cost which is simply for hosting and would not be payable to me but direct to the hosts (the cost is likely to be maximum of £5 per month)

I will keep these right up to date for you....I just want to help!

Thanks for reading, if any of you would like to take me up on this genuine offer please contact me by PM or reply here




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