sadly we don't have a spare room that she could stay in, is a fairly small 3 bed house. Am calling CP tomorrow as the line is only open 7-9pm mon-fri
had a word with pigeon guy's wife and she has offered to have a word with him and I have offered to compromise by keeping an eye out for the birds and chase them out if I see them. I hate those birds, they are so noisy and messy! hopefully that will cut down on the number of birds she is responsible for but our village has around 30+ ferals so Mabel isn't the only culprit
Chav-Mum isn't scared of the police but maybe a quick word with council/benefits people about her 'massage' business (she is claiming unemployment but is *very* popular with the men going for 'treatment' around here) will get her off my case??
I know from experience the other neighbour won't compromise or give up so gonna have to just keep an eye out there.
With CP it is tricky, Mabel was never actually in their care but they paid for her jabs, neutering and worm/flea treatments for the first 4 months as they had no room to take her in, they have told us to call if we need advice or if she needs more medical treatment, but officially Mabel is still only on her books as a 'found' cat not in their direct care.
Got some good news though, one of my my brothers (who is in the army) is gonna do a collection round his squad to pay towards catproofing the garden. In return they want Mabel to be their mascot and I have to get loads of pictures for them

apparently their nickname is 'The Alley-Cats' as they are in REME and whilst in Iraq last year they had to do a lot of scavenging to get the parts needed for vehicle repairs.