Why is there always someone who tries to bring you down!! I told my parents that i might be able to take the cats with me to the flat. Instead of saying, thats great and youl have company, they start on about how its such a bad idea.
They say that i wont be able to afford it, that they will be really messy and that il need to pay loads for damage, that the other flat mates wont like it, what if i need to go away, i cant expect the other girls to look after them when i am not there. What if i want to go away in the future, what will i do with them then.
They are just always so negative!! Through out this whole thing (splitting up with bf) they always kept on about how i cant do that or that and that i should do as they say as its best.
Sure im pushing it by moving into a flat. The rent is more and il have bills to pay. Sure i need to feed the cats. But i am not as stupid as they think i am. I am aware of the situation. I know how much money i have.
But i feel this is the right thing to do. I am a bit wary about having the cats. Mainly becuse its a rented flat, but its what i want and need. If it doesnt work out then i can consider rehoming again.
And they wonder why i then dont tell them things!
(sorry for rant
