Author Topic: message for jaffa from blip  (Read 1472 times)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: message for jaffa from blip
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2007, 12:32:46 PM »
Dear Blip

I think that is a very good idea.   We will make 6th June our very special day!  :Luv:

Mosi slept beside me on the bed last night.  I allowed it and when meowmy woke up we were grooming each other which she thought was nice.  When Mosi started to bite my ears I put him in a headlock and finished washing his face for him.

I'm sorry to hear you don't like lamb.  I actually quite like it.  Meowmy sometimes gives me something in a green can (I think she says it's made by Cosma) which is lamb in jelly and I like that.  I don't have lamb very often though.  Perhaps you could pass yours on to me if your meowmy gives you that again?  I will give you some tuna in return.

love from

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: message for jaffa from blip
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 19:13:01 PM »
well the first thing is to say how happy i am that you are well even if your rations have been somewhat bizarre lately i sometimes have this problem and was expected to eat lamb recently i ask you obviously i wouldnt eat it humpf

you are so right about kittens that little oscar who has a crush on me comes round every morning and every evening and i have had to get my humans to shut him out now because he gets on my nerves hes not like you so handsome intelligent and understanding you are my hero

6 june is a really special day for my humans here too as it is their anni-something so how about that it is a special day for you too and my adoption day is 19 december no-one knows when i was born exactly but it was about 6 june 1998 so there you are we are fated to be together in lots of ways

i am having a well earned doze now but you are my best love and so beautiful perhaps your meowmy could sort that lead thing out and we could have another picture

 :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:


I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: message for jaffa from blip
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 18:53:42 PM »
Dearest Blip  :Luv:

How are you today?  I'm fine and have been doing my best to get my beauty sleep but that daft fuzz ball I live with (aka Manic Mosi) refused to let myself or meowmy sleep this morning  :-[ I really don't know where he gets his energy from.  I mean, I'm quite a lively cat for my age (at least that's what meowmy tells me) but after breakfast on a sunday morning the best thing really is to settle down on my meowmy's bed and have a sunday morning snooze.  But Mosi doesn't get that and was being very hyper.  Imagine the scene - there I am lying on the bed beside the radiator that had just come on and meowmy whispering sweet nothings in my ear when this "lump" appears under the duvet and tries to make me move!  I boxed his ears and told him who was in charge around here, but my morning nap was still disturbed.  Honestly, kittens really are the limit.

My birthday is June 6th.  My meowmy doesn't know the exact date but she became my slave on August 6th and was told I was approximately 8 weeks old so we decided to celebrate my birthday on June 6th.  When is your birthday/adoption day?

I had a very strange tea tonight.  It was tuna and beef in jelly, and I have to tell you, Blip, that is a very strange combination.  I don't know what meowmy was thinking of.  I like tuna and I like beef but not together!  I did eat it all as otherwise I'd have meowmy moaning all evening about the price of almo nature (and of course I don't know how much that stuff costs - I'm not allowed to go to the pet shop) and if I left any that whipper snapper I share my home with would be in there before you can say "tuna".  And I can't have that.

I did have some applaws tuna the other night and that was lovely.  It was with something a bit odd sounding called seaweed but that didn't spoil it.  It was yummy and I thought of you when I was eating it  :Luv:

love from


Offline Christine (Blip)

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message for jaffa from blip
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 16:26:39 PM »
 :Luv: dear dear jaffa

i hope you are really well and having lots of beauty sleep to keep yourself so handsome and i wanted to know when is your birthday or adoption day cos i would like to know

x blip


ps i had salmon and prawns today from a packet it was very nice i hope you had something nice too
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs


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