Author Topic: Cat owners: a night time diary...  (Read 2307 times)

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2008, 18:57:19 PM »
Last night was pretty quiet...until 06.23 when I was awoken to that familiar noise of a cat vomiting, probably over something precious  :rofl:

When I got up I found a half digested mouse vomited onto my coat, which I had left laying on the dressing table  :sick:

Offline Bryony84

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2008, 10:45:04 AM »
Here's ours

11.30: Head up to bed, cats are sleeping on sofa/fishtank but as soon as I walk towards the kitchen (have to go past it to get upstairs, they wake up thinking they are getting food.
11.35: Go into bathroom to brush teeth, Amber follows me in and sticks her head in the toilet.
11.40: Remove Amber from bathroom and close door (if I don't notice she is there, there will be loud wailing in abobut 5 mins time)
11.45: Get into bed and open book.
11.46: Chilli jumps onto bed, walks the full length of my body, settles down between me and the book and dribbles on my neck.
11.47: Put down book, start stroking Chilli, she gets bored and walks onto OH to attack his beard, I go back to my book.
11.50: Cats decide now is the best time to begin world war 3, this involves very load thundering round the whole flat chasing each other, throwing themselves at the stair rail and knocking over anything they can find.
12.00: Cats calm down and settle either at the end of the bed or under it. Having read about 3 pages of my book, my eyes won't stay open so I put the book down, take my lenses out and turn off the light.
6.00am: Foot has strayed out of the end of the bed, foot treated as if scary monster by Chilli who swipes at it until it retreats under the covers.
6.05: OH rolls over because Amber was sitting/standing on his back, thump noise as Amber falls/jumps onto the floor.
6.10: Chilli finds a way under the covers between me and OH, does a few circles and squashes herself up against me.
6.30: There is a hedgehog in my bed... oh no, thats just Chilli clawing at my bare skin from under the covers.
6.35: Load siamesey yells start coming from Amber followed by a loud crash as she lands on top of the bedroom tv and makes her way onto the windowsill.
6.36: Hideous noise of cat claws on wall paint as Amber tries to catch a spec of dust on the wall, get up and remove her from the windowsill.
6.40-7.15: Cats conduct a highly organised series of licks, scratches, meows, walking over pillows/face/body, sticking wet noses and whiskers into ears and up nose in an attempt to rouse half asleep humans.
7.30: Success, I get up and go downstairs to the bathroom, I can't see a thing so need to put lenses in, accompanied by a choir of wailing cats, Chilli wanders round the edge of the sink generally getting in the way and Amber has her head in the toilet.
7.40: Now I can see what I'm doing, feed cats and pour my cereal, go into front room to eat.
7.45: Finish cereal and place bowl on floor, Amber is waiting and watching my every move ready to lap up whats left of the milk. : Casper's tripod blog and sponsorship page

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2008, 01:17:35 AM »
Ummmmmm how does it go here

0130ish thinking of going to bed

0135 Franta gets wind of this, meoooow meoowww dont leave me but if you do make sure i have food

0136 Misa hears all of this and tries to beat me to the kitchen cos he really would love some food in his dish too

0145 Forgot I need to put some food down for Ducha in bedroom, tromp upstairs to get his dish

0147 Misa very excited now, would like some of this food too

0150 Sasa hears commotion and thinks she wouldnt mind some more food too

O155 go back up stairs with Duchas food and notice his biscuit dish needs filling and return downstairs

0156 fall over misa who is still chasing food dishes

0159 Take Duchas biscuits upstairs, right nearly time for bed

0103 Forgot to get a new litter tray for Ducha take old one downstairs

0107 Back upstairs after falling over Misa again cos he thinks there maybe some food in it for him

0110 Back in bedroom.......ahhh finally time to lay my head down.............howl howl.......Ducha needs more water in his bowl

0111 Back to bathroom fill up dish and return to bedroom

0114 Howl Howl Ducha wants me to get into bed now

0116 In comes Misa, looks quickly at Ducha and rushes behind bed to hide

0130 In bed but had to rush round the otherside cos Ducha wouldnt move........Ducha beats me there, so now cant get in that side either.

0140 after a war with Ducha manage to be in bed and open my book

0142 being pushed by a wet nose cos ducha wants stroking

0150 back to my book, Misa investingating the bedroom and Ducha is sitting up watching the enemy in his room

0152 Grab Ducha to stop him racing off the bed and going for Misa who has now found the food!

0200 Trying to stroke Ducha , keep an eye on Misa and read book, drop book

0201 fumbling around trying to find book without Ducha falling off the bed cos he rushed round to the side where I was trying to hang over the side of the bed, Misa looks on laughin

0215 Lying nicely settled with book trying to find the right page, Misa has left and Ducha settled on one side of pillow

0218 Ducha decides he isnt geting enough attention and comes round the other side and can such a small 3 legged cat be such a bully

0224 turn over on the otherside so I can read without whiskers in my face, Ducha follows but decides he just has to walk across my face and swish his tail in my eyes, so now I cant see due to a piece of fur he left behind

0230 Fur out of eye , settle down to try and read more than one sentence in book

0430 woken up by a very warm body lying across top of head, lights on and book is on the floor

0431 switch off light with a lot of difficulty cos am half asleep cant see cos lights on and Ducha is moaning ......why are you disturbing me!

Spend next two hours trying to get a share of the pillow

0730 need to get up.........Ducha starts howling cos he doesnt want me too

0830 Finally drop off again

1000 alarm goes off but Ducha is pushing and shoving cos he wants me to get up so he can have all of the bed to himself.

A typical night in Soggy Acre!!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2008, 00:19:44 AM »
OK, I'm going to make you all jealous now  :evillaugh:

12:30 am - Go to bed

12:33 - Riley follows me up, burrows his way under the covers and snuggles up next to me

12:35 - (a new phenomenon) - Lu jumps on bed, stands on my chest while I stroke and cuddle him

12:50 - Lu makes his way to the end of the bed

12:51 - Riley comes out from under the covers and snuggles up next to me

12:52 - I fall asleep

07:00 - Feeder opens with their breakfast - I am still asleep  :naughty:

If I'm off work that day then I get up whenever I see fit (could be AM, could be PM  ;)) at which point the boys hear me and come running into the room for  morning/afternoon cuddle  :)

On the odd occasion that I've forgotten to set the feeder they don't pester me or wake me up any more, I used to get pestered during the night by Riley in particular but a few weeks of supernanny style training and he soon got the message  :evillaugh:

Offline blackcat

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2008, 23:11:08 PM »
9:30  - go to bed
9:45 - dog click clacking around downstairs
10:00 - dog comes up and discovers smidgen on his bed, goes to other side of bed, circles ten times, thumps to floor sighing loudly
10:45  feet are getting hot so toss duvet off them - Smidgen emerges from dogs bed and climbs onto mine
11:00 move feet and get attacked
11:15 sick of having feet attacked, go downstairs, get evil eye from Esther who is asleep where I want to sit
11:20 log onto Purrs to whinge. Sigh

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2008, 21:19:24 PM »
I feel your pain!  Night time used to be like that for me but Mosi is much better these days.  He actually spends some of the night asleep.

Offline psychopunk

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2008, 20:08:25 PM »

10.38 - Other half asks if Im ever going to stop fidgeting as he is tired and wants to sleep
10.39 - Decide whether to throw pillow, mug or a cat at other half .....
10.40 - Cats asleep - other half snoring his head off - me wide awake

Yes yes exactly like that! Sometimes it takes up to 2 hours to go to sleep!  >:(

Offline Wibblechick

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2008, 19:42:37 PM »
Last night - a pretty fair example of an average bed time since Mr T moved in .....
10.00pm ish - take mug of milk in lidded mug into bedroom climb into bed to read, mug on floor by bed.
10.05 - PLONK THUMP!  10 ton kitty arrives in the middle of my book
10.05 - Finish swearing - Mr T now at bottom of bed - reabsorb myself in book.
10.15 - Clink!  Plonk.  Jingle.  S L U R P - Chloe cat has come into the room, removed the lid from the mug of milk and is helping herself.
10.16 - Clonk - thump HSSSSSSS!  Mr T has left the bottom of the bed and is competing with Chloe for the Milk.
10.17 - I remove mug from both cats and drink dribble-flavoured milk :sick:
10.19 Back to book - Chloe asleep on top of other half - Mr T seemingly asleep at bottom of bed.
This is the good bit until 10.30pm and light off.
10.35 - Miaow Miaow Miaow Miaow - Mr T realises the big, scary black dark is out there waiting for him  :(
10.36 - Lamp back on - dimmest setting. Pull covers over my head as I dont like sleeping with the light on.
10.37 - Aaagh!  Mr T on my head, "loving" the covers and he has flick-knife feet....
10.38 - Other half asks if Im ever going to stop fidgeting as he is tired and wants to sleep
10.39 - Decide whether to throw pillow, mug or a cat at other half .....
10.40 - Cats asleep - other half snoring his head off - me wide awake
And so on and so on :rofl:
People Power Works!!!

Offline Indys Mamma

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2008, 19:02:35 PM »
I get:

00:00 go to bed
00:40 get up, let dog outside, play laser pointer with Indy
04:30 get bounced on by Indy, sent by dog to say she needs out again
06:00 see 04:30 but with a more playful Indy
07:00 Paw patting on head, trill in ear, whiskers in ear, paw in ear then ribs crushed to a pulp
07:10 get up... Indy goes to sleep

Offline Kirst

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2008, 15:57:25 PM »
Sounds like pur house when mum is away - only Fredcats mousie is presented to you in! :tired:

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2008, 15:32:48 PM »
I am relatively lucky that most nights, depending when Dave decides it's toime to sleep he will then settle down for the whole night, until about 6am that is. Then the morning trying to get me up ritual begins with some soggy nose up the nostril, followed by licking my cheek, then biting my arms, some chewing on my hair, maybe a bit of bouncing off my head chasing an invisible thing, lying over my neck so I have to move otherwise I die from suffocation, lying on my face, again to prove I'm awake. This little routine is then on rotation until I get up. Weekdays I then get in the shower, this is when Dave starts systematically destroying the flat until I feed him.

It's a lovely daily routine we have  :tired:

Offline Zenith (Liz)

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2008, 15:23:17 PM »
Minus the mouse this could be our house too! :D

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2008, 10:49:34 AM »
Sounds familiar.....the whole "you do know you're here to serve me, don't you?" mentality is in full force in this house too! :hug: The cat sick thing is especially recogniseable - Old Mog gets quite a lot of hairballs despite being brushed pretty much every other day, and insists on bringing them up in the bedroom at 3 o'clock. Or when we're eating.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline fluffybunny

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Cat owners: a night time diary...
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 10:32:41 AM »
11pm: retire to bed.  Milly asleep on sofa, Geoffrey jumps onto bed and snuggles up.  Fall asleep.

1.10am: rudely awoken to the dainty footsteps of a 7kg cat lumbering round the bedroom.  Switch on light.  Discover Geoffrey + mouse.  Get up, attempt to retrieve mouse.  Fail.  Mouse now nowhere to be found.  Go back to bed.

1.45am: rudely awoken to the dainty footsteps of a 7kg cat and a 3.5kg cat lumbering round the bedroom.  Switch on light.  Discover Geoffrey + Milly + mouse.  Get up, attempt to retrieve mouse.  Fail.  Mouse now nowhere to be found.  Go back to bed.

2.30am: rudely awoken by the sound of a cat vomiting under the bed.

3.30am: rudely awoken by a soaking wet cat launching himself onto my head.

7am: rudely awoken by large ginger cat sitting on the pillow and prodding me in the face. 

9am: get up.  Feed cats.  Cats settle down for day long sleep on sofa. 


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