Author Topic: something wrong with cat's throat  (Read 6972 times)

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2006, 11:45:52 AM »
My last cat had steroids for Lymphoma, they can sometimes shrink the tumour. It didnt work for him but a friends cat with the same problem did get extra time with the same treatment.

Im sorry to hear about Tobys diagnosis? :(

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2006, 19:29:52 PM »
Don't quote me but I thought steroids could sometimes be useful to encourage appetite? I've not heard of steroids causing toilet probs.

I personally would need convincing to go the Chemo route after a friend's experience with a much younger cat. I would seek a 2nd opinion from a vet with as much experience as poss of cancer treatment. Is Toby insured by any chance?

It doesn't sound hopeful I have to say and I do sympathise with you being so far away and having the added worry of how this is affecting your mom. My mom's 84 and I'd hate her to have to face such a predicament for one of mine.

Offline Ela

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2006, 18:57:18 PM »
Again I did not read the post properly, sorry. Many times I have had cats who needed steroids for different ailments, none have ever weeed and pooood everywhere. They do however, make cats very hungry and as the little one has problems eating  this could be an added problem  I personally have not heard of steroids for cancer.

Offline Kathryn C

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2006, 18:11:40 PM »
Thanks for your replies (so quickly, too! :) )   I was surprised to hear that about steroids but apparently it causes them to lose control and they forget where the litter tray is and/or they can't make it there on time.   If anyone has had experience with steroids it would be helpful to hear about your experiences.  I think one person on Cat Chat had said to avoid steroids as while it helps while they are on it, once they come off of it they get ten times worse. 

I'm not sure about any cat hospices in her area - she's in the US in the midwest. 

Since i posted I've found a few websites where people have detailed their experiences with their cats and cancer and the whole treatment process does sound awful (hence more tears) - where as just letting him be and let him enjoy the last few months seems kinder in some respects.  I guess I keep thinking it would be great if he could be treated and still have several more years of life.  I do know my mom very well of course and I know she is watching his every move and is worried sick so despite how difficult it is especially from so far away for me to say let him go I know deep down it probably is best. :(  Will see what happens when she takes him to the second vet hopefully tomorrow - just dread her putting her down without telling me first.

Anyhow, will keep checking here for anyone else's experiences.  Thanks.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2006, 18:06:41 PM »
So very sad to hear this Kathryn and you know we are hear for you what ever happens. If it is cancer and it is getting hard for him to eat and stuff sadly.......... :'(

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2006, 17:59:55 PM »
I agree that a second opinion would be a good idea.? I'd also try the steroids (unless a 2nd opinion advises against them or offers a better alternative) - I've no experience myself of cats on steroids, but telling your mum they would make him pee and poop everywhere seems a bit dramatic??

Offline Angiew

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2006, 17:57:51 PM »
getting slightly off topic but theres st francis in derby - we took one of cats there - a diabetic the owner wanted pts.
see this (rspca? :-[) article

or there website
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 18:02:16 PM by Angie (petsearch) »

Offline Ela

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2006, 17:54:24 PM »
I only know a FIV & FeLV hospice

Offline Angiew

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2006, 17:47:04 PM »
Gosh what sad news for you.
It never hurts to get a second opinion , especially if your mother does not think she can cope with the situation and is considering pts.

Are there any cat hospices near your mother that could take the cat on?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 17:48:56 PM by Angie (petsearch) »

Offline Ela

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Re: something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2006, 17:45:21 PM »
I am so sorry , yes perhaps your mum should seek a second opinion, at least then she will know she has done everything possible

If  the little one is struggleing to eat, drink  is coughing, weeeing and pooooing (I assume a litter tray is in the house)  After the second opinion it may be time to discuss the final act of kindness.

Offline Kathryn C

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something wrong with cat's throat
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2006, 17:37:39 PM »
Hi everyone - coming here from the Cat Chat boards - I originally posted the following message about a week ago regarding my mom's cat Toby who was coughing.? Below is originally post and an update:

Hi - I'm asking this on behalf of my mom who is in the States. She has an 11 year old Somali cat. The past month or so he's been coughing/gagging quite frequently. My mom thought perhaps he is getting more hairballs and continued giving him the hairball remedy paste he likes along with his normal brushing.

However, a week ago she noticed that his purrs are becoming more rough and crackly and that he is going off of his food. He'll take a tiny bit of food and then stop eating. He's also still making a horrible coughing/clackity sound.

She took him to the vet a week ago and the vet suggested that he had a virus that could have brought on by stress (my family visited my mom in Sept. for two weeks and he was all excited by this). The vet said it could be a virus that he had since he was little and it just stayed dormant until the stress brought it out. I should add that he is an indoor cat and doesn't go out except to the vet.

The vet thought it could be cold-like and that the reason he's not eating is because he can't smell the food as well and loses interest. She gave my mom an antibiotic and some special nutritional paste to help out with his diet. She also said to put tuna juice on his food so he can smell it better and that should encourage him to eat.

The next step would be to put him under so the vet could examine the inside of his throat. My mom hates for him to go through this but she will especially if could be serious.

Does anyone have any experience with this or know what it could actually be?




Well my mom took Toby back to the vet for a throat swab as the coughing wasnt getting better.? They took an xray and they've found a lump in the throat and it is cancerous.? ? ? ? ? ?The vet said he could have surgery but then would have to undergo chemo and my mom says she can't put him through that - him being sick and her struggling with meds on her own.? The vet also offered steroids but wasn't exactly for them as she said he'd start weeing and pooing everywhere and my mom said that her age of 79 she can't cope with that either.? The vet said he could have several months to six months left.? He apparently is still fairly active and is doing his normal stuff but he struggles to eat and drink without coughing and the whole thing is making my mom sick.? She says she can't look at him knowing he's going to die and she is becoming a nervous wreck and is getting worried about her own health.? She's thinking of taking him to another vet who only works with cats for a second opinion (she said she didn't feel very confident with her vet who is a younger vet - the vet had even said the lump was on the right side but mom says she feels a lump on the left side) but she is tempted to have him put to sleep this week.? I'm of course in tears about this as he was my cat until I moved abroad and to me it seems so unfair to do this to him but I can understand how she feels as well.? ?Don't know whatelse to do or say but I just had to vent and share and tell someone.

Thanks for listening,

« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 17:51:08 PM by Kathryn C »


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